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CoRR, November 2015
- Fred W. Glover, Vladimir Shylo, Oleg V. Shylo:
Narrow Gauge and Analytical Branching Strategies for Mixed Integer Programming. - Stasa Milojevic:
Quantifying the Cognitive Extent of Science. - Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Murat Kocaoglu, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Sriram Vishwanath:
Learning Causal Graphs with Small Interventions. - Arunesh Sinha, Debarun Kar, Milind Tambe:
Learning Adversary Behavior in Security Games: A PAC Model Perspective. - Tor Lattimore:
The Pareto Regret Frontier for Bandits. - Victor V. Solovyev, Ramzan Umarov:
FendOff encryption software to secure personal information on computers and mobile devices. - Abhronil Sengupta, Kaushik Roy:
Short-Term Plasticity and Long-Term Potentiation in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Towards Volatile Synapses. - Daniel H. Biedermann, Peter M. Kielar, Quirin Aumann, Carlos M. Osorio, Celeste T. W. Lai:
CarPed - A Hybrid and Macroscopic Traffic and Pedestrian Simulator. - David A. Moore, Stuart J. Russell:
Gaussian Process Random Fields. - Xingxing Zhang, Liang Lu, Mirella Lapata:
Tree Recurrent Neural Networks with Application to Language Modeling. - Wangpeng He, Yin Ding, Yanyang Zi, Ivan W. Selesnick:
Sparsity-based Algorithm for Detecting Faults in Rotating Machines. - Yijia Chen, Bingkai Lin:
The Constant Inapproximability of the Parameterized Dominating Set Problem. - Garrick Orchard, Ralph Etienne-Cummings:
Bioinspired Visual Motion Estimation. - Francesco Castaldo, Amir Zamir, Roland Angst, Francesco Palmieri, Silvio Savarese:
Semantic Cross-View Matching. - Sarthak Parui, Anurag Mittal:
Sketch-based Image Retrieval from Millions of Images under Rotation, Translation and Scale Variations. - Garrick Orchard, Jacob G. Martin, R. Jacob Vogelstein, Ralph Etienne-Cummings:
Fast Neuromimetic Object Recognition using FPGA Outperforms GPU Implementations. - Daoyuan Wu, Rocky K. C. Chang:
Indirect File Leaks in Mobile Applications. - Mohammed M. Abdelsamea:
Regional Active Contours based on Variational level sets and Machine Learning for Image Segmentation. - Arkadiusz Biernacki:
A Novel Play-out Algorithm for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. - Christophe Guyeux, Jacques M. Bahi:
Topological chaos and chaotic iterations. Application to Hash functions. - Jacques M. Bahi, Christophe Guyeux:
A new chaos-based watermarking algorithm. - Madan Mohan Rayguru, Indra Narayan Kar:
A Contraction Theory Approach for Analysis of Performance Recovery in Dynamic Surface Control. - Vasily Usatyuk:
Computing the minimum distance of nonbinary LDPC codes using block Korkin-Zolotarev method. - Vasiliy Usatyuk:
Some problems of Graph Based Codes for Belief Propagation decoding. - Indre Zliobaite:
A survey on measuring indirect discrimination in machine learning. - Wenhao Wang, Zhi Sun, Kui Ren, Bocheng Zhu:
User Capacity of Wireless Physical-layer Identification: An Information-theoretic Perspective. - Eugene M. Luks:
Group Isomorphism with Fixed Subnormal Chains. - Janusz A. Brzozowski, Sylvie Davies, Bo Yang Victor Liu:
Most Complex Regular Ideals. - Forrest N. Iandola, Khalid Ashraf, Matthew W. Moskewicz, Kurt Keutzer:
FireCaffe: near-linear acceleration of deep neural network training on compute clusters. - Moulay A. Barkatou, Maximilian Jaroschek, Suzy S. Maddah:
Formal Solutions of Completely Integrable Pfaffian Systems With Normal Crossings. - Frédéric Haziza, Lukás Holík, Roland Meyer, Sebastian Wolff:
Pointer Race Freedom. - Anshul Gupta, Sai Krishna Deepak Maram, Bharath Kumar Padarthi, Sven Schewe, Ashutosh Trivedi:
Incentive Stackelberg Mean-payoff Games. - Alexander Lavin:
Optimized Mission Planning for Planetary Exploration Rovers. - Ahmad AlAmmouri, Hesham ElSawy, Mohamed-Slim Alouini:
Harvesting Full-Duplex Rate Gains in Cellular Networks with Half-Duplex User Terminals. - Camille Coti:
Exploiting Redundant Computation in Communication-Avoiding Algorithms for Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance. - Vladimir Vovk, Ivan Petej, Valentina Fedorova:
Large-scale probabilistic predictors with and without guarantees of validity. - Peilu Wang, Yao Qian, Frank K. Soong, Lei He, Hai Zhao:
A Unified Tagging Solution: Bidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Network with Word Embedding. - Daniel H. Biedermann, Felix Dietrich, Oliver Handel, Peter M. Kielar, Michael J. Seitz:
Using Raspberry Pi for scientific video observation of pedestrians during a music festival. - Ilya Loshchilov:
LM-CMA: an Alternative to L-BFGS for Large Scale Black-box Optimization. - Takeshi Yamada, Ryuhei Uehara:
Shortest Reconfiguration of Sliding Tokens on a Caterpillar. - Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang, Rong Liu, Yiqiao Pan:
Stochastic Top-k ListNet. - Eryk Kopczynski:
Invisible pushdown languages. - Daniel Lokshtanov:
Parameterized Integer Quadratic Programming: Variables and Coefficients. - Christoph Jahnz:
An introduction to the NMPC-Graph as general schema for causal modelling of nonlinear, multivariate, dynamic, and recursive systems with focus on time-series prediction. - Cunsheng Ding:
A Construction of Binary Linear Codes from Boolean Functions. - Cunsheng Ding, Pingzhi Yuan:
Five Constructions of Permutation Polynomials over $\gf(q^2)$. - Nicholas Rizzo, Ethan Sprissler, Yuan Hong, Sanjay Goel:
Privacy Preserving Driving Style Recognition. - Ralph Holz, Johanna Amann, Olivier Mehani, Matthias Wachs, Mohamed Ali Kâafar:
TLS in the wild: an Internet-wide analysis of TLS-based protocols for electronic communication. - Ichiro Hasuo, Shunsuke Shimizu, Corina Cîrstea:
Lattice-Theoretic Progress Measures and Coalgebraic Model Checking (with Appendices). - Sadra Sadraddini, Calin Belta:
Robust Temporal Logic Model Predictive Control. - Abhinav Maurya:
Spatial Semantic Scan: Detecting Subtle, Spatially Localized Events in Text Streams. - Dor Shaviv, Ayfer Özgür:
Universally Near-Optimal Online Power Control for Energy Harvesting Nodes. - Chuang Ding, Lei Xie, Jie Yan, Weini Zhang, Yang Liu:
Automatic Prosody Prediction for Chinese Speech Synthesis using BLSTM-RNN and Embedding Features. - Matthieu Courbariaux, Yoshua Bengio, Jean-Pierre David:
BinaryConnect: Training Deep Neural Networks with binary weights during propagations. - Dong Wen, Lu Qin, Ying Zhang, Xuemin Lin, Jeffrey Xu Yu:
I/O Efficient Core Graph Decomposition at Web Scale. - Jiaxun Lu, Zhengchuan Chen, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Subcarrier Grouping for MIMO-OFDM Systems over Correlated Double-selective Fading Channels. - Sefa Demirtas, Alan V. Oppenheim:
A Functional Composition Approach to Filter Sharpening and Modular Filter Design. - Arthur G. Ryman:
Z Specification for the W3C Editor's Draft Core SHACL Semantics. - Yin Ding, Wangpeng He, Binqiang Chen, Yanyang Zi, Ivan W. Selesnick:
Fault Detection of Rotation Machinery using Periodic Time-Frequency Sparsity. - Francis R. Bach:
Submodular Functions: from Discrete to Continous Domains. - Dejanira Araiza-Illan, Kerstin Eder:
Evaluating Model Checking Approaches to Verify Stability of Control Systems in Simulink. - Mikhail Ivanov, Fredrik Brannstrom, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Petar Popovski:
Broadcast Coded Slotted ALOHA for Vehicular Communications: A Finite Frame Length Analysis. - Alexander E. Holroyd, Lionel Levine, Peter Winkler:
Abelian logic gates. - Xiaobai Li, Xiaopeng Hong, Antti Moilanen, Xiaohua Huang, Tomas Pfister, Guoying Zhao, Matti Pietikäinen:
Reading Hidden Emotions: Spontaneous Micro-expression Spotting and Recognition. - Sneha Gajbhiye, Ravi N. Banavar:
Geometric approach to tracking and stabilization for a spherical robot actuated by internal rotors. - Aniol Lidon, Marc Bolaños, Mariella Dimiccoli, Petia Radeva, Maite Garolera, Xavier Giró-i-Nieto:
Semantic Summarization of Egocentric Photo Stream Events. - Bo Zhao, Hucheng Zhou, Guoqiang Li, Yihua Huang:
ZenLDA: An Efficient and Scalable Topic Model Training System on Distributed Data-Parallel Platform. - Jack H. Lutz, Neil Lutz:
Algorithmic information and plane Kakeya sets. - Paul Brussee, Johan Pouwelse:
Autonomous smartphone apps: self-compilation, mutation, and viral spreading. - Jaehoon Jung, Sang-Rim Lee, Inkyu Lee:
Saturation Power based Simple Energy Efficiency Maximization Schemes for MU-MISO Systems. - Itai Ashlagi, Yannai A. Gonczarowski:
Dating Strategies Are Not Obvious. - Dmitry N. Kozlov:
Structure theory of flip graphs with applications to Weak Symmetry Breaking. - Hanqing Zhang, Krister Wiklund, Magnus Andersson:
Circle detection using isosceles triangles sampling. - Pascal Mettes, Robby T. Tan, Remco C. Veltkamp:
Water Detection through Spatio-Temporal Invariant Descriptors. - Pierre Fraigniaud, Amos Korman, Yoav Rodeh:
Parallel Exhaustive Search without Coordination. - Heng Guo, Pinyan Lu:
Uniqueness, Spatial Mixing, and Approximation for Ferromagnetic 2-Spin Systems. - Alexander Kott, Ananthram Swami, Patrick D. McDaniel:
Six Potential Game-Changers in Cyber Security: Towards Priorities in Cyber Science and Engineering. - Philipp Haller, Heather Miller:
A Formal Model for Direct-style Asynchronous Observables. - Sebastian Bittel, Vitali Kaiser, Marvin Teichmann, Martin Thoma:
Pixel-wise Segmentation of Street with Neural Networks. - Paul Hunter, Guillermo A. Pérez, Jean-François Raskin:
Minimizing Regret in Discounted-Sum Games. - Jonathan Binas, Giacomo Indiveri, Michael Pfeiffer:
Spiking Analog VLSI Neuron Assemblies as Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solvers. - Mahesh Babu Vaddi, B. Sundar Rajan:
Optimal Vector Linear Index Codes for Some Symmetric Side Information Problems. - Yuan Luo, Lin Gao, Jianwei Huang:
Spectrum Reservation Contract Design in TV White Space Networks. - Vijay Badrinarayanan, Alex Kendall, Roberto Cipolla:
SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation. - Francisco Lázaro Blasco, Enrico Paolini, Gianluigi Liva, Gerhard Bauch:
Distance Spectrum of Fixed-Rate Raptor Codes with Linear Random Precoders. - Anu Mercian, Elliott I. Gurrola, Frank Aurzada, Michael P. McGarry, Martin Reisslein:
Upstream Polling Protocols for Flow Control in PON/xDSL Hybrid Access Networks. - Amit Kumar, Santosh Malhotra:
Network Security Threats and Protection Models. - Hao Wang, Jianwei Huang, Xiaojun Lin, Hamed Mohsenian Rad:
Proactive Demand Response for Data Centers: A Win-Win Solution. - Karl Bringmann, Ralph Keusch, Johannes Lengler:
Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs. - Tiben Che, Jingwei Xu, Gwan S. Choi:
Overlapped List Successive Cancellation Approach for Hardware Efficient Polar Code Decoder. - Freddy Chong Tat Chua, Bernardo A. Huberman:
A Bayesian Approach to the Partitioning of Workflows. - Mohammad M. Vazifeh, Hongmou Zhang, Paolo Santi, Carlo Ratti:
Optimizing the Deployment of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Using Pervasive Mobility Data. - Timothy Libert:
Exposing the Hidden Web: An Analysis of Third-Party HTTP Requests on 1 Million Websites. - Mohamad Dolatshah, Ali Hadian, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli:
Ball*-tree: Efficient spatial indexing for constrained nearest-neighbor search in metric spaces. - Min Wen, Ufuk Topcu:
Strategy Synthesis for Stochastic Rabin Games with Discounted Reward. - Xue Chen, Yuan Zhou:
Parameterized Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems Above Average with Global Cardinality Constraints. - Vladimir Braverman, Stephen R. Chestnut, Nikita Ivkin, David P. Woodruff:
Beating CountSketch for Heavy Hitters in Insertion Streams. - Amir Abboud, Greg Bodwin:
The 4/3 Additive Spanner Exponent is Tight. - Piotr Berman, Junichiro Fukuyama:
The Distributed Selection Problem and the AKS Sorting Network. - Nemanja Spasojevic, Adithya Rao:
Identifying Actionable Messages on Social Media. - Wajdi Dhifli, Abdoulaye Baniré Diallo:
Galaxy-X: A Novel Approach for Multi-class Classification in an Open Universe. - Qi Wang, Ludo Waltman:
Large-Scale Analysis of the Accuracy of the Journal Classification Systems of Web of Science and Scopus. - Wajdi Dhifli, Abdoulaye Baniré Diallo:
ProtNN: Fast and Accurate Nearest Neighbor Protein Function Prediction based on Graph Embedding in Structural and Topological Space. - Franco Berbeglia, Gerardo Berbeglia, Pascal Van Hentenryck:
The Benefits of Segmentation in Trial-Offer Markets with Social Influence and Position Bias. - Yu-Fang Chen, Chiao Hsieh, Ondrej Lengál, Tsung-Ju Lii, Ming-Hsien Tsai, Bow-Yaw Wang, Farn Wang:
PAC Learning-Based Verification and Model Synthesis. - Sudeep Pillai, Srikumar Ramalingam, John J. Leonard:
High-Performance and Tunable Stereo Reconstruction. - Kasturi Vasudevan:
Coherent Detection of Turbo-Coded OFDM Signals Transmitted through Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels with Receiver Diversity and Increased Throughput. - Sitan Chen:
Basis Collapse for Holographic Algorithms Over All Domain Sizes. - Amit Agarwal, Sudarshan Mukherjee, Saif Khan Mohammed:
Impact of Underlaid Multi-antenna D2D on Cellular Downlink Users in Massive MIMO Systems. - Xi Chen, Yu Cheng, Bo Tang:
Well-Supported versus Approximate Nash Equilibria: Query Complexity of Large Games. - Alexander Lavin:
A Pareto Optimal D* Search Algorithm for Multiobjective Path Planning. - Sayantan Dasgupta:
Implicit Feedback Recommendation using Method of Moment. - Aradhana Nayak, Ravi N. Banavar:
Almost globally stable tracking on compact Riemannian manifolds. - Hyun-Seo Park, Yong-Seouk Choi, Tae-Joong Kim, Byung-Chul Kim, Jae Yong Lee:
Is It Possible to Simultaneously Achieve Zero Handover Failure Rate and Ping-Pong Rate? - Sudin Kadam, Sneha Gajbhiye, Ravi N. Banavar:
A geometric approach to the dynamics of flapping wing micro aerial vehicles: Modelling and reduction. - Martino Borello, Olivier Mila:
On the Stabilizer of Weight Enumerators of Linear Codes. - Olivier Bailleux:
SAT as a game. - Kengo Kido, Swarat Chaudhuri, Ichiro Hasuo:
Abstract Interpretation with Infinitesimals: Towards Scalability in Nonstandard Static Analysis (Extended Version). - Vladimir Braverman, Alan Roytman, Gregory Vorsanger:
Approximating Subadditive Hadamard Functions on Implicit Matrices. - Konstantin S. Yakovlev, Egor Baskin, Ivan Hramoin:
Finetuning Randomized Heuristic Search For 2D Path Planning: Finding The Best Input Parameters For R* Algorithm Through Series Of Experiments. - Sebastian van de Hoef, Karl Henrik Johansson, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Computing Feasible Vehicle Platooning Opportunities for Transport Assignments. - Jarek Duda, Grzegorz Korcyl:
Designing dedicated data compression for physics experiments within FPGA already used for data acquisition. - Hans van Ditmarsch, Jan van Eijck, Pere Pardo, Rahim Ramezanian, François Schwarzentruber:
Dynamic Gossip. - Brijnesh J. Jain:
Properties of the Sample Mean in Graph Spaces and the Majorize-Minimize-Mean Algorithm. - Therese Biedl, Martin Derka:
The (3, 1)-ordering for 4-connected planar triangulations. - Sandy Heydrich, Rob van Stee:
Beating the Harmonic lower bound for online bin packing. - Jouni Sirén:
Burrows-Wheeler transform for terabases. - Sebastian Brandt, Orr Fischer, Juho Hirvonen, Barbara Keller, Tuomo Lempiäinen, Joel Rybicki, Jukka Suomela, Jara Uitto:
A Lower Bound for the Distributed Lovász Local Lemma. - Babins Shrestha, Nitesh Saxena, Hien Thi Thu Truong, N. Asokan:
Contextual Proximity Detection in the Face of Context-Manipulating Adversaries. - Jeremi Kazimierz Ochab:
Reinventing the Triangles: Rule of Thumb for Assessing Detectability. - Alexander Sakharov, Timothy Sakharov:
Data Language Specification via Terminal Attribution. - Jan Wielemaker, Torbjörn Lager, Fabrizio Riguzzi:
SWISH: SWI-Prolog for Sharing. - Joost Vennekens:
Lowering the learning curve for declarative programming: a Python API for the IDP system. - Ingmar Dasseville, Gerda Janssens:
A web-based IDE for IDP. - Sarah Alice Gaggl, Sebastian Rudolph, Lukas Schweizer:
Bound Your Models! How to Make OWL an ASP Modeling Language. - Justin Hsu, Jamie Morgenstern, Ryan M. Rogers, Aaron Roth, Rakesh Vohra:
Do Prices Coordinate Markets?