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ECC 2013: Zurich, Switzerland
- 12th European Control Conference, ECC 2013, Zurich, Switzerland, July 17-19, 2013. IEEE 2013
- Arthur Richards:
Fast model predictive control with soft constraints. 1-6 - Manfred Morari:
Message from the ECC13 general chair. 5-6 - Daniel Limón, Teodoro Alamo, Mario Pereira, Antonio Ferramosca
, Alejandro H. González
, Darci Odloak:
Integrating the RTO in the MPC: An adaptive gradient-based approach. 7-12 - John Lygeros:
Message from the international program committee chair. 7-8 - Alessandro Astolfi
The European Journal of Control - A new beginning. 9-10 - Gaurang Shah, Sebastian Engell:
Multivariable MPC design based on a frequency response approximation approach. 13-18 - Christian Feller, Christian Ebenbauer:
A barrier function based continuous-time algorithm for linear model predictive control. 19-26 - Markus J. Kögel, Rolf Findeisen:
On efficient predictive control of linear systems subject to quadratic constraints using condensed, structure-exploiting interior point methods. 27-34 - Michael Jost, Martin Mönnigmann:
Accelerating online MPC with partial explicit information and linear storage complexity in the number of constraints. 35-40 - Timo Reis, Winnifried Wollner:
Iterative solution of operator Lyapunov equations arising in heat transfer. 41-46 - Sarah Mechhoud, Emmanuel Witrant, Luc Dugard, Didier Moreau:
Combined distributed parameters and source estimation in tokamak plasma heat transport. 47-52 - Mojtaba Izadi, Stevan Dubljevic:
Computation of empirical eigenfunctions of parabolic PDEs with non-trivial time-varying domain. 53-58 - Timo Hämäläinen, Seppo Pohjolainen:
On the structure of robust controllers for infinite-dimensional systems. 59-62 - Van Thang Pham, Didier Georges, Gildas Besançon
Receding Horizon Observer and Control for linear 2×2 hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. 63-68 - J. Frédéric Bonnans:
Singular arcs in the optimal control of a parabolic equation. 69-74 - Anshuman Mishra, Cedric Langbort, Geir E. Dullerud:
Optimal decentralized control of a stochastically switched system with local parameter knowledge. 75-80 - Samir Aberkane, Vasile Dragan:
On a time-varying stochastic small gain theorem. 81-86 - Shirzad Malekpour, B. Ross Barmish:
A drawdown formula for stock trading via linear feedback in a market governed by Brownian Motion. 87-92 - Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani
, Andreas Milias-Argeitis
, Debasish Chatterjee:
Analysis of controlled biological switches via stochastic motion planning. 93-98 - Chun-Chia Huang, Robert R. Bitmead:
Escape time formulation of state estimation and stabilization with intermittent communication. 99-104 - Asma Barbata, Michel Zasadzinski, Harouna Souley Ali, Hassani Messaoud:
ℌ∞ control for singular stochastic systems. 105-110 - Jung-Min Yang, Seong-Jin Park, Seong Woo Kwak:
Model matching control for composite asynchronous sequential machines. 111-116 - Gwenaël Delaval, Noël De Palma, Soguy Mak Karé Gueye, Hervé Marchand, Éric Rutten:
Discrete control of computing systems administration: A programming language supported approach. 117-124 - Ying Shang, Laurent Hardouin, Mehdi Lhommeau, Carlos Andrey Maia:
Open loop controllers to solve the disturbance decoupling problem for max-plus linear systems. 125-130 - Sonia Batis, Hassane Alla:
Controller synthesis for a class of hybrid systems. 131-136 - Liewei Wang, Cristian Mahulea, Manuel Silva:
Minimum-time flow control of timed continuous Choice-Free nets. 137-142 - Francesco Basile, Roberto Cordone, Luigi Piroddi:
Compact supervisors for general constraint enforcement in Petri net models with uncontrollable transitions. 143-148 - Klaus Röbenack
, Fabian Paschke, Carsten Knoll:
Nonlinear control with approximately linear tracking error. 149-154 - Adrien Drouot, Edouard Richard, Mohamed Boutayeb, Michel Zasadzinski, Ali Zemouche:
Adaptive output tracking control design of a gun launched micro aerial vehicle based on approximate feedback linearization. 155-160 - Jaume Franch, Alex Reyes, Sunil K. Agrawal:
Differential flatness of a class of n - DOF planar manipulators driven by an arbitrary number of actuators. 161-166 - Matthias Franke, Klaus Röbenack
On the computation of flat outputs for nonlinear control systems. 167-172 - Daniel Alonzo Dirksz, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen:
Tuning of dynamic feedback control for nonlinear mechanical systems. 173-178 - Xing-Gang Yan, Sarah K. Spurgeon, Quanmin Zhu, Qingling Zhang:
Delay independent static output feedback variable structure control for affine nonlinear systems. 179-184 - Tyler H. Summers, Paul J. Goulart
Performance bounds for constrained linear min-max control. 185-190 - Tyler H. Summers, Konstantin Kunz, Nikolaos Kariotoglou, Maryam Kamgarpour, Sean Summers, John Lygeros:
Approximate dynamic programming via sum of squares programming. 191-197 - Andrew G. Lamperski, Noah J. Cowan
Time-changed linear quadratic regulators. 198-203 - Sina Ober-Blöbaum, Albert Seifried:
A multiobjective optimization approach for optimal control problems of mechanical systems with uncertainties. 204-209 - V. V. Alexandrov, M. A. Budninskiy:
On kinematic control extremals. 210-214 - Maria Soledad Aronna:
Convergence of the shooting algorithm for singular optimal control problems. 215-220 - Sadegh Bolouki, Roland P. Malhamé
Ergodicity and class-ergodicity of balanced asymmetric stochastic chains. 221-226 - Thi-Minh-Dung Tran
, Alain Y. Kibangou:
Consensus-based distributed estimation of Laplacian eigenvalues of undirected graphs. 227-232 - Darina Goldin, Jörg Raisch:
On the weight controllability of consensus algorithms. 233-238 - Anton V. Proskurnikov
Average consensus in symmetric nonlinearly coupled delayed networks. 239-243 - Tao Yang, Ziyang Meng, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Karl Henrik Johansson
Global consensus in homogeneous networks of discrete-time agents subject to actuator saturation. 244-249 - Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore, Daniel Lyons:
Random convex programs for distributed multi-agent consensus. 250-255 - Kelly R. Austin, John R. Wagner:
Development of an electromagnet excited mass-pendulum system modeling and control laboratory experiment - Theory and test. 256-261 - Matteo G. Madaschi, E. Gryazina, Alberto Luigi Cologni, Cristiano Spelta, Fabio Previdi, Sergio Matteo Savaresi, I. Pesenti:
Robust control of magnetic guidance lightweight AGVs path tracking using randomization methods. 262-267 - Mohanarajah Gajamohan, Michael Muehlebach, Tobias Widmer, Raffaello D'Andrea:
The Cubli: A reaction wheel based 3D inverted pendulum. 268-274 - Pierfrancesco Spagnol, Matteo Corno, Sergio Matteo Savaresi:
Pedaling torque reconstruction for half pedaling sensor. 275-280 - Shreyas Patel, David Moline, John Wagner:
Modeling and analysis of an atmospheric driven Atmos clock with mechanical escapement control. 281-287 - Philipp Rapp, Oliver Sawodny, Cristina Tarín:
Stabilization of the ball and beam system by dynamic output feedback using incremental measurements. 288-294 - Mauro Bisiacco, Maria Elena Valcher:
Partial interconnection dead-beat control of two-dimensional behaviors. 295-300 - Ricardo Pereira, Paula Rocha:
A remark on conditioned invariance in the behavioral approach. 301-305 - Vladimír Kucera:
Optimal decoupling controllers for singular systems. 306-311 - Augusto Ferrante, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
On the definition of negative imaginary system for not necessarily rational symmetric transfer functions. 312-316 - Paolo Vettori:
On the structure of linear behaviors over quaternions. 317-322 - Graziano Chesi, Richard H. Middleton:
A necessary and sufficient LMI condition for stability of 2D mixed continuous-discrete-time systems. 323-328 - Nuno Filipe, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
Rigid body motion tracking without linear and angular velocity feedback using dual quaternions. 329-334 - Elodie Duraffourg, Laurent Burlion, Tarek Ahmed-Ali, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
Non-linear control of the longitudinal rotational dynamics of a flexible aircraft. 335-340 - Andrei V. Dmitruk, Ivan A. Samylovskiy
A simplified Goddard problem in the presence of a nonlinear media resistance and a bounded thrust. 341-346 - Panos Marantos, Leonidas Dritsas, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos:
Robust attitude control for an unmanned helicopter in near-hover flights. 347-352 - Julien Chaudenson, Dominique Beauvois, Samir Bennani, Martine Ganet-Schoeller, Guillaume Sandou:
Dynamics modeling and comparative robust stability analysis of a space launcher with constrained inputs. 353-358 - Fabrice Demourant:
New algorithmic approach based on integral quadratic constraints for stability analysis of high order models. 359-364 - Travis E. Gibson, Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Eugene Lavretsky:
Closed-loop reference models for output-feedback adaptive systems. 365-370 - Alexander V. Nazin, Boris M. Miller:
Mirror decent algorithm for a multi-armed bandit governed by a stationary finite state Markov chain. 371-375 - Olle Trollberg, Elling W. Jacobsen:
Multiple stationary solutions to the extremum seeking control problem. 376-381 - Marko Tanaskovic, Lorenzo Fagiano, Roy S. Smith
, Paul Goulart
, Manfred Morari:
Adaptive model predictive control for constrained linear systems. 382-387 - Tomohisa Hayakawa:
Adaptive symbolic feedback for one-dimensional discrete-time uncertain systems. 388-391 - Simon G. Fabri, Marvin K. Bugeja:
Unscented transform-based dual adaptive control of nonlinear MIMO systems. 392-397 - Yuki Fujita, Toru Namerikawa, Kenko Uchida:
Cyber attack detection and faults diagnosis in power networks by using state fault diagnosis matrix. 398-400 - Myrna V. Casillas, Luis E. Garza-Castañón, Vicenç Puig:
Extended-horizon analysis of pressure sensitivities for leak detection in water distribution networks: Application to the Barcelona network. 401-409 - Albert Rosich
, Vicenç Puig:
Model-based leakage localization in drinking water distribution networks using structured residuals. 410-415 - Jiusun Zeng, Lei Xie, Uwe Krüger, Jie Yu, Jingjing Sha, Xuyi Fu:
Process monitoring based on Kullback Leibler divergence. 416-421 - Christodoulos Keliris, Marios M. Polycarpou, Thomas Parisini:
A distributed fault detection filtering approach for a class of interconnected input-output nonlinear systems. 422-427 - Pieter Van den Kerkhof, Jef Vanlaer, Geert Gins, Jan F. M. Van Impe:
Contribution plots for Statistical Process Control: Analysis of the smearing-out effect. 428-433 - Dominik Moser, Sebastian Hahn, Harald Waschl, Luigi del Re:
Torque control of a diesel engine by an eigenpressure based approach. 434-439 - Ashwin Carvalho, Giovanni Palmieri, H. Eric Tseng, Luigi Glielmo
, Francesco Borrelli
Robust vehicle stability control with an uncertain driver model. 440-445 - Cédric Chapuis, Eric Bideaux
, Xavier Brun
, Nicoleta Minoiu Enache:
Comparison of feedback linearization and flatness control for anti-slip regulation (ASR) of an hybrid vehicle: From theory to experimental results. 446-451 - Kees van Berkel, Wouter Klemm, Theo Hofman, Bas Vroemen, Maarten Steinbuch:
Optimal Energy Management for a mechanical-hybrid vehicle with cold start conditions. 452-457 - Kentaro Oyama, Kenichiro Nonaka
Model predictive parking control for nonholonomic vehicles using time-state control form. 458-465 - Vinko Lesic, Mario Vasak, Nedjeljko Peric, Gojko Joksimovic
, Thomas M. Wolbank:
Optimal flux magnitude tracking with application to fault-tolerant control of wind turbine generators. 466-471 - Vlaho Petrovic, Filippo Campagnolo
Experimental validation of wind turbine higher harmonic control using shaft loads measurements. 472-477 - John Sandoval-Moreno, Gildas Besançon
, John J. Martinez:
Observer-based maximum power tracking in wind turbines with only generator speed measurement. 478-483 - Michael K. Bourdoulis, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
Nonlinear stability analysis of DFIG wind generators in voltage oriented control operation. 484-489 - Mahmood Mirzaei, Mohsen Soltani, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Hans Henrik Niemann:
An MPC approach to individual pitch control of wind turbines using uncertain LIDAR measurements. 490-495 - Tushar Jain, Joseph-Julien Yamé, Dominique Sauter, Samir Aberkane:
A novel online controller redesign approach to fault accommodation in wind turbine systems. 496-501 - Martin Herceg, Michal Kvasnica, Colin N. Jones, Manfred Morari:
Multi-Parametric Toolbox 3.0. 502-510 - Florian David Brunner, Mircea Lazar, Frank Allgöwer
Stabilizing linear model predictive control: On the enlargement of the terminal set. 511-517 - Paola Falugi
, David Q. Mayne:
Model predictive control for tracking random references. 518-523 - Marco Gallieri, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Stabilising terminal cost and terminal controller for ℓasso-MPC: enhanced optimality and region of attraction. 524-529 - Róbinson Medina Sánchez, Andres Hernandez, Clara M. Ionescu, Robin De Keyser:
Evaluation of constrained multivariable EPSAC Predictive Control Methodologies. 530-535 - Christian Feller, Tor Arne Johansen:
Explicit MPC of higher-order linear processes via combinatorial multi-parametric quadratic programming. 536-541 - Weilin Yang, Gang Feng, Tiejun Zhang:
Robust model predictive control of uncertain linear systems with persistent disturbances and input constraints. 542-547 - Markus Schöberl
, Andreas Siuka:
Analysis and comparison of port-Hamiltonian formulations for field theories - demonstrated by means of the Mindlin plate. 548-553 - Chung-Yao Kao, Michael Cantoni:
Stability analysis for structured feedback interconnections of distributed-parameter systems and time-varying uncertainties. 554-559 - Petteri Laakkonen, Seppo Pohjolainen:
Solvability of the output regulation problem with a feedforward controller. 560-565 - Héctor Ramírez, Yann Le Gorrec
Boundary port Hamiltonian control of a class of nanotweezers. 566-571 - Andreas Rauh, Christina Dittrich, Harald Aschemann:
