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Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Volume 58, 2007
Volume 58, Number 1, January 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 1-2
- Raymond Wan
, Alistair Moffat
Block merging for off-line compression. 3-14 - Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Peng Kin Ng:
Link decay in leading information science journals. 15-24 - Loet Leydesdorff
Visualization of the citation impact environments of scientific journals: An online mapping exercise. 25-38 - John D. McDonald
Understanding journal usage: A statistical analysis of citation and use. 39-50 - Asako Koike, Toshihisa Takagi:
Knowledge discovery based on an implicit and explicit conceptual network. 51-65 - Borka Dzonova-Jerman-Blazic, Effie Lai-Chong Law, Tanja Arh:
An assessment of the usability of an Internet-based education system in a cross-cultural environment: The case of the Interreg crossborder program in Central Europe. 66-75 - Noriko Hara:
Information technology support for communities of practice: How public defenders learn about winning and losing in court. 76-87 - Chen-Ming Hung, Lee-Feng Chien:
Web-based text classification in the absence of manually labeled training documents. 88-96 - Paul F. Marty
The changing nature of information work in museums. 97-107 - William H. Walters
Institutional journal costs in an open access environment. 108-120 - Gilberto Câmara
, Frederico T. Fonseca:
Information policies and open source software in developing countries. 121-132 - Hong Cui
, P. Bryan Heidorn:
The reusability of induced knowledge for the automatic semantic markup of taxonomic descriptions. 133-149
- Lynn Westbrook:
Human perspectives in the Internet society: Culture, psychology and gender. 150-151 - Rich Gazan:
Understanding and communicating social informatics: A framework for studying and teaching the human contexts of information and communication technologies. 151-152 - Judy P. Bolstad:
Design and usability of digital libraries: Case studies in the Asia Pacific. 152-153
Volume 58, Number 2, January 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 155-156
- Tom Buchanan
, Carina Paine
, Adam N. Joinson, Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Development of measures of online privacy concern and protection for use on the Internet. 157-165 - Steven M. Beitzel, Eric C. Jensen, Abdur Chowdhury, Ophir Frieder, David A. Grossman:
Temporal analysis of a very large topically categorized Web query log. 166-178 - Yunjie Xu:
Relevance judgment in epistemic and hedonic information searches. 179-189 - Elizabeth C. Hamilton:
The impact of survey data: Measuring success. 190-199 - Franz Barjak
, Xuemei Li
, Mike Thelwall
Which factors explain the Web impact of scientists' personal homepages? 200-211 - Michael Workman, John Gathegi:
Punishment and ethics deterrents: A study of insider security contravention. 212-222 - Ping Zhou, Loet Leydesdorff
A comparison between the China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database and the Science Citation Index in terms of journal hierarchies and interjournal citation relations. 223-236 - Enrique Frías-Martínez, Sherry Y. Chen, Xiaohui Liu:
Automatic cognitive style identification of digital library users for personalization. 237-251 - Lidia González, Juan Miguel Campanario:
Structure of the impact factor of journals included in the Social Sciences Citation Index: Citations from documents labeled "editorial material". 252-262 - Mamata Bhandar, Shan Ling Pan
, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Towards understanding the roles of social capital in knowledge integration: A case study of a collaborative information systems project. 263-274 - Julian Warner:
Linguistics and information theory: Analytic advantages. 275-285 - Anita Coleman:
Self-archiving and the Copyright Transfer Agreements of ISI-ranked library and information science journals. 286-296
- Charles Oppenheim:
Using the h-index to rank influential British researchers in information science and librarianship. 297-301
- Lisa A. Ennis:
Information ethics: Privacy, property, and power. 302 - Denise E. Agosto:
Theories of information behavior. 303 - Lance Hayden:
Covert and overt: Recollecting and connecting intelligence service and information science. 303-305
Volume 58, Number 3, February 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 307-308
- Julian Warner:
Analogies between linguistics and information theory. 309-321 - Tuomas Talvensaari, Martti Juhola, Jorma Laurikkala, Kalervo Järvelin:
Corpus-based cross-language information retrieval in retrieval of highly relevant documents. 322-334 - Chaim Zins:
Conceptions of information science. 335-350 - Michael Chau
, Boby Shiu, Ivy Chan, Hsinchun Chen:
Redips: Backlink search and analysis on the Web for business intelligence analysis. 351-365 - S. Shyam Sundar, Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, Matthias R. Hastall
News cues: Information scent and cognitive heuristics. 366-378 - Mike Thelwall
, Rudy Prabowo:
Identifying and characterizing public science-related fears from RSS feeds. 379-390 - Alton Yeow-Kuan Chua, Selcan Kaynak, Schubert Shou-Boon Foo
An analysis of the delayed response to Hurricane Katrina through the lens of knowledge management. 391-403 - Shan Ling Pan
, Sue Newell, Jimmy C. Huang, Robert D. Galliers:
Overcoming knowledge management challenges during ERP implementation: The need to integrate and share different types of knowledge. 404-419 - Lynn Westbrook:
Digital information support for domestic violence victims. 420-432 - Stephann Makri, Ann Blandford
, Jeremy Gow, Jon Rimmer, Claire Warwick
, George Buchanan
A library or just another information resource? A case study of users' mental models of traditional and digital libraries. 433-445 - Per Arne Godejord
Fighting child pornography: Exploring didactics and student engagement in social informatics. 446-451
- Leo Egghe:
Dynamic h-index: The Hirsch index in function of time. 452-454
- Hongyan Ma:
Process-aware information systems: Bridging people and software through process technology. 455-456 - Darrell Cook:
Stimulated recall and mental models: Tools for teaching and learning computer information literacy. 456-457 - Ashraf M. A. Ahmad:
Multimedia content and the semantic web: Methods, standards and tools. 457-458
Volume 58, Number 4, February 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 459-460
- Joaquín Adiego, Gonzalo Navarro, Pablo de la Fuente:
Lempel-Ziv compression of highly structured documents. 461-478 - Chaim Zins:
Conceptual approaches for defining data, information, and knowledge. 479-493 - Chen Ding, Jagdish Chandra Patra
User modeling for personalized Web search with self-organizing map. 494-507 - Debra J. Slone:
The impact of time constraints on Internet and Web use. 508-517 - Frank Schwartz, Y. C. Fang:
Citation data analysis on hydrogeology. 518-525 - Chaim Zins:
Knowledge map of information science. 526-535 - Howard D. White:
Combining bibliometrics, information retrieval, and relevance theory, Part 1: First examples of a synthesis. 536-559 - Bekir Taner Dinçer:
Statistical principal components analysis for retrieval experiments. 560-574 - Ronald E. Day:
Kling and the "critical": Social informatics and critical informatics. 575-582 - Howard D. White:
Combining bibliometrics, information retrieval, and relevance theory, Part 2: Some implications for information science. 583-605
- Lydia Eato Harris:
Spanning the theory-practice divide in library and information science. 606-607 - Anastasis D. Petrou:
Introducing information management: An information research reader. 607-608 - Kevin C. Desouza:
Information politics on the Web. 608-609
Volume 58, Number 5, March 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 611-612
- David Hawking, Justin Zobel:
Does topic metadata help with Web search? 613-628 - Hemalata Iyer, Caitlain Devereaux Lewis:
Prioritization strategies for video storyboard keyframes. 629-644 - Chaim Zins:
Classification schemes of Information Science: Twenty-eight scholars map the field. 645-672 - Massimo Melucci, Nicola Orio:
Design, implementation, and evaluation of a methodology for automatic stemmer generation. 673-686 - Roger B. Dannenberg, William P. Birmingham, Bryan Pardo, Ning Hu, Colin Meek, George Tzanetakis
A comparative evaluation of search techniques for query-by-humming using the MUSART testbed. 687-701 - Leo Egghe:
Untangling Herdan's law and Heaps' law: Mathematical and informetric arguments. 702-709 - Mike Z. Yao
, Ronald E. Rice, Kier Wallis:
Predicting user concerns about online privacy. 710-722 - Ramesh Srinivasan:
Ethnomethodological architectures: Information systems driven by cultural and community visions. 723-733 - Juan Miguel Campanario, Erika Acedo:
Rejecting highly cited papers: The views of scientists who encounter resistance to their discoveries from other scientists. 734-743 - Bernard J. Jansen
, Amanda Spink, Sherry Koshman:
Web searcher interaction with the Dogpile.com metasearch engine. 744-755
- Leo Egghe:
Uncertainty and information: Foundations of generalized information theory. 756-758 - Anatoliy A. Gruzd
New directions in cognitive information retrieval. 758-760 - Julian Warner:
The information revolution and Ireland: Prospects and challenges. 760-761
- Akihiro Asonuma, Yong Fang, Ronald Rousseau:
A. Asonuma, Y. Fang and R. Rousseau, "Reflections on the age distribution of Japanese scientists". Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57(3) 2006, 342-346. 762
Volume 58, Number 6, April 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 763-765
- Mia Liza A. Lustria
