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Management Science, Volume 64
Volume 64, Number 1, January 2018
- David Simchi-Levi
From the Editor. 1-4
- Alan D. Crane
, Andrew Koch:
Shareholder Litigation and Ownership Structure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. 5-23 - Laurina Zhang:
Intellectual Property Strategy and the Long Tail: Evidence from the Recorded Music Industry. 24-42 - Renáta Kosová, Giorgo Sertsios
An Empirical Analysis of Self-Enforcement Mechanisms: Evidence from Hotel Franchising. 43-63 - Soheil Hooshangi, George Loewenstein:
The Impact of Idea Generation and Potential Appropriation on Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study. 64-82 - Di Li, Erica X. N. Li:
Corporate Governance and Costs of Equity: Theory and Evidence. 83-101 - Maryam Kouchaki
, Ata Jami
Everything We Do, You Do: The Licensing Effect of Prosocial Marketing Messages on Consumer Behavior. 102-111 - Weidong Tian:
Callable Contingent Capital: Valuation and Default Risk. 112-130 - A. Gürhan Kök, Kevin H. Shang, Safak Yücel
Impact of Electricity Pricing Policies on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions. 131-148 - Zhongmin Wang, Alvin Lee, Michael Polonsky:
Egregiousness and Boycott Intensity: Evidence from the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. 149-163 - Hui Chen
, Bjorn N. Jorgensen:
Market Exit Through Divestment - The Effect of Accounting Bias on Competition. 164-177 - Yan Zhang:
Assessing Fair Lending Risks Using Race/Ethnicity Proxies. 178-197 - Alon Kalay, Suresh Nallareddy, Gil Sadka
Uncertainty and Sectoral Shifts: The Interaction Between Firm-Level and Aggregate-Level Shocks, and Macroeconomic Activity. 198-214 - Jussi Keppo, Josef Korte:
Risk Targeting and Policy Illusions - Evidence from the Announcement of the Volcker Rule. 215-234 - David Hirshleifer
, Ming Jian
, Huai Zhang
Superstition and Financial Decision Making. 235-252 - Maurice E. Schweitzer
, Teck-Hua Ho, Xing Zhang
How Monitoring Influences Trust: A Tale of Two Faces. 253-270 - Mark Schneider, Robert Day:
Target-Adjusted Utility Functions and Expected-Utility Paradoxes. 271-287 - Julie R. Agnew, Hazel Bateman, Christine Eckert
, Fedor Iskhakov
, Jordan J. Louviere
, Susan Thorp
First Impressions Matter: An Experimental Investigation of Online Financial Advice. 288-307 - Ryan O. Murphy, Robert H. W. ten Brincke:
Hierarchical Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Cumulative Prospect Theory: Improving the Reliability of Individual Risk Parameter Estimates. 308-326 - Erick Delage, Jonathan Yu-Meng Li:
Minimizing Risk Exposure When the Choice of a Risk Measure Is Ambiguous. 327-344 - Mingfeng Lin
, Yong Liu, Siva Viswanathan
Effectiveness of Reputation in Contracting for Customized Production: Evidence from Online Labor Markets. 345-359 - Florian Morath, Johannes Münster:
Online Shopping and Platform Design with Ex Ante Registration Requirements. 360-380 - Ruomeng Cui, Hyoduk Shin:
Sharing Aggregate Inventory Information with Customers: Strategic Cross-Selling and Shortage Reduction. 381-400 - Luigi Serio, Piero Tedeschi, Giovanni Ursino
Making Sense of (Ultra) Low-Cost Flights Vertical Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets. 401-420 - Necati Tereyagoglu
, Peter S. Fader, Senthil K. Veeraraghavan:
Multiattribute Loss Aversion and Reference Dependence: Evidence from the Performing Arts Industry. 421-436 - Linwei Xin
, David A. Goldberg:
Asymptotic Optimality of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual-Sourcing Inventory Systems. 437-452 - Masha Shunko, Julie Niederhoff, Yaroslav Rosokha:
Humans Are Not Machines: The Behavioral Impact of Queueing Design on Service Time. 453-473 - Özalp Özer
, Upender Subramanian, Yu Wang:
Information Sharing, Advice Provision, or Delegation: What Leads to Higher Trust and Trustworthiness? 474-493
Volume 64, Number 2, February 2018
- David Simchi-Levi
Reengineering Management Science for a Sharper Focus and Broader Appeal. v
