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ACC 2001, Arlington, VA, USA
- American Control Conference, ACC 2001, Arlington, VA, USA, 25-27 June, 2001. IEEE 2001, ISBN 0-7803-6495-3
- Jeng-yu wang, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Reachability analysis of hybrid lateral control problem for automated heavy-duty vehicles. 1-6 - Sean Brennan
, Andrew G. Alleyne:
Integrated vehicle control via coordinated steering and wheel torque inputs. 7-12 - Bilin Aksun Güvenç, Tilman Bünte, Dirk Odenthal, Levent Guvenç:
Robust two degree of freedom vehicle steering controller design. 13-18 - Jingang Yi, Luis Mejías Alvarez, Xavier Claeys, Roberto Horowitz
, Carlos Canudas de Wit:
Emergency braking control with an observer-based dynamic tire/road friction model and wheel angular velocity information. 19-24 - David M. Bevly, Robert Sheridan, J. Christian Gerdes:
Integrating INS sensors with GPS velocity measurements for continuous estimation of vehicle sideslip and tire cornering stiffness. 25-30 - Ankur Shrivastava, Rajesh Rajamani:
Fault diagnostics for GPS-based lateral vehicle control. 31-36 - Jorge E. Tierno:
Distributed autonomous control of concurrent combat tasks. 37-42 - Emilio Frazzoli, Munther A. Dahleh, Eric Feron:
Real-time motion planning for agile autonomous vehicles. 43-49 - Phillip R. Chandler, Meir Pachter, Steven J. Rasmussen:
UAV cooperative control. 50-55 - Paulo Tabuada
, George J. Pappas
, Pedro U. Lima
Feasible formations of multi-agent systems. 56-61 - Aniruddha Pant, Pete Seiler, T. John Koo, J. Karl Hedrick:
Mesh stability of unmanned aerial vehicle clusters. 62-68 - T. John Koo, Shahram M. Shahruz:
Formation of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). 69-74 - Edwin Engin Yaz, Yvonne Ilke Yaz:
LMI-based state estimator design for discrete-time stochastic systems with quadratic sum constraints. 75-76 - Akhouri S. C. Sinha, Sergey Edward Lyshevski:
Decomposition and control of a class of nonlinear stochastic systems: theory and its application. 77-82 - El-Kébir Boukas, Zikuan Liu:
Suboptimal regulators for discrete time jump linear system with time-multiplied performance index. 83-88 - Yongsoon Eun, Pierre T. Kabamba, Semyon M. Meerkov:
Improvability of feedback systems with saturating actuators and noisy sensors. 89-94 - Zhiyuan Ren, Bruce H. Krogh:
Mode-matching control policies for multi-mode Markov decision processes. 95-100 - Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Tatiana L. Maizenberg:
Linear quadratic optimal control of continuous-time linear systems with random delays. 101-106 - Satoshi Suzuki, Katsuhisa Furuta, Yaodong Pan, Shoshiro Hatakeyama:
Biped walking robot control with passive walker model by new VSC servo. 107-112 - Hisashi Date, Yoshikatsu Hoshi, Mitsuji Sampei, Shigeki Nakaura:
Locomotion control of a snake robot with constraint force attenuation. 113-118 - Gianluca Antonelli, Stefano Chiaverini
, Giuseppe Fusco:
Real-time path tracking for unicycle-like mobile robots under velocity and acceleration constraints. 119-124 - Saroj Saimek, Perry Y. Li:
Motion planning and control of a swimming machine. 125-130 - Sergey Edward Lyshevski:
Autopilot design for highly maneuverable multipurpose underwater vehicles. 131-136 - Alexi Pavlov, Alex Zaremba:
Direct torque and flux regulation in sensorless control of an induction motor. 137-142 - Matthew T. Caprio, Gregory D. Buckner
, William F. Weldon:
Controlling the torque-speed characteristics of a polyphase induction motor using a switched rotor ballast network. 143-148 - Alexander G. Loukianov, José M. Cañedo, Orlando Serrano, Vadim I. Utkin, Sergey Celikovsky:
Adaptive sliding mode block control of induction motors. 149-154 - Hou-Tsan Lee, Li-Chen Fu:
Nonlinear control of induction motor with unknown rotor resistance and load adaptation. 155-159 - Sébastien Cauet, Laurent Rambault, Olivier Bachelier:
Parameter-dependent Lyapunov stability analysis: application to an induction motor. 160-165 - Hou-Tsan Lee, Li-Chen Fu, Hsin-Sain Huang:
Sensorless speed tracking of induction motor with unknown torque base on maximum power transfer. 166-167 - I. Norman Katz, Hiro Mukai, Heinz Schättler, Mingjun Zhang:
Solution of a differential game formulation of military air operations by the method of characteristics. 168-175 - Stephen K. Lucas, C. Yalçin Kaya
Switching-time computation for bang-bang control laws. 176-181 - Hiro Mukai, A. Tanikawa, Paolo Rinaldi, Sushil Louis:
Sequential quadratic methods for differential games. 182-189 - Antonio A. Alonso
, J. L. Calvet, J. L. Giménez:
Structural application of dynamic programming to discrete control problems. 190-191 - Mohamed R. M. Rizk
, I. F. El-Arabawy, H. S. Khaddam:
An algorithm for optimum stability region of fuzzy control systems using genetic algorithms. 192-197 - Chang-wook Han, Jung-il Park:
A study on hybrid genetic algorithms using random signal based learning employing simulated annealing. 198-199 - Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate, Francesco Alessandro Cuzzola, Domenico Mignone, Manfred Morari:
Analysis and control with performance of piecewise affine and hybrid systems. 200-205 - Sungyung Lim, Kam Chan:
Piecewise switching-dependent Lyapunov functional for analyzing systems with hysteresis. 206-211 - Kiriakos Kiriakidis, Bradley E. Bishop:
On the analysis of uncertain hybrid systems with estimated-state feedback. 212-216 - Alexandre Megretski:
On automatic search for invariants of hybrid systems. 217-222 - Stefan Pettersson
, Bengt Lennartson:
Stabilization of hybrid systems using a min-projection strategy. 223-228 - Daniel W. Repperger, Chandler A. Phillips, Amy T. Neidhard-Doll:
A study on stochastic resonance involving the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. 229-234 - Alan Barhorst, Lawrence Schovanec:
Optimal motor control strategies and a hybrid approach to stress analysis in skeletal systems. 235-239 - Walter J. Freeman:
Self-organizing brain dynamics by which the goals are constructed that control patterns of muscle actions. 240-245 - David Iny, Andrew J. Lundberg, William S. Levine, Maureen Stone:
The dynamics and control of the tongue during speech. 246-251 - Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa, Clyde F. Martin:
Stability of phase locked oscillations in the circadian clock. 252-256 - Zoran Nenadic, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Computation with biological neurons. 257-262 - Robert Kozma, Walter J. Freeman:
Control of mesoscopic/intermediate-range spatio-temporal chaos in the cortex. 263-268 - Michael J. Robertson, William E. Singhose:
Multi-level optimization techniques for designing digital input shapers. 269-274 - Matthew D. Baumgart, Lucy Y. Pao:
Cooperative multi-input shaping for arbitrary inputs. 275-280 - Timothy N. Chang, Edwin S. H. Hou, Kedar Godbole:
Evaluation of shaper designs on a high speed linear robot. 281-286 - Michael J. Agostini, Gordon G. Parker
, Erin E. Kruse, Hanspeter Schaub, Kenneth N. Groom, Rush D. Robinett:
Multiple axis boom crane maneuver generation for payload swing suppression. 287-292 - Timothy Chang, Chung Wang, Edwin Cohen:
Speed control of brushless motor using low resolution sensor. 293-298 - Pyung Hun Chang, Juyi Park, Joon-Young Park:
Commandless input shaping technique. 299-304 - S. Laurie Ricker, Jan H. van Schuppen:
Asynchronous communication in timed discrete-event systems. 305-306 - Tae-Sic Yoo
, Stéphane Lafortune
On the computational complexity of some problems arising in partially-observed discrete-event systems. 307-312 - Qianchuan Zhao
, Bruce H. Krogh:
Formal verification of Statecharts using finite-state model checkers. 313-318 - Bart De Schutter, Ton J. J. van den Boom:
Model predictive control for max-min-plus-scaling systems. 319-324 - Ton J. J. van den Boom, Bart De Schutter:
MPC for max-plus-linear systems: closed-loop behavior and tuning. 325-330 - Z. G. Li, Bo Hu, Chang Yun Wen
, Yeng Chai Soh, Anthony N. Michel:
A state transformation for switched linear systems. 331-336 - Cory E. Schlags, Michael P. Popule:
Industrial application of SPC to batch polymerization processes. 337-343 - Charles D. Immanuel, Francis J. Doyle III, Cajetan F. Cordeiro:
Experimental studies of the sensitivity of particle size distribution in emulsion co-polymerization. 344-349 - Yuan Tian, Jie Zhang
