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33rd CogSci 2011: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Laura A. Carlson, Christoph Hölscher, Thomas F. Shipley:
Proceedings of the 33th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2011, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 20-23, 2011. 2011, ISBN 978-0-9768318-7-7
Workshops and Tutorials
- Jay I. Myung, Mark A. Pitt:
Tutorial on Model Comparison Methods. - Kees van Deemter, Albert Gatt, Roger P. G. van Gompel, Emiel Krahmer:
PRE-CogSci 2011 - Bridging the gap between computational, empirical and theoretical approaches to reference. - Niels Taatgen, Jelmer P. Borst:
ACT-R Tutorial. - Robert N. McCauley, Armin W. Geertz, Joseph Bulbulia:
New Developments in the Cognitive Science of Religion. Hosted by the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion (IACSR). - Chris Eliasmith, Terrence C. Stewart:
Nengo and the Neural Engineering Framework: Connecting Cognitive Theory to Neuroscience. - Shane T. Mueller:
Tutorial on using the Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL) in the laboratory, the field, and the classroom. - John K. Kruschke:
Tutorial: Doing Bayesian Data Analysis with R and BUGS. - Hannah Riley Bowles, Laurie Beth Feldman, Janet G. van Hell, Judith F. Kroll, Suparna Rajaram:
Workshop: The Psychology of Negotiation: When, Why and How. - Joana Hois, Robert J. Ross, John D. Kelleher, John A. Bateman:
Workshop on Computational Models of Spatial Language Interpretation - CoSLI-2 in conjunction with CogSci 2011. - Tamás Bíró, Judit Gervain:
Optimality Theory as a General Cognitive Architecture. - Holly A. Taylor, Elena Andonova:
Perspective and Embodiment. - Winter A. Mason, Siddharth Suri:
How to use Mechanical Turk for Cognitive Science Research. - Yasuaki Sakamoto, Wai-Tat Fu:
Half-Day Workshop on Social Computing and Collective Intelligence. - Jonathan B. Freeman, Rick Dale, Michael J. Spivey:
Doing Cognitive Science by Hand: A Tutorial on Computer Mouse-Tracking. - Javid Sadr:
Preparing and Presenting Complex Images for Perceptual Cognitive Studies. - Pat Langley, Dongkyu Choi:
Tutorial on the Icarus Cognitive Architecture.
Keynote: Anjan Chatterjee
- Anjan Chatterjee:
Space, Time and Causality: Some Neural Observations.
Symposium: Finding your way: The cognitive science of navigation
- Benjamin Kuipers, Neil Burgess, Russell Epstein, Verner P. Bingman, Francesca Pazzaglia:
Finding your way: The cognitive science of navigation.
Education and Tutoring Systems
- Stephanie Herppich, Jörg Wittwer, Matthias Nückles, Alexander Renkl:
Does Teaching Experience Help? Differences in the Assessment of Tutees' Understanding Between Teacher Tutors and Student Tutors. - Christine Otieno, Rolf Schwonke, Alexander Renkl, Vincent Aleven, Ron Salden:
Measuring Learning Progress via Self-Explanations versus Problem Solving - A Suggestion for Optimizing Adaptation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. - Candace A. Walkington, Keith E. Maull:
Exploring the Assistance Dilemma: The Case of Context Personalization. - Reza Feyzi-Behnagh, Zohreh Khezri, Roger Azevedo:
An Investigation of Accuracy of Metacognitive Judgments during Learning with an Intelligent Multi-Agent Hypermedia Environment. - David Landy, David Brookes, Ryan Smout:
Modeling Abstract Numeric Relations Using Concrete Notations.
Human Memory
- James Pooley, Michael D. Lee, William Shankle:
Modeling Multitrial Free Recall with Unknown Rehearsal Times. - Gregory E. Cox, Richard M. Shiffrin:
Criterion Setting and the Dynamics of Recognition Memory. - J. Isaiah Harbison, Sharona M. Atkins, Michael R. Dougherty:
N-back Training Task Performance: Analysis and Model. - Brendan T. Johns, Michael N. Jones:
Construction in Semantic Memory: Generating Perceptual Representations With Global Lexical Similarity. - Jelle R. Dalenberg, Hedderik van Rijn:
Does retrieval require effort? Effects of memory strength on pupil dilation.
- Jonathan Phillips, Liane Young:
Apparent Paradoxes in Moral Reasoning; Or how you forced him to do it, even though he wasn't forced to do it. - Nadia Chernyak, Tamar Kushnir, Katherine M. Sullivan, Qi Wang:
A Comparison of Nepalese and American Children's Concepts of Free Will. - Lorenzo Magnani:
Is Instinct Rational? Are Animals Intelligent? An Abductive Account. - Anthony Dardis:
Conscious Intentions. - Nicholas Shea:
Reward Prediction Error Signals are Metarepresentational.