- Xing Zhang, Tat Y. Chan, Ying Xie
Price Search and Periodic Price Discounts. 495-510 - Juan Camilo Serpa, Harish Krishnan:
The Impact of Supply Chains on Firm-Level Productivity. 511-532 - Süleyman Demirel, Roman Kapuscinski
, Man Yu:
Strategic Behavior of Suppliers in the Face of Production Disruptions. 533-551 - Evan Starr, Natarajan Balasubramanian
, Mariko Sakakibara:
Screening Spinouts? How Noncompete Enforceability Affects the Creation, Growth, and Survival of New Firms. 552-572 - Stig Vinther Møller, Jesper Rangvid:
Global Economic Growth and Expected Returns Around the World: The End-of-the-Year Effect. 573-591 - Sinan Aral
, Yannis Bakos, Erik Brynjolfsson:
Information Technology, Repeated Contracts, and the Number of Suppliers. 592-612 - Romel Mostafa
, Steven Klepper:
Industrial Development Through Tacit Knowledge Seeding: Evidence from the Bangladesh Garment Industry. 613-632 - Anahita Khojandi, Lisa M. Maillart
, Oleg A. Prokopyev
, Mark S. Roberts, Samir F. Saba:
Dynamic Abandon/Extract Decisions for Failed Cardiac Leads. 633-651 - Deepak Hegde, Hong Luo:
Patent Publication and the Market for Ideas. 652-672 - Alastair Lawrence, Richard Sloan, Estelle Sun:
Why Are Losses Less Persistent Than Profits? Curtailments vs. Conservatism. 673-694 - Ganesh Iyer, Shubhranshu Singh
Voluntary Product Safety Certification. 695-714 - Decio Coviello, Andrea Guglielmo, Giancarlo Spagnolo
The Effect of Discretion on Procurement Performance. 715-738 - Panos M. Markopoulos, Kartik Hosanagar:
A Model of Product Design and Information Disclosure Investments. 739-759 - Eric de Bodt, Jean-Gabriel Cousin, Richard Roll:
Full-Stock-Payment Marginalization in Merger and Acquisition Transactions. 760-783 - Ningyuan Chen, Steven Kou
, Chun Wang:
A Partitioning Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Market Microstructure. 784-803 - Bradley R. Staats, Diwas Singh KC
, Francesca Gino:
Maintaining Beliefs in the Face of Negative News: The Moderating Role of Experience. 804-824 - Amrita Nain, Yan Wang:
The Product Market Impact of Minority Stake Acquisitions. 825-844 - Judd B. Kessler
, Katherine L. Milkman:
Identity in Charitable Giving. 845-859 - Jie Gong
, Ang Sun, Zhichao Wei:
Choosing the Pond: On-the-Job Experience and Long-Run Career Outcomes. 860-872 - Robin Cubitt, Rebecca McDonald, Daniel Read
Time Matters Less When Outcomes Differ: Unimodal vs. Cross-Modal Comparisons in Intertemporal Choice. 873-887 - Nancy R. Baldiga, Katherine Baldiga Coffman:
Laboratory Evidence on the Effects of Sponsorship on the Competitive Preferences of Men and Women. 888-901 - Fotios Pasiouras:
Financial Consumer Protection and the Cost of Financial Intermediation: Evidence from Advanced and Developing Economies. 902-924 - Evgeny Lyandres, Fangjian Fu
, Erica X. N. Li:
Do Underwriters Compete in IPO Pricing? 925-954 - Gabrielle Demange:
Contagion in Financial Networks: A Threat Index. 955-970 - Amir Ajorlou, Ali Jadbabaie, Ali Kakhbod:
Dynamic Pricing in Social Networks: The Word-of-Mouth Effect. 971-979
Volume 64, Number 3, March 2018
- Hau L. Lee
, Christopher S. Tang:
Socially and Environmentally Responsible Value Chain Innovations: New Operations Management Research Opportunities. 983-996 - Carey K. Morewedge, Simone Tang, Richard P. Larrick:
Betting Your Favorite to Win: Costly Reluctance to Hedge Desired Outcomes. 997-1014 - E. Han Kim, Yao Lu:
Executive Suite Independence: Is It Related to Board Independence? 1015-1033 - Patrick Behr, Darren J. Kisgen, Jérôme P. Taillard:
Did Government Regulations Lead to Inflated Credit Ratings? 1034-1054 - Travis L. Johnson, Eric C. So:
A Simple Multimarket Measure of Information Asymmetry. 1055-1080 - Zhixin Dai, Fabio Galeotti
, Marie-Claire Villeval
Cheating in the Lab Predicts Fraud in the Field: An Experiment in Public Transportation. 1081-1100 - Nejat Anbarci
, Nick Feltovich
Pricing in Competitive Search Markets: The Roles of Price Information and Fairness Perceptions. 1101-1120 - Ricard Gil
