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Systems & Control Letters, Volume 58
Volume 58, Number 1, January 2009
- Luca Consolini
, Mario Tosques:
On the exact tracking of the spherical inverted pendulum via an homotopy method. 1-6 - Sandra H. Dandach, Baris Fidan, Soura Dasgupta, Brian D. O. Anderson:
A continuous time linear adaptive source localization algorithm, robust to persistent drift. 7-16 - Juan Eduardo Velázquez-Velázquez
, Vladimir Kharitonov
Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals for scalar neutral type time delay equations. 17-25 - Brian J. Driessen, Shilpa Kondreddi:
Tracking observer/controller for a relatively large class of systems with hysteresis and without velocity measurement. 26-30 - Christian Løvaas, María M. Seron
, Graham C. Goodwin
Inverse minimax optimality of model predictive control policies. 31-38 - Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore
, Ufuk Topcu, Laurent El Ghaoui
Parameter estimation with expected and residual-at-risk criteria. 39-46 - Chaohong Cai, Andrew R. Teel:
Characterizations of input-to-state stability for hybrid systems. 47-53 - Bin Zhou, Guang-Ren Duan:
Global stabilization of linear systems via bounded controls. 54-61 - Boris M. Mirkin, Per Olof Gutman:
Adaptive output-feedback tracking: The case of MIMO plants with unknown, time-varying state delay. 62-68 - Jiabo Zhang, Feng Ding, Yang Shi:
Self-tuning control based on multi-innovation stochastic gradient parameter estimation. 69-75 - Daniel Andersson:
The relaxed general maximum principle for singular optimal control of diffusions. 76-82
Volume 58, Number 2, February 2009
- M. Saeed Akram, Vakhtang Lomadze:
On some basics of linear systems theory. 83-90 - Vivek S. Borkar:
Cooperative dynamics and Wardrop equilibria. 91-93 - A. Agung Julius, Alessandro D'Innocenzo
, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto
, George J. Pappas
Approximate equivalence and synchronization of metric transition systems. 94-101 - Michael Defoort, Thierry Floquet
, Annemarie M. Kökösy, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
A novel higher order sliding mode control scheme. 102-108 - Thanh-Trung Han, Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Tong Heng Lee:
Adaptive neural control for a class of switched nonlinear systems. 109-118 - Pascal Bigras:
Reduced nonlinear observer for bounded estimation of the static friction model with the Stribeck effect. 119-123 - YiMin Sun, ShengWei Mei, Qiang Lu:
On global controllability of planar affine nonlinear systems with a singularity. 124-127 - Michael Karow, Daniel Kressner
On the structured distance to uncontrollability. 128-132 - Alessandro Astolfi
, Romeo Ortega:
Dynamic extension is unnecessary for stabilization via interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control. 133-135 - Francisco Periago
Optimal shape and position of the support for the internal exact control of a string. 136-140 - Lörinc Márton, Béla Lantos:
Control of mechanical systems with Stribeck friction and backlash. 141-147 - Zhiyong Chen, Tetsuya Iwasaki:
Matrix perturbation analysis for weakly coupled oscillators. 148-154 - Bui The Anh, Nguyen Khoa Son
, Duong Dang Xuan Thanh:
Stability radii of positive linear time-delay systems under fractional perturbations. 155-159
Volume 58, Number 3, March 2009
- Lars Grüne, Jürgen Pannek
Practical NMPC suboptimality estimates along trajectories. 161-168
- Giuseppina Guatteri, Federica Masiero:
Ergodic optimal quadratic control for an affine equation with stochastic and stationary coefficients. 169-177 - Yang Wang, Stephen P. Boyd:
Performance bounds for linear stochastic control. 178-182 - Michael Renardy:
A note on a class of observability problems for PDEs. 183-187 - John Michael Daly, David W. L. Wang:
Output feedback sliding mode control in the presence of unknown disturbances. 188-193 - Bao-Li Ma:
Global kappa-exponential asymptotic stabilization of underactuated surface vessels. 194-201 - Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore
Distributed randomized algorithms for probabilistic performance analysis. 202-212 - Claudio Altafini
Controllability and simultaneous controllability of isospectral bilinear control systems on complex flag manifolds. 213-216 - Mohamed-Ali Belabbas:
Networks of Hamiltonian systems and feedback. 217-224 - Christopher A. Beattie, Serkan Gugercin
Interpolatory projection methods for structure-preserving model reduction. 225-232
Volume 58, Number 4, April 2009
- Zhenqing Ke, Hartmut Logemann, Stuart Townley:
Adaptive sampled-data integral control of stable infinite-dimensional linear systems. 233-240 - Yong Wang, Manfred Morari:
Structure of hierarchical linear systems with cyclic symmetry. 241-247 - Bogdan Marinescu, Henri Bourlès:
An intrinsic algebraic setting for poles and zeros of linear time-varying systems. 248-253 - Rolando Cavazos-Cadena, Daniel Hernández-Hernández:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a solution to the risk-sensitive Poisson equation on a finite state space. 254-258 - Ciprian Preda, Petre Preda:
The Lyapunov operator equation for the exponential dichotomy of one-parameter semigroups. 259-262 - A. Pedro Aguiar
, João P. Hespanha:
Robust filtering for deterministic systems with implicit outputs. 263-270 - Srdjan S. Stankovic, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
Robust stabilization of nonlinear interconnected systems by decentralized dynamic output feedback. 271-275 - Éva Gyurkovics, Tibor Takács:
A remark on abstract multiplier conditions for robustness problems. 276-281 - Ali Zemouche, Mohamed Boutayeb:
A unified Hinfinity adaptive observer synthesis method for a class of systems with both Lipschitz and monotone nonlinearities. 282-288 - Wynita M. Griggs
, Brian D. O. Anderson, Alexander Lanzon
, Michael Rotkowitz:
Interconnections of nonlinear systems with "mixed" small gain and passivity properties and associated input-output stability results. 289-295 - Ramu S. Chandra, Cedric Langbort, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Distributed control design with robustness to small time delays. 296-303 - Dongeun Seo, Maruthi R. Akella
Non-certainty equivalent adaptive control for robot manipulator systems. 304-308
Volume 58, Number 5, May 2009
- Harald K. Wimmer:
Diagonal stability of matrices with cyclic structure and the secant condition. 309-313 - Xing-Gang Yan
, Sarah K. Spurgeon
, Christopher Edwards:
On discontinuous static output feedback control for linear systems with nonlinear disturbances. 314-319 - Veronica Adetola, Darryl DeHaan, Martin Guay:
Adaptive model predictive control for constrained nonlinear systems. 320-326 - Bin Zhou, Guang-Ren Duan, Zhao-Yan Li:
Gradient based iterative algorithm for solving coupled matrix equations. 327-333 - Bao-Zhu Guo
, Zhi-Chao Shao:
Stabilization of an abstract second order system with application to wave equations under non-collocated control and observations. 334-341 - Stefan Bundfuss, Mirjam Dür:
Copositive Lyapunov functions for switched systems over cones. 342-345 - Yebin Wang, Alan F. Lynch:
Observer design using a generalized time-scaled block triangular observer form. 346-352 - Alejandro J. Rojas:
Signal-to-noise ratio performance limitations for input disturbance rejection in output feedback control. 353-358 - María Belén D'Amico, Guanrong Chen
, Eduardo E. Paolini
, Jorge L. Moiola
Controlling Neimark-Sacker bifurcations in discrete-time multivariable systems. 359-364 - Dan Dai, Tingshu Hu
, Andrew R. Teel, Luca Zaccarian:
Piecewise-quadratic Lyapunov functions for systems with deadzones or saturations. 365-371 - Miroslav Krstic
Compensating actuator and sensor dynamics governed by diffusion PDEs. 372-377 - Jianfei Dong
, Michel Verhaegen:
Cautious Hinfinity optimal control using uncertain Markov parameters identified in closed loop. 378-388
Volume 58, Number 6, June 2009
- Uwe Helmke:
Global convergence of nonlinear cascade flows with Morse-Bott zero dynamics. 389-394 - Alain Piétrus, Vladimir M. Veliov