The method of integro-differential relations for control of spatially two-dimensional heat transfer processes. 572-577 - Lassi Paunonen, Seppo Pohjolainen:
Robustness properties of controllers with reduced order internal models. 578-583 - Nikolaos Kariotoglou, Sean Summers, Tyler H. Summers, Maryam Kamgarpour, John Lygeros:
Approximate dynamic programming for stochastic reachability. 584-589 - Alim P. C. Gonçalves, André R. Fioravanti, José Claudio Geromel:
Optimal ℌ2 mode-independent filter for generalized Bernoulli jump systems? 590-595 - Ali Jadbabaie, Alex Olshevsky:
Combinatorial bounds and scaling laws for noise amplification in networks. 596-601 - Stephan M. Huck, John Lygeros:
Stochastic localization of sources with convergence guarantees. 602-607 - Harshad Khadilkar, Hamsa Balakrishnan:
Optimal control of airport operations with gate capacity constraints. 608-613 - Jiangchuan Huang, Raja Sengupta:
Stability of dynamic traveling repairman problem under Polling-Sequencing policies. 614-619 - Federico Terraneo
, Alberto Leva:
Feedback-based memory management with active swap-in. 620-625 - Jesús Chacon
, José Sánchez
, Luis José Yebra, Antonio Visioli, Sebastián Dormido:
Experimental study of two event-based PI controllers in a solar distributed collector field. 626-631 - Daniel Jansson, Olov Rosen, Alexander Medvedev:
Non-parametric analysis of eye-tracking data by anomaly detection. 632-637 - Alina Eqtami, Shahab Heshmati-Alamdari, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos:
Self-triggered Model Predictive Control for nonholonomic systems. 638-643 - Takayuki Wada, Yasumasa Fujisaki:
A stopping rule for simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation. 644-649 - Jasen Markovski:
An integrated systems engineering framework for supervisor synthesis, verification, and performance evaluation. 650-657 - Mohamed Amin Ben Sassi, Antoine Girard:
Control of polynomial dynamical systems on rectangles. 658-663 - Daniele Pagnozzi, Craig Maclean, James D. Biggs:
A new approach to the solution of free rigid body motion for attitude maneuvers. 664-669 - Graziano Chesi, Gouhei Tanaka, Yoshito Hirata
, Kazuyuki Aihara:
On the analysis of the bifurcation sets of equilibrium points in parameter space. 670-675 - Didier Henrion
, Milan Korda:
Convex computation of the region of attraction of polynomial control systems? 676-681 - Sergej Celikovský, Milan Anderle
, Claude H. Moog:
Embedding the generalized Acrobot into the n-link with an unactuated cyclic variable and its application to walking design. 682-689 - Natasa A. Kablar, Vladimir Kvrgic, Dragutin Lj. Debeljkovic:
Robust control of singular systems with time delay. Part I: Continuous time case. 690-695 - Noortje Groot, Bart De Schutter, Hans Hellendoorn:
Optimal leader functions for the reverse Stackelberg game: Splines and basis functions. 696-701 - William M. McEneaney, Antoine Désir:
Games of network disruption and idempotent algorithms. 702-709 - Thulasi Mylvaganam, Mario Sassano, Alessandro Astolfi
Approximate solutions to a class of nonlinear differential games using a shared dynamic extension. 710-715 - Kiminao Kogiso
, Koji Kita, Kenji Sugimoto:
Game-based inner approximation of maximal output admissible sets under references unknown in advance. 716-723 - Jens Buttler, Natalia Akchurina:
Nash equilibria in normal games via optimization methods. 724-729 - Hiroaki Mukaidani, Masaru Unno, Toru Yamamoto, Hua Xu
, Vasile Dragan:
Stackelberg strategies for singularly perturbed stochastic systems. 730-735 - Rosario Aragues, Jorge Cortés, Carlos Sagüés:
Distributed map merging with consensus on common information. 736-741 - Diego Romeres, Florian Dörfler, Francesco Bullo:
Novel results on slow coherency in consensus and power networks. 742-747 - Claudio De Persis:
Balancing time-varying demand-supply in distribution networks: An internal model approach. 748-753 - Domenica Borra, Fabio Fagnani:
Asynchronous distributed calibration of camera networks. 754-759 - Nicolaos E. Manitara, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis:
Privacy-preserving asymptotic average consensus. 760-765 - Usman A. Khan, Soummya Kar
A decentralized algorithm for the preferred assignment problem in multi-agent systems. 766-771 - George Andrikopoulos
, George Nikolakopoulos, Stamatis Manesis:
Adaptive Internal Model Control scheme for a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle. 772-777 - Sebastian Leonow, Martin Mönnigmann:
Soft sensor based dynamic flow rate estimation in low speed radial pumps. 778-783 - Andrew G. Alleyne
, Simone Schürle, Alessandro Meo, Bradley J. Nelson:
Motion control for magnetic micro-scale manipulation. 784-790 - Iker Mancisidor, Rafael Bárcena
, Jokin Munoa
, Ainhoa Etxebarria
Design of a bench hardware-in-the-loop system for the study of chatter in turning. 791-796 - Naoki Uchiyama, Yuki Ogawa, Abd El Khalick Mohammad
, Shigenori Sano, Kazuo Yamazaki:
Energy saving control in five-axis machine tools using contouring control. 797-802 - Akira Nakashima, Yoshikazu Hayakawa:
Stable region of gravity position of object grasped by virtual springs. 803-808 - Naim Bajçinca, Matthias Voigt
Spectral conditions for symmetric positive real and negative imaginary systems. 809-814 - Sérgio Pequito, Soummya Kar
, A. Pedro Aguiar:
Optimal cost actuator/sensor placement for large scale linear time-invariant systems: A structured systems approach. 815-820 - Laurie Conteville, Elena Panteley:
Linear reformulation of the Kuramoto model: Asymptotic mapping and stability properties. 821-826 - Joachim Deutscher
Krylov subspace methods for block patterned linear systems. 827-832 - Boris T. Polyak, Mikhail V. Khlebnikov, Pavel S. Shcherbakov:
An LMI approach to structured sparse feedback design in linear control systems. 833-838 - Kiyotaka Shimizu:
P·SPR·D control design via LMI for linear MIMO systems and its extension to adaptive control. 839-845 - Troy C. Welker, Meir Pachter, Richard E. Huffman:
Gravity gradiometer integrated inertial navigation. 846-851 - Lionel Magnis, Nicolas Petit:
Rotation estimation for a satellite from Sun sensors. 852-859 - William D. Price, Chau Ton, William MacKunis, Sergey V. Drakunov:
Self-reconfigurable control for dual-quaternion/dual-vector systems. 860-865 - Julien Ponton, Peng Wei, Dengfeng Sun:
Weighted clustering coefficient maximization for air transportation networks. 866-871 - Fotis P. Kopsaftopoulos, Spilios D. Fassois:
An adaptive time series framework for aircraft 4D trajectory conformance monitoring. 872-877 - Weijia Zhang, Baro Hyun, Pierre T. Kabamba, Anouck Girard:
Improving classification performance through kinematic decisions. 878-883 - Cesáreo Raimúndez, Enrique Paz:
Adaptive mobile robots formation control using neural networks. 884-889 - Mohammed Taleb, Franck Plestan, B. Bououlid:
High order integral sliding mode control with gain adaptation. 890-895 - Miroslav Flídr, Miroslav Simandl:
Implicit dual controller based on stochastic integration rule. 896-901 - Takao Sato, Toru Yamamoto, Nozomu Araki, Yasuo Konishi:
Design of performance-adaptive PID control system using model predictive approach. 902-907 - Peter Loepelmann, Bernard Bäker:
High-gain feedback stability of a nonlinear drivetrain system. 908-913 - Chih-Chiang Cheng, An-Fu Chien, Yi-Chun Huang:
Design of adaptive block backstepping controllers for semi-strict feedback nonlinear systems with perturbation estimation. 914-919 - Ali Abdo, Steven X. Ding, Jedsada Saijai, Waseem Damlakhi:
Integrated fault detection in multiple switched systems. 920-925 - Francesca Boem, Yuzhe Xu, Carlo Fischione
, Thomas Parisini:
Distributed fault detection using sensor networks and Pareto estimation. 932-937 - Flor Lizeth Torres Ortiz, Cristina Verde:
Modeling improvements for leak detection in pipelines of LPG. 938-942 - Arne Wahrburg, Jürgen Adamy:
LMI-based design of robust fault isolation filters for linear systems. 943-949 - László Gerencsér, Cecilia Prosdocimi, Zsuzsanna Vágó:
Change detection for finite dimensional Gaussian linear systems - a bound for the almost sure false alarm rate. 950-955 - Giulio Panzani
, Matteo Corno, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Wheelie detection for single-track vehicles. 956-961 - Matthew J. Jensen, Paul Freeman, John R. Wagner, Kim E. Alexander:
Controller design and evaluation for vehicle run-off-the-road and recovery. 962-967 - Reine Talj
, Gilles Tagne, Ali Charara:
Immersion and invariance control for lateral dynamics of autonomous vehicles, with experimental validation. 968-973 - Alexander Katriniok
, Jan P. Maschuw, Frederic Christen, Lutz Eckstein, Dirk Abel:
Optimal vehicle dynamics control for combined longitudinal and lateral autonomous vehicle guidance. 974-979 - Alessandro Rucco, Giuseppe Notarstefano, John Hauser:
On a reduced-order two-track car model including longitudinal and lateral load transfer. 980-985 - Lghani Menhour, Damien Koenig, Brigitte d'Andréa-Novel:
Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Switched H∞ state feedback controllers: Application for a robust steering vehicle control. 986-991 - Lorenzo Fagiano, Aldo U. Zgraggen, Mustafa Khammash, Manfred Morari:
Automatic control of tethered wings for airborne wind energy: Design and experimental results. 992-997 - Michael Erhard, Hans Strauch
Sensors and navigation algorithms for flight control of tethered kites. 998-1003 - Uros Kalabic, Chris Vermillion, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
Reference governor design for computationally efficient attitude and tether tension constraint enforcement on a lighter-than-air wind energy system. 1004-1010 - Sebastien Gros, Mario Zanon, Moritz Diehl:
A relaxation strategy for the optimization of Airborne Wind Energy systems. 1011-1016 - Sebastien Gros, Mario Zanon, Moritz Diehl:
Control of Airborne Wind Energy systems based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control & Moving Horizon Estimation. 1017-1022 - Mario Zanon, Sebastien Gros, Moritz Diehl:
Rotational start-up of tethered airplanes based on nonlinear MPC and MHE. 1023-1028 - Xiaojing Zhang, Georg Schildbach, David Sturzenegger, Manfred Morari:
Scenario-based MPC for energy-efficient building climate control under weather and occupancy uncertainty. 1029-1034 - Michal Kvasnica, Alexander Szucs, Miroslav Fikar
, Ján Drgona:
Explicit MPC of LPV systems in the controllable canonical form. 1035-1040 - Hoai-Nam Nguyen, Per Olof Gutman, Sorin Olaru:
Constrained decomposition based control approach for linear parameter varying systems. 1041-1046 - Mihailo R. Jovanovic, Fu Lin:
Sparse quadratic regulator. 1047-1052 - Bart Huyck, Jos De Brabanter, Bart De Moor, Jan F. M. Van Impe, Filip Logist:
Model predictive control of a pilot-scale distillation column using a programmable automation controller. 1053-1058 - Sergio Grammatico, Gabriele Pannocchia
Achieving a large domain of attraction with short-horizon linear MPC via polyhedral Lyapunov functions. 1059-1064 - Espen Hauge, Ole Morten Aamo, John-Morten Godhavn:
Application of an infinite-dimensional observer for drilling systems incorporating kick and loss detection. 1065-1070 - Ulf Jakob F. Aarsnes, Ole Morten Aamo, Espen Hauge, Alexey Pavlov:
Limits of Controller Performance in the Heave Disturbance Attenuation Problem. 1071-1076 - Shi Zhao, Stephen Duncan:
Passivity of plane Poiseuille flow. 1077-1082 - Subhrajit Sinha, Umesh Vaidya, Rajeev Rajaram:
Optimal placement of actuators and sensors for control of nonequilibrium dynamics. 1083-1088 - Frederic Abry, Xavier Brun
, Sylvie Sesmat, Eric Bideaux
Non-linear position control of a pneumatic actuator with closed-loop stiffness and damping tuning. 1089-1094 - Agus Hasan, Bjarne A. Foss:
Optimal wells scheduling of a petroleum reservoir. 1095-1100 - Ibtissem Ben Makhlouf, Paul Hänsch, Stefan Kowalewski:
Comparison of reachability methods for uncertain linear time-invariant systems. 1101-1106 - Kurt E. Häggblom:
Finding an LFT uncertainty model with minimal uncertainty. 1107-1113 - Fabrizio Dabbene, Didier Henrion
Set approximation via minimum-volume polynomial sublevel sets. 1114-1119 - Houria Kheloufi, Ali Zemouche, Fazia Bedouhene, Mohamed Boutayeb:
A new observer-based stabilization method for linear systems with uncertain parameters. 1120-1125 - Rihab El Houda Thabet, Tarek Raïssi, Christophe Combastel
, Ali Zolghadri
Design of interval observers for LPV systems subject to exogenous disturbances. 1126-1131 - Mahdieh Sadat Sadabadi, Alireza Karimi:
Fixed-order H∞ and H2 controller design for continuous-time polytopic systems: An LMI-based approach. 1132-1137 - J. L. C. Verhaegh, T. M. P. Gommans, W. P. M. H. Heemels
Extension and evaluation of model-based periodic event-triggered control. 1138-1144 - Christian Stöcker, Jan Lunze:
Input-to-state stability of event-based state-feedback control. 1145-1150 - Ross P. Anderson, Dejan Milutinovic, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Self-triggered stabilization of continuous stochastic state-feedback controlled systems. 1151-1155 - Daniel Lehmann, Erik Henriksson, Karl Henrik Johansson
Event-triggered model predictive control of discrete-time linear systems subject to disturbances. 1156-1161 - Dong Xue, Sandra Hirche:
Event-triggered consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with double-integrator dynamics. 1162-1167 - Burak Demirel, Vijay Gupta
, Mikael Johansson:
On the trade-off between control performance and communication cost for event-triggered control over lossy networks. 1168-1174 - Luca Consolini, Cristiano Maria Verrelli
Learning control in spatial coordinates for the path-following of autonomous vehicles. 1175-1180 - Tong Duy Son, Goele Pipeleers, Jan Swevers:
Optimal iterative learning control design with trial-varying initial conditions. 1181-1186 - José Domingo Álvarez, Ramon Costa-Castelló, María del Mar Castilla, Eduardo F. Camacho:
Repetitive control to counteract the effect of people on thermal comfort control. 1187-1191 - Blazej Cichy, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Andreas Rauh, Harald Aschemann:
Iterative Learning Control of the electrostatic microbridge actuator. 1192-1197 - Kasper Vinther, Vikas Chandan, Andrew G. Alleyne
Learning/repetitive control for building systems with nearly periodic disturbances. 1198-1203 - Han Woong Yoo, Shingo Ito, Michel Verhaegen, Georg Schitter
