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Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 1, January 2007
- Per Carlbring
, Eva Björnstjerna, Anna F. Bergström, Johan Waara, Gerhard Andersson
Applied relaxation: an experimental analogue study of therapist vs. computer administration. 2-10 - Beatriz Lia Avila Mileham:
Online infidelity in Internet chat rooms: an ethnographic exploration. 11-31 - Petr Kveton
, Martin Jelínek
, Dalibor Voboril
, Helena Klimusová
Computer-based tests: the impact of test design and problem of equivalency. 32-51 - Barry A. Tanner:
A Windows program to aid in MMPI-2 interpretation. 52-57 - Wayne Huang, D. Li:
Opening up the black box in GSS research: explaining group decision outcome with group process. 58-78 - Shu Ching Yang
, Chieh-Ju Tung:
Comparison of Internet addicts and non-addicts in Taiwanese high school. 79-96 - Alina Surís, Patricia D. Borman, Lisa Lind
, T. Michael Kashner:
Aggression, impulsivity, and health functioning in a veteran population: equivalency and test-retest reliability of computerized and paper-and-pencil administrations. 97-110 - Inwon Kang, Kun Chang Lee, Sangjae Lee, Jiho Choi:
Investigation of online community voluntary behavior using cognitive map. 111-126 - Brooke Smith, Peter Caputi, Patrick Rawstorne:
The development of a measure of subjective computer experience. 127-145 - Raquel-Amaya Martínez González, María Miláns del Bosch, M. Henar Pérez Herrero, Andrés Sampedro Nuño:
Psychopedagogical components and processes in e-learning. Lessons from an unsuccessful on-line course. 146-161 - Jen-Her Wu, Yung-Cheng Chen, Li-Min Lin:
Empirical evaluation of the revised end user computing acceptance model. 162-174 - Reid Bates, Samer Khasawneh
Self-efficacy and college students' perceptions and use of online learning systems. 175-191 - D. A. Bergin, A. H. Anderson, T. Molnar, R. Baumgartner, S. Mitchell, S. Korper, A. Curley, J. Rottmann:
Providing remote accessible field trips (RAFT): an evaluation study. 192-219 - Kun Chang Lee, Inwon Kang, Jin-Sung Kim:
Exploring the user interface of negotiation support systems from the user acceptance perspective. 220-239 - Echo Huang, Meng Hao Chuang:
Extending the theory of planned behaviour as a model to explain post-merger employee behaviour of IS use. 240-257 - Damien J. Williams, Jan M. Noyes:
Effect of experience and mode of presentation on problem solving. 258-274 - Adam N. Joinson, Alan Woodley, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Personalization, authentication and self-disclosure in self-administered Internet surveys. 275-285 - Sharon Judge, Blanche W. O'Bannon
Integrating technology into field-based experiences: a model that fosters change. 286-302 - Kari Kallinen, Niklas Ravaja
Comparing speakers versus headphones in listening to news from a computer - individual differences and psychophysiological responses. 303-317 - Galen A. Grimes, Michelle G. Hough, Margaret L. Signorella
Email end users and spam: relations of gender and age group to attitudes and actions. 318-332 - Robin H. Kay:
Learning performance and computer software: an exploration of knowledge transfer. 333-352 - Jan-Willem Strijbos
, Rob L. Martens, Wim M. G. Jochems, Nick J. Broers:
The effect of functional roles on perceived group efficiency during computer-supported collaborative learning: a matter of triangulation. 353-380 - Yi-Shun Wang
, Yi-Wen Liao:
The conceptualization and measurement of m-commerce user satisfaction. 381-398 - Shu-Sheng Liaw:
Computers and the Internet as a job assisted tool: based on the three-tier use model approach. 399-414 - Ronald L. Mullis, Ann K. Mullis, Thomas A. Cornille:
Relationships between identity formation and computer use among black and white emerging adult females. 415-423 - Kenneth David Strang
Examining effective technology project leadership traits and behaviors. 424-462 - Stephanie Booth-Kewley, Gerald E. Larson, Dina K. Miyoshi:
Social desirability effects on computerized and paper-and-pencil questionnaires. 463-477 - Alexander Serenko
The development of an instrument to measure the degree of animation predisposition of agent users. 478-495 - Silvia Dewiyanti, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, Wim M. G. Jochems, Nick J. Broers:
Students' experiences with collaborative learning in asynchronous Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning environments. 496-514 - Michael Tlauka:
Rotational movements in real and virtual environments. 515-524 - Raafat George Saadé, Camille Alexandre Otrakji:
First impressions last a lifetime: effect of interface type on disorientation and cognitive load. 525-535 - Letitia Uduma, Gary R. Morrison
How do instructional designers use automated instructional design tool? 536-553 - Brian G. Southwell
, George Anghelcev
, Itai Himelboim
, Julie Jones:
Translating user control availability into perception: the moderating role of prior experience. 554-563 - Manouchehr Tabatabaei:
An effectiveness analysis of information channeling in choice decision making with attribute importance weights. 564-577 - Petros Roussos:
The Greek computer attitudes scale: construction and assessment of psychometric properties. 578-590 - Gerty J. L. M. Lensvelt-Mulders, Hennie R. Boeije:
Evaluating compliance with a computer assisted randomized response technique: a qualitative study into the origins of lying and cheating. 591-608 - Hans J. Vos:
A Bayesian sequential procedure for determining the optimal number of interrogatory examples for concept-learning. 609-627 - Kun Chang Lee, Sangjae Lee:
Causal knowledge-based design of EDI controls: an explorative study. 628-663 - Kausalai Kay Wijekumar, David H. Jonassen:
The role of computer tools in experts' solving ill-structured problems. 664-704 - Stephanie Lee Sargent:
Image effects on selective exposure to computer-mediated news stories. 705-726 - Elizabeth Sillence, Pamela Briggs
Please advise: using the Internet for health and financial advice. 727-748 - Claudia M. Roebers, Pauline Howie, Eva Beuscher:
Can private reports enhance children's event recall, lower their suggestibility and foster their metacognitive monitoring compared to face-to-face interviews? 749-769 - Sarah Woods, Lynne E. Hall, Kerstin Dautenhahn
, Dieter Wolke
Implications of gender differences for the development of animated characters for the study of bullying behavior. 770-786 - Amira Galin, Miron Gross, Gavriel Gosalker:
E-negotiation versus face-to-face negotiation what has changed - if anything? 787-797 - Lydotta M. Taylor, Donna J. Casto, Richard T. Walls:
Learning with versus without technology in elementary and secondary school. 798-811 - Chien Chou, Meng-Jung Tsai
Gender differences in Taiwan high school students' computer game playing. 812-824 - Susana Llorens
, Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Arnold Bakker
, Marisa Salanova
Does a positive gain spiral of resources, efficacy beliefs and engagement exist? 825-841 - Daantje Derks, Arjan E. R. Bos, Jasper von Grumbkow:
Emoticons and social interaction on the Internet: the importance of social context. 842-849 - Kathryn Murray, Ulrike Schmidt, Maria-Guadelupe Pombo-Carril, Miriam Grover, Joana Alenya, Janet Treasure
, Christopher Williams
Does therapist guidance improve uptake, adherence and outcome from a CD-ROM based cognitive-behavioral intervention for the treatment of bulimia nervosa? 850-859 - Shu Ching Yang
, Yi-Ju Chen:
Technology-enhanced language learning: A case study. 860-879 - Yair Amichai-Hamburger, Or Kaynar, Adi Fine:
The effects of need for cognition on Internet use. 880-891
Volume 23, Number 2, March 2007
- Yair Amichai-Hamburger:
Internet and well-being. 893-897 - Mary Sissons Joshi, Roger Lamb:
Obituary: Professor Michael Argyle. 898-900 - Joseph P. Forgas, Rebekah East, Norman Y. M. Chan:
The use of computer-mediated interaction in exploring affective influences on strategic interpersonal behaviours. 901-919 - Sonia Livingstone
Strategies of parental regulation in the media-rich home. 920-941 - Katelyn Y. A. McKenna, Kelly J. West:
Give me that online-time religion: The role of the internet in spiritual life. 942-954 - Martin Tanis
, Tom Postmes
Two faces of anonymity: Paradoxical effects of cues to identity in CMC. 955-970 - Azy Barak:
Emotional support and suicide prevention through the Internet: A field project report. 971-984 - Scott E. Caplan
, Jacob S. Turner:
Bringing theory to research on computer-mediated comforting communication. 985-998 - Rosanna E. Guadagno
, Robert B. Cialdini:
Persuade him by email, but see her in person: Online persuasion revisited. 999-1015 - A. Contarello, Mauro Sarrica
