SIGCSE 2019: Minneapolis, MN, USA

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Opening Keynote

Paper Session: Data

Paper Session: Collaboration and Communication

Paper Session: Enrollment & Retention

Paper Session: Tools 1

Paper Session: Practice & Problems

Paper Session: Process & Performance

Paper Session: Autograders

Paper Session: Capstones & Projects

Special Session: Propagating Educational Innovations

Panel: Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education

Special Session: Process Skills in Computer Science

Panel: Cybersecurity Program Accreditation: Benefits and Challenges

SIGCSE@50 - Hot Topics in the SIGCSE Community

First Timer's Lunch Keynote & 2019 SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community

Paper Session: Databases

Paper Session: Software Engineering

Paper Session: Advanced Topics

Paper Session: Feedback

Paper Session: Active Learning

Paper Session: Gender

Paper Session: Curriculum Issues 1

Panel: Including Embedded Systems in CS: Why? When? and How?

Special Session: Where Are We Now? Results from a National Study of Computer Science Teachers and Teaching

Panel: The New NSF Requirement for Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plans: Community Advice and Resources

Special Session: Shaping Curricular Guidelines for Associate-Degree Cybersecurity Programs

Special Session: SIGCSE Reads 2019: Discussion and Q & A


Paper Session: Camps

Paper Session: Story & Video

Paper Session: Games & Gamification

Paper Session: Testing 1

Paper Session: Computation Thinking 1

Paper Session: Assessment 1

Paper Session: Teaching Practice 1

Panel: Broadening Participation in Computing: Putting Our Work in Context

Special Session: AI for K-12 Guidelines Initiative

Panel: The Reality of Inclusion

Special Session: ACM Task Force on Data Science Education

Panel: CS Principles Higher Education Pathways

SIGCSE@50 - Computing Education Research

Morning Keynote & 2019 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education

Paper Session: Online

Paper Session: Mistakes and Errors

Paper Session: Instruments 1

Paper Session: Testing 2

Paper Session: Teaching Practice 2

Paper Session: Assessment 2

Paper Session: CS1 1

Panel: This is What Diversity Looks Like

Panel: Civic Engagement Across the Computing Curriculum

Special Session: Exploring our Privilege: Activities and Discussions

Special Session: Computing Curricula 2020: Introduction and Community Engagement

Special Session: A Discussion of Research Practice Partnerships in CS Education

SIGCSE@50 - Equity

Paper Session: Professional Tools & Practice

Paper Session: Student Success

Paper Session: Instruments 2

Paper Session: Security 1

Paper Session: Misconceptions

Paper Session: Accessibility

Paper Session: Session 5G: Curriculum Issues 2

Special Session: ACM Code of Ethics: Looking Back and Forging Ahead

Panel: Four Models for Including Community Colleges in Broadening Participation: A Call to Action

Special Session: Leading Conversations about Microaggressions, Bias, and Other Difficult Topics

Panel: Wrestling with Retention in the CS Major: Report from the ACM Retention Committee

Panel: Why and How to Spend a Sabbatical in Industry


Paper Session: Physical Computing

Paper Session: Professional Skills

Paper Session: Attitudinal

Paper Session: Security 2

Paper Session: Computational Thinking 2

Paper Session: Systems

Paper Session: CS1 2

Special Session: Microteaching

Panel: Community College Transfer Pathways

Special Session: Curious about Student Participation in Humanitarian Open Source Software?

SIGCSE@50 - Broadening Participation


Paper Session: Professional Development 1

Paper Session: REU

Paper Session: Expectations

Paper Session: Outreach

Paper Session: Theory & Math

Paper Session: Pair Programming

Paper Session: CSP

SIGCSE@50 - Historical Perspectives

Paper Session: Professional Development 2

Paper Session: Mentorship

Paper Session: Engagement

Paper Session: Access

Paper Session: Culture & Language

Paper Session: Inclusion

Paper Session: Blocks

Special Session: Women and Girls of Color in Computing

Special Session: Demystifying Language about Students' Varied Identities

Nifty Assignments

Panel: Making K-12 CS Education Accessibility a Norm, not an Exception

Wednesday Workshops

Friday Workshops

Saturday Workshops

Birds of a Feather Flock #1

Birds of a Feather Flock #2

Poster Session #1

Poster Session #2

Poster Session #3

Lightning Talks #1

Lightning Talks: Lightning Talks #2


ACM SRC: ACM Student Research Competition

a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics