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CoRR, December 2011
- David F. Gleich, C. Seshadhri:
Neighborhoods are good communities. - Gérald Kembellec, Imad Saleh, Catherine Sauvaget:
A model of Cross Language Retrieval for IT domain papers through a map of ACM Computing Classification System. - Michael Huber:
Information Theoretic Authentication and Secrecy Codes in the Splitting Model. - (Withdrawn) Query Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms in the Vector Space Model.
- (Withdrawn) Improving the User Query for the Boolean Model Using Genetic Algorithms.
- Nirmal Fernando, Yi Hong, Emanuele Viterbo:
Flip-OFDM for Unipolar Communication Systems. - Sancho McCann, David G. Lowe:
Local Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor for Image Classification. - Sormeh Shadbakht, Babak Hassibi:
On the Entropy Region of Gaussian Random Variables. - Baocheng Wang, Chunming Tang, Yanfeng Qi, Yixian Yang, Maozhi Xu:
A new class of hyper-bent Boolean functions in binomial forms. - Zai Yang, Cishen Zhang, Lihua Xie:
Robustly Stable Signal Recovery in Compressed Sensing with Structured Matrix Perturbation. - Alexandre Mouradian, Isabelle Augé-Blum:
1-D Coordinate Based on Local Information for MAC and Routing Issues in WSNs. - Keqin Liu, Qing Zhao:
Dynamic Intrusion Detection in Resource-Constrained Cyber Networks. - Sarah Behrens, Cyril Nicaud, Pierre Nicodème:
An automaton approach for waiting times in DNA evolution. - Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan, Martin Vetterli:
Sampling High-Dimensional Bandlimited Fields on Low-Dimensional Manifolds. - Achraf Othman, Mohamed Jemni:
Statistical Sign Language Machine Translation: from English written text to American Sign Language Gloss. - Christian Konrad, Frédéric Magniez, Claire Mathieu:
Maximum Matching in Semi-Streaming with Few Passes. - Chengwen Xing, Minghua Xia, Shaodan Ma, Yik-Chung Wu:
Cooperative Beamforming for Dual-Hop Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Relaying Cellular Networks. - Gerard Briscoe, Suzanne Sadedin, Philippe De Wilde:
Digital Ecosystems: Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures. - André Grüning, Ioana Sporea:
Supervised Learning of Logical Operations in Layered Spiking Neural Networks with Spike Train Encoding. - Andreas Griesmayer, Zhiming Liu, Charles Morisset, Shuling Wang:
A Framework for Automated and Certified Refinement Steps. - John Fearnley, Sven Schewe:
Time and Space Results for Parity Games with Bounded Treewidth. - Thomas Bläsius, Ignaz Rutter:
Simultaneous PQ-Ordering with Applications to Constrained Embedding Problems. - Tian-Ming Bu, Chen Yuan, Peng Zhang:
Computing on Binary Strings. - Omur Ozel, Sennur Ulukus:
AWGN Channel under Time-Varying Amplitude Constraints with Causal Information at the Transmitter. - Georg Gottlob, Giorgio Orsi, Andreas Pieris:
Ontological Queries: Rewriting and Optimization (Extended Version). - Samson Abramsky:
Domain Theory and the Logic of Observable Properties. - Itzhak Tamo, Zhiying Wang, Jehoshua Bruck:
Zigzag Codes: MDS Array Codes with Optimal Rebuilding. - Cunsheng Ding, Keqin Feng, Rongquan Feng, Aixian Zhang:
Bounds on and Constructions of Unit Time-Phase Signal Sets. - Chinmoy Dutta, Gopal Pandurangan, Rajmohan Rajaraman, Zhifeng Sun:
Information Spreading in Dynamic Networks. - Saeid Bahanfar, Ladan Darougaran, Helia Kousha, Shahram Babaie:
Reliable Communication in Wireless Body Area Sensor Network for Health Monitoring. - Win Win Thant, Tin Myat Htwe, Ni Lar Thein:
Grammatical Relations of Myanmar Sentences Augmented by Transformation-Based Learning of Function Tagging. - Rafig Agaev, Pavel Chebotarev:
A Cyclic Representation of Discrete Coordination Procedures. - Stefano Ferretti:
Publish-Subscribe Systems via Gossip: a Study based on Complex Networks. - Samson Abramsky:
A Generalized Kahn Principle for Abstract Asynchronous Networks. - Tan Lu, Minghua Chen:
Simple and Effective Dynamic Provisioning for Power-Proportional Data Centers. - Erwin Riegler, Gunvor Elisabeth Kirkelund, Carles Navarro i Manchon, Bernard H. Fleury:
Merging Belief Propagation and the Mean Field Approximation: A Free Energy Approach. - Weiwei Cheng, Eyke Hüllermeier:
Label Ranking with Abstention: Predicting Partial Orders by Thresholding Probability Distributions (Extended Abstract). - Bin Fu:
On the Complexity of Approximate Sum of Sorted List. - Christoph Dürr, Maurice Queyranne, Frits C. R. Spieksma, Fabrice Talla Nobibon, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
The interval ordering problem. - Qiao Li, Rohit Negi:
Maximal Scheduling in Wireless Networks with Priorities. - Amlan Chakrabarti, Susmita Sur-Kolay, Ayan Chaudhury:
Linear Nearest Neighbor Synthesis of Reversible Circuits by Graph Partitioning. - Antony Akshay:
Analysis of Kak's Quantum Cryptography Protocol from the Perspective of Source Strength. - Bijoy Rahman Arif:
On the Footsteps to Generalized Tower of Hanoi Strategy. - Katarzyna Grygiel, Pawel M. Idziak, Marek Zaionc:
How big is BCI fragment of BCK logic. - Christoph Koutschan, Thotsaporn "Aek" Thanatipanonda:
Advanced Computer Algebra for Determinants. - Min Zhang, Jie Zhang, Qiao-Yan Wen, Zhengping Jin, Hua Zhang:
Analysis and improvement of a strongly secure certificateless key exchange protocol without pairing. - Andras Gelencser, Themistoklis Prodromakis, Christofer Toumazou, Tamás Roska:
A Biomimetic Model of the Outer Plexiform Layer by Incorporating Memristive Devices. - Alain Tamayo, Carlos Granell, Joaquín Huerta:
Instance-based XML data binding for mobile devices. - Yannis Kopsinis, Konstantinos Slavakis, Sergios Theodoridis, Steve McLaughlin:
Generalized Thresholding Sparsity-Aware Online Learning in a Union of Subspaces. - Thomas David Novlan, Radha Krishna Ganti, Arunabha Ghosh, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Analytical Evaluation of Fractional Frequency Reuse for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks. - Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru, Robert Kleinberg, Hooyeon Lee:
Approximating Low-Dimensional Coverage Problems. - Anne Driemel, Sariel Har-Peled, Benjamin Raichel:
On the Expected Complexity of Voronoi Diagrams on Terrains. - Yair Bartal, Lee-Ad Gottlieb, Robert Krauthgamer:
The Traveling Salesman Problem: Low-Dimensionality Implies a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme. - David L. Donoho, Adel Javanmard, Andrea Montanari:
Information-Theoretically Optimal Compressed Sensing via Spatial Coupling and Approximate Message Passing. - Ehsan Karamad, Behrouz Khoshnevis, Raviraj Adve:
Quantization and Bit Allocation for Channel State Feedback for Relay-Assisted Wireless Networks. - Qiang Li, Azhar Iqbal, Minyou Chen, Derek Abbott:
Quantum Strategies Win in a Defector-Dominated Population. - Tianxi Liu, Lingyang Song, Yonghui Li, Qiang Huo, Bingli Jiao:
Performance Analysis of Hybrid Relay Selection in Cooperative Wireless Systems. - Lingyang Song, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Are Hjørungnes, Alister G. Burr:
Approximate ML Decision Feedback Block Equalizer for Doubly Selective Fading Channels. - Md. Saiful Islam, Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz, Zerina Begum:
Quantum Cost Efficient Reversible BCD Adder for Nanotechnology Based Systems. - Michael A. Bender, Jeremy T. Fineman, Seth Gilbert, Robert Endre Tarjan:
A New Approach to Incremental Cycle Detection and Related Problems. - Massoud Babaie-Zadeh, Christian Jutten, G. Hosein Mohimani:
On the error of estimating the sparsest solution of underdetermined linear systems. - Ran Duan, Seth Pettie, Hsin-Hao Su:
Scaling algorithms for approximate and exact maximum weight matching. - Wolfgang Faber, Miroslaw Truszczynski, Stefan Woltran:
Strong Equivalence of Qualitative Optimization Problems. - Arnao Reinaldo Mayol, Luis A. Núñez, Antonio Lobo:
An Approach to Log Management: Prototyping a Design of Agent for Log Harvesting. - Shiqiang Wang, Qingyang Song, Lei Guo, Abbas Jamalipour:
Physical-Layer Network Coding with M-QAM Modulation. - Maria-Florina Balcan, Yingyu Liang:
Clustering under Perturbation Resilience. - Jolly Shah, Vikas Saxena:
Performance Study on Image Encryption Schemes. - Johannes Habich, Christian Feichtinger, Harald Köstler, Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein:
Performance engineering for the Lattice Boltzmann method on GPGPUs: Architectural requirements and performance results. - Jelle Hellings, George H. L. Fletcher, Herman J. Haverkort:
I/O efficient bisimulation partitioning on very large directed acyclic graphs. - Sarit Buzaglo, Tuvi Etzion:
On the Existence of Perfect Codes for Asymmetric Limited-Magnitude Errors. - Johannes Oetsch, Jörg Pührer, Hans Tompits:
Extending Object-Oriented Languages by Declarative Specifications of Complex Objects using Answer-Set Programming. - Murdoch James Gabbay:
Finite and infinite support in nominal algebra and logic: nominal completeness theorems for free. - Jacques M. Bahi, Xiaole Fang, Christophe Guyeux, Qianxue Wang:
Randomness Quality of CI Chaotic Generators: Applications to Internet Security. - Marco Baldi, Giovanni Cancellieri, Franco Chiaraluce:
Interleaved Product LDPC Codes. - Jacques M. Bahi, Jean-François Couchot, Christophe Guyeux, Qianxue Wang:
Class of Trustworthy Pseudo-Random Number Generators. - Jacques M. Bahi, Xiaole Fang, Christophe Guyeux, Qianxue Wang:
On the design of a family of CI pseudo-random number generators. - Andrew Schumann:
Two Squares of Opposition: for Analytic and Synthetic Propositions. - Jan Lellmann, Frank Lenzen, Christoph Schnörr:
Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem. - Koji Kobayashi:
Approach to solve P versus NP with Circular Founded Set. - Michalis Vafopoulos:
The Web economy: goods, users, models and policies. - Amr Elmasry, Jyrki Katajainen:
Worst-Case Optimal Priority Queues via Extended Regular Counters. - Catherine A. Bliss, Isabel M. Kloumann, Kameron Decker Harris, Christopher M. Danforth, Peter Sheridan Dodds:
Twitter reciprocal reply networks exhibit assortativity with respect to happiness. - Jason Jeffrey Jones, Robert M. Bond, Christopher J. Fariss, Jaime E. Settle, Adam D. I. Kramer, Cameron Marlow, James H. Fowler:
Yahtzee: An Anonymized Group Level Matching Procedure. - Iyad A. Kanj, Ge Xia:
What makes normalized weighted satisfiability tractable. - Tomás Brázdil, Stefan Kiefer:
Stabilization of Branching Queueing Networks. - Xin Li:
Non-Malleable Extractors for Entropy Rate <1/2. - Vinod Kumar Godavarty:
Using Quasigroups for Generating Pseudorandom Numbers. - Ioannis K. Paparrizos, Stylianos Basagiannis, Sophia G. Petridou:
Quantitative Analysis for Authentication of Low-cost RFID Tags. - Daniel M. Romero, Chenhao Tan, Johan Ugander:
Social-Topical Affiliations: The Interplay between Structure and Popularity. - Oren Weimann, Raphael Yuster:
Approximating the Diameter of Planar Graphs in Near Linear Time. - Mohammad Khabbaz, Smriti Bhagat, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan:
Finding Heavy Paths in Graphs: A Rank Join Approach. - Joan Bruna, Stéphane Mallat:
Classification with Invariant Scattering Representations. - Adrian Dumitrescu, Sariel Har-Peled, Csaba D. Tóth:
Minimum Convex Partitions and Maximum Empty Polytopes. - Daniel Y. Little, Friedrich T. Sommer:
Learning in embodied action-perception loops through exploration. - Joseph Modayil, Adam White, Richard S. Sutton:
Multi-timescale Nexting in a Reinforcement Learning Robot. - Siddharth Barman, Seeun Umboh, Shuchi Chawla, David L. Malec:
Secretary Problems with Convex Costs. - Nitin Garg, Ed Zhu, Fabiano C. Botelho:
Highly-Concurrent Doubly-Linked Lists. - Meng Wu, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen:
The Dimension of Spline Spaces with Highest Order Smoothness over Hierarchical T-meshes. - Alessandro Chiesa, Silvio Micali, Zeyuan Allen Zhu:
Knightian Auctions. - Xi Fang, Dejun Yang, Guoliang Xue:
Wireless Communications and Networking Technologies for Smart Grid: Paradigms and Challenges. - Hassan Halabian, Ioannis Lambadaris, Chung-Horng Lung:
On the Stability Region of Multi-Queue Multi-Server Queueing Systems with Stationary Channel Distribution. - Pierre Lescanne:
Rationality and Escalation in Infinite Extensive Games. - Olivier Finkel:
The Determinacy of Context-Free Games. - Neus Sabater, Andrés Almansa, Jean-Michel Morel:
Meaningful Matches in Stereovision. - Duc Phu Chau, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat:
A multi-feature tracking algorithm enabling adaptation to context variations. - Jacques M. Bahi, Xiaole Fang, Christophe Guyeux, Qianxue Wang:
Evaluating Quality of Chaotic Pseudo-Random Generators: Application to Information Hiding. - Atish Das Sarma, Michael Dinitz, Gopal Pandurangan:
Efficient Computation of Distance Sketches in Distributed Networks. - Anna-Lena Trautmann, Felice Manganiello, Michael Braun, Joachim Rosenthal:
Cyclic Orbit Codes. - David Lipsky, Primoz Skraba, Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson:
A spectral sequence for parallelized persistence. - Jacques M. Bahi, Jean-François Couchot, Christophe Guyeux:
Steganography: a class of secure and robust algorithms. - Jacques M. Bahi, Jean-François Couchot, Christophe Guyeux:
Performance Analysis of a Keyed Hash Function based on Discrete and Chaotic Proven Iterations. - Petr N. Vabishchevich:
Additive schemes (splitting schemes) for some systems of evolutionary equations. - (Withdrawn) Small Private Circuits.
- Di Yuan, Vangelis Angelakis, Lei Chen, Eleftherios Karipidis, Erik G. Larsson:
On Optimal Link Activation with Interference Cancellation in Wireless Networking. - Emmanuel Polonowski:
Generic Environments in Coq. - Guodong Shi, Karl Henrik Johansson, Yiguang Hong:
Reaching an Optimal Consensus: Distributed Intersection Computation for Multi-agent Systems. - Guodong Shi, Yiguang Hong, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Connectivity and Set Tracking of Multi-agent Systems Guided by Multiple Moving Leaders. - Guodong Shi, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Randomized Consensus Processing over Random Graphs: Independence and Threshold. - Guodong Shi, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Towards a Global Agreement: the Persistent Graph. - Lars Lindbom, Robert Love, Sandeep Krishnamurthy, Chunhai Yao, Nobuhiko Miki, Vikram Chandrasekhar:
Enhanced Inter-cell Interference Coordination for Heterogeneous Networks in LTE-Advanced: A Survey. - Christian Laus, Dirk Oliver Theis:
On the satisfiability of random regular signed SAT formulas. - Ville-Matias Heikkilä:
Discovering novel computer music techniques by exploring the space of short computer programs. - Shankar Balachandran, Sajin Koroth:
A study on the number of Hierarchical Rectangular Partitions of Order k. - Fedor Zhdanov, Yuri Kalnishkan:
An Identity for Kernel Ridge Regression. - Shankar Balachandran, Sajin Koroth:
A Study on Hierarchical Floorplans of Order k. - Xavier Allamigeon:
Strongly connected components of directed hypergraphs. - Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa, Khondker Jahid Reza, Md. Ziaul Amin, Mohiuddin Ahmad:
Intelligent Paging Strategy for Multi-Carrier CDMA System. - Yi Bao, Chao Wang, Ming Chen:
Multiuser Cellular Network. - Sudam Sekhar Panda, M. S. R. S. Prasad, Gunamani Jena:
POCS Based Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Using an Adaptive Regularization Parameter. - Wan-Li Chen:
Multi-granular Perspectives on Covering. - Kaihua Zhang, Lei Zhang, Huihui Song, David Zhang:
Re-initialization Free Level Set Evolution via Reaction Diffusion. - Stefano Rini:
An Achievable Region for a General Multi-terminal Network and the corresponding Chain Graph Representation. - Jun He, Feidun He, Hongbin Dong:
Pure Strategy or Mixed Strategy? - Jayaprakash Rajasekharan, Jan Eriksson, Visa Koivunen:
Cooperative Game-Theoretic Approach to Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radios. - Menelaos I. Karavelas, Eleni Tzanaki:
Tight lower bounds on the number of faces of the Minkowski sum of convex polytopes via the Cayley trick. - Fedor V. Fomin, Michal Pilipczuk:
Jungles, bundles, and fixed parameter tractability.