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2. FET 2011: Budapest, Hungary
- Elisabeth Giacobino, Rolf Pfeifer:
Proceedings of the 2nd European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition, FET 2011, Budapest, Hungary, May 4-6, 2011. Procedia Computer Science 7, Elsevier 2011 - Neelie Kroes, Zoltán Cséfalvay, József Pálinkás:
Political Welcome Address to Conference Participants. 4-5 - Neelie Kroes, Zoltán Cséfalvay:
Opening of the European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011. 6-7
- Josh C. Bongard:
How Evolution Shapes the Way Roboticists Think. 8-10 - Artur Ekert:
The age of computation is yet to come. 11-13 - Gábor Prószéky:
The (Hopefully Near) Future of Language Technologies. 14-15 - Claire J. Tomlin:
Mathematical Models to Help Understand Developmental Biology and Cancer. 16-17 - Rodney Douglas, Fet Seco Ip:
Constructive Cortical Computation. 18-19 - John B. Pendry:
The Science of Invisibility. 20-21 - Jean-Philippe Bouchaud:
The Endogenous Dynamics of Markets: A Complex System Point of View. 22-23
Presentations of the 6 FET Flagship Pilots
- Neelie Kroes:
Introducing Six FET Flagship Pilot Actions. 24-25 - Hans Lehrach, Ralf Sudbrak, Peter Boyle
, Markus Pasterk, Kurt Zatloukal, Heimo Müller
, Tim Hubbard, Angela Brand, Mark A. Girolami
, Daniel Jameson
, Frank J. Bruggeman
, Hans V. Westerhoff
ITFoM - The IT Future of Medicine. 26-29 - Jari Kinaret, Andrea C. Ferrari, Vladimir Fal'ko
, Jani Kivioja:
Graphene-Driven Revolutions in ICT and Beyond. 30-33 - Steven Bishop, Dirk Helbing
, Paul Lukowicz, Rosaria Conte:
FuturICT: FET Flagship Pilot Project. 34-38 - Henry Markram, Karlheinz Meier, Thomas Lippert, Sten Grillner, Richard S. Frackowiak
, Stanislas Dehaene, Alois C. Knoll
, Haim Sompolinsky, Kris Verstreken, Javier DeFelipe
, Seth Grant, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Alois Saria:
Introducing the Human Brain Project. 39-42 - Adrian M. Ionescu, Christofer Hierold:
Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life: Enabling a Zero-Power Technological Platform for Autonomous Smart Systems. 43-46 - Paolo Dario, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
, Tony J. Prescott
, Gordon Cheng
, Giulio Sandini
, Roberto Cingolani, Rüdiger Dillmann, Dario Floreano, Christophe Leroux, Sheila MacNeil, Pieter R. Roelfsema
, Xenophon Verykios, Antonio Bicchi, Chris Melhuish, Alin Albu-Schäffer
Robot Companions for Citizens. 47-51
Main conference sessions
- Julio T. Barreiro
, Dieter Meschede, Eugene Polzik
, E. Arimondo, Fabrizio Illuminati
, Luigi A. Lugiato:
Atoms, Photons and Entanglement for Quantum Information Technologies. 52-55 - Martyn Amos, Peter Dittrich, John S. McCaskill
, Steen Rasmussen:
Biological and Chemical Information Technologies. 56-60 - Stefano Vassanelli
Brain-Chip Interfaces: The Present and The Future. 61-64 - Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Daniele Miorandi, Nikos D. Hatziargyriou, Pablo Viejo:
Complex Systems for an ICT-enabled Energy System. 65-67 - Ulle Endriss
Computational Social Choice: Prospects and Challenges. 68-72 - Chrisantha Fernando, George Kampis, Eörs Szathmáry:
Evolvability of Natural and Artificial Systems. 73-76 - Markus Arndt
, Angelo Bassi
, Domenico Giulini
, Antoine Heidmann
, Jean-Michel Raimond:
Fundamental Frontiers of Quantum Science and Technology. 77-80 - Ben Paechter, Jeremy Pitt, Nikola B. Serbedzija, Katina Michael
, Jennifer Willies, Ingi Helgason
Heaven and Hell: Visions for Pervasive Adaptation. 81-82 - David A. Lane, Sander van der Leeuw, Chris Sigaloff, Filippo Addarii:
Innovation, Sustainability and ICT. 83-87 - Alois Ferscha, Nigel Davies, Albrecht Schmidt
, Norbert A. Streitz
Pervasive Socio-Technical Fabric. 88-91 - Yasser Omar
, Martin B. Plenio
, Susana F. Huelga, Mario Rasetti:
Quantum Effects in Biology and Their Applications to Light Harvesting and Sensing. 92-95 - Robert Trappl, Markus Krajewski, Zsófia Ruttkay, Virgil Widrich:
Robots as Companions: What can we Learn from Servants and Companions in Literature, Theater, and Film? 96-98 - Fumiya Iida
, Cecilia Laschi
Soft Robotics: Challenges and Perspectives. 99-102 - Luca Gammaitoni:
Sustainable ICT: Micro and Nanoscale Energy Management. 103-105 - Zoltán Rácz, Shannon B. Olsson
, Julian W. Gardner
, Tim C. Pearce
, Bill S. Hansson
, Marina Cole
Challenges of Biomimetic Infochemical Communication. 106-109 - Michael Smyth
, Ingi Helgason
, Ivica Mitrovic
, Gianluca Zaffiro:
The City in Cinema: How Popular Culture can Influence Research Agendas. 110-113 - Enzo Badalotti, Luca De Biase, Peter Greenaway:
The Future Museum. 114-116 - Jörn Kohlhammer, Daniel A. Keim, Margit Pohl
, Giuseppe Santucci
, Gennady L. Andrienko
Solving Problems with Visual Analytics. 117-120 - Akos Kusnyerik, Kristóf Karacs, Ákos Zarándy:
Vision Restoration and Vision Chip Technologies. 121-124
Discussions and panels
- Jacques Stern, Robert Madelin, Norbert Kroó, Paul F. M. J. Verschure, Jerzy Langer, Paul 't Hoen:
Large Scale Funding vs. Small Scale Funding. 125 - Wolfgang Boch, Ales Fiala:
Perspective on Future and Emerging Technologies. 126
Poster Sessions
- Adrien Depeursinge
, Henning Müller:
Medical Visual Information Retrieval Based on Multi-Dimensional Texture Modeling. 127-129 - Alan F. T. Winfield
, Alistair G. Sutcliffe, F. E. Griffths, James L. Bown, R. Durie, J. Tennant Jackson, Mehmet Dinçer Erbas
, D. Wang, Sajida Bhamjee, Andrew Guest:
First Steps Toward Artificial Culture in Robot Societies. 130-132 - Alejandro Hernández Arieta, Maresa Afthinos, Konstantinos Dermitzakis:
Apparent Moving Sensation Recognition in Prosthetic Applications. 133-135 - András A. Benczúr:
Affordable Supercomputing for Data Mining Applications. 136-138 - Andro Chanishvili, Guram Chilaya, Gia Petriashvili:
Information Recording in Photosensitive Photonic Cholesteric Liquid Crystal. 139-141 - Nikolay Dimov
, Lourdes Muñoz
, Wojciech P. Bula, Gerard Carot-Sans, J. G. E. Gardeniers
, Angel Guerrero
A Chemoemitter System Mimicking Chemical Communication in Insects. 142-143 - Antonio Camurri
, Corrado Canepa, Nicola Ferrari, Maurizio Mancini
, Gualtiero Volpe
Modelling and Analysing Creative Communication within Groups of People: The Artistic Event at FET11. 144-145 - Antoni Portero
, Zhibin Yu, Roberto Giorgi
