ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2021: Virtual Event, USA

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Session 1A: VLSI for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence I

Session 1B: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) I

Session 2A: Emerging Computing & Post-CMOS Technologies

Session 2B: Hardware Security I

Panel: Security Challenges in SoC Design

Session 3A: VLSI Design

Session 3B: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) II

Keynote II: Vivian Kammler

Session 4A: AAA in ML: Machine Learning Algorithm/Architecture/Accelerator Co-Design

Session 4B: Secure Machine Learning with CAD

Session 5A: New Trends in Hardware Security: Provisioning for Testing, Attack Resilience, and Lightweight Cryptography

Session 5B: VLSI for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence II

Session 6A: Poster Session I

Session 6B: Testing, Reliability, Fault-Tolerance

Keynote III: Len Orlando

Session 7A: Poster Session II

Session 7B: VLSI Circuits and Power Aware Design

Session 8A: Towards Energy-efficient Machine Learning: Algorithm, Hardware and Computing Paradigm

Session 8B: Hardware Security II

Keynote IV: Alex Jones

Session 9A: Microelectronic Systems Education

Session 9B: Emerging Security Topics in Neural Networks

Session 10A: Ferroelectric Technology: From Devices to Systems