Transformation-based iterative learning control for non-collocated sensing of a galvanometer scanner. 1204-1209 - Davide Giglio, Silvia Siri:
Optimal control of inventory-production systems in presence of perturbations on the inventory level. 1210-1217 - Térence Bayen, Francis Mairet, Pierre Martinon, Matthieu Sebbah:
Optimizing the anaerobic digestion of microalgae in a coupled process. 1218-1223 - Oskar Blom Västberg, Hairong Dong
, Xiaoming Hu:
Optimal pedestrian evacuation using Model Predictive Control. 1224-1229 - Oliver Turnbull, Arthur Richards:
Collocation methods for multi-vehicle trajectory optimization. 1230-1235 - F. Esmaeilzadeh Azar, Michel Perrier:
Extension of the global optimization using multi-unit extremum seeking control for noisy scalar systems. 1236-1241 - Joakim Haugen
, Lars Imsland:
Optimization-based autonomous remote sensing of surface objects using an unmanned aerial vehicle. 1242-1249 - Wencen Wu, Fumin Zhang, Yorai Wardi:
Energy-information tradeoffs in motion and sensing for target localization. 1250-1255 - Clemens Wiltsche, John Lygeros, Federico Alessandro Ramponi:
Synthesis of an asynchronous communication protocol for search and rescue robots. 1256-1261 - Geoff Stacey, Robert E. Mahony, Peter Corke
A bondgraph approach to formation control using relative state measurements. 1262-1267 - Luca Consolini, Mario Tosques:
Spatio-temporal symmetries in linear control systems with an application to formation control. 1268-1273 - Anna Sadowska, Henri Huijberts:
Formation control design for car-like nonholonomic robots using the backstepping approach. 1274-1279 - Didier Georges:
Optimal location of mobile sensors for environmental monitoring. 1280-1285 - Peng Yan, Hitay Özbay
On the robust controller design for Hard Disk Drive servo systems with time delays. 1286-1291 - Mario Ramirez-Neria, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez, Alberto Luviano-Juárez
, Alejandro Rodríguez-Angeles:
Smith predictor based generalized PI control for a class of input delayed nonlinear mechanical systems. 1292-1297 - Erkki Lantto, Vesa Hölttä, Kai Zenger, Ville Tommila:
Smooth frequency domain parametric optimization in loop-shaping control. 1304-1309 - Sammy Omari, Guillaume Jacques Joseph Ducard:
Metric visual-inertial navigation system using single optical flow feature. 1310-1316 - Mohammad Namavar, Andrew J. Fleming
, Sumeet S. Aphale
Resonance-shifting integral resonant control scheme for increasing the positioning bandwidth of nanopositioners. 1317-1322 - Benjamin Mourllion, Abderazik Birouche:
Young duality and Schmidt-pair for linear systems. 1323-1328 - Vasile Dragan, Samir Aberkane, Ivan Ganchev Ivanov:
Solving discrete-time game theoretic periodic Riccati equations: An iterative procedure. 1329-1334 - Christoph Hartung, Gunther Reissig, Ferdinand Svaricek:
Necessary conditions for structural and strong structural controllability of linear time-varying systems. 1335-1340 - Sonia Maalej
, Alexandre Kruszewski, Lotfi Belkoura
Derivative based control for LTV system with unknown parameters. 1341-1346 - Gábor Rödönyi, Péter Gáspár:
Model invalidation for repeated ℓ1-bounded linear time-varying uncertainty models. 1347-1352 - Zhen Zhang, Chao Lu, Tongtong Leng, Peng Yan, Peiqing Ye:
A discrete time-varying internal model based approach for high precision tracking. 1353-1358 - Edward N. Hartley, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Predictive control for spacecraft rendezvous in an elliptical orbit using an FPGA. 1359-1364 - Yuyi Liu, Stefano Longo, Eric C. Kerrigan:
Nonlinear predictive control of autonomous soaring UAVs using 3DOF models. 1365-1370 - Andrea Alessandretti
, A. Pedro Aguiar
, Colin N. Jones:
Trajectory-tracking and path-following controllers for constrained underactuated vehicles using Model Predictive Control. 1371-1376 - Konstantin Kunz, Stephan M. Huck, Tyler H. Summers:
Fast Model Predictive Control of miniature helicopters. 1377-1382 - Mark W. Müller, Raffaello D'Andrea:
A model predictive controller for quadrocopter state interception. 1383-1389 - Rubens Junqueira Magalhães Afonso, Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão, Karl Heinz Kienitz:
Waypoint trajectory planning in the presence of obstacles with a tunnel-MILP approach. 1390-1397 - Eva Zacekova, Samuel Prívara, Zdenek Vána, Jirí Cigler, Lukás Ferkl:
Dual control approach for zone model predictive control. 1398-1403 - Francesco Scotton, Lirong Huang, Seyed Alireza Ahmadi, Bo Wahlberg:
Physics-based modeling and identification for HVAC systems? 1404-1409 - Simone Formentin, Klaske van Heusden, Alireza Karimi:
Model-based and data-driven model-reference control: A comparative analysis. 1410-1415 - Per Hagg, Christian A. Larsson, Håkan Hjalmarsson
Robust and adaptive excitation signal generation for input and output constrained systems. 1416-1421 - Arne G. Dankers, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
, Xavier Bombois, Peter S. C. Heuberger:
Predictor input selection for two stage identification in dynamic networks. 1422-1427 - Tao Liu, Cheng Shao, Xue Z. Wang:
Consistency analysis of orthogonal projection based closed-loop subspace identification methods. 1428-1432 - Marcin Witczak, Józef Korbicz, Rafal Józefowicz:
A H∞ approach to robust fault estimation of non-linear discrete-time systems. 1433-1438 - Robert Fonod, David Henry, Eric Bornschlegl, Catherine Charbonnel:
Robust fault detection for systems with electronic induced delays: Application to the rendezvous phase of the MSR mission. 1439-1444 - Alexis Thieullen, Mustapha Ouladsine, Jacques Pinaton:
Application of Principal Components Analysis to improve fault detection and diagnosis on semiconductor manufacturing equipment. 1445-1450 - Kamal Medjaher, Noureddine Zerhouni, J. Baklouti:
Data-driven prognostics based on health indicator construction: Application to PRONOSTIA's data. 1451-1456 - Nizar Chatti, Belkacem Ould Bouamama, Anne-Lise Gehin, Rochdi Merzouki:
Merging Bond Graph and Signed Directed Graph to improve FDI procedure. 1457-1462 - Asim Kumar Naskar, Sourav Patra, Siddhartha Sen:
A reconfigurable Direct Control Allocation method. 1463-1468 - Juan Carlos Tudón-Martínez
, Sebastien Varrier, Rubén Morales-Menéndez, Ricardo Ramírez-Mendoza:
Suspension control strategy for a fully electrified vehicle. 1469-1474 - Harald Aschemann, Robert Prabel, Dominik Schindele:
Hysteresis compensation and adaptive LQR design for an electro-pneumatic clutch for heavy trucks. 1475-1480 - Balázs Németh, Peter Gaspar:
Variable-geometry suspension design in driver assistance systems. 1481-1486 - Soheib Fergani, Olivier Sename, Luc Dugard:
A LPV suspension control with performance adaptation to roll behavior, embedded in a global vehicle dynamic control strategy. 1487-1492 - Matteo Corno, Stefano Bottelli, Giulio Panzani
, Mara Tanelli, Cristiano Spelta, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Improving high speed road-holding using actively controlled aerodynamic surfaces. 1493-1498 - Christoph Gohrle, Andreas Schindler, Andreas Wagner, Oliver Sawodny:
Model Predictive Control of semi-active and active suspension systems with available road preview. 1499-1504 - Valerio Mariani
, Francesco Vasca:
Stability analysis of droop controlled inverters via dynamic phasors and contraction theory. 1505-1510 - Helfried Peyrl, Stefan Richter, Alessandro Zanarini:
Multi-core parallelisation of integer optimisation model predictive control for power electronic applications. 1511-1516 - Claudia Fischer, Sébastien Mariéthoz, Manfred Morari:
Constrained real-time optimal control for cyclic AC PWM systems. 1517-1522 - Robin Vujanic, Marius Schmitt, Joseph Warrington, Manfred Morari:
Extending affine control policies to hybrid systems: Robust control of a DC-DC buck converter. 1523-1528 - Alexander Fuchs, Manfred Morari:
Actuator performance evaluation using LMIs for optimal HVDC placement. 1529-1534 - Konstantinos F. Krommydas, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
Dynamic analysis and control of dc/dc boost converters used in stand-alone PV systems. 1535-1540 - Johannes Philippus Maree, Lars Imsland:
Multi-objective Predictive Control for non steady-state operation. 1541-1546 - Eric Chu, Neal Parikh, Alexander Domahidi, Stephen P. Boyd:
Code generation for embedded second-order cone programming. 1547-1552 - Gabriele Pannocchia
, David Q. Mayne, James B. Rawlings, Giulio M. Mancuso:
A parsimonious algorithm for the solution of continuous-time constrained LQR problems with guaranteed convergence. 1553-1558 - Seyed Ehsan Shafiei, Henrik Rasmussen, Jakob Stoustrup:
Model predictive control for a thermostatic controlled system. 1559-1564 - Seyed Ehsan Shafiei, Jakob Stoustrup, Henrik Rasmussen:
A supervisory control approach in economic MPC design for refrigeration systems. 1565-1570 - Daniel Martins Lima
, Marcus Vinícius Americano da Costa Filho, Julio E. Normey-Rico
A flexible low cost embedded system for Model Predictive Control of industrial processes. 1571-1576 - Michael A. Demetriou:
Spatial proportional-integral-derivative penalization of distributed consensus filters for spatially distributed processes. 1577-1582 - Delphine Bresch-Pietri, Thomas Leroy, Nicolas Petit:
Estimation of the distributed temperature of a SI engine catalyst for light-off strategy. 1583-1590 - Torsten Knüppel, Frank Woittennek
A contribution to parameter identification in infinite-dimensional systems. 1591-1596 - Florent Di Meglio, Miroslav Krstic, Rafael Vázquez:
A backstepping boundary observer for a class of linear first-order hyperbolic systems. 1597-1602 - Lukas Jadachowski
, Thomas Meurer
, Andreas Kugi:
State estimation for parabolic PDEs with reactive-convective non-linearities. 1603-1608 - Dariusz Ucinski, Przemyslaw Baranowski:
A parallel algorithm for optimum monitoring network design in parameter estimation of distributed systems. 1609-1614 - Joris Sijs, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Benjamin Noack:
An empirical method to fuse partially overlapping state vectors for distributed state estimation. 1615-1620 - Vahid Hassani, António M. Pascoal, A. Pedro Aguiar, Michael Athans:
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation for open loop unstable plants. 1621-1626 - Charalambos D. Charalambous, Photios A. Stavrou:
On the relation of nonanticipative rate distortion function and filtering theory. 1627-1632 - Tohru Katayama:
Equivalent linearization Kalman filter with application to cubic sensor problems. 1633-1638 - Renato Markele Ferreira Cândido, Rafael Santos-Mendes, Laurent Hardouin, Carlos Andrey Maia:
Particle filters for max plus systems. 1639-1644 - Hessam Mahdianfar, Alexey Pavlov, Ole Morten Aamo:
Joint unscented Kalman filter for state and parameter estimation in Managed Pressure Drilling. 1645-1650 - Sergey Dashkovskiy
, Michael Kosmykov, Ratthaprom Promkam
What to do when hybrid systems "freeze" due to an interconnection? 1651-1656 - Chaitanya Murti, Matthew M. Peet:
A sum-of-squares approach to the analysis of Zeno stability in polynomial hybrid systems. 1657-1662 - Evren Yurtseven, M. Kanat Camlibel, W. P. Maurice H. Heemels
Controllability of a class of bimodal discrete-time piecewise linear systems. 1663-1668 - Daniel Liberzon, Stephan Trenn
The bang-bang funnel controller: time delays and case study. 1669-1674 - Per Mattsson, Alexander Medvedev:
State estimation in linear time-invariant systems with unknown impulsive inputs. 1675-1680 - Francesco Fichera, Christophe Prieur, Sophie Tarbouriech, Luca Zaccarian:
Static anti-windup scheme for a class of homogeneous dwell-time hybrid controllers. 1681-1686 - S. Hassan HosseinNia, Inés Tejado, Blas M. Vinagre
Basic properties and stability of fractional-order reset control systems. 1687-1692 - Andreea Röthig:
Extension of the Krylov-Bogoliubov method and its application to the decay rate analysis of nonlinear control algorithms. 1693-1698 - Jing Liu
, Mark French:
A generalisation of the nonlinear small-gain theorem for systems with abstract initial conditions. 1699-1704 - Emmanuel Bernuau, Andrey Polyakov, Denis V. Efimov, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
On ISS and iISS properties of homogeneous systems. 1705-1710 - Joaquín Carrasco, William Paul Heath, Alexander Lanzon:
On multipliers for bounded and monotone nonlinearities. 1711-1716 - James D. Biggs:
Quadratic Hamiltonians on non-Euclidean spaces of arbitrary constant curvature. 1717-1721 - Yu Kawano, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka:
Sufficiency of a necessary condition for local observability of discrete-time polynomial systems. 1722-1727 - Arvo Kaldmäe, Ülle Kotta
Input-output linearization by dynamic output feedback. 1728-1733 - Sérgio S. Rodrigues, A. Pedro Aguiar:
A new algorithm for linearization up to multi-output and multi-input injection for a class of systems with implicitly defined outputs. 1734-1739 - Shriram C. Jugade, Debasattam Pal, Rachel K. Kalaimani, Madhu N. Belur:
Stationary trajectories, singular Hamiltonian systems and ill-posed interconnection. 1740-1745 - Ramaprakash Bayadi, Ravi N. Banavar:
Almost global attitude stabilization of a rigid body for both internal and external actuation schemes. 1746-1751 - Themistoklis Charalambous, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis:
Distributed formation of balanced and bistochastic weighted digraphs in multi-agent systems. 1752-1757 - Solmaz S. Kia
, Jorge Cortés, Sonia Martínez:
Singularly perturbed algorithms for dynamic average consensus. 1758-1763 - Naoki Hayashi, Shigemasa Takai
A GTS scheduling for consensus problems over IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks. 1764-1769 - Jiahu Qin, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O. Anderson:
On distributed cluster consensus for multiple double-integrator agents. 1770-1775 - Chiara Ravazzi, Paolo Frasca, Hideaki Ishii, Roberto Tempo:
A distributed randomized algorithm for relative localization in sensor networks. 1776-1781 - Paolo Frasca, Julien M. Hendrickx:
Large network consensus is robust to packet losses and interferences. 1782-1787 - Wannes Van Loock, Goele Pipeleers, Jan Swevers:
Time-optimal quadrotor flight. 1788-1792 - Christos Papachristos, Kostas Alexis, Anthony Tzes:
Hybrid model predictive flight mode conversion control of unmanned Quad-TiltRotors. 1793-1798 - Markus Hehn, Raffaello D'Andrea:
An iterative learning scheme for high performance, periodic quadrocopter trajectories. 1799-1804 - Federico Augugliaro, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Admittance control for physical human-quadrocopter interaction. 1805-1810 - David Cabecinhas, Rita Cunha, Carlos Silvestre
Experimental validation of a nonlinear quadrotor controller with wind disturbance rejection. 1811-1816 - Valter Roldão, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre
, Paulo Oliveira:
A novel leader-following strategy applied to formations of quadrotors. 1817-1822 - Márcio J. Lacerda, Eduardo S. Tognetti, Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira, Pedro L. D. Peres:
H∞ LPV filtering for discrete-time linear systems subject to additive and multiplicative uncertainties in the measurement. 1823-1828 - Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenç Puig:
A shifting pole placement approach for the design of parameter-scheduled state-feedback controllers. 1829-1834 - Pablo Ballesteros
, Xinyu Shu, Wiebke Heins
, Christian Bohn:
Reduced-order two-parameter pLPV controller for the rejection of nonstationary harmonically related multisine disturbances. 1835-1842 - Zoltán Szabó, Zsolt Biró, József Bokor:
Continuity of the maximal negative graph spaces. 1843-1847 - Antonio Mendez Gonzalez, Christian Hoffmann, Christian Radisch, Herbert Werner:
LPV observer design and damping control of container crane load swing. 1848-1853 - Renato Alves Borges
, João Y. Ishihara, Iara G. Rocha, Lara O. Risso, Hugo T. M. Kussaba:
Finite time robust filtering for time-varying uncertain polytopic linear systems. 1854-1859 - Simone Schuler, Daniel Zelazo, Frank Allgöwer
Robust design of sparse relative sensing networks. 1860-1865 - Annika Eichler, Herbert Werner:
Convergence bounds for discrete-time second-order multi-agent-systems. 1866-1871 - Alexey S. Matveev, Igor Novinitsyn, Anton V. Proskurnikov
Stability of continuous-time consensus algorithms for switching networks with bidirectional interaction. 1872-1877 - Mohamed I. El-Hawwary:
Distributed stabilization of 3D circular formations. 1878-1883 - Heitor Judiss Savino, A. P. L. Cota, Fernando O. Souza, Luciano C. A. Pimenta, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes, Leonardo A. Mozelli:
Consensus of multi-agent systems with nonuniform non-differentiable time-varying delays. 1884-1889 - Ehsan Peymani, Håvard Fjær Grip, Ali Saberi, Xu Wang, Thor I. Fossen:
ℌ∞ almost regulated synchronization and ℌ∞ almost formation for heterogeneous networks under external disturbances. 1890-1895 - Roberto Diversi, Umberto Soverini:
Identification of errors-in-variables models as a quadratic eigenvalue problem. 1896-1901 - Rosane Ushirobira, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Mamadou Mboup, Michel Fliess:
Algebraic parameter estimation of a multi-sinusoidal waveform signal from noisy data. 1902-1907 - Roberto Diversi, Andrea Tilli, Andrea Bartolini, Luca Benini:
Errors-in-variables identification of thermal models for many-core computing systems. 1908-1915 - Daniel Vizer, Guillaume Mercère
, Olivier Prot, José A. Ramos:
A local approach framework for black-box and gray-box LPV system identification. 1916-1921 - Saïda Bedoui
, Majda Ltaief, Kamel Abderrahim
A new generalized vector observation for discrete-time delay systems identification. 1922-1927 - Mohsen Zamani, Elisabeth Felsenstein, Brian D. O. Anderson, Manfred Deistler:
Mixed frequency structured AR model identification. 1928-1933 - Kwang-Ki K. Kim, Richard D. Braatz:
Semidefinite programming relaxation of optimum active input design for fault detection and diagnosis: Model-based finite horizon prediction. 1934-1939 - Kwang-Ki K. Kim, Davide Martino Raimondo, Richard D. Braatz:
Optimum input design for fault detection and diagnosis: Model-based prediction and statistical distance measures. 1940-1945 - Anders Willersrud, Lars Imsland:
Fault diagnosis in managed pressure drilling using nonlinear adaptive observers. 1946-1951 - Vasso Reppa
, Marios M. Polycarpou, Christos G. Panayiotou:
Multiple sensor fault detection and isolation for large-scale interconnected nonlinear systems. 1952-1957 - Kris Villez, Raghunathan Rengaswamy:
A generative approach to qualitative trend analysis for batch process fault diagnosis. 1958-1963 - Jialin Liu, David Shan-Hill Wong, Ding-Sou Chen:
Isolating faulty variables for fault propagation using Bayesian decision theory. 1964-1969 - Darine Zambrano, Soma Tayamon:
A multiple model-based controller for NOx reduction in a selective catalytic reduction system. 1970-1975 - Sandro Nuesch, Erik Hellström, Li Jiang, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
Influence of transitions between SI and HCCI combustion on driving cycle fuel consumption. 1976-1981 - J. Blumenschein, Patrick Schrangl, Thomas E. Passenbrunner, Hannes Trogmann, Luigi del Re:
Easily adaptable model of test benches for internal combustion engines. 1982-1987 - Saif Siddique Butt, Robert Prabel, Harald Aschemann:
Model-predictive on-off control of a combustion-heating-system for vehicles. 1988-1993 - Maria Adelina Rivas Caicedo, Olivier Sename, Emmanuel Witrant, Christian Caillol, Pascal Higelin:
Common rail injection system controller design using input-to-state linearization and optimal control strategy with integral action. 1994-1999 - Yana Vereshchaga, Stephan Stadlbauer, Laurent Bako, Luigi del Re:
Piecewise affine modeling of NOx emission produced by a diesel engine. 2000-2005 - Morten Juelsgaard, Palle Andersen, Rafael Wisniewski:
Stability concerns for indirect consumer control in smart grids. 2006-2013 - Alessandra Parisio, Luigi Glielmo
Stochastic Model Predictive Control for economic/environmental operation management of microgrids. 2014-2019 - Fernanda Avila, Doris Sáez, Guillermo Jimenez-Estevez
, Lorenzo Reyes
, Alfredo Núñez:
Fuzzy demand forecasting in a predictive control strategy for a renewable-energy based microgrid. 2020-2025 - Nicola Ceriani, Riccardo Vignali
, Luigi Piroddi, Maria Prandini
An approximate dynamic programming approach to the energy management of a building cooling system. 2026-2031 - Guido Cavraro, Leonardo Badia
A game theory framework for active power injection management with voltage boundary in smart grids. 2032-2037 - Le Yi Wang, Michael P. Polis, Caisheng Wang, Feng Lin:
Voltage stability and robustness for microgrid systems. 2038-2043 - Matthias Albrecht Müller, David Angeli, Frank Allgöwer
Economic model predictive control with self-tuning terminal weight. 2044-2049 - Han Yu, Feng Zhu, Meng Xia, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Robust stabilizing output feedback nonlinear model predictive control by using passivity and dissipativity. 2050-2055 - Daniel Simon, Johan Löfberg, S. Torkel Glad:
Nonlinear model predictive control using Feedback Linearization and local inner convex constraint approximations. 2056-2061 - Michael Baldea
, Cara R. Touretzky:
Concurrent nonlinear predictive control and economic management of energy-integrated systems. 2062-2067 - Florian A. Bayer, Mathias Bürger, Frank Allgöwer
Discrete-time Incremental ISS: A framework for Robust NMPC. 2068-2073 - Isak Nielsen, Olof Garpinger, Lars Cederqvist:
Simulation based evaluation of a nonlinear model predictive controller for friction stir welding of nuclear waste canisters. 2074-2079 - Ugo V. Boscain, Thomas Chambrion, Mario Sigalotti:
On some open questions in bilinear quantum control. 2080-2085 - Andreas Mohr, Joachim Deutscher
Parametric state feedback design for linear infinite-dimensional systems. 2086-2091 - Lucie Baudouin, Simon A. Neild, David J. Wagg
H∞-control with state feedback of an inclined cable. 2092-2097 - Alessandro Macchelli:
Passivity-based control of implicit port-Hamiltonian systems. 2098-2103 - Orest V. Iftime, Tudor C. Ionescu
On an approximation with prescribed zeros of SISO abstract boundary control systems. 2104-2109 - Ugo V. Boscain, Paolo Mason, Gianluca Panati, Mario Sigalotti:
On the control of spin-boson systems. 2110-2115 - Denis V. Efimov, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Jean-Pierre Richard:
On reduced-order interval observers for time-delay systems. 2116-2121 - Alexander N. Churilov, Alexander Medvedev, Zhanybai T. Zhusubaliyev:
State observer for a low-order plant under intrinsic pulse-modulated feedback: A case study. 2122-2127 - Junquan Li, Mark A. Post, Regina Lee:
A novel adaptive unscented Kalman filter attitude estimation and control systems for 3U nanosatellite. 2128-2133 - Johannes Philippus Maree, Lars Imsland, Jérôme Jouffroy:
A convergence result for the unscented Kalman-Bucy filter using contraction theory. 2134-2139 - M. L. Fall, Mondher Farza, Mohammed M'Saad, Eric Pigeon, Olivier Gehan:
Cascade observer for a class of nonlinear systems with output delays. 2140-2145 - Mondher Farza, Mohammed M'Saad, M. L. Fall, Eric Pigeon, Olivier Gehan, Ridha Mosrati:
Continuous-discrete time observers for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems. 2146-2151 - Yashar Kouhi, Naim Bajçinca, Jörg Raisch, Robert Shorten:
A new stability result for switched linear systems. 2152-2156 - Elena Zattoni, Giovanni Marro:
Measurable disturbance rejection with quadratic stability in continuous-time linear switching systems. 2157-2162 - Luigi Iannelli, Carmen Pedicini, Stephan Trenn
, Francesco Vasca:
On averaging for switched linear differential algebraic equations. 2163-2168 - Ettore Fornasini, Maria Elena Valcher:
On the stability and stabilizability of a class of continuous-time positive switched systems with rank one difference. 2169-2174 - Alessandro N. Vargas, João Y. Ishihara, João Bosco Ribeiro do Val:
On the numerical solution of the control problem of switched linear systems. 2175-2179 - Chanhwa Lee
, Zhaowu Ping, Hyungbo Shim:
On-line switching signal estimation of switched linear systems with measurement noise. 2180-2185 - Salvatore Monaco, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot:
Stabilization of nonlinear discrete-time dynamics in strict-feedforward form. 2186-2191 - Matthew C. Turner, Jorge I. Sofrony:
High-order Zames-Falb multiplier analysis using linear matrix inequalities. 2192-2197 - Majid Zamani, Nathan van de Wouw:
Controller synthesis for incremental stability: Application to symbolic controller synthesis. 2198-2203 - Emmanuel Bernuau, Denis V. Efimov, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Andrey Polyakov:
On an extension of homogeneity notion for differential inclusions. 2204-2209 - Adam Czornik, Aleksander Nawrat, Michal Niezabitowski
On the stability of Lyapunov exponents of discrete linear systems. 2210-2213 - Xiaozhong Liao, Zhe Gao, Hong Huang:
Synchronization control of fractional-order discrete-time chaotic systems. 2214-2219 - Srinivas Sridharan, William M. McEneaney:
Deterministic filtering for optimal attitude estimation on SO(3) using max-plus methods. 2220-2225 - Zheng Qu
Contraction of Riccati flows applied to the convergence analysis of the max-plus curse of dimensionality free method. 2226-2231 - Huan Zhang, Peter M. Dower:
Max-plus based computation of nonlinear ℒ2-gain performance bounds using a piecewise affine-quadratic basis. 2232-2237 - Huan Zhang, Peter M. Dower:
A max-plus based fundamental solution to a class of linear regulator problems with non-quadratic terminal payoff. 2238-2243 - Xavier Allamigeon, Stephane Gaubert, Victor Magron, Benjamin Werner:
Certification of inequalities involving transcendental functions: Combining SDP and max-plus approximation. 2244-2250 - Antonio Avantaggiati, Paola Loreti:
On fourier transform, parseval equality, and the inversion formula in idempotent analysis. 2251-2256 - Minh Hong Ha, Robert R. Bitmead:
Performance cost of adaptation in mobile wireless power control. 2257-2262 - Gabriele Oliva, Stefano Panzieri, Federica Pascucci, Roberto Setola:
Network localization by Shadow Edges. 2263-2268 - Shaoshuai Mou, A. Stephen Morse:
A fixed-neighbor, distributed algorithm for solving a linear algebraic equation. 2269-2273 - Alain Sarlette:
Performance limitations for distributed systems via spatial-frequency Bode integrals. 2274-2279 - Masayasu Suzuki
, Nobuki Takatsuki, Jun-ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Node knock-out based structure identification in networks of identical multi-dimensional subsystems. 2280-2285 - Qingling Wang
, Changbin Yu, Huijun Gao, Fangzhou Liu:
A distributed control law with guaranteed convergence rate for identically coupled linear systems. 2286-2291 - Masakazu Suzuki:
Generalization of Bernstein's problem toward autonomous action development of artificial muscle based robots. 2292-2298 - Dennis J. F. Heck, Dragan Kostic, Alper Denasi, Henk Nijmeijer:
Internal and external force-based impedance control for cooperative manipulation. 2299-2304 - Adrien Durand Petiteville, Sylvain Durola, Viviane Cadenat, Michel Courdesses:
Management of visual signal loss during image based visual servoing. 2305-2310 - George P. Moustris, Andreas I. Mantelos, Costas S. Tzafestas:
Active motion compensation in robotic cardiac surgery. 2311-2316 - Flavio Fontana, Philipp Reist, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Control of a swinging juggling robot. 2317-2322 - Rahmat Heidari
, María M. Seron, Julio H. Braslavsky, Hernan Haimovich:
Eigenvalue assignment for componentwise ultimate bound minimisation in LTI discrete-time systems. 2323-2330 - Sergio Grammatico, Franco Blanchini, Andrea Caiti:
A universal class of non-homogeneous control Lyapunov functions for linear differential inclusions. 2331-2336 - Sei Zhen Khong, Michael Cantoni:
Time-varying generalisations of the gap and ν-gap metrics induce the same topology in continuous time. 2337-2342 - Bernd Riemann, Martin A. Sehr, Rudolf Sebastian Schittenhelm, Stephan Rinderknecht:
Robust control of flexible high-speed rotors via mixed uncertainties. 2343-2350 - Rama K. Yedavalli, Nagini Devarakonda:
Sufficiency of vertex matrix check for robust stability of interval matrices via the concept of Qualitative Robustness. 2351-2356 - Máté Mánfay, Gary J. Balas, Jozsef Bokor, László Gerencsér:
Probabilistic μ for rank-one and perturbed rank-one matrices. 2357-2361 - James S. Freudenberg
, Richard H. Middleton:
Transient response of minimum variance control over a Gaussian communication channel. 2362-2367 - Kunihisa Okano, Hideaki Ishii:
Stabilization of uncertain systems with finite data rates and Markovian packet losses. 2368-2373 - Alessandro Chiuso, Nicola Laurenti, Luca Schenato, Andrea Zanella:
LQG cheap control subject to packet loss and SNR limitations. 2374-2379 - Yilin Mo, Emanuele Garone
, Bruno Sinopoli:
LQG control with Markovian packet loss. 2380-2385 - Ali A. Zaidi, Tobias J. Oechtering, Mikael Skoglund:
On stabilization over a Gaussian interference channel. 2386-2391 - Wei Chen, Li Qiu
Continuous-time indefinite linear quadratic optimal control with random input gains. 2392-2397 - Boris I. Godoy, Rodrigo Carvajal, Juan C. Agüero:
An EM-based estimation algorithm for a class of systems promoting sparsity. 2398-2403 - Hüseyin Akçay, Semiha Türkay
A spectral estimation case study in frequency-domain by subspace methods. 2404-2409 - Cristian R. Rojas, Bo Wahlberg, Håkan Hjalmarsson
A sparse estimation technique for general model structures. 2410-2414 - Máté Mánfay, László Gerencsér:
Identification of finite dimensional linear stochastic systems driven by Lévy processes. 2415-2420 - Giulio Bottegal, Giorgio Picci:
Modeling random flocks through Generalized Factor Analysis. 2421-2426 - Pavel A. Akimov, Alexander I. Matasov:
Recursive estimation algorithm for l1-norm approximation in dynamic systems with nonoptimality levels. 2427-2432 - Cesar Martinez Torres, Loïc Lavigne, Franck Cazaurang, Efraín Alcorta-García, David Alejandro Diaz Romero:
Fault detection and isolation on a three tank system using differential flatness. 2433-2438 - Zhongliang Li, Rachid Outbib, Daniel Hissel, Stefan Giurgea:
Online diagnosis of PEMFC by analyzing individual cell voltages. 2439-2444 - Riccardo M. G. Ferrari, Thomas Parisini, Marios M. Polycarpou:
An algebraic approach for robust fault detection of input-output elastodynamic distributed parameter systems. 2445-2452 - Vinicius M. Marques, Celso José Munaro, Sirish L. Shah:
Data-based causality detection from a system identification perspective. 2453-2458 - Xu Wang, Cristian Mahulea, Manuel Silva:
Fault Diagnosis Graph of time Petri nets. 2459-2464 - Dhikra Saoudi, Mohammed Chadli, Naceur Benhadj Braiek:
State estimation of unknown input fuzzy bilinear systems: Application to fault diagnosis. 2465-2470 - Franck Gechter, David Bouquain, Fei Gao, Abderrafiaa Koukam, Abdellatif Miraoui:
A multiagent model for PEM-Fuel Cell microscopic simulation. 2471-2476 - Jianxing Liu, Salah Laghrouche, Maxime Wack:
Differential flatness-based observer design for a PEM fuel cell using adaptive-gain sliding mode differentiators. 2477-2482 - Jixin Chen, Jason B. Siegel
, Toyoaki Matsuura, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
, Serhat Yesilyurt:
Experimental validation of equilibria in fuel cells with dead-ended anodes. 2483-2488 - Thomas Dötschel, Andreas Rauh, Luise Senkel, Harald Aschemann:
Experimental validation of interval-based sliding mode control for solid oxide fuel cell systems. 2489-2494 - Alessandro Pisano, Domenico Salimbeni, Elio Usai, Seyed Mehdi Rakhtala, Abolzal Ranjbar Noei:
Observer-based output feedback control of a PEM fuel cell system by high-order sliding mode technique. 2495-2500 - Cristian Kunusch, Fernando Castaños:
On the implementation of an adaptive extremum seeking algorithm for hydrogen minimization in PEM fuel cell based systems. 2501-2506 - Anthony Papavasiliou, Shmuel S. Oren:
A comparative study of stochastic unit commitment and security-constrained unit commitment using high performance computing. 2507-2512 - Kostas Margellos, Vahab Rostampour, Maria Vrakopoulou, Maria Prandini
, Göran Andersson, John Lygeros:
Stochastic unit commitment and reserve scheduling: A tractable formulation with probabilistic certificates. 2513-2518 - Johanna L. Mathieu
, Maryam Kamgarpour, John Lygeros, Duncan S. Callaway:
Energy arbitrage with thermostatically controlled loads. 2519-2526 - Evangelos Vrettos, KuanLin Lai, Frauke Oldewurtel, Göran Andersson:
Predictive Control of buildings for Demand Response with dynamic day-ahead and real-time prices. 2527-2534 - Soumya Kundu, Ian A. Hiskens:
State-space modelling of hysteresis-based control schemes. 2535-2540 - Benjamin Biegel, Palle Andersen, Tom Søndergaard Pedersen, Kirsten Mølgaard Nielsen, Jakob Stoustrup, Lars Henrik Hansen:
Smart grid dispatch strategy for ON/OFF demand-side devices. 2541-2548 - Massimo Canale, Simone Casale Brunet:
A Lego Mindstorms NXT experiment for Model Predictive Control education. 2549-2554 - Chrysovalantou Ziogou, Michael C. Georgiadis, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Spyros Voutetakis, Simira Papadopoulou:
Performance improvement of an NMPC problem by search space reduction and experimental validation to a PEM fuel cell system. 2555-2560 - Mathias Foo
, Su Ki Ooi, Erik Weyer:
Centralised and decentralised control of the Broken River. 2561-2566 - Rasmus Halvgaard, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen, John Bagterp Jørgensen:
Thermal storage power balancing with model predictive control. 2567-2572 - William Ipanaqué, Jose Oliden, Jose Manrique, Andres Hernandez, Abhishek Dutta
, Robin De Keyser:
Nonlinear predictive control of an evaporator for bioethanol production. 2573-2578 - Aleksander Veksler, Tor Arne Johansen, Eirik Mathiesen, Roger Skjetne
Governor principle for increased safety and economy on vessels with diesel-electric propulsion. 2579-2584 - Hassan Omran, Laurentiu Hetel
, Jean-Pierre Richard, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
On the stability of input-affine nonlinear systems with sampled-data control. 2585-2590 - Valentin Tanasa, Salvatore Monaco, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot:
Digital stabilization of finite sampled nonlinear dynamics with delays: The unicycle example. 2591-2596 - Wynita M. Griggs
, Rodrigo H. Ordóñez-Hurtado, Surya Shravan Kumar Sajja, Alexander Lanzon, Robert N. Shorten:
Characterisations of the "mixed" small gain and passivity property for linear systems in discrete time. 2597-2602 - Christophe Fiter, Laurentiu Hetel, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Jean-Pierre Richard:
A robust polytopic approach for state-dependent sampling. 2603-2608 - Marcella M. Gomez
, Gábor Orosz, Richard M. Murray:
Stability of discrete-time systems with stochastically delayed feedback. 2609-2614 - Abdelbaki Djouambi, Abdelfateh Charef, Alina Voda:
Numerical simulation and identification of fractional systems using Digital Adjustable Fractional order integrator. 2615-2620 - René Schneider, Holger Scheu, Wolfgang Marquardt:
An iterative partition-based moving horizon estimator for large-scale linear systems. 2621-2626 - Miguel Parada, Daniel Sbarbaro, Renato Alves Borges
, Pedro L. D. Peres:
Observer-based stabilization of uncertain linear systems with recycle: An LMI approach. 2627-2632 - Stefano Riverso
, Daria Rubini, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate:
Distributed bounded-error state estimation for partitioned systems based on practical robust positive invariance. 2633-2638 - Kumar Pakki Bharani Chandra, Da-Wei Gu, Ian Postlethwaite:
Cubature H∞ information filter. 2639-2644 - Boli Chen
, Gilberto Pin, Thomas Parisini:
Adaptive observer-based sinusoid identification: Structured and bounded unstructured measurement disturbances. 2645-2650 - Denis V. Efimov, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Tarek Raïssi, Ali Zolghadri
On interval observer design for time-invariant discrete-time systems. 2651-2656 - Andreas B. Hempel, Paul J. Goulart
, John Lygeros:
Every continuous piecewise affine function can be obtained by solving a parametric linear program. 2657-2662 - Yashar Kouhi, Naim Bajçinca, Ricardo G. Sanfelice
Suboptimality bounds for linear quadratic problems in hybrid linear systems. 2663-2668 - Milana Trifkovic, W. A. Marvin
, M. Sheikhzadehy, Prodromos Daoutidis:
Dynamic real-time optimization and control of a hybrid energy system. 2669-2674 - Jan Siroky, Jirí Cigler, Lukás Ferkl:
Hybrid MPC approach to reconfiguration of building heating system. 2675-2680 - Naresh N. Nandola
, Karan Puttannaiah:
Modeling and predictive control of nonlinear hybrid systems using disaggregation of variables - A convex formulation. 2681-2686 - Katsumi Konishi:
Low-rank and sparse optimization for GPCA with applications to SARX system identification. 2687-2692 - Stephane Gaubert, Zheng Qu
Markov operators on cones and non-commutative consensus. 2693-2700 - Francesca Albertini, Domenico D'Alessandro:
Algebraic conditions for indirect controllability in quantum coherent feedback schemes. 2701-2706 - Ian R. Petersen:
Quantum Popov robust stability analysis of an optical cavity containing a saturated Kerr medium. 2707-2711 - Hector Bessa Silveira, Paulo Sérgio Pereira da Silva
, Pierre Rouchon:
A stochastic Lyapunov feedback technique for propagator generation of quantum systems on U(n). 2712-2716 - Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen:
Coherent quantum filtering for physically realizable linear quantum plants. 2717-2723 - Shanon L. Vuglar, Ian R. Petersen:
Quantum implemention of an LTI System with the minimal number of additional quantum noise inputs. 2724-2727 - Tao Yang, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, Karl Henrik Johansson
Further results on saturated globally stabilizing linear state feedback control laws for single-input neutrally stable planar systems. 2728-2733 - Uros Kalabic, Yash Chitalia
, Julia H. Buckland, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
Prioritization schemes for reference and command governors. 2734-2739 - Luca Deori, Simone Garatti, Maria Prandini
Stochastic constrained control: Trading performance for state constraint feasibility. 2740-2745 - Georg Schildbach, Paul Goulart
, Manfred Morari:
The Linear Quadratic Regulator with chance constraints. 2746-2751 - Sandira Gayadeen, Stephen Duncan:
Anti-windup compensation for electron beam stabilisation control systems on synchrotrons with rate constrained actuators. 2752-2757 - Moritz Schulze Darup
, Martin Mönnigmann:
Null-controllable set computation for a class of constrained bilinear systems. 2758-2763 - Christian Conte, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Manfred Morari, Colin N. Jones:
Robust distributed model predictive control of linear systems. 2764-2769 - Helton Fernando Scherer, Manuel Pasamontes, José Domingo Álvarez, José Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Camponogara
, Julio E. Normey-Rico
Distributed model predictive control for energy distribution. 2770-2776 - Nikolaos Kariotoglou, Sean Summers, Davide Martino Raimondo:
Hierarchical task allocation for multi-agent systems encoded by stochastic reachability specifications. 2777-2782 - Vedrana Spudic, Mato Baotic:
Fast coordinated model predictive control of large-scale distributed systems with single coupling constraint. 2783-2788 - Andrei Patrascu, Ion Necoara:
A random coordinate descent algorithm for large-scale sparse nonconvex optimization. 2789-2794 - Mathias Bürger, Giuseppe Notarstefano, Frank Allgöwer
From non-cooperative to cooperative distributed MPC: A simplicial approximation perspective. 2795-2800 - Fabio Morbidi:
On the control of the algebraic connectivity and clustering of a mobile robotic network. 2801-2806 - Jiahu Qin, Changbin Yu:
Consensus control of linear multi-agent systems under directed dynamic topology. 2807-2812 - Lara Briñón-Arranz, Alexandre Seuret
Cooperative translation control based on consensus with reference velocity: A source-seeking application. 2813-2818 - Yoonsoo Kim:
Collision-free vehicle formation control under arbitrarily switching network topology. 2819-2823 - Hossein Rastgoftar, Suhada Jayasuriya:
Distributed control of swarm motions as continua using homogeneous maps and agent triangulation. 2824-2830 - Lara Briñón-Arranz, Luca Schenato:
Consensus-based source-seeking with a circular formation of agents. 2831-2836 - Serge Hirwa, Philippe Feyel, Gilles Duc, Guillaume Sandou:
On practical fixed order H∞ loop-shaping. 2837-2842 - Valery Y. Glizer:
Solution of a singular H∞ control problem for linear systems with state delays. 2843-2848 - Alberto Luviano-Juárez
, Isaac Chairez:
Active Disturbance Rejection Control based on a simultaneous adaptive observer and a time varying parameter identifier. 2849-2854 - Shuichi Mochizuki, Hiroyuki Ichihara:
I-PD controller design based on generalized KYP lemma for ball and plate system. 2855-2860 - Nam Hoon Jo, Hyungbo Shim:
Robust stabilization via disturbance observer with noise reduction. 2861-2866 - Yuping Li:
On quantifying tolerable closed-loop uncertainty in frequency domain. 2867-2872 - Ioan Doré Landau, Abraham Castellanos Silva, Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie, Gabriel Buche, Mathieu Noe:
An active vibration control system as a benchmark on adaptive regulation. 2873-2878 - Stanislav Aranovskiy:
Adaptive attenuation of disturbance formed as a sum of sinusoidal signals applied to a benchmark problem. 2879-2884 - Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie, Abraham Castellanos Silva, Ioan Doré Landau:
Direct and indirect adaptive regulation strategies for rejection of time varying narrow band disturbances applied to a benchmark problem. 2885-2890 - Huazhen Fang, Raymond A. de Callafon:
Adaptive regulation of time varying disturbances via weighted Robust Estimation and Automatic Controller Tuning. 2891-2896 - Xu Chen, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Selective model inversion and adaptive disturbance observer for rejection of time-varying vibrations on an active suspension. 2897-2903 - Mouhacine Benosman, Gökhan M. Atinç:
Nonlinear learning-based adaptive control for electromagnetic actuators. 2904-2909 - Simone Morici, Emanuele Spiriti, Luigi Piroddi:
An indirect model selection algorithm for nonlinear active noise control. 2910-2915 - Xiaokai Nie, Daniel Coca:
A new approach to solving the inverse Frobenius-Perron problem. 2916-2920 - Stefan Streif, Matthias Karl, Rolf Findeisen:
Outlier analysis in set-based estimation for nonlinear systems using convex relaxations. 2921-2926 - Napasool Wongvanich, Christopher E. Hann, Harsha R. Sirisena:
Non linear electromechanical cart characterization using minimal modeling approach. 2927-2932 - Torbjörn Wigren, Johan Schoukens:
Three free data sets for development and benchmarking in nonlinear system identification. 2933-2938 - Dries Telen, Boris Houska, Filip Logist, Moritz Diehl, Jan F. M. Van Impe:
Guaranteed robust optimal experiment design for nonlinear dynamic systems. 2939-2944 - Arturo F. Locatelli, Nicola L. M. Schiavoni:
Fault-tolerant pole-placement in single-integrator networks. 2945-2950 - Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenç Puig:
Passive and active FTC comparison for polytopic LPV systems. 2951-2956 - Jorge Aurelio Brizuela-Mendoza, Carlos-M. Astorga-Zaragoza, Arturo Zavala-Río, Francisco Canales-Abarca, Juan Reyes-Reyes:
Fault Tolerant Control for Polynomial Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) Systems applied to the stabilization of a riderless bicycle. 2957-2962 - Ali Mesbah, Richard D. Braatz:
Design of multi-objective control systems with optimal failure tolerance. 2963-2968 - Federica Grossi, Marco Fei, Roberto Zanasi:
Dynamic modeling and control of power-split HEV with multi-phase electric machines under fault condition. 2969-2975 - Davood Dehestani, Steven W. Su, Hung T. Nguyen, Ying Guo:
Robust fault tolerant application for HVAC system based on combination of online SVM and ANN black box model. 2976-2981 - Pedro Tiago Martins Batista, Carlos Silvestre
, Paulo Oliveira:
GAS tightly coupled LBL/USBL position and velocity filter for underwater vehicles. 2982-2987 - Pedro Tiago Martins Batista, Carlos Silvestre
, Paulo Oliveira:
GES tightly coupled attitude estimation based on a LBL/USBL positioning system. 2988-2993 - Francesca Parise, Giorgio Picci:
System identification for tide prediction in the Venetian lagoon. 2994-2999 - Masayoshi Doi, Kazuhisa Nagamoto, Tetsuya Takehira:
A study of ship's mooring method with Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) by applying generalized minimum variance control. 3000-3005 - Bruno Joao Nogueira Guerreiro, Carlos Silvestre
, Rita Cunha, António M. Pascoal:
Trajectory tracking nonlinear model predictive control for autonomous surface craft. 3006-3011 - Daniele Berretta, Nazario Urbano, Simone Formentin, Ivo Boniolo, Pierpaolo De Filippi, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Modeling, identification and control of a Boat Parking Assistance system. 3012-3017 - Georgios C. Chasparis, Anders Rantzer, Kurt Jørnsten:
A decomposition approach to multi-region optimal power flow in electricity networks. 3018-3024 - Ashutosh Nayyar, Kameshwar Poolla, Pravin Varaiya:
A statistically robust payment sharing mechanism for an aggregate of renewable energy producers. 3025-3031 - Joshua A. Taylor, Ashutosh Nayyar, Duncan S. Callaway, Kameshwar Poolla:
Dynamic pricing in consolidated ancillary service markets. 3032-3037 - Masaki Yo, Masahiro Ono, Brian C. Williams, Shuichi Adachi:
Risk-limiting, market-based power dispatch and pricing. 3038-3045 - D. Georgiev, E. Janecek:
Risk limiting dispatch with optimal curtailing in active distribution networks. 3046-3052 - Fernando Jaramillo-Lopez, Gilney Damm
, Godpromesse Kenné, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
Adaptive control scheme for maximum power point tracking of a photovoltaic system connected to the grid. 3053-3058 - Tony Huschto, Sebastian Sager:
Stochastic optimal control in the perspective of the Wiener chaos. 3059-3064 - Matteo Rubagotti, Panagiotis Patrinos
, Alberto Bemporad:
Stabilizing embedded MPC with computational complexity guarantees. 3065-3070 - Alexander Domahidi, Eric Chu, Stephen P. Boyd:
ECOS: An SOCP solver for embedded systems. 3071-3076 - Rien Quirynen, Sebastien Gros, Moritz Diehl:
Fast auto generated ACADO integrators and application to MHE with multi-rate measurements. 3077-3082 - Martin Herceg, Sébastien Mariéthoz, Manfred Morari:
Evaluation of piecewise affine control law via graph traversal. 3083-3088 - Giorgos Stathopoulos, Tamás Keviczky, Yang Wang:
A hierarchical time-splitting approach for solving finite-time optimal control problems. 3089-3094 - Asier Ibeas, Manuel de la Sen
, Santiago Alonso-Quesada, Raul Nistal:
Partial stability of controlled SEIR epidemic models. 3095-3100 - Christian Klauer, Jörg Raisch, Thomas Schauer:
Nonlinear joint-angle feedback control of electrically stimulated and λ-controlled antagonistic muscle pairs. 3101-3107 - Gregor Ochsner, Raffael Amacher, Marianne Schmid Daners
Emulation of ventricular suction in a hybrid mock circulation. 3108-3112 - Reza Banaei Khosroushahi, Horacio J. Marquez:
Reducing domain structural complexity in PDE backstepping boundary observer design using conformal mapping. 3113-3118 - Katrin Lunze, Markus Zimmermann, Marian Walter
, Steffen Leonhardt
Close-to-reality evaluation of a PID control algorithm for blood glucose regulation in diabetic Goettingen minipigs. 3119-3124 - Elena A. Gubar, Quanyan Zhu:
Optimal control of influenza epidemic model with virus mutations. 3125-3130 - Davide Martino Raimondo, Richard D. Braatz, Joseph K. Scott
Active fault diagnosis using moving horizon input design. 3131-3136 - Balázs Németh
, Peter Gaspar:
Analysis of vehicle actuators based on reachable sets. 3137-3142 - Seyed Mojtaba Tabatabaeipour, Jakob Stoustrup:
Set-membership state estimation for discrete time piecewise affine systems using zonotopes. 3143-3148 - Wassim M. Haddad, Sergey G. Nersesov, Masood Ghasemi:
Consensus control protocols for nonlinear dynamical systems via hybrid stabilization of sets. 3149-3154 - Florin Stoican, Ionela Prodan, Sorin Olaru:
Hyperplane arrangements in mixed-integer programming techniques. Collision avoidance application with zonotopic sets. 3155-3160 - Pornchai Bumroongsri
, Soorathep Kheawhom:
An interpolation-based robust MPC algorithm using polyhedral invariant sets. 3161-3166 - Gilles Millerioux, Gérard Bloch:
Scalable decay factor and ISS gain for disturbed linear polytopic discrete-time systems. 3167-3172 - Mohamed Rasheed Abdalmoaty
, Didier Henrion
, Luis Rodrigues:
Measures and LMIs for optimal control of piecewise-affine systems. 3173-3178 - Kathrin Flaßkamp, Todd D. Murphey
, Sina Ober-Blöbaum:
Discretized switching time optimization problems. 3179-3184 - Masaki Ogura, Clyde F. Martin:
Stability of switching systems and generalized joint spectral radius. 3185-3190 - Vladimir Yu. Protasov, Raphaël M. Jungers:
Convex optimization methods for computing the Lyapunov exponent of matrices. 3191-3196 - Roland Hildebrand, Lev V. Lokutsievskiy
, Mikhail I. Zelikin
Generic fractal structure of the optimal synthesis in problems with affine multi-dimensional control. 3197-3202 - Samia Larguech
, Sinda Aloui, Abdessattar Chaari, Ahmed El Hajjaji, Yassine Koubaa:
Improved sliding mode control of a class of nonlinear systems: Application to quadruple tanks system. 3203-3208 - Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Michal Maciejewski:
Dead-beat sliding mode control of perishable inventories with transportation losses and multiple suppliers. 3209-3215 - Hao Sun, Harald Aschemann:
Sliding-mode control of a hydrostatic drive train with uncertain actuator dynamics. 3216-3221 - O. Al Ameri, Igor Boiko:
Analysis of performance of a liquid level process controlled by the Super-Twisting Algorithm. 3222-3227 - Antonio Estrada, Franck Plestan, Benyamine Allouche:
An adaptive version of a second order sliding mode output feedback controller. 3228-3233 - Alessandro Pisano, Simon Baev, Domenico Salimbeni, Yuri B. Shtessel, Elio Usai:
A new approach to causal output tracking for non-minimum phase nonlinear systems via combined first/second order sliding mode control. 3234-3239 - Sylvain Durand, Suzanne Lesecq:
Nonlinear and asymmetric thermal-aware DVFS control. 3240-3245 - Gillian Clare, Arthur G. Richards:
Disturbance feedback for handling uncertainty in Air Traffic Flow Management. 3246-3251 - Catalin-Stefan Teodorescu, Sette Diop, Ioannis Politopoulos, Messaoud Benidir:
A semi-active controller tuning and application to base seismically-isolated structures. 3252-3257 - Juan Escareño, Micky Rakotondrabe, Gerardo Ramon Flores, Rogelio Lozano:
Rotorcraft MAV having an onboard manipulator: Longitudinal modeling and robust control. 3258-3263 - Masaki Inoue, Jun-ichi Imura, Kenji Kashima, Takayuki Arai, Kazuyuki Aihara:
An instability condition for uncertain systems toward robust bifurcation analysis. 3264-3269 - Jiaqi Liu, Xiao Zhi Gao, Kai Zenger:
Nonsmooth optimization based multiple robust controller design under coupling partitioned uncertainty. 3270-3275 - Antonio Álvarez
, Miguel A. Ridao, Daniel R. Ramírez
, Laura Sánchez:
Distributed Model Predictive Control techniques applied to an irrigation canal. 3276-3281 - Anurag Rai, Sean Warnick:
A technique for designing stabilizing distributed controllers with arbitrary signal structure constraints. 3282-3287 - Dominic Gross
, Martin Jilg, Olaf Stursberg
Design of distributed controllers and communication topologies considering link failures. 3288-3292 - Gunn K. H. Larsen, Jarno Pons, Sietse Achterop, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen:
Distributed MPC applied to power demand side control. 3295-3300 - Yury V. Morozov:
Formation control via quasi-time optimal protocol. 3301-3305 - Iman Shames, Michael Cantoni:
On computing quadratic controls for acyclic networks of heterogeneous systems. 3306-3311 - N. Kemal Ure
, Girish Chowdhary, Jonathan P. How, Matthew A. Vavrina, John Vian:
Health Aware Planning under uncertainty for UAV missions with heterogeneous teams. 3312-3319 - Tiago Oliveira
, Pedro Encarnação, A. Pedro Aguiar:
Moving path following for autonomous robotic vehicles. 3320-3325 - Bertrand Grandvallet, Mohamed Boutayeb, Ali Zemouche:
A multiplicative filter for GLMAV attitude estimation. 3326-3331 - P. B. Sujit, Srikanth Saripalli, João Borges de Sousa:
An evaluation of UAV path following algorithms. 3332-3337 - Sourabh Bhattacharya:
On the construction of barrier in a connectivity maintenance game. 3338-3345 - Paul De Monte, Boris Lohmann:
Position trajectory tracking of a quadrotor helicopter based on L1 adaptive control. 3346-3353 - Steffi Knorn, Richard H. Middleton:
String stability analysis of a vehicle platoon with communication range 2 using the two-dimensional induced operator norm. 3354-3359 - Alexandre Seuret
, Frédéric Gouaisbaut:
Integral inequality for time-varying delay systems. 3360-3365 - Yoshio Ebihara, Dimitri Peaucelle
, Denis Arzelier:
Stability and persistence analysis of large scale interconnected positive systems. 3366-3371 - Hamid Reza Feyzmahdavian, Themistoklis Charalambous, Mikael Johansson:
On the rate of convergence of continuous-time linear positive systems with heterogeneous time-varying delays. 3372-3377 - Izumi Masubuchi, Yuzo Ohta:
Stability and stabilization of discrete-time descriptor systems with several extensions. 3378-3383 - Martin Jelemenský, Radoslav Paulen, Miroslav Fikar
, Zoltán Kovács
Multi-objective optimal control of ultrafiltration/diafiltration processes. 3384-3389 - V. K. Kamaraju, B. Srinivasan, M. S. Chiu:
NCO-tracking based control of semi-batch antisolvent crystallization processes in the presence of uncertainties. 3390-3395 - Eduardo Castellanos-Sahagun, Jesús Alvarez
Temperature-temperature cascade control of binary batch distillation columns. 3396-3401 - Silvia Maria Zanoli, Giacomo Astolfi:
Application of first-principles based techniques for compounds prediction in a gasification plant. 3402-3407 - Boulaid Boulkroune, Michel Kinnaert, Ali Zemouche:
POD-based state estimation of simulated moving bed chromatographic processes. 3408-3414 - Pastora Vega, Silvana Revollar, José M. Martín, Mario Francisco:
Static and dynamic set point optimization techniques for optimal operation of wastewater treatment plants. 3415-3420 - P. Lopes dos Santos, T.-P. Azevedo-Perdicoúlis, José A. Ramos, Gerhard Jank, J. L. Martins de Carvalho:
Continuous-time IO systems identification through downsampled models. 3421-3426 - Thomas Wolf, Heiko K. F. Panzer, Boris Lohmann:
ℌ2 pseudo-optimality in model order reduction by Krylov subspace methods. 3427-3432 - Matthias Geuß, Heiko Panzer, Boris Lohmann:
On parametric model order reduction by matrix interpolation. 3433-3438 - Chiaki Kojima, Issei Kawasaki, Satoshi Moriyama, Jun Wada:
Distributed proper orthogonal decomposition for large-scale networked dynamical systems. 3439-3445 - Rachel Kalpana Kalaimani, Madhu N. Belur:
Minimal controller structure for generic pole placement. 3446-3451 - Inés Tejado, Duarte Valério, Pedro Santos Pires, Jorge Martins:
Fractional order identification of human arm dynamics: Preliminary results. 3452-3457 - Jocelyn Sabatier, Mathieu Merveillaut, Junior Mbala Francisco, Franck Guillemard, Denis Porcelatto:
Fractional models for lithium-ion batteries. 3458-3463 - Dominik Sierociuk, Wiktor Malesza, Michal Macias:
Equivalent switching strategy and analog validation of the fractional variable order derivative definition. 3464-3469 - Stéphane Victor
, Rachid Malti:
Model order identification for fractional models. 3470-3475 - Vishwesh A. Vyawahare
, P. S. V. Nataraj:
Analysis of fractional-order telegraph model for neutron transport in nuclear reactor with slab geometry. 3476-3481 - Abderrahim Lamara, Patrick Lanusse, Guillaume Colin, Alain Charlet, Yann Chamaillard:
A non-square MIMO fractional robust control for the airpath of a Diesel engine. 3482-3487 - Rochdi Merzouki, Blaise Conrard, Pushpendra Kumar, Vincent Coelen:
Model based tracking control using Jerky behavior in platoon of vehicles. 3488-3493 - Fabio Morbidi, Patrizio Colaneri
, Thomas Stanger:
Decentralized optimal control of a car platoon with guaranteed string stability. 3494-3499 - Mohammad Hajiahmadi, Jack Haddad, Bart De Schutter, Nikolas Geroliminis
Optimal hybrid macroscopic traffic control for urban regions: Perimeter and switching signal plans controllers. 3500-3505 - Konstantinos Aboudolas, Nikolas Geroliminis
Feedback perimeter control for multi-region large-scale congested networks. 3506-3511 - Askhat I. Diveev, Elena A. Sofronova:
Synthesis of intelligent control of traffic flows in urban roads based on the logical network operator method. 3512-3517 - Azita Dabiri, Balázs Kulcsár
Incident parameter estimation. 3518-3523 - Martin Andreasson, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Karl Henrik Johansson, Henrik Sandberg
Distributed vs. centralized power systems frequency control. 3524-3529 - Yijing Chen, Jing Dai, Gilney Damm
, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
A detailed study on a DC-voltage-based control scheme using a multi-terminal HVDC system for frequency control. 3530-3535 - Yijing Chen, Jing Dai, Gilney Damm
, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
Nonlinear control design for a multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system. 3536-3541 - Hsiung-Cheng Lin, Guo-Shing Huang, Liang-Yih Liu:
Non-stationary harmonic tracking using piecewise-overlapped group-harmonic algorithm. 3542-3547 - Umesh Vaidya, Makan Fardad:
On optimal sensor placement for mitigation of vulnerabilities to cyber attacks in large-scale networks. 3548-3553 - Daria Madjidian, Maxim Kristalny, Anders Rantzer:
Dynamic power coordination for load reduction in dispatchable wind power plants. 3554-3559 - Martin Schultze, Joachim Horn:
State estimation with time delay and state feedback control of cathode exhaust gas mass flow for PEM fuel cell systems. 3560-3565 - Sonja Stüdli
, Richard H. Middleton, Julio H. Braslavsky:
A fixed-structure automaton for load management of electric vehicles. 3566-3571 - Luca Boncagni, Daniele Carnevale, A. Cristaldi, S. De Maio, G. Mazzitelli, Mario Sassano, Vincenzo Vitale, Riccardo Vitelli, Luca Zaccarian:
Temperature control of the FTU Liquid Lithium Limiter. 3572-3577 - Carlos Restrepo, Germain Garcia, Javier Calvente, Roberto Giral, Luis Martínez-Salamero:
Model identification of a Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel-Cell from an input-output experiment: The diffusive representation approach. 3578-3583 - Ajay Deshpande, Pavankumar Murali:
Pricing long-term permits and scheduling of electric vehicle charging in parking lots with shared resources. 3584-3589 - Stefano Longo, Eric C. Kerrigan, George A. Constantinides:
A predictive control solver for low-precision data representation. 3590-3595 - Ion Necoara, Dragos N. Clipici:
A computationally efficient parallel coordinate descent algorithm for MPC: Implementation on a PLC. 3596-3601 - Panagiotis Patrinos
, Alberto Guiggiani, Alberto Bemporad:
Fixed-point dual gradient projection for embedded model predictive control. 3602-3607 - Andrea Suardi, Stefano Longo, Eric C. Kerrigan, George A. Constantinides:
Energy-aware MPC co-design for DC-DC converters. 3608-3613 - Juan Luis Jerez, Paul J. Goulart
, Stefan Richter, George A. Constantinides, Eric C. Kerrigan, Manfred Morari:
Embedded Predictive Control on an FPGA using the Fast Gradient Method. 3614-3620 - Mazen Alamir:
Monitoring control updating period in fast gradient based NMPC. 3621-3626 - David P. Hayden, Ye Yuan, Jorge M. Gonçalves
Network reconstruction using knock-out and over-expression data. 3627-3632 - Alejandro Vignoni, Diego A. Oyarzún, Jesús Picó, Guy-Bart Stan:
Control of protein concentrations in heterogeneous cell populations. 3633-3639 - Daniella Schittler, Frank Allgöwer
, Steffen Waldherr:
Multistability equivalence between gene regulatory networks of different dimensionality. 3640-3645 - Jean-Baptiste Lugagne
, Diego A. Oyarzún, Guy-Bart Stan:
Stochastic simulation of enzymatic reactions under transcriptional feedback regulation. 3646-3651 - Andres M. Gonzalez, Jannis Uhlendorf, Joe Schaul, Eugenio Cinquemani, Grégory Batt, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate:
Identification of biological models from single-cell data: A comparison between mixed-effects and moment-based inference. 3652-3657 - Alfonso Carta, Eugenio Cinquemani:
State estimation for gene networks with intrinsic and extrinsic noise: A case study on E.coli arabinose uptake dynamics. 3658-3663 - Andreas Varga:
On computing inner-outer factorizations of periodic systems. 3664-3669 - Wim Michiels, Nicola Guglielmi:
Computing the distance to instability for large-scale nonlinear eigenvalue problems. 3670-3675 - Kim D. Listmann, Zheng Zhao:
A comparison of methods for higher-order numerical differentiation. 3676-3681 - Nicolas D. Jimenez, Bijan Afsari, René Vidal:
Fast Jacobi-type algorithm for computing distances between linear dynamical systems. 3682-3687 - Jung Hoon Kim, Tomomichi Hagiwara:
Computing the L∞[0, h)-induced norm of a compression operator. 3688-3693 - Nabil Lachhab, Ferdinand Svaricek, Frank Wobbe, Heiko Rabba:
Fractional order PID controller (FOPID)-Toolbox. 3694-3699 - Marco Baglietto
, Giorgio Battistelli, Pietro Tesi
Hybrid controllers for mode-observability of switching linear systems: Existence and genericity. 3700-3705 - Mario di Bernardo
, Davide Liuzza:
Incremental stability of planar Filippov systems. 3706-3711 - Fabiola Angulo, Mario di Bernardo
, Umberto Montanaro, Alejandro Rincón
, Stefania Santini:
Adaptive control for state dependent switched systems in Brunovsky form. 3712-3717 - Caroline Ngo, Damien Koenig, Olivier Sename, Hubert Bechart:
A reduced model of Three Ways Catalyst converter and stored oxygen rate estimation using switched observer. 3718-3723 - Shaikshavali Chitraganti
, Samir Aberkane, Christophe Aubrun:
Mean square stability of non-homogeneous Markov jump linear systems using interval analysis. 3724-3729 - Paolo Bolzern, Patrizio Colaneri
On the interplay between periodic switches and uncontrolled jumps in linear discrete-time systems. 3730-3735 - Manas Kumar Bera, P. S. Lal Priya, Bijnan Bandyopadhyay, Arun Kumar Paul:
Discrete-time sliding mode control of GMAW systems using infrequent output measurements. 3736-3741 - Christoph Rafetzeder, Stephan Stadlbauer, Harald Waschl, Luigi del Re:
Closed loop NOx control by discrete time sliding mode. 3742-3747 - Alaleh Vafaei, Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah
Terminal sliding mode impedance control for bilateral teleoperation under unknown constant time delay and uncertainties. 3748-3753 - Luis T. Aguilar, Leonid B. Freidovich
, Yury Orlov, Jován O. Mérida
Performance analysis of relay feedback position regulators for manipulators with Coulomb friction. 3754-3759 - Leonid M. Fridman, Manuel A. Jiménez-Lizárraga
, Efraín Ibarra:
Integral Higher Order Sliding Mode and singular optimal stabilization. 3760-3763 - Raul Santiesteban:
Time convergence estimation of a perturbed double integrator: Family of continuous sliding mode based output feedback synthesis. 3764-3769 - Per Erik Modén, Michael Lundh:
Performance monitoring for model predictive control maintenance. 3770-3775 - A. A. Bachnas, Roland Tóth, Ali Mesbah, Jobert H. A. Ludlage:
Perspectives of data-driven LPV modeling of high-purity distillation columns. 3776-3783 - Quang N. Tran, Leyla Özkan, Jobert H. A. Ludlage, A. C. P. M. Backx:
Asymptotic behaviour of Toeplitz matrix in multi-input multi-output model predictive control. 3784-3789 - Christian A. Larsson, Mariette Annergren, Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Cristian R. Rojas, Xavier Bombois, Ali Mesbah, Per Erik Modén:
Model predictive control with integrated experiment design for output error systems. 3790-3795 - Koichi Suyama, Noboru Sebe:
Fault-tolerant servo systems against sensor failures using limited integrators. 3796-3802 - Sebastien Varrier, Carlos Alberto Vivas-Lopez, Jorge de-J. Lozoya-Santos, Juan Carlos Tudón-Martínez, Damien Koenig, John Jairo Martinez, Rubén Morales-Menéndez:
Applicative Fault Tolerant Control for semi-active suspension system: Preliminary results. 3803-3808 - Hui Liu, Ming Cao, Chai Wah Wu:
Graph comparison and its application in network synchronization. 3809-3814 - Andrej Mosebach, Jan Lunze:
Optimal synchronization of circulant networked multi-agent systems. 3815-3820 - Jaeyong Kim, Jongwook Yang, Hyungbo Shim, Jung-Su Kim:
Robustness of synchronization in heterogeneous multi-agent systems. 3821-3826 - Håvard Fjær Grip, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel:
Regulated output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of non-introspective, minimum-phase SISO agents without exchange of controller states. 3827-3832 - Kewen Zhang, Michael A. Demetriou:
Attitude synchronization of spacecraft formation with adaptation of consensus penalty terms. 3833-3838 - Jairo Giraldo, Eduardo Mojica-Nava, Nicanor Quijano:
Synchronization of dynamical networks under sampling. 3839-3844 - Farhad A. Goodarzi, Daewon Lee, Taeyoung Lee:
Geometric nonlinear PID control of a quadrotor UAV on SE(3). 3845-3850 - Oliver Fritsch, Bernd Henze, Boris Lohmann:
Fast and saturating attitude control for a quadrotor helicopter. 3851-3857 - Diego Alberto Mercado-Ravell
, Rafael Castro, Rogelio Lozano:
Quadrotors flight formation control using a leader-follower approach. 3858-3863 - Emil Fresk, George Nikolakopoulos:
Full quaternion based attitude control for a quadrotor. 3864-3869 - José Gerardo Benítez Morales, Hugo Rodríguez-Cortés, Rafael Castro-Linares:
Nonlinear control for the longitudinal dynamics of a small scale helicopter. 3870-3875 - Anand Sanchez, Vicente Parra-Vega
, Octavio García
, Francisco José Ruiz Sanchez, Luis Enrique Ramos Velasco
Time-parametrization control of quadrotors with a robust quaternion-based sliding mode controller for aggressive maneuvering. 3876-3881 - Brendan O'Donoghue, Yang Wang, Stephen P. Boyd:
Iterated approximate value functions. 3882-3888 - Renato Alves Borges
, João Y. Ishihara, Hugo T. M. Kussaba, Larissa P. Silva:
Homogeneous polynomially parameter-dependent state feedback controllers for finite time stabilization of linear time-varying systems. 3889-3894 - Mickael Rodrigues, Yongxin Wu
, Samir Aberkane, Valérie Dos Santos Martins:
LMI & BMI technics for the design of a PI control for irrigation channels. 3895-3900 - Carsten W. Scherer:
Gain-scheduled synthesis with dynamic stable strictly positive real multipliers: A complete solution. 3901-3906 - Zoltán Szabó, Zsolt Biró, Jozsef Bokor:
Multivariate S-procedure. 3907-3912 - Goele Pipeleers, Tetsuya Iwasaki, Shinji Hara
Generalizing the KYP lemma to the union of intervals. 3913-3918 - Massimiliano Veronesi, Antonio Visioli:
Automatic feedforward tuning for PID control loops. 3919-3924 - Sten Grüner, Ulrich Epple:
Paradigms for unified runtime systems in industrial automation. 3925-3930 - Víctor M. Alfaro, Ramón Vilanova:
Model reference based robust tuning of five-parameter 2DoF PID controllers for first-order plus dead-time models. 3931-3936 - Takashi Shigemasa, Yasunori Negishi, Yasushi Baba:
A TDOF PID Control system design by referring to the MD-PID Control system and its sensitivities. 3937-3942 - Wei Dai, Juergen Hahn:
Computing optimal operating condition profiles for fed-batch fermentation of fuel-grade ethanol. 3943-3948 - D. Ling, Y. Zheng, H. J. Fang, H. J. Fan, J. Zhao:
ANOVA model based moving window approach for RtR control in high-mix semiconductor manufacturing industry. 3949-3954 - Zdenek Vána, Samuel Prívara, Eva Zacekova, Jirí Cigler:
Building semi-physical modeling: On selection of the model complexity. 3955-3960 - René Zweigel, Thiva Albin, Frank J. Hesseler, B. Jochim, Heinz Pitsch, Dirk Abel:
Greybox modeling of the diesel combustion by use of the scalar dissipation rate. 3961-3966 - Leonardo Angelo Muffato, Dominique-Stephan Kunz:
A high-fidelity simulation model for an asymmetric nonlinear electrothermal actuator. 3967-3972 - José A. Ramos, Guillaume Mercère
, Olivier Prot:
Identifying second-order models of mechanical structures in physical coordinates: An orthogonal complement approach. 3973-3978 - P. Spagnol, Christian Klauer, Fabio Previdi, Jörg Raisch, Thomas Schauer:
Modeling and online-identification of electrically stimulated antagonistic muscles for horizontal shoulder abduction and adduction. 3979-3984 - Shakoor Pooseh, Ricardo Almeida, Delfim F. M. Torres:
Free time fractional optimal control problems. 3985-3990 - Nezha Maamri, M. Tenoutit, Jean-Claude Trigeassou:
A comparison of fractional Smith predictors. 3991-3996 - Paolo Lino, Guido Maione:
Fractional order control of the injection system in a CNG engine. 3997-4002 - Fabrizio Padula, Antonio Visioli:
Inversion-based feedforward design for constrained fractional control systems. 4003-4008 - Andrzej Dzielinski, Przemyslaw M. Czyronis:
Computer algorithms for solving optimization problems for discrete-time fractional systems. 4009-4014 - Cosmin Copot, Clara M. Ionescu, Corneliu Lazar, Robin De Keyser:
Fractional order PDμ control of a visual servoing manipulator system. 4015-4020 - Dominik Pisarski
, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit:
Optimal balancing of freeway traffic density: Application to the Grenoble South Ring. 4021-4026 - Antonella Ferrara, Alberto Nai Oleari, Simona Sacone, Silvia Siri:
Case-study based performance assessment of an event-triggered MPC scheme for freeway systems. 4027-4032 - José Ramón Domínguez Frejo, Alfredo Núñez, Bart De Schutter, Eduardo F. Camacho:
Model predictive control for freeway traffic using discrete speed limit signals. 4033-4038 - Domenico Bianchi
, Antonella Ferrara, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto:
Networked model predictive traffic control with time varying optimization horizon: The Grenoble South Ring case study. 4039-4044 - Luis Leon Ojeda, Alain Y. Kibangou, Carlos Canudas de Wit:
Online dynamic travel time prediction using speed and flow measurements. 4045-4050 - Kin Cheong Sou, Mikael Kordel, Jonas Wu, Henrik Sandberg, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Energy and CO2 efficient scheduling of smart home appliances. 4051-4058 - Francesco Paparella, Luis F. Dominguez, Andrea Cortinovis, Mehmet Mercangöz, Diego Pareschi, Sergio Bittanti:
Load sharing optimization of parallel compressors. 4059-4064 - Matthias Preindl
, Claus Danielson, Francesco Borrelli
Performance evaluation of battery balancing hardware. 4065-4070 - Tobias Gybel Hovgaard, Lars Finn Sloth Larsen, John Bagterp Jørgensen, Stephen P. Boyd:
MPC for wind power gradients - utilizing forecasts, rotor inertia, and central energy storage. 4071-4076 - Kody M. Powell