, Christian A. Ruzzier:
The Impact of Competition on "Make-or-Buy" Decisions: Evidence from the Spanish Local TV Industry. 1121-1135 - Gah-Yi Ban
, Noureddine El Karoui, Andrew E. B. Lim:
Machine Learning and Portfolio Optimization. 1136-1154 - Berkeley J. Dietvorst, Joseph P. Simmons, Cade Massey:
Overcoming Algorithm Aversion: People Will Use Imperfect Algorithms If They Can (Even Slightly) Modify Them. 1155-1170 - Baojun Jiang
, Lin Tian:
Collaborative Consumption: Strategic and Economic Implications of Product Sharing. 1171-1188 - A. Ronald Gallant, Han Hong, Ahmed Khwaja:
The Dynamic Spillovers of Entry: An Application to the Generic Drug Industry. 1189-1211 - Koray Cosguner, Tat Y. Chan, P. B. (Seethu) Seetharaman:
Dynamic Pricing in a Distribution Channel in the Presence of Switching Costs. 1212-1229 - Tian Heong Chan, Jürgen Mihm, Manuel E. Sosa:
On Styles in Product Design: An Analysis of U.S. Design Patents. 1230-1249 - Tony Haitao Cui, Yinghao Zhang
Cognitive Hierarchy in Capacity Allocation Games. 1250-1270 - Ken Moon
, Kostas Bimpikis, Haim Mendelson:
Randomized Markdowns and Online Monitoring. 1271-1290 - Salvatore Piccolo, Piero Tedeschi, Giovanni Ursino
Deceptive Advertising with Rational Buyers. 1291-1310 - Henry Lam:
Sensitivity to Serial Dependency of Input Processes: A Robust Approach. 1311-1327 - Hazhir Rahmandad
, Rebecca Henderson, Nelson P. Repenning:
Making the Numbers? "Short Termism" and the Puzzle of Only Occasional Disaster. 1328-1347 - Sameer B. Srivastava, Amir Goldberg
, V. Govind Manian, Christopher Potts:
Enculturation Trajectories: Language, Cultural Adaptation, and Individual Outcomes in Organizations. 1348-1364 - Przemyslaw Jeziorski, Sridhar Moorthy:
Advertiser Prominence Effects in Search Advertising. 1365-1383 - Zhenyu Hu, Javad Nasiry:
Are Markets with Loss-Averse Consumers More Sensitive to Losses? 1384-1395 - Denis Yongmin Joe, Frederick Dongchuhl Oh
Spillover Effects Within Business Groups: The Case of Korean Chaebols. 1396-1412 - Bruno Feunou
, Jean-Sébastien Fontaine
Bond Risk Premia and Gaussian Term Structure Models. 1413-1439 - Gary E. Bolton
, Elena Katok
Cry Wolf or Equivocate? Credible Forecast Guidance in a Cost-Loss Game. 1440-1457 - Verena Tiefenbeck, Lorenz Goette
, Kathrin Degen, Vojkan Tasic, Elgar Fleisch, Rafael Lalive
, Thorsten Staake:
Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation. 1458-1476
Volume 64, Number 4, April 2018
- Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Ingo Menrath, Pablo Emilio Verde, Johannes Siegrist
Unfair Pay and Health. 1477-1488 - Dan Bernhardt, Tingjun Liu, Robert Marquez:
Targeting Target Shareholders. 1489-1509 - Christian Laux
, Gyöngyi Lóránth
, Alan D. Morrison:
The Adverse Effect of Information on Governance and Leverage. 1510-1527 - Netta Barak-Corren
, Chia-Jung Tsay, Fiery Cushman, Max H. Bazerman:
If You're Going to Do Wrong, At Least Do It Right: Considering Two Moral Dilemmas at the Same Time Promotes Moral Consistency. 1528-1540 - Silvia Saccardo, Aniela Pietrasz, Uri Gneezy:
On the Size of the Gender Difference in Competitiveness. 1541-1554 - Yuanguang Zhong, Zhichao Zheng
, Mabel C. Chou
, Chung-Piaw Teo:
Resource Pooling and Allocation Policies to Deliver Differentiated Service. 1555-1573 - Susan Athey
, Emilio Calvano
, Joshua S. Gans:
The Impact of Consumer Multi-homing on Advertising Markets and Media Competition. 1574-1590 - Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler, David Pérez-Castrillo
Endogenous Matching in University-Industry Collaboration: Theory and Empirical Evidence from the United Kingdom. 1591-1608 - Srikanth Jagabathula, Gustavo J. Vulcano:
A Partial-Order-Based Model to Estimate Individual Preferences Using Panel Data. 1609-1628 - David R. Bell, Santiago Gallino, Antonio Moreno:
Offline Showrooms in Omnichannel Retail: Demand and Operational Benefits. 1629-1651 - Exequiel Hernandez
, Anoop Menon:
Acquisitions, Node Collapse, and Network Revolution. 1652-1671 - Sean Flynn, Andra Ghent
Competition and Credit Ratings After the Fall. 1672-1692 - Ludwig Ensthaler, Olga Nottmeyer, Georg Weizsäcker, Christian Zankiewicz:
Hidden Skewness: On the Difficulty of Multiplicative Compounding Under Random Shocks. 1693-1706 - Scott Joslin:
Can Unspanned Stochastic Volatility Models Explain the Cross Section of Bond Volatilities? 1707-1726 - Yiangos Papanastasiou, Kostas Bimpikis, Nicos Savva:
Crowdsourcing Exploration. 1727-1746 - Cem Demiroglu
, Christopher James:
Indicators of Collateral Misreporting. 1747-1760 - Teck-Hua Ho, I. P. L. Png, Sadat Reza
Sunk Cost Fallacy in Driving the World's Costliest Cars. 1761-1778 - Johannes Müller-Trede, Shoham Choshen-Hillel
, Meir Barneron, Ilan Yaniv
The Wisdom of Crowds in Matters of Taste. 1779-1803 - Natarajan Balasubramanian
, Jeongsik Lee, Jagadeesh Sivadasan
Deadlines, Workflows, Task Sorting, and Work Quality. 1804-1824 - Nicos Nicolaou
, Pankaj C. Patel
, Marcus T. Wolfe:
Testosterone and Tendency to Engage in Self-Employment. 1825-1841 - Susan Feng Lu, Huaxia Rui, Abraham Seidmann:
Does Technology Substitute for Nurses? Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes. 1842-1859 - Hui Li, Qiaowei Shen, Yakov Bart
Local Market Characteristics and Online-to-Offline Commerce: An Empirical Analysis of Groupon. 1860-1878 - Irene Scopelliti
, H. Lauren Min, Erin McCormick
, Karim S. Kassam, Carey K. Morewedge:
Individual Differences in Correspondence Bias: Measurement, Consequences, and Correction of Biased Interpersonal Attributions. 1879-1910 - Kin Fai Ellick Wong
, Jessica Y. Y. Kwong:
Resolving the Judgment and Decision-Making Paradox Between Adaptive Learning and Escalation of Commitment. 1911-1925 - Petra Moser
, Joerg Ohmstedt, Paul W. Rhode:
Patent Citations - An Analysis of Quality Differences and Citing Practices in Hybrid Corn. 1926-1940 - Rahul Govind
, Rabikar Chatterjee, Vikas Mittal:
Segmentation of Spatially Dependent Geographical Units: Model and Application. 1941-1956 - Angie Andrikogiannopoulou, Filippos Papakonstantinou:
Individual Reaction to Past Performance Sequences: Evidence from a Real Marketplace. 1957-1973
Volume 64, Number 5, May 2018
- Nan Liu, Stacey R. Finkelstein, Margaret E. Kruk, David Rosenthal:
When Waiting to See a Doctor Is Less Irritating: Understanding Patient Preferences and Choice Behavior in Appointment Scheduling. 1975-1996 - Daniel Aobdia, Anup Srivastava, Erqiu Wang:
Are Immigrants Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from the Audit Industry. 1997-2012 - Luís Cabral:
We're Number 1: Price Wars for Market Share Leadership. 2013-2030 - Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack:
Revenue-Maximizing Mechanisms with Strategic Customers and Unknown, Markovian Demand. 2031-2046 - Qiaowei Shen, J. Miguel Villas-Boas:
Behavior-Based Advertising. 2047-2064 - Gordon Burtch
, Yili Hong
, Ravi Bapna, Vladas Griskevicius:
Stimulating Online Reviews by Combining Financial Incentives and Social Norms. 2065-2082 - Steven Kou
, Xian Hua Peng
, Haowen Zhong:
Asset Pricing with Spatial Interaction. 2083-2101 - Burcin Col, Art Durnev, Alexander Molchanov:
Foreign Risk, Domestic Problem: Capital Allocation and Firm Performance Under Political Instability. 2102-2125 - Robert Sugden
, Jiwei Zheng:
Do Consumers Take Advantage of Common Pricing Standards? An Experimental Investigation. 2126-2143 - Miguel A. Ferreira
, Massimo Massa, Pedro Matos:
Investor-Stock Decoupling in Mutual Funds. 2144-2163 - Ramnath K. Chellappa, Amit Mehra
Cost Drivers of Versioning: Pricing and Product Line Strategies for Information Goods. 2164-2180 - Aurélien Baillon
, Han Bleichrodt, Umut Keskin, Olivier L'Haridon
, Chen Li:
The Effect of Learning on Ambiguity Attitudes. 2181-2198 - Zhibin (Ben) Yang
, Xinxin Hu, Haresh Gurnani, Huiqi Guan:
Multichannel Distribution Strategy: Selling to a Competing Buyer with Limited Supplier Capacity. 2199-2218