International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      32nd CIKM 2023: Birmingham, UK

      31st CIKM 2022: Atlanta, GA, USA

      30th CIKM 2021: Virtual Event, Queensland, Australia

      29th CIKM 2020: Virtual Event, Ireland

      28th CIKM 2019: Beijing, China

      27th CIKM 2018: Torino, Italy

      26th CIKM 2017: Singapore

      25th CIKM 2016: Indianapolis, IN, USA

      24th CIKM 2015: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

      23rd CIKM 2014: Shanghai, China

      22nd CIKM 2013: San Francisco, CA, USA

      21st CIKM 2012: Maui, HI, USA

      workshops: BooksOnline

      20th CIKM 2011: Glasgow, United Kingdom

      workshops: BooksOnline - PAIR - SMUC

      19th CIKM 2010: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      workshops: BooksOnline - PAIR - SMUC

      18th CIKM 2009: Hong Kong, SAR, China

      workshops: PAIR - TSA

      17th CIKM 2008: Napa Valley, California, USA

      workshops: BooksOnline - PAIR

      16th CIKM 2007: Lisbon, Portugal

      15th CIKM 2006: Arlington, Virginia, USA

      14th CIKM 2005: Bremen, Germany

      CIKM 2005 Home Page

      13th CIKM 2004: Washington, DC, USA

      12th CIKM 2003: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

      11th CIKM 2002: McLean, Virginia, USA

      10th CIKM 2001: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

      9th CIKM 2000 Washington, DC, USA

      8th CIKM 1999: Kansas City, Missouri, USA

      Workshops: DOLAP 1999 - GIS 1999 - NPIVM 1999 - WIDM 1999

      7th CIKM 1998: Bethesda, Maryland, USA

      Workshops: DOLAP 1998 - GIS 1998 - NPIV 1998

      6th CIKM 1997: Las Vegas, Nevada

      Workshops: GIS 1997 - NPIV 1997

      5th CIKM 1996: Rockville, Maryland, USA

      4th CIKM 1995: Baltimore, Maryland

      Digital Libraries - Tutorial by Edward A. Fox

      3rd CIKM 1994: Gaithersburg, Maryland

      2nd CIKM 1993: Washington, DC, USA

      1st CIKM 1992: Baltimore, Maryland

      Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-92) November 8-11, 1992, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Proceedings. published by ISMM (now ISCA), ISBN 1-880843-03-X