On the discretization of switched linear systems. 395-399 - Robert J. Elliott
, Jia Deng
A Viterbi smoother for discrete state space model. 400-405 - Birgit Jacob
, Jonathan R. Partington
, Sandra Pott
Zero-class admissibility of observation operators. 406-412 - Srikant Sukumar
, Maruthi R. Akella
Persistence filter-based control for systems with time-varying control gains. 413-420 - Kenji Sawada, Tsuyoshi Kiyama, Tetsuya Iwasaki:
Generalized sector synthesis of output feedback control with anti-windup structure. 421-428 - Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Panagiotis Tsiotras, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Leader-follower cooperative attitude control of multiple rigid bodies. 429-435 - Mohamed Darouach, Michel Zasadzinski:
Optimal unbiased reduced order filtering for discrete-time descriptor systems via LMI. 436-444 - Bart Taub
Implementing the Iakoubovski-Merino spectral factorization algorithm using state-space methods. 445-451 - Zongxuan Sun, Zhen Zhang
, Tsu-Chin Tsao
Trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection for linear time-varying systems: Input/output representation. 452-460 - Oliver Mason
, Mark Verwoerd:
Observations on the stability properties of cooperative systems. 461-467
Volume 58, Number 7, July 2009
- Sergei V. Gusev
Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma for matrix frequency domain inequality. 469-473 - Bartek Roszak, Edward J. Davison:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for stabilizability of positive LTI systems. 474-481 - Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis, Michael Cantoni:
LQ optimal control for 2D Roesser models of finite extent. 482-490 - Zhi-Fei Zhang, Peng-Fei Yao:
Global smooth solutions and stabilization of nonlinear elastodynamic systems with locally distributed dissipation. 491-498 - Irena Lasiecka, Amjad Tuffaha
Riccati theory and singular estimates for a Bolza control problem arising in linearized fluid-structure interaction. 499-509 - Goele Pipeleers
, Bram Demeulenaere, Jan Swevers, Lieven Vandenberghe:
Extended LMI characterizations for stability and performance of linear systems. 510-518 - Tu Duc Nguyen:
Boundary output feedback of second-order distributed parameter systems. 519-528 - Paola Falugi
, Laura Giarré
Identification and validation of quasispecies models for biological systems. 529-539 - P. Kawecki, B. Kraska, K. Majcherek, M. Zola:
Guarding a line segment. 540-545
Volume 58, Number 8, August 2009
- Marius Tucsnak
, M. Vanninathan:
Locally distributed control for a model of fluid-structure interaction. 547-552 - Fernando Castaños, Romeo Ortega:
Energy-balancing passivity-based control is equivalent to dissipation and output invariance. 553-560 - Gen-Qi Xu
, Ying Feng Shang:
Characteristic of left invertible semigroups and admissibility of observation operators. 561-566 - Bin Liu, David J. Hill
Input-to-state stability for discrete time-delay systems via the Razumikhin technique. 567-575 - Saverio Messineo
, Andrea Serrani
Adaptive feedforward disturbance rejection in nonlinear systems. 576-583 - Francesco Delli Priscoli
, Alberto Isidori, Lorenzo Marconi:
A dissipativity-based approach to output regulation of non-minimum-phase systems. 584-591 - Izumi Masubuchi
, Carsten W. Scherer:
A recursive algorithm of exactness verification of relaxations for robust SDPs. 592-601 - Claudio De Persis:
Robust stabilization of nonlinear systems by quantized and ternary control. 602-608 - Bin Zhou, James Lam, Guang-Ren Duan:
An ARE approach to semi-global stabilization of discrete-time descriptor linear systems with input saturation. 609-616 - Andrey Smyshlyaev, Miroslav Krstic
Boundary control of an anti-stable wave equation with anti-damping on the uncontrolled boundary. 617-623
Volume 58, Number 9, September 2009
- Tomohisa Hayakawa
, Hideaki Ishii, Koji Tsumura:
Adaptive quantized control for nonlinear uncertain systems. 625-632 - Tengfei Liu, Cong Wang, David J. Hill