ICTs, social thinking and subjective well-being - The internet and its representations in everyday life. 1016-1032 - Yair Amichai-Hamburger, Adrian Furnham:
The Positive Net. 1033-1045
Volume 23, Number 3, May 2007
- Liesbeth Kester, Paul A. Kirschner
, Gemma Corbalan:
Designing support to facilitate learning in powerful electronic learning environments. 1047-1054 - Tina Seufert, Inge Jänen, Roland Brünken
The impact of intrinsic cognitive load on the effectiveness of graphical help for coherence formation. 1055-1071 - Lisette Munneke, Jerry Andriessen, Gellof Kanselaar
, Paul A. Kirschner
Supporting interactive argumentation: Influence of representational tools on discussing a wicked problem. 1072-1088 - Thomas Huk, Mattias Steinke:
Learning cell biology with close-up views or connecting lines: Evidence for the structure mapping effect. 1089-1104 - Jeroen Janssen
, Gijsbert Erkens, Gellof Kanselaar
Visualization of agreement and discussion processes during computer-supported collaborative learning. 1105-1125 - Susanne Narciss
, Antje Proske
, Hermann Körndle:
Promoting self-regulated learning in web-based learning environments. 1126-1144 - Marcel P. W. van Berlo, Joost Lowyck, Alma Schaafstal:
Supporting the instructional design process for team training. 1145-1161 - Jan Elen, Geraldine Clarebout:
Supporting learners: Increasing complexity? 1162-1166
- Ramesh Farzanfar, Sophie Frishkopf, Robert H. Friedman, Kevin Ludena:
Evaluating an automated mental health care system: making meaning of human-computer interaction. 1167-1182 - Brian G. Whitaker:
Internet-based attitude assessment: does gender affect measurement equivalence? 1183-1194 - Heng-Yu Ku, Christi A. Harter, Pei-Lin Liu, Ling Thompson, Yi-Chia Cheng:
The effects of individually personalized computer-based instructional program on solving mathematics problems. 1195-1210 - Armando Barreto
, Julie A. Jacko, Peterjohn Hugh:
Impact of spatial auditory feedback on the efficiency of iconic human-computer interfaces under conditions of visual impairment. 1211-1231 - Kwasi Amoako-Gyampah:
Perceived usefulness, user involvement and behavioral intention: an empirical study of ERP implementation. 1232-1248 - Thomas O. Blank, Margaret Adams-Blodnieks:
The who and the what of usage of two cancer online communities. 1249-1257 - Susan J. Thorpe, Mark J. Brosnan
Does computer anxiety reach levels which conform to DSM IV criteria for specific phobia? 1258-1272 - Jamonn Campbell, Nathan Greenauer, Kristin Macaluso, Christian End:
Unrealistic optimism in internet events. 1273-1284 - David McIlroy
, Carol Sadler, Nadine Boojawon:
Computer phobia and computer self-efficacy: their association with undergraduates' use of university computer facilities. 1285-1299 - Sara Thomée, Mats Eklöf, Ewa Gustafsson
, Ralph Nilsson, Mats Hagberg:
Prevalence of perceived stress, symptoms of depression and sleep disturbances in relation to information and communication technology (ICT) use among young adults - an explorative prospective study. 1300-1321 - H. M. Nithya, Sheela Julius:
Extroversion, neuroticism and self-concept: their impact on internet users in India. 1322-1328 - Chorng-Shyong Ong, Jung-Yu Lai:
Measuring user satisfaction with knowledge management systems: scale development, purification, and initial test. 1329-1346 - Craig D. Murray
, Jezz Fox, Steve Pettifer
Absorption, dissociation, locus of control and presence in virtual reality. 1347-1354 - Estelle Michinov
, Nicolas Michinov
Identifying a transition period at the midpoint of an online collaborative activity: a study among adult learners. 1355-1371 - Adam N. Joinson, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Personalized salutation, power of sender and response rates to Web-based surveys. 1372-1383 - Kristine H. Luce, Andrew Winzelberg, Smita Das, Megan I. Osborne, Susan W. Bryson, C. Barr Taylor
Reliability of self-report: paper versus online administration. 1384-1389 - Jyun-Cheng Wang, Rong-Fuh Day:
The effects of attention inertia on advertisements on the WWW. 1390-1407 - Richard W. Joiner
, Mark J. Brosnan
, Jill Duffield, Jeff Gavin
, Pam Maras:
The relationship between Internet identification, Internet anxiety and Internet use. 1408-1420 - Per Carlbring
, Sara Brunt, Susanne Bohman, David Austin
, Jeffrey Richards, Lars-Göran Öst
, Gerhard Andersson