Symposium: More than just logic tasks: New approaches to understanding reasoning
- Magda Osman, Wim De Neys:
More than just logic tasks: New Approaches to understanding Reasoning.
Symposium: Being where? Putting cognition, science and realism together again
- Fred Hasselman, Rick Dale, John Holden, Anthony Chemero, Michael Seevinck, Ralf Cox, Eric Dietrich:
What Should we Be Realist about in Cognitive Science?
Visual perception and memory
- Charles A. Coey, Manuel Varlet, Richard C. Schmidt, Michael J. Richardson:
Agency and Rhythmic Coordination: Are We Naught but Moving Dots? - Theo Rhodes, Christopher T. Kello, Bryan Kerster:
Distributional and Temporal Properties of Eye Movement Trajectories in Scene Perception. - Matthew S. Cain, Ed Vul, Kait Clark, Stephen R. Mitroff:
Optimal Models of Human Multiple-Target Visual Search. - Chris R. Sims, Robert A. Jacobs, David C. Knill:
An Ideal Observer Model of Visual Short-Term Memory Predicts Human Capacity - Precision Tradeoffs.
Learning and cognitive development
- Rachel Wu, Natasha Z. Kirkham, Kristen Swan, Teodora Gliga:
Infants Use Social Signals to Learn from Unfamiliar Referential Cues. - Paul J. Muentener, Daniel Friel, Laura Schulz:
Toddlers' understanding of prediction, intervention, and means of transmission: When psychological outcomes are easier than physical ones. - Leif Kåre Lende, Niels Taatgen:
Modeling the Logarithmic-To-Linear Shift In Representations Of Numerical Magnitudes. - Andrew Shtulman, Joshua Valcarcel:
Ghosts of Theories Past: The Ever-Present Influence of Long-Discarded Theories.
Modeling cognitive development
- Emmanuel Dupoux, Guillaume Beraud-Sudreau, Shigeki Sagayama:
Templatic features for modeling phoneme acquisition. - Elan Barenholtz, Meredith Davidson, David J. Lewkowicz:
Multisensory Associative-Pair Learning: Evidence for 'Unitization' as a specialized mechanism. - Serge Thill, Henrik Svensson:
The inception of simulation: a hypothesis for the role of dreams in young children. - Marek Rucinski, Angelo Cangelosi, Tony Belpaeme:
An Embodied Developmental Robotic Model of Interactions between Numbers and Space.
Concepts and categories
- Matthew D. Zeigenfuse, Michael D. Lee:
A Comparison of Three Measures of the Association Between a Feature and a Concept. - Simon De Deyne, Wouter Voorspoels, Steven Verheyen, Daniel J. Navarro, Gert Storms:
Graded structure in adjective categories. - Trevor Fountain, Mirella Lapata:
Incremental Models of Natural Language Category Acquisition. - Constantijn Kaland, Emiel Krahmer, Marc Swerts:
Salient in the mind, salient in prosody.
Situated cognition
- Sanjay Chandrasekharan, Nancy J. Nersessian:
Building Cognition: The Construction of External Representations for Discovery. - Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau, Anna Weller, Gaëlle Villejoubert:
Distributed Cognition and Insight Problem Solving. - Hansjörg Neth, Stephen J. Payne:
Interactive Coin Addition: How Hands Can Help Us Think. - Nancy Owens Renner:
Multisensory Sensemaking: Children's Exploratory Behavior has Organizing Structure at Micro- and Macro-scales.
Symposium: Interactivity and thought
- David Kirsh, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Herbert H. Clark, Yvonne Rogers:
Interactivity and Thought.
Symposium: The development of spatial cognition during childhood
- Anne R. Schutte, Heidi Fleharty, Alycia Hund, David H. Uttal, Megan Sauter, Nina Simms, Dedre Gentner:
The Development of Spatial Cognition During Childhood: Extending Understanding of Perception, Memory, Language, Maps, and Gestures.
Instruction and teaching
- Jeri Little, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork:
Pretesting with Multiple-choice Questions Facilitates Learning. - Lennart Schalk, Henrik Saalbach, Elsbeth Stern:
Designing learning materials to foster transfer of principles. - Shanta Hattikudur, Martha W. Alibali:
The Role of Comparison in Mathematics Learning. - Yuri Uesaka, Emmanuel Manalo:
The Effects of Peer Communication with Diagrams on Students' Math Word Problem Solving Processes and Outcomes.
Acquiring syntactic structure
- Maryia Fedzechkina, T. Florian Jaeger, Elissa L. Newport:
Functional Biases in Language Learning: Evidence from Word Order and Case-Marking Interaction. - Jelena Mirkovic, Sarah Forrest, M. Gareth Gaskell:
Semantic Regularities in Grammatical Categories: Learning Grammatical Gender in an Artificial Language. - Sara Finley, Morten H. Christiansen:
Multimodal Transfer of Repetition Patterns in Artificial Grammar Learning. - Melissa Troyer, Timothy J. O'Donnell, Evelina Fedorenko, Edward Gibson:
Storage and computation in syntax: Evidence from relative clause priming.
Cognitive architectures and formal modeling
- Chenna Reddy Cotla:
A Memory-Based Account of the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma. - Steven Phillips, William H. Wilson:
Categorial compositionality continued: A category theory explanation for quasi-systematicity. - Caspar Addyman, Robert M. French, Denis Mareschal, Elizabeth Thomas:
Learning to perceive time: A connectionist, memory-decay model of the development of interval timing in infants. - Katja Mehlhorn, Julian N. Marewski:
Racing for the City: The Recognition Heuristic and Compensatory Alternatives.
Processing complex information and inference
- Chris Thornton:
Naive Inference viewed as Computation. - Janice D. Gobert, Juelaila J. Raziuddin, Michael Sao Pedro:
The Influence of Learner Characteristics on Conducting Scientific Inquiry Within Microworlds. - Benjamin M. Rottman, Frank Keil:
Which Parts of Scientific Explanations are Most Important? - Qingzi Vera Liao, Wai-Tat Fu:
Effects of Aging and Individual Differences on Credibility Judgment of Online Health Information.
Emotions from physical states to social interactions
- Vicky Tzuyin Lai, Peter Hagoort, Daniel Casasanto:
Affective and Non-affective Meaning in Words and Pictures. - Celso de Melo, Peter J. Carnevale, Jonathan Gratch:
Reverse Appraisal: Inferring from Emotion Displays who is the Cooperator and the Competitor in a Social Dilemma. - Sidney K. D'Mello:
Dynamical Emotions: Bodily Dynamics of Affect during Problem Solving. - Jean-Louis Dessalles:
Simplicity Effects in the Experience of Near-Miss.
Symposium: Place holder structure and numerical computation
- David Barner, Neon Brooks, Michael C. Frank, Elizabet Spaepen:
Placeholder structure and numerical computation.
Spatial representation
- Alexander Kranjec, Prin X. Amorapanth, Anjan Chatterjee:
The Schematic Representation of Spatial Relations: Evidence from Group and Single-Case Lesion Studies. - Elena Andonova, Kenny R. Coventry:
Priming Spatial Perspective. - Wai K. Yeap:
A computational theory of human perceptual mapping. - Nicolas Davidenko, Stephen J. Flusberg:
Beyond the retina: Evidence for a face inversion effect in the environmental frame of reference.
Modeling child cognition
- Stephanie Denison, Christie Reed, Fei Xu:
The emergence of probabilistic reasoning in very young infants. - David Pfeiffer, Heidi Kloos, Daniel Bullard:
Learning to Balance a Beam: The Effect of Instability. - Jean-Pierre Thibaut, Robert M. French, Angélique Missault, Yannick Gerard, Yannick Glady:
In the Eyes of the Beholder: What Eye-Tracking Reveals About Analogy-Making Strategies in Children and Adults. - Raedy M. Ping, Kristin Ratliff, Elizabeth Hickey, Susan C. Levine:
Using Manual Rotation and Gesture to Improve Mental Rotation in Preschoolers.
Communication and evolution of language
- Mark Blokpoel, Johan Kwisthout, Todd Wareham, Pim Haselager, Ivan Toni, Iris van Rooij:
The computational costs of recipient design and intention recognition in communication. - Gregory Mills:
The emergence of procedural conventions in dialogue. - Amy Perfors, Daniel J. Navarro:
Language evolution is shaped by the structure of the world: An iterated learning analysis. - Tessa Verhoef, Simon Kirby, Carol Padden:
Cultural emergence of combinatorial structure in an artificial whistled language.
Computational models of language comprehension
- Uli Grasemann, Ralph Hoffman, Risto Miikkulainen:
Modeling Acute and Compensated Language Disturbance in Schizophrenia. - Jerry T. Ball:
A Pseudo-Deterministic Model of Human Language Processing. - William Schuler:
Effects of Filler-gap Dependencies Working Memory Requirements for Parsing. - Gideon Borensztajn, Willem H. Zuidema:
Episodic grammar: a computational model of the interaction between episodic and semantic memory in language processing.
Measuring concepts and categories
- Charles Kemp, Faye Han, Alan Jern:
Concept Learning and Modal Reasoning. - Barbara Malt, Eef Ameel, Silvia P. Gennari, Mutsumi Imai, Noburo Saji, Asifa Majid:
Do words reveal concepts? - Barbara Bazzanella, Paolo Bouquet:
Associative and Categorical Priming in Recognition of Individuals. - Wouter Voorspoels, Gert Storms, Wolf Vanpaemel:
Contrast in natural language concepts: An exemplar-based approach.
Perceptual processes
- Sarah Dolscheid, Shakila Shayan, Asifa Majid, Daniel Casasanto:
The Thickness of Musical Pitch: Psychophysical evidence for the Whorfian hypothesis. - Dinis Gökaydin, Anna Ma-Wyatt, Daniel J. Navarro, Amy Perfors:
Humans use different statistics for sequence analysis depending on the task. - Robert Thomson, Guy L. Lacroix:
Examining the Role of Object Size in Judgments of Lateral Separation. - Khanh-Phuong Thai, Everett Mettler, Philip J. Kellman:
Basic Information Processing Effects from Perceptual Learning in Complex, Real-World Domains.
- Walter A. Talbott, Ian R. Fasel, Javier Molina, Virginia R. de Sa, Javier R. Movellan:
Coordinating Touch and Vision to Learn What Objects Look Like. - Nicolás Oberholzer, Máximo Trench, Ricardo A. Minervino:
When Lighting a Candle Becomes a Superstition: Analogical Recategorization through the Application of Relational Categories. - Georgi Petkov, Ivan Vankov, Boicho N. Kokinov:
Unifying Deduction, Induction, and Analogy by the AMBR Model. - Ahnate Lim, Scott Sinnett:
Exploring Visual Attention in Musicians: Temporal, Spatial and Capacity Considerations. - Tomer D. Ullman, Noah D. Goodman, Josh Tenenbaum:
Forward Physics: How people learn and generalize novel dynamical models. - Afra Alishahi, Pirita Pyykkönen:
The Onset of Syntactic Bootstrapping in Word Learning: Evidence from a Computational Study. - Catherine Havasi, Robyn Speer:
Modeling Verb Lexicalization Biases using Hierarchical Bayesian Models. - Jenn-Yeu Chen, Bishan Liang, Padraig O'Seaghdha, Xishan Huang:
English and Mandarin Speakers May Think about Time Differently, but for a Different Reason. - Sangbok Lee:
Dreaming Cogniton and Acculturation Processes. - Brent Strickland, Matt Fischer, Elodie Peyroux, Frank Keil:
Syntactic Biases in Intentionality Judgments. - Alexandra Clifford, Paul T. Sowden, Ian R. L. Davies:
Color Language Does Not Affect Chromatic Thresholds. - Ava Santos, Lawrence W. Barsalou:
The Significance of Memory Retrieval in Perceptual Interference. - Hongbo Chen:
A Study of the Pragmatic Prototypical Categories of Rhetorical Questions. - Steven Verheyen, Gert Storms:
Towards a Categorization-Based Model of Similarity. - Sergio E. Chaigneau, Cristián Coo, Vicente Soto:
Credibility of Stories about Design History. - Seth Chin-Parker:
What Varying the Learning Task and Category Structure Reveals About Inference Learning. - Kimery R. Levering, Kenneth J. Kurtz:
Observational Category Learning as a Path to More Robust Generative Knowledge. - Clare E. Sims, Eliana Colunga:
Perceptual and Conceptual Cues in Classification and Inference Tasks. - Graham Silk-Eglit, Kenneth J. Kurtz:
Types of Cognitive Content and the Role of Relational Processing in the Illusion of Explanatory Depth. - Nathaniel Blanco, Todd M. Gureckis:
Does Category Labeling Lead to Forgetting? - Ulrik Lyngs:
Priming Effects of Religious Concepts on Moral Judgment: Between Mean Values and Variation. - Terrence C. Stewart, Chris Eliasmith:
Neural Cognitive Modelling: A Biologically Constrained Spiking Neuron Model of the Tower of Hanoi Task. - Brian Colder:
Implementation of a Prediction-Based Cognitive Framework. - Joan Peskin, Carly Prusky, Julie Comay:
Representations of knowledge states when writing: Keeping the reader's mind in mind.