Learning from neural control of nonlinear systems in normal form. 633-638 - David Cabecinhas
, Rita Cunha
, Carlos Silvestre
Almost global stabilization of fully-actuated rigid bodies. 639-645 - Ülle Kotta
, Zbigniew Bartosiewicz
, Ewa Pawluszewicz
, Malgorzata Wyrwas
Irreducibility, reduction and transfer equivalence of nonlinear input-output equations on homogeneous time scales. 646-651 - Vincent Andrieu
, Laurent Praly, Alessandro Astolfi
Asymptotic tracking of a reference trajectory by output-feedback for a class of non linear systems. 652-663 - Corentin Briat
, Olivier Sename
, Jean-François Lafay:
Delay-scheduled state-feedback design for time-delay systems with time-varying delays - A LPV approach. 664-671 - Mohammad Tabbara, Anders Rantzer, Dragan Nesic
On controller & capacity allocation co-design for networked control systems. 672-676 - Andrew Wynn
alpha-admissibility of the right-shift semigroup on L2(R+). 677-681 - Riccardo Marino
, Cristiano Maria Verrelli
A global state feedback output regulating control for uncertain systems in strict feedback form. 682-690 - Guang-Da Hu, Mingzhu Liu, Xuerong Mao
, Minghui Song:
Noise expresses exponential growth under regime switching. 691-699 - D. H. Wang, W. Zhu:
Letter to the Editor Re: "A limit cycle approach for the parametric identification of hysteretic systems" [Systems & Control Letters 57 (2008) 663-669]. 700-701
Volume 58, Numbers 10-11, October - November 2009
- Hao Yang, Vincent Cocquempot
, Bin Jiang:
On stabilization of switched nonlinear systems with unstable modes. 703-708 - Stephen L. Smith
, Francesco Bullo
The dynamic team forming problem: Throughput and delay for unbiased policies. 709-715 - Hisakazu Nakamura
, Yuh Yamashita, Hirokazu Nishitani:
Minimum Projection Method for nonsmooth control Lyapunov function design on general manifolds. 716-723 - Valery A. Ugrinovskii, Ian R. Petersen:
Guaranteed cost LQG control for uncertain systems with a normalized coprime factor uncertainty structure. 724-735 - Xiaoqing Ge, Murat Arcak:
A sufficient condition for additive D-stability and application to reaction-diffusion models. 736-741 - Olivier Bokanowski, A. Briani, Hasnaa Zidani
Minimum time control problems for non-autonomous differential equations. 742-746 - Mark Cannon
, Basil Kouvaritakis, Desmond Ng:
Probabilistic tubes in linear stochastic model predictive control. 747-753 - Jinhuan Wang, Daizhan Cheng, Xiaoming Hu
An extension of LaSalle's Invariance Principle for a class of switched linear systems. 754-758 - Jean-Charles Delvenne, Ruggero Carli, Sandro Zampieri
Optimal strategies in the average consensus problem. 759-765 - Michael Margaliot
On the analysis of nonlinear nilpotent switched systems using the Hall-Sussmann system. 766-772 - Miroslav Krstic
Control of an unstable reaction-diffusion PDE with long input delay. 773-782 - Erik I. Verriest, Wim Michiels:
Stability analysis of systems with stochastically varying delays. 783-791 - Fayçal Ikhouane
, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt
Author's reply. 792-793
Volume 58, Number 12, December 2009
- M. Kanat Camlibel, Roberto Frasca:
Extension of Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma to descriptor systems. 795-803 - Yuri Dolgin, Ezra Zeheb:
Finite Nyquist and Finite Inclusions Theorems for disjoint stability regions. 804-809 - Emmanuel Prempain, Matthew C. Turner, Ian Postlethwaite:
Coprime factor based anti-windup synthesis for parameter-dependent systems. 810-817 - Tong Zhou:
Further results on the boundedness of multidimensional systems. 818-825 - Michael A. Demetriou
Natural consensus filters for second order infinite dimensional systems. 826-833 - Weijiu Liu:
Mixing enhancement in enzymatic chemical reactions by optimal tuning of flows. 834-840 - W. Steven Gray, Heber Herencia-Zapana, Luis Augusto Duffaut Espinosa, Oscar R. González
Bilinear system interconnections and generating series of weighted Petri nets. 841-848