TERAFLUX: Exploiting Tera-device Computing Challenges. 146-147 - Ramon Canal, Antonio Rubio, A. Asenov, A. Brown, Miguel Miranda, Paul Zuber, Antonio González
, Xavier Vera:
TRAMS Project: Variability and Reliability of SRAM Memories in sub-22 nm Bulk-CMOS Technologies. 148-149 - Paolo Annibale, Fabio Antonacci
, Paolo Bestagini
, Alessio Brutti, Antonio Canclini, Luca Cristoforetti, Emanuël Anco Peter Habets, Walter Kellermann, Konrad Kowalczyk
, Anthony Lombard, Edwin Mabande, Dejan Markovic, Patrick A. Naylor
, Maurizio Omologo
, Rudolf Rabenstein, Augusto Sarti, Piergiorgio Svaizer
, Mark R. P. Thomas:
The SCENIC Project: Environment-aware Sound Sensing and Rendering. 150-152 - Bastian Degener, Barbara Kempkes, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide:
Building Simple Formations in Large Societies of Tiny Mobile Robots. 153-155 - Béla Szentpáli, Péter Fürjes, István Bársony:
THz Detection by Thermopile Antenna. 156-157 - Brahim Jawad, Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Frédéric Boyer:
Towards an Electric-Sense-Based Bioinspired Embodied Robotic Perception System: The Modelling Aspect. 158-160 - Charlotte Croquet, Francois H. Julien:
Unitride: Unioplar Nitride Photonic Devices. 161-162 - Chiara Bartolozzi, Charles Clercq, Neeraj K. Mandloi, Francesco Rea
, Giacomo Indiveri
, Daniel Bernhard Fasnacht, Giorgio Metta, Michael Hofstätter, Ryad Benosman:
eMorph: Towards Neuromorphic Robotic Vision. 163-165 - Naveen Kuppuswamy, Cristiano Alessandro
Impact of Body Parameters on Dynamic Movement Primitives for Robot Control. 166-168 - Daniel Peter Germann, Wolfgang Schatz, Peter Eggenberger Hotz:
Artificial Bivalves - The Biomimetics of Underwater Burrowing. 169-172 - Daniel Roggen
, Alberto Calatroni, Kilian Förster, Gerhard Tröster, Paul Lukowicz, David Bannach, Alois Ferscha, Marc Kurz, Gerold Hölzl, Hesam Sagha, Hamidreza Bayati, José del R. Millán
, Ricardo Chavarriaga
Activity Recognition in Opportunistic Sensor Environments. 173-174 - R. Armadio, Andrea Asperti
, Nicholas Ayache, Brian Campbell
, Dominic P. Mulligan
, Randy Pollack, Yann Régis-Gianas, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen
, Ian Stark:
Certified Complexity. 175-177 - Domonkos Horváth, Richárd Fiáth
, Bálint Péter Kerekes
, Balázs Dombovari, László Acsády, Karsten Seidl, Stanislav Herwik, Oliver Paul, Patrick Ruther, Hercules P. Neves
, István Ulbert:
High channel count electrode system to investigate thalamocortical interactions. 178-179 - Emanuela Merelli
, Nicola Paoletti
, Pietro Liò
Methodological Bridges for Multi-Level Systems. 180-182 - Eniko Lelovics, Rita Pongrácz
, Judit Bartholy:
Satellite- and Ground-Based Temperature Observations used in Assessing the Urban Heat Island Phenomena. 183-184 - Eugeniu Costetchi
, Eric Ras
, Thibaud Latour
Automated Dialogue-Based Ontology Elicitation. 185-186 - Filippo Caschera
, Steen Rasmussen, Martin M. Hanczyc
Machine Learning Optimization of Evolvable Artificial Cells. 187-189 - Francesco Cottone, Riccardo Mincigrucci, Igor Neri, Francesco Orfei, Flavio Travasso
, Helios Vocca
, Luca Gammaitoni:
Nonlinear Kinetic Energy Harvesting. 190-191 - Francesca Tramacere, Lucia Beccai
, Edoardo Sinibaldi, Cecilia Laschi
, Barbara Mazzolai
Adhesion Mechanisms Inspired by Octopus Suckers. 192-193 - Franco Bagnoli
, Giovanna Pacini
Sipping Science in a Café. 194-196 - Franco Zambonelli
, Gabriella Castelli, Laura Ferrari, Marco Mamei
, Alberto Rosi
, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
, Matteo Risoldi, Akla-Esso Tchao, Simon Dobson
, Graeme Stevenson
, Juan Ye, Elena Nardini, Andrea Omicini
, Sara Montagna
, Mirko Viroli
, Alois Ferscha, Sascha Maschek, Bernhard Wally:
Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems. 197-199 - Gábor Piszter, Krisztián Kertész, Zofia Vértesy, Zsolt Bálint
, László Péter Biró
Photonic Nanoarchitectures in Butterfly Scales Allowing Species Identification. 200-201 - Sandro Iannaccone, Matteo Giacalone, Gianluca Berrettini, Luca Potì
An Innovative Approach to Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Code Division Multiplexing. 202-204 - Giuseppe Leo
, Jean-Michel Gérard
, Stephan Reitzenstein, Peter Uhd Jepsen
Towards a Terahertz Room-Temperature Integrated Source. 205-206 - Ingi Helgason
, Jay Bradley, Callum Egan, Ben Paechter, Emma Hart:
This Pervasive Day: Creative, Interactive Methods for Encouraging Public Engagement with FET Research. 207-208 - Isabella von Mengden, Carmen Garcia, Martin Glos, Thomas Penzel
Influence of Slow Oscillating Transcranial Current Stimulation (so-tCS) on Electroencephalogram and Cognitive Performance. 209-211 - Tomás Náhlík
, Jan Urban
, Dalibor Stys, Petr Císar, Aliaksandr Pautsina
, Jan Vanek
The State Trajectory of Cell Using Rényi Entropy Coefficients. 212-213 - Jane Lessiter, Andrea Miotto, Jonathan Freeman, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
, Ulysses Bernardet
CEEDs: Unleashing the Power of the Subconscious. 214-215 - Janos Perczel, Ulf Leonhardt:
From Fermat's Principle to Invisibility. 216-220 - Junghyun Ahn, Anna Borowiec, Kevan Buckley, Di Cai, Anna Chmiel
, Agnieszka Czaplicka, Grzegorz Dabrowski, Antonios Garas
, David García
, Stéphane Gobron, Robert Hillmann, Janusz A. Holyst
, Arvid Kappas
, Dennis Küster
, Marija Mitrovic
, Georgios Paltoglou, Hannes Pirker, Stefan Rank, Frank Schweitzer, Julian Sienkiewicz
, Marcin Skowron, Pawel Sobkowicz
, Daniel Thalmann, Mike Thelwall
, Mathias Theunis, Matthias Trier, Elena Tsankova
, Pawel Weronski:
CYBEREMOTIONS - Collective Emotions in Cyberspace. 221-222 - Jesse van den Kieboom, Fabrizio Sergi, Dino Accoto
, Eugenio Guglielmelli
, Renaud Ronsse
, Auke Jan Ijspeert
Co-evolution of Morphology and Control of a Wearable Robot for Human Locomotion Assistance Exploiting Variable Impedance Actuators. 223-225 - Jordi Fonollosa
, Agustin Gutierrez-Galvez, Anders Lansner, Dominique Martinez, Jean-Pierre Rospars, Romeo Beccherelli
, Alexandre Perera
, Tim C. Pearce
, Paul Vershure, Krishna C. Persaud
, Santiago Marco
Biologically Inspired Computation for Chemical Sensing. 226-227 - Jørgen Christian Larsen, Kasper Støy:
Energy Efficiency of Robot Locomotion Increases Proportional to Weight. 228-230 - José María Escalante Fernándeza, Alejandro Martínez Abietar:
Theoretical Study of the Emission of Light Stimulated by Phonons in Indirect Bandgap Semiconductor. 231-232 - Judit Danis
, Tamás Turányi:
Sensitivity Analysis of Bacterial Chemotaxis Models. 233-234 - Alois Ferscha, Kashif Zia
, Andreas Riener
, Alexei Sharpanskykh:
Potential of Social Modelling in Socio-Technical Systems. 235-237 - Katharina Behr, Gerhard von der Emde:
Weakly Electric Fish as Models for Underwater Robots: The Use of Active Electrolocation for the Perception of 3-Dimensional Objects in Complex Environments. 238-240 - Kiril Kiryazov, Robert Lowe, Christian Becker-Asano
, Alberto Montebelli
, Tom Ziemke
From the Virtual to the Robotic: Bringing Emoting and Appraising Agents into Reality. 241-243 - Kleanthis C. Neokleous, Christos N. Schizas
Computational Modeling of Visual Selective Attention. 244-245 - Kohei Nakajima, Tao Li, Naveen Kuppuswamy, Rolf Pfeifer:
How to Harness the Dynamics of Soft Body: Timing Based Control of a Simulated Octopus Arm via Recurrent Neural Networks. 246-247 - Konstantin Gorshkov, Tatiana Berzina, Victor Erokhin
, Marco P. Fontana:
Organic Memristor Based on the Composite Materials: Conducting and Ionic Polymers, Gold Nanoparticles and Graphenes. 248-249 - Konstantinos Dermitzakis, Juan Pablo Carbajal
, James H. Marden:
Scaling Laws in Robotics. 250-252 - Kresimir Matkovic
, Alan Lez, Helwig Hauser, Armin Pobitzer
, Holger Theisel, Alexander Kuhn, Mathias Otto, Ronald Peikert, Benjamin Schindler, Raphael Fuchs:
Current Trends for 4D Space-Time Topology for Semantic Flow Segmentation. 253-255 - László Bacsárdi
, Sándor Imre
Analyzing the Quantum Based Satellite Communications. 256-257 - Linda S. Kuebler, Shannon B. Olsson
, Bill S. Hansson
First Order Processing of Complex Olfactory Information in the Moth Brain. 258-260 - F. M. Selten, G. S. Duane, Wim Wiegerinck, Noel Keenlyside
, Jürgen Kurths, Ljupco Kocarev:
Supermodeling by Combining Imperfect Models. 261-263 - Stefano Palagi
, Virginia Pensabene
, Barbara Mazzolai
, Lucia Beccai
Novel Smart Concepts for Designing Swimming Soft Microrobots. 264-265 - Xavier Jehl, B. Roche, Marc Sanquer, B. Voisin, Romain Wacquez, Veeresh Deshpande, Bernard Previtali, Maud Vinet, J. Verduijn, Giuseppe Carlo Tettamanzi
, Sven Rogge
, D. Kotekar-Patil, Matthias Ruoff, D. Kern, D. A. Wharam, M. Belli, Enrico Prati
, Marco Fanciulli
Mass Production of Silicon MOS-SETs: Can We Live with Nano-Devices' Variability? 266-268 - Francesca Stramandinoli, Marek Rucinski, Joanna Znajdek, Katharina J. Rohlfing, Angelo Cangelosi
From Sensorimotor Knowledge to Abstract Symbolic Representations. 269-271 - James Law
, Mark H. Lee, Martin Hiilse, Patricia H. Shaw
Infants and iCubs: Applying Developmental Psychology to Robot Shaping. 272-274 - Martin M. Hanczyc
, Filippo Caschera
, Steen Rasmussen:
Models of Minimal Physical Intelligence. 275-277 - Diederik Aerts
, Peter Bruza
, Yuexian Hou, Joemon M. Jose
, Massimo Melucci, Jian-Yun Nie
, Dawei Song
Quantum Theory-Inspired Search. 278-280 - Melissa D. Jordan, R. A. John Challiss
Expression of Insect Olfactory Receptors for Biosensing on SAW Sensors. 281-282 - Mirko Prezioso
