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7. MICCAI 2004: Saint-Malo, France
- Christian Barillot, David R. Haynor, Pierre Hellier:
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2004, 7th International Conference Saint-Malo, France, September 26-29, 2004, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3217, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-22977-9
- Etienne Dombre, Micaël Michelin, François Pierrot, Philippe Poignet, Philippe Bidaud, Guillaume Morel, Tobias Ortmaier, Damien Sallé, Nabil Zemiti, Philippe Gravez, Mourad Karouia, Nicolas Bonnet:
MARGE Project: Design, Modeling, and Control of Assistive Devices for Minimally Invasive Surgery. 1-8 - Nicholas A. Patronik, Marco A. Zenati, Cameron N. Riviere:
Crawling on the Heart: A Mobile Robotic Device for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Interventions. 9-16 - Nabil Simaan, Russell H. Taylor, Paul Flint:
High Dexterity Snake-Like Robotic Slaves for Minimally Invasive Telesurgery of the Upper Airway. 17-24 - Takashi Suzuki, Youhei Nishida, Etsuko Kobayashi, Takayuki Tsuji, Tsuneo Fukuyo, Michihiro Kaneda, Kozo Konishi, Makoto Hashizume, Ichiro Sakuma:
Development of a Robotic Laser Surgical Tool with an Integrated Video Endoscope. 25-32 - Daisuke Asai, Surman Katopo, Jumpei Arata, Shin'ichi Warisawa, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Akio Morita, Shigeo Sora, Takaaki Kirino, Ryo Mochizuki:
Micro-Neurosurgical System in the Deep Surgical Field. 33-40 - Danail Stoyanov, Ara Darzi, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Dense 3D Depth Recovery for Soft Tissue Deformation During Robotically Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery. 41-48 - Maneesh Dewan, Panadda Marayong, Allison M. Okamura, Gregory D. Hager:
Vision-Based Assistance for Ophthalmic Micro-Surgery. 49-57 - Ziv Yaniv, Leo Joskowicz:
Robot-Assisted Distal Locking of Long Bone Intramedullary Nails: Localization, Registration, and In Vitro Experiments. 58-65 - Vijay Venkatraman, Mark H. Van Horn, Susan Weeks, Elizabeth Bullitt:
Liver Motion Due to Needle Pressure, Cardiac, and Respiratory Motion During the TIPS Procedure. 66-72 - Emese Balogh, Anton Deguet, Robert C. Susil, Axel Krieger, Anand Viswanathan, Cynthia Ménard, Jonathan A. Coleman, Gabor Fichtinger:
Visualization, Planning, and Monitoring Software for MRI-Guided Prostate Intervention Robot. 73-80 - Emad Boctor, Gabor Fichtinger, Ambert Yeung, Michael Awad, Russell H. Taylor, Michael A. Choti:
Robotic Strain Imaging for Monitoring Thermal Ablation of Liver. 81-88 - Hsin-Yun Yao, Vincent Hayward, Randy E. Ellis:
A Tactile Magnification Instrument for Minimally Invasive Surgery. 89-96 - Marios Nicolaou, Adam James, Ara Darzi, Guang-Zhong Yang:
A Study of Saccade Transition for Attention Segregation and Task Strategy in Laparoscopic Surgery. 97-104 - Gabriel Brisson, Takeo Kanade, Anthony M. DiGioia, Branislav Jaramaz:
Precision Freehand Sculpting of Bone. 105-112 - Toshikatsu Washio, Kiyoyuki Chinzei:
Needle Force Sensor, Robust and Sensitive Detection of the Instant of Needle Puncture. 113-120 - Hiromasa Yamashita, Nobuhiko Hata, Makoto Hashizume, Takeyoshi Dohi:
Handheld Laparoscopic Forceps Manipulator Using Multi-slider Linkage Mechanisms. 121-128 - Mitsunori Tada, Takeo Kanade:
An MR-Compatible Optical Force Sensor for Human Function Modeling. 129-136 - Daniel Glozman, Moshe Shoham:
Flexible Needle Steering and Optimal Trajectory Planning for Percutaneous Therapies. 137-144 - Elise Taillant, Juan-Carlos Avila-Vilchis, Christophe Allegrini, Ivan Bricault, Philippe Cinquin:
CT and MR Compatible Light Puncture Robot: Architectural Design and First Experiments. 145-152 - Naohiko Sugita, Shin'ichi Warisawa, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Masahiko Suzuki, Hideshige Moriya, Koichi Kuramoto:
Development of a Novel Robot-Assisted Orthopaedic System Designed for Total Knee Arthroplasty. 153-160 - Nobuhiko Hata, Futoshi Ohara, Ryuji Hashimoto, Makoto Hashizume, Takeyoshi Dohi:
Needle Guiding Robot with Five-Bar Linkage for MR-Guided Thermotherapy of Liver Tumor. 161-168 - Tsuyoshi Koyama, Nobuhiko Sugano, Hidenobu Miki, Takashi Nishii, Yoshinobu Sato, Hideki Yoshikawa, Shinichi Tamura, Takahiro Ochi:
Computer-Assisted Minimally Invasive Curettage and Reinforcement of Femoral Head Osteonecrosis with a Novel, Expandable Blade Tool. 169-175 - Benjamin Maurin, Jacques Gangloff, Bernard Bayle, Michel de Mathelin, Olivier Piccin, Philippe Zanne, Christophe Doignon, Luc Soler, Afshin Gangi:
A Parallel Robotic System with Force Sensors for Percutaneous Procedures Under CT-Guidance. 176-183 - Eisuke Aoki, Takashi Suzuki, Etsuko Kobayashi, Nobuhiko Hata, Takeyoshi Dohi, Makoto Hashizume, Ichiro Sakuma:
System Design for Implementing Distributed Modular Architecture to Reliable Surgical Robotic System. 184-191 - Yoshihiko Koseki, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Kiyoyuki Chinzei:
Precise Evaluation of Positioning Repeatability of MR-Compatible Manipulator Inside MRI. 192-199
Simulation and Rendering
- Misael Dario Rosales Ramírez, Petia Radeva Ivanova, Josepa Mauri, Oriol Pujol:
Simulation Model of Intravascular Ultrasound Images. 200-207 - Ingerid Reinertsen, Maxime Descoteaux, Simon Drouin, Kaleem Siddiqi, D. Louis Collins:
Vessel Driven Correction of Brain Shift. 208-216 - Pras Pathmanathan, David Gavaghan, Jonathan P. Whiteley, Michael Brady, Martyn P. Nash, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Vijay Rajagopal:
Predicting Tumour Location by Simulating Large Deformations of the Breast Using a 3D Finite Element Model and Nonlinear Elasticity. 217-224 - Hai Sun, Francis E. Kennedy, Erik J. Carlson, Alex Hartov, David W. Roberts, Keith D. Paulsen:
Modeling of Brain Tissue Retraction Using Intraoperative Data. 225-233 - Diane Perchet, Catalin I. Fetita, Françoise J. Prêteux:
Physiopathology of Pulmonary Airways: Automated Facilities for Accurate Assessment. 234-242 - Jan Rexilius, Horst K. Hahn, Mathias Schlüter, Sven Kohle, Holger Bourquain, Joachim Böttcher, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
A Framework for the Generation of Realistic Brain Tumor Phantoms and Applications. 243-250 - Nataly Yu. Ilyasova, Alexander V. Kupriyanov, Michael A. Ananin, Nataly A. Gavrilova:
Measuring Biomechanical Characteristics of Blood Vessels for Early Diagnostics of Vascular Retinal Pathologies. 251-258 - Kathleen Denis, Tom Huysmans, Tom De Wilde, Cristian Forausberger, Walter Rapp, Bart Haex, Jos Vander Sloten, Remi Van Audekercke, Georges Van der Perre, Kjell Roger Heitmann, Helmut Diers:
A 4D-Optical Measuring System for the Dynamic Acquisition of Anatomical Structures. 259-266 - Corey Kemper, Ion-Florin Talos, Alexandra J. Golby, Peter M. Black, Ron Kikinis, W. Eric L. Grimson, Simon K. Warfield:
An Anisotropic Material Model for Image Guided Neurosurgery. 267-275 - Grzegorz Soza, Roberto Grosso, Christopher Nimsky, Günther Greiner, Peter Hastreiter:
Estimating Mechanical Brain Tissue Properties with Simulation and Registration. 276-283 - Davide Valtorta, Edoardo Mazza:
Dynamic Measurements of Soft Tissue Viscoelastic Properties with a Torsional Resonator Device. 284-292 - Gérald Bianchi, Barbara Solenthaler, Gábor Székely, Matthias Harders:
Simultaneous Topology and Stiffness Identification for Mass-Spring Models Based on FEM Reference Deformations. 293-301 - Daisuke Furukawa, Takayuki Kitasaka, Kensaku Mori, Yasuhito Suenaga, Kenji Mase, Tomoichi Takahashi:
Human Spine Posture Estimation Method from Human Images to Calculate Physical Forces Working on Vertebrae. 302-310 - Lara M. Vigneron, Jacques G. Verly, Simon K. Warfield:
Modelling Surgical Cuts, Retractions, and Resections via Extended Finite Element Method. 311-318 - Dan Morris, Christopher M. Sewell, Nikolas H. Blevins, Federico Barbagli, Kenneth Salisbury:
A Collaborative Virtual Environment for the Simulation of Temporal Bone Surgery. 319-327 - Dalin Tang, Chun Yang, Jie Zheng, Pamela K. Woodard, Gregorio A. Sicard, Jeffrey E. Saffitz, Shunichi Kobayashi, Thomas K. Pilgram, Chun Yuan:
3D Computational Mechanical Analysis for Human Atherosclerotic Plaques Using MRI-Based Models with Fluid-Structure Interactions. 328-336 - Olivier Clatz, Pierre-Yves Bondiau, Hervé Delingette, Grégoire Malandain, Maxime Sermesant, Simon K. Warfield, Nicholas Ayache:
In Silico Tumor Growth: Application to Glioblastomas. 337-345 - Christopher M. Sewell, Dan Morris, Nikolas H. Blevins, Federico Barbagli, John Kenneth Salisbury Jr.:
An Event-Driven Framework for the Simulation of Complex Surgical Procedures. 346-354 - Mohamed A. ElHelw, Benny P. L. Lo, Adrian James Chung, Ara Darzi, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Photorealistic Rendering of Large Tissue Deformation for Surgical Simulation. 355-362 - Johannes Dirnberger, Michael Giretzlehner, Thomas Luckeneder, Doris Siegl, Herbert L. Haller, Christian Rodemund:
BurnCase 3D - Realistic Adaptation of 3-Dimensional Human Body Models. 363-370 - Wouter Mollemans, Filip Schutyser, Johan Van Cleynenbreugel, Paul Suetens:
Fast Soft Tissue Deformation with Tetrahedral Mass Spring Model for Maxillofacial Surgery Planning Systems. 371-379 - Evgeny Gladilin, Alexander Ivanov, Vitaly Roginsky:
Generic Approach for Biomechanical Simulation of Typical Boundary Value Problems in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Planning. 380-388 - Kensaku Mori, Hiroki Oka, Takayuki Kitasaka, Yasuhito Suenaga, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki:
Virtual Unfolding of the Stomach Based on Volumetric Image Deformation. 389-396
Interventional Imaging
- Carolyn S. K. Chan, Dean C. Barratt, Philip J. Edwards, Graeme P. Penney, Mike Slomczykowski, Timothy J. Carter, David J. Hawkes:
Cadaver Validation of the Use of Ultrasound for 3D Model Instantiation of Bony Anatomy in Image Guided Orthopaedic Surgery. 397-404 - Jyrki Lötjönen, Mika Pollari, Sari Kivistö, Kirsi Lauerma:
Correction of Movement Artifacts from 4-D Cardiac Short and Long-Axis MR Data. 405-412 - Darius Burschka, Ming Li, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager:
Scale-Invariant Registration of Monocular Endoscopic Images to CT-Scans for Sinus Surgery. 413-421 - Nathan Wilson, Frank R. Arko, Charles Taylor:
Patient-Specific Operative Planning for Aorto-Femoral Reconstruction Procedures. 422-429 - Dingrong Yi, Jeff Stainsby, Graham A. Wright:
Intuitive and Efficient Control of Real-Time MRI Scan Plane Using a Six-Degree-of-Freedom Hardware Plane Navigator. 430-437 - Kar-Han Tan, James Kobler, Paul H. Dietz, Ramesh Raskar, Rogério Schmidt Feris:
Shape-Enhanced Surgical Visualizations and Medical Illustrations with Multi-flash Imaging. 438-445 - Anand Viswanathan, Emad Boctor, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager, Gabor Fichtinger:
Immediate Ultrasound Calibration with Three Poses and Minimal Image Processing. 446-454 - Theo van Walsum, Everine B. van de Kraats, Bart Carelsen, Sjirk N. Boon, Niels J. Noordhoek, Wiro J. Niessen:
Accuracy of Navigation on 3DRX Data Acquired with a Mobile Propeller C-Arm. 455-461 - Hongen Liao, Daisuke Tamura, Makoto Iwahara, Nobuhiko Hata, Takeyoshi Dohi:
High Quality Autostereoscopic Surgical Display Using Anti-aliased Integral Videography Imaging. 462-469 - Zoltán Nagy, Marcin Novotni, Reinhard Klein:
Enhancing Fourier Volume Rendering Using Contour Extraction. 470-477 - Kumar T. Rajamani, Lutz-Peter Nolte, Martin Styner:
A Novel Approach to Anatomical Structure Morphing for Intraoperative Visualization. 478-485 - Adrian James Chung, Fani Deligianni, Pallav L. Shah, Athol Wells, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Enhancement of Visual Realism with BRDF for Patient Specific Bronchoscopy Simulation. 486-493 - William W. Lau, Nicholas A. Ramey, Jason J. Corso, Nitish V. Thakor, Gregory D. Hager:
Stereo-Based Endoscopic Tracking of Cardiac Surface Deformation. 494-501 - Michael Seger, Gerald Fischer, Robert Modre, Bernhard Pfeifer, Friedrich Hanser, Christoph Hintermüller, Florian Hintringer, Franz Xaver Roithinger, Thomas Trieb, Michael Schocke, Bernhard Tilg:
Online Noninvasive Localization of Accessory Pathways in the EP Lab. 502-509 - Perrine Paul, Oliver Fleig, Sabine Tranchant, Pierre Jannin:
Performance Evaluation of a Stereoscopic Based 3D Surface Localiser for Image-Guided Neurosurgery. 510-517 - J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Ramya Balachandran, Robert F. Labadie:
Bite-Block Relocation Error in Image-Guided Otologic Surgery. 518-525 - Ali Khamene, Jan Karl Warzelhan, Sebastian Vogt, Daniel Elgort, Christophe Chefd'Hotel, Jeffrey L. Duerk, Jonathan S. Lewin, Frank K. Wacker, Frank Sauer:
Characterization of Internal Organ Motion Using Skin Marker Positions. 526-533 - Thomas Lange, Sebastian Eulenstein, Michael Hünerbein, Hans Lamecker, Peter-Michael Schlag:
Augmenting Intraoperative 3D Ultrasound with Preoperative Models for Navigation in Liver Surgery. 534-541 - Ryoichi Nakamura, Kemal Tuncali, Paul R. Morrison, Nobuhiko Hata, Stuart G. Silverman, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Gary P. Zientara:
Control System for MR-Guided Cryotherapy - Short-Term Prediction of Therapy Boundary Using Automatic Segmentation and 3D Optical Flow. 542-550 - Jiro Nagao, Kensaku Mori, Tsutomu Enjouji, Daisuke Deguchi, Takayuki Kitasaka, Yasuhito Suenaga, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Hirotsugu Takabatake, Hiroshi Natori:
Fast and Accurate Bronchoscope Tracking Using Image Registration and Motion Prediction. 551-558 - Takayuki Kitasaka, Kensaku Mori, Yuichiro Hayashi, Yasuhito Suenaga, Makoto Hashizume, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki:
Virtual Pneumoperitoneum for Generating Virtual Laparoscopic Views Based on Volumetric Deformation. 559-567 - Miguel A. Padilla Castañeda, Fernando Arámbula Cosío:
Soft Tissue Resection for Prostatectomy Simulation. 568-576 - Shirley A. M. Baert, Graeme P. Penney, Theo van Walsum, Wiro J. Niessen:
Precalibration Versus 2D-3D Registration for 3D Guide Wire Display in Endovascular Interventions. 577-584 - Giselle Flaccavento, Peter D. Lawrence, Robert Rohling:
Patient and Probe Tracking During Freehand Ultrasound. 585-593 - Johanna Brewer, Margrit Betke, David P. Gierga, George T. Y. Chen:
Real-Time 4D Tumor Tracking and Modeling from Internal and External Fiducials in Fluoroscopy. 594-601 - Wilbur C. K. Wong, Albert C. S. Chung, Simon C. H. Yu:
Augmented Vessels for Pre-operative Preparation in Endovascular Treatments. 602-609 - Gongli Wang, Guoyan Zheng, Paul Alfred Grützner, Jan von Recum, Lutz-Peter Nolte:
A CT-Free Intraoperative Planning and Navigation System for High Tibial Dome Osteotomy. 610-620 - Roger Phillips, Amr Mohsen, Warren J. Viant, Sabur Malek, Qingde Li, Nasir Shah, Mike Bielby, Kevin Sherman:
A Phantom Based Approach to Fluoroscopic Navigation for Orthopaedic Surgery. 621-628 - Yasuhiro Kawasaki, Fumihiko Ino, Yoshinobu Sato, Nobuhiko Sugano, Hideki Yoshikawa, Shinichi Tamura, Kenichi Hagihara:
Real-Time Estimation of Hip Range of Motion for Total Hip Replacement Surgery. 629-636 - Baudouin Denis de Senneville, Pascal Desbarats, Rares Salomir, Bruno Quesson, Chrit T. W. Moonen:
Correction of Accidental Patient Motion for Online MR Thermometry. 637-644
Brain Imaging Applications
- Elizabeth Bullitt, Inkyung Jung, Keith E. Muller, Guido Gerig, Stephen R. Aylward, Sarang C. Joshi, J. Keith Smith, Weili Lin, Matthew G. Ewend:
Determining Malignancy of Brain Tumors by Analysis of Vessel Shape. 645-653 - Jonathan Stoeckel, Nicholas Ayache, Grégoire Malandain, Pierre Malick Koulibaly, Klaus P. Ebmeier, Jacques Darcourt:
Automatic Classification of SPECT Images of Alzheimer's Disease Patients and Control Subjects. 654-662 - Marcel Jackowski, Chiu Yen Kao, MaoLin Qiu, R. Todd Constable, Lawrence H. Staib:
Estimation of Anatomical Connectivity by Anisotropic Front Propagation and Diffusion Tensor Imaging. 663-670 - Isabelle Corouge, Sylvain Gouttard, Guido Gerig:
A Statistical Shape Model of Individual Fiber Tracts Extracted from Diffusion Tensor MRI. 671-679 - Valerie Cardenas, Colin Studholme:
Co-analysis of Maps of Atrophy Rate and Atrophy State in Neurodegeneration. 680-687 - Abraham Dubb, Paul A. Yushkevich, Zhiyong Xie, Ruben C. Gur, Raquel E. Gur, James C. Gee:
Regional Structural Characterization of the Brain of Schizophrenia Patients. 688-695 - Simon Duchesne, Neda Bernasconi, Andrea Bernasconi, D. Louis Collins:
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgical Outcome Prediction. 696-702 - Eric R. Cosman Jr., John W. Fisher III, William M. Wells III:
Exact MAP Activity Detection in f MRI Using a GLM with an Ising Spatial Prior. 703-710 - Ola Friman, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Bias in Resampling-Based Thresholding of Statistical Maps in fMRI. 711-718 - Alexis Roche, Philippe Pinel, Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-Baptiste Poline:
Solving Incrementally the Fitting and Detection Problems in fMRI Time Series. 719-726 - Despina Kontos, Vasileios Megalooikonomou, Dragoljub Pokrajac, Aleksandar Lazarevic, Zoran Obradovic, Orest B. Boyko, James Ford, Fillia Makedon, Andrew J. Saykin:
Extraction of Discriminative Functional MRI Activation Patterns and an Application to Alzheimer's Disease. 727-735 - Jing Yang, Xenophon Papademetris, Lawrence H. Staib, Robert T. Schultz, James S. Duncan:
Functional Brain Image Analysis Using Joint Function-Structure Priors. 736-744 - Hyunjin Park, Charles R. Meyer, Boklye Kim:
Improved Motion Correction in fMRI by Joint Mapping of Slices into an Anatomical Volume. 745-751 - Desmond Teck Beng Yeo, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Boklye Kim:
Motion Correction in fMRI by Mapping Slice-to-Volume with Concurrent Field-Inhomogeneity Correction. 752-760
Cardiac and Other Applications
- Georges Le Goualher, Aymeric Perchant, Magalie Genet, Charlotte Cavé, Bertrand Viellerobe, Frederic Berier, Benjamin Abrat, Nicholas Ayache:
Towards Optical Biopsies with an Integrated Fibered Confocal Fluorescence Microscope. 761-768 - Kelly H. Zou, Douglas N. Greve, Meng Wang, Steven D. Pieper, Simon K. Warfield, Nathan S. White, Mark G. Vangel, Ron Kikinis, William M. Wells III, First Birn:
A Prospective Multi-institutional Study of the Reproducibility of fMRI: A Preliminary Report from the Biomedical Informatics Research Network. 769-776 - Bogdan Georgescu, Xiang Sean Zhou, Dorin Comaniciu, R. Bharat Rao:
Real-Time Multi-model Tracking of Myocardium in Echocardiography Using Robust Information Fusion. 777-785 - Maxime Sermesant, Kawal S. Rhode, Angela Anjorin, Sanjeet Hegde, Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Daniel Rueckert, Pier Lambiase, Clifford Bucknall, Derek L. G. Hill, Reza Razavi:
Simulation of the Electromechanical Activity of the Heart Using XMR Interventional Imaging. 786-794 - Gabor Fichtinger, Anton Deguet, Ken Masamune, Emese Balogh, Gregory S. Fischer, Hervé Mathieu, Russell H. Taylor, Laura M. Fayad, S. James Zinreich:
Needle Insertion in CT Scanner with Image Overlay - Cadaver Studies. 795-803 - Gabriel Kiss, Johan Van Cleynenbreugel, Guy Marchal, Paul Suetens:
Computer Aided Detection in CT Colonography, via Spin Images. 804-812 - Marius George Linguraru, Michael Brady, Ruth E. English:
Foveal Algorithm for the Detection of Microcalcification Clusters: A FROC Analysis. 813-820 - Sukmoon Chang, Hirosh Emoto, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Leon Axel:
Pulmonary Micronodule Detection from 3D Chest CT. 821-828 - Kashif Rajpoot, Nasir M. Rajpoot:
SVM Optimization for Hyperspectral Colon Tissue Cell Classification. 829 - Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kouzo Yamada, Kiyoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Pulmonary Nodule Classification Based on Nodule Retrieval from 3-D Thoracic CT Image Database. 838-846 - Xin Yuan, Pengcheng Shi:
Physics Based Contrast Marking and Inpainting Based Local Texture Comparison for Clustered Microcalcification Detection. 847-855 - Aly A. Farag, Ayman El-Baz, Georgy L. Gimel'farb, Robert Falk, Stephen G. Hushek:
Automatic Detection and Recognition of Lung Abnormalities in Helical CT Images Using Deformable Templates. 856-864 - Lionel C. C. Wai, Matthew Mellor, Michael Brady:
A Multi-resolution CLS Detection Algorithm for Mammographic Image Analysis. 865-872 - Jiayong Zhang, Yanxi Liu:
Cervical Cancer Detection Using SVM Based Feature Screening. 873-880 - Kazunori Okada, Dorin Comaniciu, Arun Krishnan:
Robust 3D Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in Multislice CT Images. 881-889 - Nicholas M. I. Noble, Derek L. G. Hill, Marcel Breeuwer, Reza Razavi:
The Automatic Identification of Hibernating Myocardium. 890-898 - Quentin R. Williams, J. Alison Noble:
A Spatio-temporal Analysis of Contrast Ultrasound Image Sequences for Assessment of Tissue Perfusion. 899-906 - Yong He, Yufeng Zang, Tianzi Jiang, Meng Liang, Gaolang Gong:
Detecting Functional Connectivity of the Cerebellum Using Low Frequency Fluctuations (LFFs). 907-915