, Wesley J. Cole, Udememfon F. Ekarika, Thomas F. Edgar:
Dynamic optimization of a campus cooling system with thermal storage. 4077-4082 - Ihab Haidar, William Pasillas-Lépine, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet:
Basal ganglia oscillations: The role of delays and external excitatory nuclei. 4083-4088 - Denis W. F. De Souza, Alessandro N. Vargas, João Bosco Ribeiro do Val, Adriana M. Freitas, Irineu Lorini:
Control of temperature to suppress the population of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera, Bostrichidae) in a grain silo prototype. 4089-4093 - Esmaeil Jahanshahi, Sigurd Skogestad, M. Lieungh:
Subsea solution for anti-slug control of multiphase risers. 4094-4099 - Jinwoo Seok, Jinxin Zhao
, Jhanani Selvakumar, Edwin Sanjaya, Pierre T. Kabamba, Anouck Girard:
Radar resource management: Dynamic programming and dynamic finite state machines. 4100-4105 - Martin Niederer
, Andreas Steinböck
, Stephan Strommer, Andreas Kugi:
Control of radiant tubes in an indirect-fired strip annealing furnace for improved efficiency. 4106-4111 - Luigi D'Alfonso, Emanuele Garone
, Pietro Muraca, Paolo Pugliese:
On the use of the inclinometers in the PnP problem. 4112-4117 - Christian Kirches, Hans Georg Bock, Johannes P. Schlöder, Sebastian Sager:
Mixed-integer NMPC for predictive cruise control of heavy-duty trucks. 4118-4123 - Sergio Lucia
, Sebastian Engell:
Robust nonlinear model predictive control of a batch bioreactor using multi-stage stochastic programming. 4124-4129 - Mario Zanon, Janick V. Frasch, Moritz Diehl:
Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation for combined state and friction coefficient estimation in autonomous driving. 4130-4135 - Janick V. Frasch, Andrew Gray, Mario Zanon, Hans Joachim Ferreau, Sebastian Sager, Francesco Borrelli
, Moritz Diehl:
An auto-generated nonlinear MPC algorithm for real-time obstacle avoidance of ground vehicles. 4136-4141 - Max Boegli, Tinne De Laet
, Joris De Schutter, Jan Swevers:
Moving horizon for friction state and parameter estimation. 4142-4147 - Janick V. Frasch, Tom Kraus, Wouter Saeys, Moritz Diehl:
Moving horizon observation for autonomous operation of agricultural vehicles. 4148-4153 - Yutaka Hori, Mustafa Hani Khammash, Shinji Hara
Efficient parameter identification for stochastic biochemical networks using a reduced-order realization. 4154-4159 - Monique Chyba, Frederic Mercier, A. Tamura-Sato, Rong Zou:
A mathematical model of fractone-controlled morphogenesis. 4160-4165 - Kris V. Parag, Glenn Vinnicombe:
Single event molecular signalling for estimation and control. 4166-4171 - Tatjana Petrov, Heinz Koeppl:
Approximate model reductions for combinatorial reaction systems. 4172-4177 - Philipp Hartmann, Andreas Nikolaou, Benoît Chachuat, Olivier Bernard:
A dynamic model coupling photoacclimation and photoinhibition in microalgae. 4178-4183 - Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo, Francis Mairet, Olivier Bernard:
Driving microalgal production in raceway systems to near optimal productivities. 4184-4189 - Obaid Ur Rehman, Ian R. Petersen, Hongbin Song, Elanor H. Huntington:
Robust nonlinear estimation of varying optical phase. 4190-4195 - Alessandro Beghi, Angelo Cenedese, Andrea Masiero:
On the estimation of atmospheric turbulence layers for AO systems. 4196-4201 - Filipe R. Casal, A. Pedro Aguiar
, João Miranda Lemos:
Multiple-model adaptive state estimation of the HIV-1 infection using a moving horizon approach. 4202-4207 - Hassen Fourati, Noureddine Manamanni, Lissan Afilal, Yves Handrich:
Position estimation approach by Complementary Filter-aided IMU for indoor environment. 4208-4213 - Pedro Lourenço
, Bruno Joao Nogueira Guerreiro, Pedro Tiago Martins Batista, Paulo Oliveira, Carlos Silvestre
3-D inertial trajectory and map online estimation: Building on a GAS sensor-based SLAM filter. 4214-4219 - Peter Norton, Emmanuel Prempain:
Robustness analysis of feedback linearisation with robust state estimation for a nonlinear missile model. 4220-4225 - Alessandro Colombo, Antoine Girard:
An approximate abstraction approach to safety control of differentially flat systems. 4226-4231 - Sadegh Esmaeil Zadeh Soudjani, Alessandro Abate:
Aggregation of thermostatically controlled loads by formal abstractions. 4232-4237 - Marta Capiluppi, Luzie Schreiter, Paolo Fiorini, Jörg Raczkowsky, Heinz Wörn:
Modeling and verification of a robotic surgical system using Hybrid Input/Output Automata. 4238-4243 - Alexandre Donzé, Goran Frehse
Modular, hierarchical models of control systems in SpaceEx. 4244-4251 - Thao Dang, Bertrand Jeannet, Romain Testylier:
Verification of embedded control programs. 4252-4256 - Majid Zamani, Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Alessandro Abate, John Lygeros:
Symbolic models for stochastic control systems without stability assumptions. 4257-4262 - Xu Wang, Ali Saberi, Tao Yang:
Synchronization in a heterogeneous network of discrete-time introspective right-invertible agents. 4263-4268 - Christoph Zechner
, Soudeep Deb
, Heinz Koeppl:
Marginal dynamics of stochastic biochemical networks in random environments. 4269-4274 - Dinh Hoa Nguyen, Shinji Hara
Synchronization behaviors in Goodwin oscillator networks driven by external periodic signals. 4275-4280 - Ibrahima N'Doye
, Mohamed Darouach, Holger Voos
Observer-based approach for fractional-order chaotic synchronization and communication. 4281-4286 - Igor Boiko, Alessandro Pisano, Elio Usai:
Frequency-domain analysis of self-excited oscillations for a class of multivariable relay systems. 4287-4292 - Alexander Yu. Pogromsky
, Alexey S. Matveev, Boris R. Andrievsky, Gennady A. Leonov, Nikolay V. Kuznetsov:
A non-quadratic criterion for stability of forced oscillations and its application to flight control. 4293-4298 - Dusan Krokavec
, Anna Filasová:
Actuator faults reconstruction using reduced-order fuzzy observer structures. 4299-4304 - Flávio A. Faria, Michele C. Valentino, Vilma A. Oliveira:
Stabilizing switched T-S fuzzy systems using a fuzzy Lyapunov function approach. 4305-4310 - T. Youssef, Mohammed Chadli, Mimoun Zelmat:
Synthesis of a unknown inputs proportional integral observer for TS fuzzy models. 4311-4315 - Silvia Maria Zanoli, D. Barchiesi, Giacomo Astolfi, Luca Barboni:
Advanced control solutions to increase efficiency of a furnace combustion process. 4316-4321 - Michele C. Valentino, Flávio A. Faria, Vilma A. Oliveira:
An extension of the invariance principle for switched T-S fuzzy systems? 4322-4327 - Daniel Schwingshackl, Jakob Rehrl
, Martin Horn:
Model predictive control of a HVAC system based on the LoLiMoT algorithm. 4328-4333 - Sarah Muraoka Koehler, Francesco Borrelli
Building temperature distributed control via explicit MPC and "Trim and Respond" methods. 4334-4339 - Martin Jilg, Olaf Stursberg
Optimized distributed control and topology design for hierarchically interconnected systems. 4340-4346 - Marcello Farina, Giulio Betti, Riccardo Scattolini:
A solution to the tracking problem using distributed predictive control. 4347-4352 - Mehdi Abedinpour Fallah, Roland P. Malhamé
, Francesco Martinelli:
Distributed estimation and control for large population stochastic multi-agent systems with coupling in the measurements. 4353-4358 - René Schuh, Jan Lunze:
Stability analysis of networked systems with similar dynamics. 4359-4364 - Khanh D. Pham, Elena A. Gubar:
A class of mean-risk decisions for noncooperative games and distributed controls. 4365-4370 - Alexey S. Matveev, Michael C. Hoy, Andrey V. Savkin:
Reactive navigation of a mobile robot to the moving extremum of a dynamic unknown environmental field without derivative estimation. 4371-4376 - Koena Mukherjee, I. N. Kar, R. K. P. Bhatt:
Region reaching controller for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle without velocity measurement. 4377-4381 - Chao Wang, Alexey S. Matveev, Andrey V. Savkin, Tuan Nghia Nguyen, Hung T. Nguyen:
A collision avoidance strategy for safe autonomous navigation of an intelligent electric-powered wheelchair in dynamic uncertain environments with moving obstacles. 4382-4387 - Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos:
Robust Prescribed Performance tracking control for unknown underactuated torpedo-like AUVs. 4388-4393 - Mohammadreza Bayat, A. Pedro Aguiar:
AUV range-only localization and mapping: Observer design and experimental results. 4394-4399 - Gaurav Chaudhary, Arpita Sinha:
Capturing a target with range only measurement. 4400-4405 - Payam Mahmoodi Nia, Rifat Sipahi, Bahram Shafai:
On controller design for delay-independent stability of linear time-invariant systems with multiple delays. 4406-4411 - Andrey Polyakov, Denis V. Efimov, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Jean-Pierre Richard:
Interval observer approach to output stabilization of time-varying input delay systems. 4412-4417 - Tomás Vyhlídal
, Martin Hromcik, Vladimír Kucera:
Inverse signal shapers in effective feedback architecture. 4418-4423 - Yuki Saito, Tomomichi Hagiwara:
Stability analysis of time-delay systems based on a power of the monodromy operator. 4424-4429 - Eli Gershon, Uri Shaked:
Stochastic H∞ control and estimation of state-multiplicative discrete-time systems with delay. 4430-4435 - Luca Galbusera, Paolo Bolzern:
State feedback ℌ∞ control of time-delay switched linear systems: A descriptor approach. 4436-4441 - Matej Pcolka, Sergej Celikovský:
On nonlinear continuous-time optimal control of penicillin cultivation. 4442-4447 - Lubomír Baramov, Vladimír Havlena
Robust optimization on receding horizon of processes with storages and periodic production and consumption contracts. 4448-4453 - Andreas Steinboeck
, Andreas Kugi:
Optimized pacing of continuous reheating furnaces. 4454-4459 - Martin Hast, Karl Johan Åström, Bo Bernhardsson, Stephen P. Boyd:
PID design by convex-concave optimization. 4460-4465 - Alejandro G. Marchetti, David A. R. Zumoffen:
On the links between real-time optimization, neighboring-extremal control, and self-optimizing control. 4466-4471 - Nabil Magbool Jan, Sigurd Skogestad, Sridharakumar Narasimhan:
Optimal selection of sensor network and backed-off operating point based on economics. 4472-4477 - Katalin M. Hangos, Attila Gábor, Gábor Szederkényi:
Model reduction in bio-chemical reaction networks with Michaelis-Menten kinetics. 4478-4483 - Heiko K. F. Panzer, Thomas Wolf, Boris Lohmann:
ℌ2 and ℌ∞ error bounds for model order reduction of second order systems by Krylov subspace methods. 4484-4489 - Charles Poussot-Vassal, Pierre Vuillemin:
An Iterative Eigenvector Tangential Interpolation Algorithm for large-scale LTI and a class of LPV model approximation. 4490-4495 - M. Sudhakar, Sridharakumar Narasimhan, Niket S. Kaisare:
Method of characteristics based model reduction for control of a counter-current reactor using approximate dynamic programming. 4496-4501 - Shodhan Rao
, Arjan van der Schaft, Karen van Eunen, Barbara M. Bakker, Bayu Jayawardhana:
Model-order reduction of biochemical reaction networks. 4502-4507 - Takayuki Ishizaki, Henrik Sandberg
, Karl Henrik Johansson, Kenji Kashima, Jun-ichi Imura, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Singular perturbation approximation of semistable linear systems. 4508-4513 - Radoslav Paulen, Mario Eduardo Villanueva
, Miroslav Fikar
, Benoît Chachuat:
Guaranteed parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamic systems using improved bounding techniques. 4514-4519 - Philippe Neveux, Eric Blanco:
Robust filtering and fixed-lag smoothing for uncertain discrete-time systems. 4520-4525 - Leonardo Teixeira, Josenalde B. Oliveira, Aldayr D. Araújo:
An intuitive design for the Dual Mode Adaptive Robust Controller based on indirect control. 4526-4532 - Kenji Sawada, Seiichi Shin:
On the numerical optimization design of continuous-time quantizer: A matrix uncertainty approah. 4532-4537 - Lamine Fadiga, Christophe Farges, Jocelyn Sabatier, Kevin Santugini:
H∞ output feedback control of commensurate fractional order systems. 4538-4543 - Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, George A. Rovithakis:
Approximation-free prescribed performance control for unknown SISO pure feedback systems. 4544-4549 - Maik Leska, Tobias Gruning, Harald Aschemann, Andreas Rauh:
Optimal trajectory planning for standard and hybrid railway vehicles with a hydro-mechanic transmission. 4550-4555 - Yihui Wang, Bart De Schutter, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Bin Ning:
Optimal trajectory planning for trains under a moving block signaling system. 4556-4561 - János Rudan, Bart Kersbergen, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Katalin M. Hangos:
Performance analysis of MILP based model predictive control algorithms for dynamic railway scheduling. 4562-4567 - Nassim Mokrani, Ahmed Rachid
A robust control of contact force of pantograph-catenary for the high-speed train. 4568-4573 - I. Pendharkar:
Resonance stability in electrical railway systems - A dissipativity approach. 4574-4579 - Alexander Broekhof, Richard A. McMahon, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Reference frame re-alignment for vector control of the brushless doubly-fed machine. 4580-4585 - Erik Chumacero, Antonio Loría, Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez:
Robust adaptive control of switched-reluctance motors without velocity measurements. 4586-4591 - Sava Marinkov, Bram de Jager, Maarten Steinbuch:
Model predictive control of a high speed switched reluctance generator system. 4592-4597 - Suneel Kumar Kommuri, Kalyana C. Veluvolu, Michael Defoort:
Robust observer with higher-order sliding mode for sensorless speed estimation of a PMSM. 4598-4603 - Pierre-Philippe Robet, Maxime Gautier:
Global identification of mechanical and electrical parameters of synchronous motor driven joint with a fast CLOE method. 4604-4609 - Omar-Arturo Domínguez-Ramírez
, C. A. Carrillo-Santos, Luis Enrique Ramos Velasco
, Julio César Ramos Fernández, Marco Antonio Márquez-Vera, Vicente Parra-Vega
, Anand Sanchez:
Online identification for auto-tuning PID based on wavelet neural networks: An experimental validation on an AC motor. 4610-4615

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