, Alberto Riminucci
, Ilaria Bergenti
, Patrizio Graziosi
, David Brunel
, Valentin A. Dediu:
Electrically controllable magnetoresistance switching in multifunctional organic based spin-valve devices. 283-285 - Miroslav Bursa, Lenka Lhotská
Novel Nature Inspired Techniques in Medical Data Mining. 286-288 - Nathan Labhart, Béatrice S. Hasler:
The ShanghAI Lectures: Connecting Continents in Cyberspace. 289-291 - David Le Touzé
, John Biddiscombe, Andrea Colagrossi
, Erwan Jacquin, Francis Leboeuf, Jean-Christophe Marongiu, Nathan J. Quinlan
, Andrea Amicarelli
, Matteo Antuono
, Daniel A. Barcarolo, Mihai Basa, Joelle Caro, Matthieu De Leffe, Nicolas Grenier
, Pierre-Michel Guilcher, Matthieu Kerhuel, Fang Le, Libor Lobovský, Salvatore Marrone
, Adam Marsh, Guillaume Oger
, Etienne Parkinson, Jérome Soumagne:
Next-generation Multi-mechanics Simulation Engine in a Highly Interactive Environment. 292-293 - Naveen Kuppuswamy, Juan Pablo Carbajal
Learning a Curvature Dynamic Model of an Octopus-inspired Soft Robot Arm Using Flexure Sensors. 294-296 - Nikola B. Serbedzija, Gilbert Beyer:
Reflective Assistance - Pervasive Adaptation in Real Life Computing. 297-300 - Marian Bubak
, Piotr Nowakowski, Eryk Ciepiela:
Quilt: Interactive Publications. 301-302 - Radka Peterová, Jakub Hybler:
Do-It-Yourself Environmental Sensing. 303-304 - Radu Dan Gaceanu:
A Bio-inspired Fuzzy Agent Clustering Algorithm for Search Engines. 305-307 - Ramon Pericet-Camara
, Michal Karol Dobrzynski, Géraud L'Eplattenier, Jean-Christophe Zufferey, Fabien Expert, Raphaël Juston, Franck Ruffier
, Nicolas H. Franceschini, Stéphane Viollet
, Mohsine Menouni, Stéphanie Godiot, Andreas Brückner, Wolfgang Buss, Robert Leitel, Fabian Recktenwald, Chunrong Yuan, Hanspeter A. Mallot, Dario Floreano:
CURVACE - CURVed Artificial Compound Eyes. 308-309 - Richárd Fiáth
, László Grand, Bálint Péter Kerekes
, Anita Pongrácz, Éva Vázsonyi, Gergely Márton, Gábor Battistig, István Ulbert:
A novel multisite silicon probe for laminar neural recordings. 310-311 - Rodrigo Sigala, Anteo Smerieri, Victor Erokhin
Adaptive Properties of Stochastic Memristor Networks: A Computational Study. 312-313 - Fivos Panetsos
, Sara González Andino, Pedro C. Marijuán
, Celia Herrera-Rincon
Physical measurement of brain perception abilities. Foundations of a working methodology for the design of "intelligent" beings. 314-316 - Shaukat Ali
, Frédéric Boyer, Mathieu Porez:
Terrestrial Locomotion Modeling Bio-inspired by Elongated Animals. 317-319 - Soha Pouya, Ebru Aydin Gol
, Rico Möckel, Auke Jan Ijspeert
Locomotion Gait Optimization For Modular Robots; Coevolving Morphology and Control. 320-322 - Stefano Marco Maria De Rossi
, Tommaso Lenzi
, Nicola Vitiello, Alessandro Persichetti, Fabrizio Vecchi, Stefano Roccella
, Maria Chiara Carrozza
, Renaud Ronsse
, Bram Koopman, Edwin H. F. van Asseldonk
, Herman van der Kooij
, Jesse van den Kieboom, Auke Jan Ijspeert
Flexible Assistive Robots Through AFO-Based Intention Detection. 323-324 - Gábor Fenyvesi, Tamás Haidegger, Levente Kovács, Balázs Benyó
, Zoltán Benyó:
Ubiquitous Tracking in the Medical Environment. 325-326