, Julian Morris:
On-line re-optimisation control of a batch polymerisation reactor based on a hybrid recurrent neural network model. 350-355 - Lin Lin, Dennis Sourlas:
Resin transfer molding: nonlinear model development from a control perspective. 356-361 - Ralf Gesthuisen, Stefan Krämer, Sebastian Engell:
State estimation for semicontinuous emulsion copolymerization using calorimetric data. 362-367 - Weitao Zhong, Wuqian Wang, Zhijiang Shao, Yuyue Zhang, Jixin Qian:
Optimization of an industrial batch polycondensation reactor. 368-373 - Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Elmer G. Gilbert:
Landing reference governor. 374-375 - Wei Wu, Suhada Jayasuriya:
A QFT design methodology for feedback systems with input rate or amplitude and rate saturation. 376-383 - Murat Arcak, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Observer-based control of systems with slope-restricted nonlinearities. 384-389 - James R. Cloutier, Juan C. Cockburn:
The state-dependent nonlinear regulator with state constraints. 390-395 - Daniel E. Davison:
An approach to computing bounds on H∞ performance under hard constraints. 396-401 - Pierre-Alexandre Bliman:
Stability criteria for delay systems with sector-bounded nonlinearities. 402-407 - William C. Messner, Rick Ehrlich:
A tutorial on controls for disk drives. 408-420 - Daniel Abramovitch:
Magnetic and optical disk control: parallels and contrasts. 421-428 - Gang Jin, Michael K. Sain, Khanh D. Pham, Billie F. Spencer Jr., Juan C. Ramallo:
Modeling MR-dampers: a nonlinear blackbox approach. 429-434 - Hong Vu-Manh, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino, Kiyoyuk Kaito:
The Eigensystem Realization Algorithm for ambient vibration measurement using laser Doppler vibrometers. 435-440 - Tsu-Chin Tsao
, Chin-An Tan, Alexander V. Pesterev, Bingen Yang, Lawrence A. Bergman:
Control oriented formulation for structures interacting with moving loads. 441-446 - Alessandro De Stefano, Rosario Ceravolo, D. Sabia:
Output only dynamic identification in time-frequency domain. 447-452 - Juan M. Caicedo, Johannio Marulanda
, Peter Thomson
, Shirley J. Dyke:
Monitoring of bridges to detect changes in structural health. 453-458 - Anton A. Stoorvogel, Henrik Niemann, Ali Saberi:
Delays in fault detection and isolation. 459-463 - M. Sami Fadali, Satya Gummuluri:
Robust observer-based fault detection for periodic systems. 464-469 - Rajamani Doraiswami, Christopher P. Diduch, Joel Kuehner:
Failure detection and isolation: a new paradigm. 470-475 - Marcus Börner, Mina Zele, Rolf Isermann:
Comparison of different fault detection algorithms for active body control components: automotive suspension system. 476-481 - Hong Wang
Detecting faults in dynamic and bounded stochastic distributions: an observer based technique. 482-487 - Eric A. Wan, Alexander A. Bogdanov:
Model predictive neural control with applications to a 6 DOF helicopter model. 488-493 - Hugh H. T. Liu:
Design combination in integrated flight control. 494-499 - Douglas J. Leith
, William E. Leithead:
Gain-scheduled control of a skid-to-turn missile: relaxing slow variation requirements by velocity-based design. 500-505 - Jin Young Choi, Dongkyoung Chwa, Heumpil Cho:
Nonlinear adaptive guidance considering target uncertainties and control loop dynamics. 506-511 - Feng Tyan:
The capture region of a general 3D TPN guidance law for missile and target with limited maneuverability. 512-517 - Raktim Bhattacharya, Gary J. Balas, M. Alpay Kaya, Andy Packard:
Nonlinear receding horizon control of F-16 aircraft. 518-522 - D. Swaroop, D. Neimann:
On the impulse response of LTI systems. 523-528 - Pablo A. Iglesias:
An analogue of Bode's sensitivity integral for continuous-time, time-varying systems. 529-534 - Jun Zhou, Toillomichi Hagiwara:
Stability analysis of continuous-time periodic systems via the harmonic analysis. 535-540 - SangJoo Kwon, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm:
A novel robust tracking controller based on hierarchical perturbation compensation. 541-546 - Xinhua Jiang, Dawei Gu, Zhiwu Huang, Tefang Chen:
On monotone nondecreasing step responses of third-order SISO linear systems with a pair of complex poles. 547-551 - Byung-Moon Kwon, Hee-Seob Ryu, Oh-Kyu Kwon:
Some conditions for monotone nondecreasing step response with the fastest rise time. 552-557 - Woo-yong Han, Sang-Min Kim, Chang-Goo Lee:
Model following adaptive controller with rotor resistance estimator for induction motor servo drives. 558-563 - Hee Choul Hwang, Chung Choo Chung, Seung-Hi Lee:
Design of a multi-rate controller and its application to galvanometer servo systems. 564-569 - Jia-Yush Yen, Jia-Hua Lin:
A mechatronics approach to the servo design for a maglev system. 570-575 - Celal Batur, Maged Naeim Tawfik:
Projective control of electro-hydraulic servo system. 576-581 - Eun-Chan Park
, Hyuk Lim, Chong-Ho Choi:
Characteristics and compensation of friction at velocity reversal. 582-587 - Avinash Taware, Nalesh Pradhan, Gang Tao:
Feedback linearization based adaptive friction compensation for a sandwich nonlinear system. 588-593 - Avinash Taware, Gang Tao, Carole Teolis:
Neural-hybrid control of systems with sandwiched dead-zones. 594-599 - Hazem N. Nounou, Kevin M. Passino:
Stable auto-tuning of the direction of descent for gradient-based nonlinear adaptive control systems. 600-605 - Sarangapani Jagannathan, Annie Levesque, Yesh P. Singh:
Adaptive network control of a mobile base with an onboard arm for MARS greenhouse operation. 606-611 - SungEun Jo, Sang Woo Kim:
Normalized iterative feedback tuning with modified feedback experiment. 612-617 - Se-Hee Ryu, Jahng-Hyon Park:
Auto-tuning of sliding mode control parameters using fuzzy logic. 618-623 - Jian-xin Xu, Ying Tan:
Nonlinear adaptive wavelet control using constructive wavelet networks. 624-629 - Prabhakar R. Pagilla, Biao Yu:
Adaptive control of robotic surface finishing processes. 630-635 - Donatien Nganga-Kouya, Maarouf Saad, L. Lamarche, C. Khairallah:
Backstepping adaptive position control for robotic manipulators. 636-640 - Domitilla Del Vecchio, Riccardo Marino
, Patrizio Tomei:
Adaptive learning control for robot manipulators. 641-645 - Joon-Young Choi, Jiho Uh, Jin Soo Lee:
Iterative learning control of robot manipulator with I-type parameter estimator. 646-651 - Hakan Yazarel, Chien Chern Cheah:
Adaptive visual servoing of robots with uncertain gravity regressor and Jacobian matrices. 652-657 - L. S. Guo, Qin Zhang:
Adaptive trajectory control of a two DOF closed-chain robot. 658-663 - Ilker Tunay:
Antiskid control for aircraft via extremum-seeking. 665-670 - Yonggon Lee, Stanislaw H. Zak:
Genetic neural fuzzy control of anti-lock brake systems. 671-676 - Rem Kazemi, Khosro Jafhri Zaviyeh:
Development of a new ABS for passenger cars using dynamic surface control method. 677-683 - Saïd Mammar, Damien Koenig, Lydie Nouvelière:
Combination of feedforward and feedback H∞ control for speed scheduled vehicle automatic steering. 684-689 - Jihua Huang, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
H∞ controller for vehicle lateral control under fault in front or rear sensors. 690-695 - J. R. Zhang, A. Rachid, S. J. Xu:
Velocity controller design for automatic steering of vehicles. 696-697 - Hong Wong, Vikram Kapila, Andrew G. Sparks:
Adaptive output feedback tracking control of multiple spacecraft. 698-703 - Brett J. Young, Randal W. Beard, Jed M. Kelsey:
A control scheme for improving multi-vehicle formation maneuvers. 704-709 - Mehran Mesbahi, Fred Y. Hadaegh:
Mode and logic-based switching for the formation flying control of multiple spacecraft. 710-715 - Yang Liu, Kevin M. Passino, Marios M. Polycarpou:
Stability analysis of one-dimensional asynchronous swarms. 716-721 - Zhi-Hong Mao, Eric Feron:
Stability and performance of intersecting aircraft flows under sequential conflict resolution. 722-729 - Jason W. Mitchell, David L. Richardson:
On the in-plane control of spacecraft relative motion. 730-731 - Ivo Batina, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Siep Weiland:
Stochastic disturbance rejection in model predictive control by randomized algorithms. 732-737 - Constantino M. Lagoa, Xiang Li, Mario Sznaier:
Application of probabilistically constrained linear programs to risk-adjusted controller design.