Internet vs. paper and pencil administration of questionnaires commonly used in panic/agoraphobia research. 1421-1434 - Monica T. Whitty
, Deborah McLaughlin:
Online recreation: The relationship between loneliness, Internet self-efficacy and the use of the Internet for entertainment purposes. 1435-1446 - Peter M. Yellowlees, Shayna Marks:
Problematic Internet use or Internet addiction? 1447-1453 - Maria Lorna A. Kunnath, Richard A. Cornell, Marcella K. Kysilka, Lea Witta:
An experimental research study on the effect of pictorial icons on a user-learner's performance. 1454-1480 - Brooke Smith, Peter Caputi:
Cognitive interference model of computer anxiety: Implications for computer-based assessment. 1481-1498 - Ton Mooij
Design of educational and ICT conditions to integrate differences in learning: Contextual learning theory and a first transformation step in early education. 1499-1530 - John P. Charlton, Ian D. W. Danforth:
Distinguishing addiction and high engagement in the context of online game playing. 1531-1548 - Darleen M. DeRosa, Carter L. Smith, Donald A. Hantula
The medium matters: Mining the long-promised merit of group interaction in creative idea generation tasks in a meta-analysis of the electronic group brainstorming literature. 1549-1581 - Jen-Her Wu, Yu-Min Wang:
Measuring ERP success: The key-users' viewpoint of the ERP to produce a viable IS in the organization. 1582-1596 - Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, Pei-Ling Hsieh:
The influence of technology readiness on satisfaction and behavioral intentions toward self-service technologies. 1597-1615 - Diana DeStefano, Jo-Anne LeFevre
Cognitive load in hypertext reading: A review. 1616-1641 - Chin-Lung Hsu, Hsi-Peng Lu:
Consumer behavior in online game communities: A motivational factor perspective. 1642-1659 - Félix Moral-Toranzo, Jesús Canto-Ortiz, Luis Gómez-Jacinto:
Anonymity effects in computer-mediated communication in the case of minority influence. 1660-1674 - Vichita Vathanophas, Seet Yong Liang:
Enhancing information sharing in group support systems (GSS). 1675-1691 - Shintaro Okazaki
Lessons learned from i-mode: What makes consumers click wireless banner ads? 1692-1719
Volume 23, Number 4, July 2007
- Raafat George Saadé, Xin He, Dennis Kira:
Exploring dimensions to online learning. 1721-1739 - Marcel B. M. de Croock, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer
Paradoxical effects of information presentation formats and contextual interference on transfer of a complex cognitive skill. 1740-1761 - Chantal Bovée, Joke Voogt, Martina R. M. Meelissen:
Computer attitudes of primary and secondary students in South Africa. 1762-1776 - Qing Li:
New bottle but old wine: A research of cyberbullying in schools. 1777-1791 - Yi-Shun Wang
, Hsiu-Yuan Wang, Daniel Y. Shee:
Measuring e-learning systems success in an organizational context: Scale development and validation. 1792-1808 - Aubteen Darabi, David W. Nelson, Srinivas Palanki:
Acquisition of troubleshooting skills in a computer simulation: Worked example vs. conventional problem solving instructional strategies. 1809-1819 - Emma Russell
, Lynne Millward Purvis, Adrian P. Banks:
Describing the strategies used for dealing with email interruptions according to different situational parameters. 1820-1837 - Mark Horst, Margôt Kuttschreuter, Jan M. Gutteling:
Perceived usefulness, personal experiences, risk perception and trust as determinants of adoption of e-government services in The Netherlands. 1838-1852 - Sangjae Lee, Kyoung-Jae Kim:
Factors affecting the implementation success of Internet-based information systems. 1853-1880 - Jonathan Bishop
Increasing participation in online communities: A framework for human-computer interaction. 1881-1893 - Yuuki Kato
, Shogo Kato, Kanji Akahori:
Effects of emotional cues transmitted in e-mail communication on the emotions experienced by senders and receivers. 1894-1905 - Shu-Sheng Liaw, Hsiu-Mei Huang, Gwo-Dong Chen:
An activity-theoretical approach to investigate learners' factors toward e-learning systems. 1906-1920 - Appa Rao Korukonda:
Differences that do matter: A dialectic analysis of individual characteristics and personality dimensions contributing to computer anxiety. 1921-1942 - Hao-Chuan Wang, Chun-Yen Chang
, Tsai-Yen Li:
The comparative efficacy of 2D- versus 3D-based media design for influencing spatial visualization skills. 1943-1957