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IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Volume 95-A
Volume 95-A, Number 1, January 2012
- Naoya Torii:
Foreword. 1 - Yasutaka Igarashi, Toshinobu Kaneko:
Some Saturation Characteristics of XOR Sum of Balance Functions. 2-7 - Yasushi Osaki, Tetsu Iwata:
Further More on Key Wrapping. 8-20 - Yu Sasaki:
Known-Key Attacks on Rijndael with Large Blocks and Strengthening ShiftRow Parameter. 21-28 - Minkyu Kim, Atsushi Fujioka
, Berkant Ustaoglu:
Strongly Secure Authenticated Key Exchange without NAXOS' Approach under Computational Diffie-Hellman Assumption. 29-39 - Atsushi Fujioka
, Koutarou Suzuki, Kazuki Yoneyama:
Strongly Secure Predicate-Based Authenticated Key Exchange: Definition and Constructions. 40-56 - Atsushi Fujioka
, Yoshiaki Okamoto, Taiichi Saito:
Security of Sequential Multiple Encryption. 57-69 - Lihua Wang, Licheng Wang, Masahiro Mambo, Eiji Okamoto:
Identity-Based Proxy Cryptosystems with Revocability and Hierarchical Confidentialities. 70-88 - Shoichi Hirose
, Kota Ideguchi, Hidenori Kuwakado, Toru Owada, Bart Preneel
, Hirotaka Yoshida:
An AES Based 256-bit Hash Function for Lightweight Applications: Lesamnta-LW. 89-99 - Lei Wang, Yu Sasaki, Wataru Komatsubara, Kazuo Sakiyama, Kazuo Ohta:
Meet-in-the-Middle (Second) Preimage Attacks on Two Double-Branch Hash Functions RIPEMD and RIPEMD-128. 100-110 - Yu Sasaki, Florian Mendel
, Kazumaro Aoki:
Preimage Attacks against PKC98-Hash and HAS-V. 111-124 - Isamu Teranishi, Jun Furukawa
Anonymous Credential with Attributes Certification after Registration. 125-137 - Le Trieu Phong, Kaoru Kurosawa, Wakaha Ogata:
Undeniable and Unpretendable Signatures. 138-150 - Eiichiro Fujisaki:
Sub-Linear Size Traceable Ring Signatures without Random Oracles. 151-166 - Ryo Nishimaki, Eiichiro Fujisaki, Keisuke Tanaka
An Efficient Non-interactive Universally Composable String-Commitment Scheme. 167-175 - Ryo Nishimaki, Eiichiro Fujisaki, Keisuke Tanaka
A Multi-Trapdoor Commitment Scheme from the RSA Assumption. 176-184 - Kazuki Yoneyama:
Indifferentiable Security Reconsidered: Role of Scheduling. 185-195 - Naoki Ogura, Shigenori Uchiyama, Naoki Kanayama, Eiji Okamoto:
A Note on the Pairing Computation Using Normalized Miller Functions. 196-203 - Takuya Hayashi
, Naoyuki Shinohara, Lihua Wang, Shin'ichiro Matsuo, Masaaki Shirase, Tsuyoshi Takagi:
Solving a 676-Bit Discrete Logarithm Problem in GF(36n). 204-212 - Kazuhide Fukushima
, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Yutaka Miyake:
Software Protection Combined with Tamper-Proof Device. 213-222 - Koichi Shimizu, Daisuke Suzuki, Tomomi Kasuya:
Glitch PUF: Extracting Information from Usually Unwanted Glitches. 223-233 - Yang Li, Kazuo Ohta, Kazuo Sakiyama:
Toward Effective Countermeasures against an Improved Fault Sensitivity Analysis. 234-241 - Junko Takahashi, Toshinori Fukunaga, Kazuo Sakiyama:
Differential Fault Analysis on Stream Cipher MUGI. 242-251 - Shoichi Hirose, Hidenori Kuwakado:
Collision Resistance of Hash Functions in a Weak Ideal Cipher Model. 252-255 - Hu Xiong, Xiaofeng Wang, Fagen Li:
Security Flaw of an Improved User Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Wireless Communications. 256-258 - Mingwu Zhang, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Bo Yang, Fagen Li
Cryptanalysis of Strong Designated Verifier Signature Scheme with Non-delegatability and Non-transferability. 259-262 - Sho Endo, Takeshi Sugawara
, Naofumi Homma, Takafumi Aoki, Akashi Satoh:
A Configurable On-Chip Glitchy-Clock Generator for Fault Injection Experiments. 263-266 - Ruilin Li, Bing Sun, Chao Li, Shaojing Fu:
On Algebraic Property of T-Functions. 267-269
- Makoto Itami, Hiromasa Habuchi:
FOREWORD. 270 - Kiyohito Tokuda:
A Proposal for Next Generation ITS Wireless Communications System in EV Generation. 271-277 - Luobei Kuang, Zhijun Wang, Ming Xu, Yingwen Chen:
An Adaptive Handoff Triggering Mechanism for Vehicular Networks. 278-285 - Hiroyuki Hatano, Tomoharu Mizutani, Yoshihiko Kuwahara:
Reduction Processing of the Position Estimation Error Using Transmitted Directivity Information. 286-295 - HyungKwan Kim, Yuuki Shibayama, Shunsuke Kamijo:
Precise Segmentation and Estimation of Pedestrian Trajectory Using On-Board Monocular Cameras. 296-304 - Chien-Sheng Chen, Jium-Ming Lin, Wen-Hsiung Liu, Ching-Lung Chi:
MS Location Estimation with Genetic Algorithm. 305-312 - Tomotaka Wada, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kouichi Mutsuura, Hiromi Okada:
A Novel Fast Mobile IPv6 Handover Scheme Using Dual Bands in Road-to-Vehicle Communications. 313-316 - Hiroyuki Hatano, Tomoharu Mizutani, Kazuya Sugiyama, Yoshihiko Kuwahara:
Target Position Estimation Algorithm under Corrupted Measurement Data for Radar Network Systems. 317-321
- Akira Hirabayashi:
Sampling and Reconstruction of Periodic Piecewise Polynomials Using Sinc Kernel. 322-329 - Koji Harada, Hideaki Sakai:
An Iterative MAP Approach to Blind Estimation of SIMO FIR Channels. 330-337 - Kazuo Horiuchi:
A Basic Fuzzy-Estimation Theory for Available Operation of Extremely Complicated Large-Scale Network Systems. 338-345 - SangWoo Sin, Ru Zhou, Dongju Li, Tsuyoshi Isshiki, Hiroaki Kunieda:
Narrow Fingerprint Sensor Verification with Template Updating Technique. 346-353 - Yoshifumi Sakai:
A Fast On-Line Algorithm for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem with Constant Alphabet. 354-361 - Hua Zhao, Songfeng Lu
Indexed Swap Matching for Short Patterns. 362-366 - Lu Zhao, Qiao-Yan Wen, Jie Zhang, Zhengping Jin:
On the 2-Adic Complexity of Periodic Binary Sequences. 367-371 - Deukjo Hong, Bonwook Koo, Dong-Chan Kim:
Preimage and Second-Preimage Attacks on PGV Hashing Modes of Round-Reduced ARIA, Camellia, and Serpent. 372-380 - Takayuki Nozaki
, Kenta Kasai, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Analysis of Error Floors of Non-binary LDPC Codes over BEC. 381-390 - Hee-Suk Pang, Jun-Seok Lim, Oh-Jin Kwon, Sang Bae Chon, Mingu Lee, Jeong-Hun Seo:
Efficient Reconstruction of Speakerphone-Mode Cellular Phone Sound for Application to Sound Quality Assessment. 391-394 - Yan Cao, Gang Wei:
Closed-Form Real Single-Tone Frequency Estimator Based on Phase Compensation of Multiple Correlation Lags. 395-399 - Fanxin Zeng
, Xiaoping Zeng, Zhenyu Zhang, Guixin Xuan
Almost Perfect Sequences and Periodic Complementary Sequence Pairs over the 16-QAM Constellation. 400-405 - Masafumi Kubota, Toshimichi Saito:
A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimizer for Multi-Solution Problems. 406-409 - Qiping Lin, Fangguo Zhang
Scalar Multiplication on Kummer Surface Revisited. 410-413 - Bennian Dou, Chun-Hua Chen, Hong Zhang:
Key Substitution Attacks on the CFS Signature. 414-416 - Yusong Du, Fangguo Zhang
A Class of 1-Resilient Functions in Odd Variables with High Nonlinearity and Suboptimal Algebraic Immunity. 417-420 - Jonghoon Ryu:
Efficient Address Generation for Permutation Polynomial Based Interleavers over Integer Rings. 421-424
Volume 95-A, Number 2, February 2012
- Shiro Dosho:
Foreword. 429 - Makoto Nagata
Modeling and Analysis of Substrate Noise Coupling in Analog and RF ICs. 430-438 - Mengshu Huang, Yimeng Zhang, Tsutomu Yoshihara:
An Efficient Dual Charge Pump Circuit Using Charge Sharing Clock Scheme. 439-446 - Retdian Agung Nicodimus, Shigetaka Takagi:
Implementation of Low-Noise Switched-Capacitor Integrators with Small Capacitors. 447-455 - Daehwa Paik, Masaya Miyahara
, Akira Matsuzawa:
An Analysis on a Dynamic Amplifier and Calibration Methods for a Pseudo-Differential Dynamic Comparator. 456-470 - Koji Obata, Kazuo Matsukawa, Yosuke Mitani, Masao Takayama, Yusuke Tokunaga, Shiro Sakiyama, Shiro Dosho:
A Low Distortion 3rd-Order Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for a Worldwide Digital TV-Receiver. 471-478 - Takeshi Kuboki
, Yusuke Ohtomo, Akira Tsuchiya, Keiji Kishine, Hidetoshi Onodera:
Area-Effective Inductive Peaking with Interwoven Inductor for High-Speed Laser-Diode Driver for Optical Communication System. 479-486 - Qing Liu, Jiangtao Sun, Yong-Ju Suh, Nobuyuki Itoh, Toshihiko Yoshimasu:
A CMOS Class-G Supply Modulation for Polar Power Amplifiers with High Average Efficiency and Low Ripple Noise. 487-497 - Ning Li, Keigo Bunsen
, Naoki Takayama, Qinghong Bu, Toshihide Suzuki, Masaru Sato, Yoichi Kawano, Tatsuya Hirose, Kenichi Okada
, Akira Matsuzawa:
A 24 dB Gain 51-68 GHz Common Source Low Noise Amplifier Using Asymmetric-Layout Transistors. 498-505 - Kenichi Okada
, You Nomiyama, Rui Murakami, Akira Matsuzawa:
A Dual-Conduction Class-C VCO for a Low Supply Voltage. 506-514
- I. Gede Puja Astawa
, Minoru Okada:
An RF Signal Processing Based Diversity Scheme for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 515-524 - Tatsuya Kai:
Control of the Cart-Pendulum System Based on Discrete Mechanics - Part I: Theoretical Analysis and Stabilization Control -. 525-533 - Tatsuya Kai, Kensuke Bito, Takeshi Shintani:
Control of the Cart-Pendulum System Based on Discrete Mechanics - Part II: Transformation to Continuous-Time Inputs and Experimental Verification -. 534-541 - Xiaofang Wu, Jianghong Shi:
Adaptive Predistortion Using Cubic Spline Nonlinearity Based Hammerstein Modeling. 542-549 - Shingo Yoshizawa, Yoshikazu Miyanaga
Design of Area- and Power-Efficient Pipeline FFT Processors for 8x8 MIMO-OFDM Systems. 550-558 - Juinn-Dar Huang
, Chia-I Chen, Wan-Ling Hsu, Yen-Ting Lin, Jing-Yang Jou:
Performance-Driven Architectural Synthesis for Distributed Register-File Microarchitecture with Inter-Island Delay. 559-566 - Rafael Dowsley, Jeroen van de Graaf, Jörn Müller-Quade, Anderson C. A. Nascimento
Oblivious Transfer Based on the McEliece Assumptions. 567-575 - Haichao Liang, Takashi Morie:
A Motion Detection Model Inspired by the Neuronal Propagation in the Hippocampus. 576-585 - Ryoichi Miyazaki, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano:
Theoretical Analysis of Amounts of Musical Noise and Speech Distortion in Structure-Generalized Parametric Blind Spatial Subtraction Array. 586-590 - Ryo Wakisaka, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano, Tomoya Takatani:
Speech Prior Estimation for Generalized Minimum Mean-Square Error Short-Time Spectral Amplitude Estimator. 591-595 - Chengpeng Hao, Xiuqin Shang, Francesco Bandiera
, Long Cai:
Bayesian Radar Detection with Orthogonal Rejection. 596-599 - Xiaofeng Ling, Xinbao Gong, Xiaogang Zang, Ronghong Jin:
An Area Efficient Real-Time PFFT Architecture Using Parallel Distributed Arithmetic. 600-603 - Young Ik Son:
Robust Performance Analysis of a Load Torque Observer for PMSM Using Singular Perturbation Theory. 604-607 - Hiroyuki Goto
, Hirotaka Takahashi:
Efficient Representation of the State Equation in Max-Plus Linear Systems with Interval Constrained Parameters. 608-612 - Masataka Minami, Takashi Hikihara
Reconstitution of Potential Function by Power Spectra of Trajectories in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. 613-616 - Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim
Reconstruction Depth Adaptive Coding of Digital Holograms. 617-620
Volume 95-A, Number 3, March 2012
- Weerawut Thanhikam, Arata Kawamura, Youji Iiguni:
Speech Enhancement Based on Real-Speech PDF in Various Narrow SNR Intervals. 623-630 - Akira Hirabayashi:
Consistent Sampling and Signal Reconstruction in Noisy Under-Determined Case. 631-638 - Rong Long Wang
, Li-Qing Zhao, Xiao-Fan Zhou:
Ant Colony Optimization with Memory and Its Application to Traveling Salesman Problem. 639-645 - Guanghui Song, Jun Cheng, Yoichiro Watanabe:
Spreading and Interleaving Design for Synchronous Interleave-Division Multiple-Access. 646-656 - Chun-Hsien Wu:
Algorithm of Determining BER-Minimized Block Delay for Joint Linear Transceiver Design with CSI. 657-660 - Kil Hyun Kwon, Dae Gwan Lee, Jungho Yoon:
Band-Limited Scaling Functions with Oversampling Property. 661-664 - Yuelei Xiao, Yumin Wang, Liaojun Pang
Verification of Trusted Network Access Protocols in the Strand Space Model. 665-668 - Xiyang Li, Pingzhi Fan, Dianhua Wu:
Constructions of Optimal (υ, {4, 5, 6}, 1, Q)-OOCs. 669-672 - Seung-Won Jung
, Sung-Jea Ko:
Depth Enhancement Considering Just Noticeable Difference in Depth. 673-675
Volume 95-A, Number 4, April 2012
- Ryuji Kohno:
Foreword. 679 - Hideaki Ishii, Koji Tsumura:
Data Rate Limitations in Feedback Control over Networks. 680-690 - Koichi Kobayashi, Kunihiko Hiraishi:
Optimization-Based Synthesis of Self-Triggered Controllers for Networked Systems. 691-696 - Tsugunori Kondo, Kentaro Kobayashi, Masaaki Katayama:
A Wireless Control System with Mutual Use of Control Signals for Cooperative Machines. 697-705 - Cesar Carrizo, Kentaro Kobayashi, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama:
Control Quality of a Feedback Control System under Cyclostationary Noise in Power Line Communication. 706-712 - Masaaki Nagahara
