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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 40, 1997
Volume 40, Number 1, January 1997
- Neil Munro:
If It Grows, Tax It. 11-13
- Robert L. Glass:
The Next Date Crisis and the Ones After That. 15-17
- Robert Fox:
Tomorrow's Library Today. 20-21
- Alex Peleg, Sam Wilkie, Uri C. Weiser:
Intel MMX for Multimedia PCs. 24-38
- Andrew S. Grimshaw, William A. Wulf:
The Legion Vision of a Worldwide Computer. 39-45 - Carey Nachenberg:
Computer Virus-Antivirus Coevolution. 46-51 - Daniel E. O'Leary, Daniel Kuokka, Robert Plant:
Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Organizations. 52-59 - Deborah G. Johnson:
Ethics Online: Shaping Social Behavior Online Takes More THan New Laws and Modified Edicts. Commun. ACM 40(1): 60-65 (1997)
- Sourav Bhattacharya, Akira K. Onoma, Farokh B. Bastani:
High-Assurance Systems (Introduction to the Special Section). Commun. ACM 40(1): 67 (1997) - Nuno Neves, W. Kent Fuchs:
Adaptive Recovery for Mobile Environments. 68-74 - K. H. Kim, Chittur Subbaraman:
Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Objects. 75-82 - Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Bing Li, Eric Y. T. Juan:
Parallel Evaluation of Software Architecture Specifications. 83-86 - David B. Stewart, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Mechanisms for Detecting and Handling Timing Errors. 87-93
- Bruce Schneier:
Cryptography, Security, and the Future. 138
Volume 40, Number 2, February 1997
- Larry Press:
Technology in Bloom: Implications for the Next 50 Years. 11-17
- Hal Berghel:
Cyberspace 2000: Dealing with Information Overload. 19-24
The Human Connection
- Gordon Bell:
The Body Electric. 30-32 - Tim O'Reilly:
Hardware, Software, and Infoware. 33-34 - Esther Dyson:
Education and Jobs in the Digital World. 35-36 - W. Daniel Hillis:
A Time of Transition. 37-39 - Joel S. Birnbaum:
Pervasive Information Systems. 40-41 - Marc Davis:
Garage Cinema and the Future of Media Technology. 42-48 - Dennis Tsichritzis:
How to Surf the Technology Waves We Created. 49-54 - Jaron Lanier:
The Frontier Between Us. 55-56 - Tim Berners-Lee:
World-Wide Computer. 57-58 - Ben Shneiderman:
Between Hope and Fear. 59-62 - Andries van Dam:
Post-WIMP User Interfaces. 63-67
- John Perry Barlow:
The Best of All Possible Worlds. 68-74 - Brock N. Meeks:
Better Democracy Through Technology. 75-78 - Bruce Sterling:
The Digital Revolution in Retrospect. 79 - Steve Talbott:
Asleep at the Keyboard. 80-82 - Jerry Berman, Daniel J. Weitzner:
Directing Policy-Making Beyond the Net's Metaphor. 83-84 - Richard M. Stallman:
The Right to Read. 85-87 - Ted Selker:
What Will Happen in the Next 50 Years? 88-89 - Theodor Holm Nelson:
Crush and Crash: Logic of a Terrible Tomorrow. 90-91
- Paul Saffo:
Sensors: The Next Wave of Innovation. 92-97 - Jef Raskin:
Looking for a Humane Interface: Will Computers Ever Become Easy to Use? 98-101 - Barry M. Leiner, Vinton G. Cerf, David D. Clark, Robert E. Kahn, Leonard Kleinrock, Daniel C. Lynch, Jonathan B. Postel, Lawrence G. Roberts, Stephen S. Wolff:
The Past and Future History of the Internet. 102-108 - William A. Wulf:
Look in the Spaces for Tomorrow's Innovations. 109-111 - Gordon E. Moore:
The Microprocessor: Engine of the Technology Revolution. 112-114 - Nabil R. Adam, Baruch Awerbuch, Jacob Slonim, Peter Wegner, Yelena Yesha:
Globalizing Business, Education, Culture Through the Internet. 115-121 - Charlie Rosen:
My Computer-Related Wish List for the Next 50 Years. 122-124 - Sachem Web Slingers:
Spinning Webs into the 21st Contury. 125-128 - Nancy G. Leveson:
Software Engineering: Stretching the Limits of Complexity. 129-131 - Peter J. Denning:
A New Social Contract for Research. 132-134 - David J. Farber:
Communications Technology and its Impact by 2010. 135-138 - Henry F. Korth, Abraham Silberschatz:
Database Research Faces the Information Explosion. 139-142
- Peter G. Neumann:
Hopes for Fewer Risks? 170
Volume 40, Number 3, March 1997
- Seán O'Riain:
The Birth of a Celtic Tiger. 11-16
- Roy Rada, James W. Moore:
Standardizing Reuse. 19-23
- Carl Friedlander:
Speech Facilities for the Reading Disabled. 24-25
- Randall D. Beer, Roger D. Quinn, Hillel J. Chiel, Roy E. Ritzmann:
Biologically Inspired Approaches to Robotics. 30-38 - Milton Mueller:
Universal Service and the Telecommunications Act: Myth Made Law. 39-47 - Daniel G. Aliaga:
Virtual Objects in the Real World. 49-54
- Paul Resnick, Hal R. Varian:
Recommender Systems - Introduction to the Special Section. 56-58 - Loren G. Terveen, William C. Hill, Brian Amento, David W. McDonald, Josh Creter:
Phoaks: A System for Sharing Recommendations. 59-62 - Henry A. Kautz, Bart Selman, Mehul A. Shah:
Referral Web: Combining Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering. 63-65 - Marko Balabanovic, Yoav Shoham:
Content-Based, Collaborative Recommendation. 66-72 - James Rucker, Marcos J. Polanco:
Siteseer: Personalized Navigation for the Web. 73-75 - Joseph A. Konstan, Bradley N. Miller, David A. Maltz, Jonathan L. Herlocker, Lee R. Gordon, John Riedl:
GroupLens: Applying Collaborative Filtering to Usenet News. 77-87 - Christopher Avery, Richard Zeckhauser:
Recommender Systems for Evaluating Computer Messages. 88-89
- Adamantios Koumpis:
Situation Room Analysis in the Information Technologies Market. 90-92
- Richard I. Cook:
Observations on RISKS and Risks. 122
Volume 40, Number 4, April 1997
- Hal Berghel:
Email - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. 11-15
- Robert L. Glass:
The Ups and Downs of Programmer Stress. 17-19
- Richard C. Hsu:
Taking Stock for University Patents. 23-25
- Henry Lieberman:
The Debugging Scandal and What to Do About It (Introduction to the Special Section). Commun. ACM 40(4): 26-29 (1997) - Marc Eisenstadt:
My Hairiest Bug War Stories. 30-37 - David M. Ungar, Henry Lieberman, Christopher Fry:
Debugging and the Experience of Immediacy. 38-43 - Ronald Baecker, Chris DiGiano, Aaron Marcus:
Software Visualization for Debugging. 44-54 - Christopher Fry:
Programming on an Already Full Brain. 55-64 - John Domingue, Paul Mulholland:
Fostering Debugging Communities on the Web. 65-71 - Randall B. Smith, Mario Wolczko, David M. Ungar:
From Kansas to Oz. 72-78
- Jim Gemmell, Gordon Bell:
Noncollaborative Telepresentations Come of Age. 79-89 - Don Hardaway, Richard P. Will:
Digital Multimedia Offers Key to Educational Reform. 90-96 - James E. Katz, Philip Aspden:
Motives, Hurdles, and Dropouts. 97-106 - Shashi Shekhar, Mark Coyle, Brajesh Goyal, Duen-Ren Liu, Shyamsundar Sarkar:
Data Models in Geographic Information Systems. 103-111
- Edward W. Felten:
Webware Security. 130
Volume 40, Number 5, May 1997
- Elliot Soloway, Raven Wallace:
Does the Internet Support Student Inquiry? Don't Ask. 11-16
- Pamela Samuelson:
The Never-Ending Struggle for Balance. 17-21
- Abbe Mowshowitz:
Lessons From a Cautionary Tale. 23-25
- Robert Laddaga, James Veitch:
Dynamic Object Technology - Introduction. 36-28 - Paul Robertson:
Integrating Legacy Systems with Modern Corgorate Applications. 39-46 - Daniel D. Corkill:
Countdown to Success: Dynamic Objects, GBB, and RADARSAT-1. 48-58 - Robert E. Phillips:
Dynamic Objects for Engineering Automation. 56-65 - Byron Davies, Victoria Bryan Davies:
Patching onto the Web: Common Lisp Hypermedia for the Intranet. 66-69
- Amarnath Gupta, Ramesh C. Jain:
Visual Information Retrieval. 70-79 - Peter Wegner:
Why Interaction Is More Powerful Than Algorithms. 80-91 - Rolf Oppliger:
Internet Security: Firewalls and Beyond. 92-102 - Diane M. Strong, Yang W. Lee, Richard Y. Wang:
Data Quality in Context. 103-110
- Peter G. Neumann:
The Big Picture. 136
Volume 40, Number 6, June 1997
- Robert L. Glass:
Revisiting the Industry/Academe Communication Chasm. 11-13
- Neil Munro:
The Magnetic Poles of Data Collections. 17-19
- Jeff Kraus:
Counting Furtive Beasts By Computer: Where have all the Rhinos Gone? 20-23
- Christopher J. Fox, William B. Frakes:
The Quality Approach: Is It Delivering? - Introduction. 24-29 - James D. Herbsleb, David Zubrow, Dennis R. Goldenson, Will Hayes, Mark C. Paulk:
Software Quality and the Capability Maturity Model. 30-40 - Craig Hollenbach, Ralph Young, Al Pflugrad, Doug Smith:
Combining Quality and Software Improvement. 41-45 - Lowell Jay Arthur:
Quantum Improvements In Software System Quality. 46-52
- Michael A. Cusumano, Richard W. Selby:
How Microsoft Builds Software. 53-61 - Jeffrey Parsons, Yair Wand:
Choosing Classes In Conceptual Modeling. 63-69 - Soumitra Dutta, Berend Wierenga, Arco Dalebout:
Designing Management support Systems Using an Integrative Perspective. 70-79 - Bo Dahlbom, Lars Mathiassen:
The Future of Our Profession. 80-89
- David H. Bailey:
Onward to Petaflops Computing. 90-92
- Peter G. Neumann, Lauren Weinstein:
Spam, Spam, Spam! 112
Volume 40, Number 7, July 1997
- Hal Berghel:
Informal Logic on Both Sides of the CDA Debate. 11-15
- Larry Press:
Toward an Access Rights Policy. 17-21
- Talin:
The Power of Negative Thinking. 25-27
- Peter J. Denning:
The ACM Digital Library Goes Live. 28-29
- Olivier Fischer, Richard Horn:
Electronic Performance Support Systems - Introduction. 31-32 - John Karat:
Evolving the Scope of User-Centered Design. 33-38 - Michel C. Desmarais, Richard Leclair, Jean-Yves Fiset, Hichem Talbi:
Cost-Justifying Electronic Performance Support Systems. 39-48 - Kevin Cole, Olivier Fischer, Phyllis Saltzman:
Just-in-Time Knowledge Delivery. 49-53 - Gloria Gery:
Granting Three Wishes through Performance-Centered Design. 54-59 - Shelia Benko, Shelley Webster:
Preparing For EPSS Projects. 60-63
- Samir Chatterjee:
Requirements For Success In Gigabit Networking. 64-73 - Andrew S. Patrick:
Media Lessons from the National Capital FreeNet. 74-80 - Jesper Simonsen, Finn Kensing:
Using Ethnography In Contextual Design. 82-88 - Arun Rai, Ravi Patnayakuni, Nainika Patnayakuni:
Technology Investment and Business Performance. 89-97
- Domenico Talia:
Parallel Computing Still Not Ready for the Mainstream. 98-99
- Peter G. Neumann:
Identity-Ralated Misuse. 112
Volume 40, Number 8, August 1997
- Brock N. Meeks:
Privacy Lost, Anytime, Anywhere. 11-13
- William Foster, Anthony M. Rutkowski, Seymour E. Goodman:
Who Governs the Internet? 15-20
- Yasser Seirawan, Herbert A. Simon, Toshinori Munakata:
The Implications of Kasparov vs. Deep Blue. 21-25
- Robert Fox:
Socializing Around Arcade Technology. 26-28
- Dorothy Strickland:
VR and Health Care - Introduction. 32-33 - Dorothy Strickland, Larry F. Hodges, Max M. North, Suzanne Weghorst:
Overcoming Phobias by Virtual Exposure. 34-39 - Erik Viire:
Health and Safety Issues for VR. 40-41 - Walter J. Greenleaf:
Applying VR to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 42-46 - Suzanne Weghorst:
Augmented Reality and Parkinson's Disease. 47-48 - John P. Wann, Simon K. Rushton, Martin Smyth, David Jones:
Rehabilitative Environments for Attention and Movement Disorders. 49-52 - Dean P. Inman, Ken Loge, John Leavens:
VR Education and Rehabilitation. 53-58