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ICNN 1993: San Francisco, CA, USA
- Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'88), San Francisco, CA, USA, March 28 - April 1, 1993. IEEE 1993
Volume 1
- Bernard Widrow, Michael A. Lehr, Françoise Beaufays, Eric A. Wan, Michel Bilello:
Learning algorithms for adaptive processing and control. 1-8 - Ethem Alpaydin:
Multiple networks for function learning. 9-14 - Fawad Rauf
, Hassan M. Ahned:
A universal structure for artificial neural networks. 15-20 - Yolanda M. Pires, Dilip Sarkar:
Back-propagation algorithm with controlled oscillation of weights. 21-26 - Jón Atli Benediktsson
, Johannes R. Sveinsson
, Okan K. Ersoy, Philip H. Swain:
Parallel consensual neural networks. 27-32 - Zheng Zeng, Rodney M. Goodman, Padhraic Smyth:
Self-clustering recurrent networks. 33-38 - Fu-Sheng Tsung, Garrison W. Cottrell:
Hopf bifurcation and Hopf hopping in recurrent nets. 39-45 - Claus Svarer
, Lars Kai Hansen
, Jan Larsen
On design and evaluation of tapped-delay neural network architectures. 46-51 - Sathyanarayan S. Rao, Viswanath Ramamurti:
A hybrid technique to enhance the performance of recurrent neural networks for time series prediction. 52-57 - José Pedro Segundo, Jean-François Vibert, Michael Stiber, Sylvain Hanneton
Synaptic coding of periodically modulated spike trains. 58-63 - Kiyohiko Nakamura:
Temporal competition as an optimal parallel processing of the cerebrohypothalamic system. 64-69 - Kuniharu Arai, Edward L. Keller, Jay A. Edelman:
A spatio-temporal neural network model of saccade generation. 70-74 - Michael Stiber, José Pedro Segundo:
Dynamics of synaptic transfer in living and simulated neurons. 75-80 - Ping Liang, Kai Jin:
Solving search problems with subgoals using an artificial neural network. 81-86 - Mert Sungur, Ugur Halici:
Solving the serializability problem by a connectionist machine. 87-92 - Thomas Fritsch, P. H. Kraus, H. Przuntek, Phuoc Tran-Gia:
Classification of Parkinson rating-scale-data using a selforganising neural net. 93-98 - Tadasu Uchiyama, Noboru Sonehara:
Solving inverse problems in nonlinear PDEs by recurrent neural networks. 99-102 - Ray-I Chang
, Pei-Yung Hsiao:
Force directed self-organizing map and its application to VLSI cell placement. 103-109 - Brion K. Dolenko, Howard C. Card:
The effects of analog hardware properties on backpropagation networks with on-chip learning. 110-115 - Micah S. Siegel:
An analog VLSI model of central pattern generation in the medicinal leech. 116-119 - Chia-Jiu Wang, Chwan-Hwa John Wu:
Analog neural networks solve ambiguity problems in medium PRF radar systems. 120-125 - Joe-E Hu, Pepe Siy:
Stereo correspondence through multiple constraint neural networks. 126-131 - Kamran Etemad, Rama Chellappa:
A neural network based edge detector. 132-137 - Jörg Kopecz:
A cortical structure for real world image processing. 138-143 - Bruce L. Digney, Madan M. Gupta:
A distributed adaptive control system for a quadruped mobile robot. 144-149 - Guo-Qing Wei, Gerd Hirzinger, Bernhard Brunner:
Sensorimotor coordination and sensor fusion by neural networks. 150-155 - Akira Hirose:
Motion controls using complex-valued neural networks with feedback loops. 156-161 - Shengfa Hu, Pingfan Yan, Yanda Li:
On self-consistent sensory-motor learning algorithm. 162-167 - Jing Peng, Ronald J. Williams:
Efficient learning and planning within the Dyna framework. 168-174 - Sebastian Thrun:
Exploration and model building in mobile robot domains. 175-180 - Long-Ji Lin:
Hierarchical learning of robot skills by reinforcement. 181-186 - Lichun Wang, P. N. Denbigh:
Monaural localization using combination of TD ( lambda ) with backpropagation. 187-190 - John R. Koza, Martin A. Keane, James P. Rice:
Performance improvement of machine learning via automatic discovery of facilitating functions as applied to a problem of symbolic system identification. 191-198 - Shai Oliker, Merrick L. Furst, Oded Maimon:
Design architectures and training of neural networks with a distributed genetic algorithm. 199-202 - Michael McInerney, Atam P. Dhawan:
Use of genetic algorithms with backpropagation in training of feedforward neural networks. 203-208 - Takanori Shibata, Toshio Fukuda:
Coordinative behavior in evolutionary multi-agent system by genetic algorithm. 209-214 - Li Fu, Tinghuai Chen:
Sensitivity analysis for input vector in multilayer feedforward neural networks. 215-218 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Minimum entropy methods in neural networks: competition and selective responses by entropy minimization. 219-225 - R. S. Shadafan, M. Niranjan:
A dynamic neural network architecture by sequential partitioning of the input space. 226-231 - Ja C. Koo, Benito Fernández:
Geometric error correction using hierarchical/hybrid artificial neural systems. 232-237 - Saman K. Halgamuge
, Werner Pöchmüller, Manfred Glesner:
A rule based prototype system for automatic classification in industrial quality control. 238-243 - Fabio Crestani:
Learning strategies for an adaptive information retrieval system using neural networks. 244-249 - Sandro Ridella
, Gian Luca Speroni, Paolo Trebino, Rodolfo Zunino:
Pruning and rule extraction using class entropy. 250-256 - Raymond Lister:
Annealing networks and fractal landscapes. 257-262 - Zhongliang Jing, Guawei Zhang, Hongren Zhou:
A quick algorithm of neural combinatorial optimization to data association problem of multimaneuvering target tracking. 263-268 - Keihiro Ochiai
, Shiro Usui:
Improved kick out learning algorithm with delta-bar-delta-bar rule. 269-274 - M. Kemal Unaltuna, Mehmet Emin Dalkiliç, Vijay Pitchumani:
Solving the scheduling problem in high level synthesis using a normalized mean field neural network. 275-280 - Nadine N. Tschichold-Gürman, Vlad G. Dabija:
Meaning-based handling of don't care attributes in artificial neural networks. 281-286 - Pinaki Poddar, P. V. S. Rao:
Hierarchical ensemble of neural networks. 287-292 - Babak Hassibi, David G. Stork, Gregory J. Wolff:
Optimal Brain Surgeon and general network pruning. 293-299 - Jianchang Mao, Anil K. Jain:
Discriminant analysis neural networks. 300-305 - Hidetomo Ichihashi, M. Tokunaga:
Neuro-fuzzy optimal control of backing up a trailer truck. 306-311 - Sandra Sulzberger, Nadine N. Tschichold-Gürman, Sjur J. Vestli:
FUN: optimization of fuzzy rule based systems using neural networks. 312-316 - Hiroshi Narazaki, Anca L. Ralescu:
Implementation of fuzzy systems using multilayered neural network. 317-322 - Hahn-Ming Lee, Chia-Shing Lai:
Supervised fuzzy ART: training of a neural network for pattern classification via combining supervised and unsupervised learning. 323-328 - W. Hsu, Loke-Soo Hsu, Manoel Fernando Tenorio:
A ClusNet architecture for prediction. 329-334 - Alison A. Dingle, John H. Andreae, Richard D. Jones
A chaotic neural unit. 335-340 - Edwin R. Hancock
, Josef Kittler:
A Bayesian interpretation for the Hopfield network. 341-346 - Bo-Hyeun Wang, Seak Bai Koh, Seung Kwon Ahn:
Hybrid location-content addressable memory. 347-352 - Hidetoshi Nishimori, Ioan Opris:
Retrieval process of an associative memory with nonmonotonic input-output function. 353-358 - Joydeep Ghosh, Shaoyun Wang:
A temporal memory network with state-dependent thresholds. 359-364 - C. N. Zhang, M. Wang, G. Z. Yao:
Calculus relations in spatial summation and determination of macro connection in neuronal networks. 365-370 - Marco Budinich:
Some notes on perceptron learning. 371-376 - Yoshifusa Ito:
Extension of approximation capability of three layered neural networks to derivatives. 377-381 - Ramiro Rico-Martínez, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Raymond A. Adomaitis:
Noninvertibility in neural networks. 382-386 - Jianping Huang, Anthony Kuh:
A neural network isolated word recognition system for moderate sized databases. 387-391 - Marijke F. Augusteijn, Tammy L. Skufca:
Identification of human faces through texture-based feature recognition and neural network technology. 392-398 - Keiji Yamada:
Inverse recall neural network model and feedback pattern recognition. 399-406 - Jürgen Schmidhuber:
A neural network that embeds its own meta-levels. 407-412 - LiMin Fu:
A neural network model for real-time adaptive clustering. 413-416 - Lasse Holmström, Ari Hämäläinen:
The self-organizing reduced kernel density estimator. 417-421 - Petri Myllymäki, Henry Tirri:
Bayesian case-based reasoning with neural networks. 422-427 - Chong-Ho Choi, Jin Young Choi:
Construction of neural networks for piecewise approximation of continuous functions. 428-433 - T. P. Washburne, D. F. Specht, R. M. Drake:
Identification of unknown categories with probabilistic neural networks. 434-437 - Sung-Woo Kim, Ju-Jang Lee:
Unknown parameter identification of parameterized system using multi-layered neural network. 438-443 - H. Chris Tseng, J. Gary Liu:
Scalability in neural network design: an add-on scheme. 444-449 - Justine Blackmore, Risto Miikkulainen:
Incremental grid growing: encoding high-dimensional structure into a two-dimensional feature map. 450-455 - Hiroshi Zarazaki, Anca L. Ralescu:
A connectionist approach for default inference and conflict resolution. 456-461 - Chang-Jiu Chen, John Y. Cheung:
Recursive neural networks with high capacity. 462-465 - Goutam Chakraborty, Norio Shiratori, Shoichi Noguchi:
A quickly trained ANN with single hidden layer Gaussian units. 466-472 - Yo Horikawa:
Non-monotonic firing rate of a coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo model. 473-478 - Hown-Wen Chen, Von-Wun Soo:
Design of adaptive and incremental feed-forward neural networks. 479-484 - Kazutaka Yamasaki, Hidemitsu Ogawa:
A theory of over-learning in the presence of noise. 485-488 - Kwan F. Cheung, Patrick Y. H. Tang:
Sigma-delta modulation neural networks. 489-493 - Hahn-Ming Lee, Weng-Tang Wang:
Training of neural network classifier by combining hyperplane with exemplar approach. 494-499 - Bruce E. Segee:
Using spectral techniques for improved performance in artificial neural networks. 500-505 - William C. Torrez, Jayson T. Durham, Richard D. Trueblood:
Performance measures for neural nets using Johnson distributions. 506-510 - James Tin-Yau Kwok, Dit-Yan Yeung:
Experimental analysis of input weight freezing in constructive neural networks. 511-516 - Donna L. Hudson, Maurice E. Cohen:
Use of fractional powers to moderate neuronal contributions. 517-522 - Stephen J. Koffman, Peter H. Mechl:
Gaussian network variants: a preliminary study. 523-528 - Kin Fui Fong, A. P. Loh
MRAC of nonlinear systems using neural networks with recursive least squares adaptation. 529-533 - Jianbin Hao, Shaohua Tan, Joos Vandewalle:
A rule-based neural controller for inverted pendulum system. 534-539 - Dan Simon:
Neural network-based robot trajectory generation. 540-545 - Kunio Iwata, Joydeep Ghosh, Yoan Shin:
Time optimal control using pi-sigma networks. 546-551 - Saiful Akhyar, Sigeru Omatu:
Neuromorphic self-tuning PID controller. 552-557 - D. H. Rao, Madan M. Gupta:
Dynamic neural controller with somatic adaptation. 558-563 - Can Isik, A. Mete Çakmakci:
Identification of a nonlinear multivariable dynamic process using feed-forward networks. 564-567 - Chris M. Jubien, Nikitas J. Dimopoulos:
Identification of a PUMA-560 two-link robot using a stable neural network. 568-572 - Su Zhou, Dobrivoje Popovic, Günter Schulz-Ekloff:
An improved learning law for backpropagation networks. 573-579 - Gang Li, Hussein Alnuweiri, Yuejian Wu, Hongbing Li:
Acceleration of back propagation through initial weight pre-training with delta rule. 580-585 - Martin A. Riedmiller, Heinrich Braun:
A direct adaptive method for faster backpropagation learning: the RPROP algorithm. 586-591 - A. P. Loh
, Kin Fui Fong:
Backpropagation using generalized least squares. 592-597 - Wouter F. Schmidt, Sarunas Raudys, Martin A. Kraaijveld, Marina Skurikhina, Robert P. W. Duin:
Initializations, back-propagation and generalization of feed-forward classifiers. 598-604 - Antonio Chella
, Antonio Gentile, Filippo Sorbello, A. Tarantino:
Supervised learning for feed-forward neural networks: a new minimax approach for fast convergence. 605-609 - Piero P. Bonissone
, Kenneth H. Chiang:
Fuzzy logic controllers: from development to deployment. 610-619
Volume 2
- Malcolm I. Heywood
, Peter Noakes:
Simple addition to back-propagation learning for dynamic weight pruning, sparse network extraction and faster learning. 620-625 - Chedsada Chinrungrueng, Carlo H. Séquin:
Adaptive k-means algorithm with error-weighted deviation measure. 626-631 - Atsushi Sato, Keiji Yamada, Jun Tsukumo:
A multi-template learning method based on LVQ. 632-637 - Herbert J. Reitboeck, Michael Stöcker, Christoph Hahn:
Object separation in dynamic neural networks. 638-641 - Muriel D. Ross:
Neuroanatomy of neural networks of the vestibular system: vestibular maculas as prototypic neuronal networks. 642-647 - Andras J. Pellionisz, David L. Tomko, Charles C. Jorgensen:
Artificial cerebellum ACE: tensor network transformer enabling virtual movement in virtual environment: facilitating teleoperation in telepresence. 648-654 - Daiki Masumoto, Takashi Kimoto, Shigemi Nagata:
A sensory information processing system using neural networks. 655-660 - Willie Chang, Hamdy S. Soliman, Andrew H. Sung:
Preserving visual perception by learning natural clustering. 661-666 - Christoph Bregler, Stefan Manke, Hermann Hild, Alex Waibel:
Bimodal sensor integration on the example of 'speechreading'. 667-671 - Gregory J. Wolff:
Sensory fusion: integrating visual and auditory information for recognizing speech. 672-677 - Jiansheng Feng, Wenjing Tao, Hans Burkhardt:
A neural network approach to the consistent labeling problem. 678-683 - Raymond Lister:
Visualizing weight dynamics in the N-2-N encoder. 684-689 - T. I. Liu, K. S. Anantharaman:
On-line sensing of drill wear using neural network approach. 690-694 - Manfred Mittler, Phuoc Tran-Gia:
Performance of a neural net scheduler used in packet switching interconnection networks. 695-700 - Yiwen Wang:
Analog CMOS implementation of backward error propagation. 701-706 - Il-Song Han:
Modular neural network hardware implementation of analog-digital mixed operation. 707-710 - Jeffrey A. Dickson, Robert D. McLeod, Howard C. Card:
Stochastic arithmetic implementations of neural networks with in situ learning. 711-716 - Jen-Dong Yuh, Robert W. Newcomb:
A novel counter circuit using a multi-level neuron with a self-feedback weight. 717-720 - Sugata Ghosal, Rajiv Mehrotra:
A two-stage neural net for segmentation of range images. 721-726