, Takahiro Matsuda, Kazunori Hayashi
Compressive Sampling for Remote Control Systems. 713-722 - Kento Terai, Daisuke Anzai, Kyesan Lee, Kentaro Yanagihara, Shinsuke Hara:
A Distant Multipath Routing Method for Reliable Wireless Multi-Hop Data Transmission. 723-734
- Ning Ding, Nozomu Hamada:
DOA Estimation of Multiple Speech Sources from a Stereophonic Mixture in Underdetermined Case. 735-744 - Suwon Shon, David K. Han, Jounghoon Beh, Hanseok Ko
Full Azimuth Multiple Sound Source Localization with 3-Channel Microphone Array. 745-750 - Reiko Takou, Hiroyuki Segi, Tohru Takagi, Nobumasa Seiyama:
Spectral Features for Perceptually Natural Phoneme Replacement by Another Speaker's Speech. 751-759 - Kyoung Joo Kim, Jin Bae Park, Yoon Ho Choi:
Path Tracking Control for Underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Using Approach Angle. 760-766 - Kazuhito Ito:
A Trace-Back Method with Source States for Viterbi Decoding of Rate-1/n Convolutional Codes. 767-775 - Jae Hong Seo:
Short Round Sub-Linear Zero-Knowledge Argument for Linear Algebraic Relations. 776-789 - Masanori Hirotomo, Masami Mohri, Masakatu Morii:
On the Probabilistic Computation Method with Reliability for the Weight Distribution of LDPC Codes. 790-800 - Takuya Kusaka, Ryuhei Yokoyama, Toru Fujiwara:
A Recursive Method for Vector Generation in Non-increasing Order of Its Likelihood for All Binary Vectors and Its Application for Linear Block Code Decodings. 801-810 - Yun Kyoung Han, Jin-Ho Chung, Kyeongcheol Yang:
New Families of Frequency-Hopping Sequences of Period 2(2n-1). 811-817 - Sang Ha Park, Seokjin Lee, Koeng-Mo Sung:
Clustering Algorithm for Unsupervised Monaural Musical Sound Separation Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization. 818-823 - Junghyeun Hwang, Hisakazu Kikuchi, Shogo Muramatsu, Kazuma Shinoda, Jaeho Shin:
Reversible Implementations of Irreversible Component Transforms and Their Comparisons in Image Compression. 824-828 - Abdel Alim Kamal, Amr M. Youssef:
Cryptanalysis of a GL(r, Zn)-Based Public Key System. 829-831 - Xiuping Peng, Chengqian Xu, Kai Liu:
Almost Quadriphase Sequences with Even Period and Low Autocorrelation. 832-834 - Alex Valdivielso Chian, Toshiyuki Miyamoto:
Performance Evaluation of an Option-Based Learning Algorithm in Multi-Car Elevator Systems. 835-839
Volume 95-A, Number 5, May 2012
- Weerawut Thanhikam, Yuki Kamamori, Arata Kawamura, Youji Iiguni:
Stationary and Non-stationary Wide-Band Noise Reduction Using Zero Phase Signal. 843-852 - Makoto Nakashizuka, Hiroyuki Okumura, Youji Iiguni:
Supervised Single-Channel Speech Separation via Sparse Decomposition Using Periodic Signal Models. 853-866 - Taegeun Oh, Sanghoon Lee
Implementation of Multimode-Multilevel Block Truncation Coding for LCD Overdrive. 867-875 - Yu Cheng, Lan Wang, Jinglu Hu:
Identification of Quasi-ARX Neurofuzzy Model with an SVR and GA Approach. 876-883 - Kazuhito Ito, Keisuke Nasu:
A Processor Accelerator for Software Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes. 884-893 - Xiao Xiao
, Hiroyuki Okamura
, Tadashi Dohi
NHPP-Based Software Reliability Models Using Equilibrium Distribution. 894-902