Can interactivity make a difference? Effects of interactivity on the comprehension of and attitudes toward online health content. 766-776 - Leo Egghe, Ronald Rousseau, Sandra Rousseau
TOP-curves. 777-785 - Frederico T. Fonseca:
The double role of ontologies in information science research. 786-793 - Michael Workman:
The proximal-virtual team continuum: A study of performance. 794-801 - Shlomo Argamon, Casey Whitelaw, Paul J. Chase, Sobhan Raj Hota, Navendu Garg, Shlomo Levitan:
Stylistic text classification using functional lexical features. 802-822 - Shoichi Taniguchi:
A system for supporting evidence recording in bibliographic records, Part II: What is valuable evidence for catalogers? 823-841 - Jennifer Schroeder, Jennifer Jie Xu, Hsinchun Chen, Michael Chau
Automated criminal link analysis based on domain knowledge. 842-855 - Kathleen W. Weessies
The publishing dynamics of catastrophic events. 856-861 - Bernard J. Jansen
, Amanda Spink, Chris Blakely, Sherry Koshman:
Defining a session on Web search engines. 862-871 - Naoki Shibata, Yuya Kajikawa
, Katsumori Matsushima:
Topological analysis of citation networks to discover the future core articles. 872-882 - Catherine A. Johnson:
Social capital and the search for information: Examining the role of social capital in information seeking behavior in Mongolia. 883-894 - Judit Bar-Ilan
, Yifat Belous:
Children as architects of Web directories: An exploratory study. 895-907
- P. Scott Lapinski
Managing information technology: A handbook for systems librarians. 908-909 - Anastasis D. Petrou:
Metadata and its impact on libraries. 909-910 - José Luis Vicedo González, Jaime Gómez:
TREC: Experiment and evaluation in information retrieval. 910-911
Volume 58, Number 7, May 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 913-914
- Julian Warner:
Selection power and selection labor for information retrieval. 915-923 - David Elsweiler, Ian Ruthven, Christopher Jones:
Towards memory supporting personal information management tools. 924-946 - Fredrik Åström:
Changes in the LIS research front: Time-sliced cocitation analyses of LIS journal articles, 1990-2004. 947-957 - Yunjie Xu:
The dynamics of interactive information retrieval behavior, Part I: An activity theory perspective. 958-970 - Kalervo Järvelin:
An analysis of two approaches in information retrieval: From frameworks to study designs. 971-986 - Yunjie Xu, Chengliang Liu:
The dynamics of interactive information retrieval, Part II: An empirical study from the activity theory perspective. 987-998 - Melanie Kellar, Carolyn R. Watters, Michael A. Shepherd:
A field study characterizing Web-based information-seeking tasks. 999-1018 - David Liben-Nowell, Jon M. Kleinberg:
The link-prediction problem for social networks. 1019-1031 - Diane Kelly, Nina Wacholder, Robert Rittman, Ying Sun, Paul B. Kantor, Sharon G. Small, Tomek Strzalkowski:
Using interview data to identify evaluation criteria for interactive, analytical question-answering systems. 1032-1043 - Michael Chau
, Xiao Fang, Christopher C. Yang:
Web searching in Chinese: A study of a search engine in Hong Kong. 1044-1054 - Kayvan Kousha
, Mike Thelwall
Google Scholar citations and Google Web/URL citations: A multi-discipline exploratory analysis. 1055-1065
- Xiaomin Zhu, Jianxin Liao:
Web usability: A user-centered design approach. 1066-1067
Volume 58, Number 8, June 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 1069-1070
- Karen Markey:
Twenty-five years of end-user searching, Part 1: Research findings. 1071-1081 - Nina Wacholder, Diane Kelly, Paul B. Kantor, Robert Rittman, Ying Sun, Bing Bai, Sharon G. Small, Boris Yamrom, Tomek Strzalkowski:
A model for quantitative evaluation of an end-to-end question-answering system. 1082-1099 - Lutz Bornmann
, Hans-Dieter Daniel:
Multiple publication on a single research study: Does it pay? The influence of number of research articles on total citation counts in biomedicine. 1100-1107 - Sándor Dominich, Tamás Kiezer:
A measure theoretic approach to information retrieval. 1108-1122 - Karen Markey:
Twenty-five years of end-user searching, Part 2: Future research directions. 1123-1130 - Jarkko Kari, Jenna Hartel:
Information and higher things in life: Addressing the pleasurable and the profound in information science. 1131-1147 - Anita Coleman
Assessing the value of a journal beyond the impact factor. 1148-1161 - Jennifer E. Rowley, Christine Urquhart
Understanding student information behavior in relation to electronic information services: Lessons from longitudinal monitoring and evaluation, Part 1. 1162-1174 - Isidoro Gil-Leiva, Adolfo Alonso Arroyo
Keywords given by authors of scientific articles in database descriptors. 1175-1187 - Christine Urquhart
, Jennifer E. Rowley:
Understanding student information behavior in relation to electronic information services: Lessons from longitudinal monitoring and evaluation, Part 2. 1188-1197 - Scott Nicholson, Catherine Arnott-Smith:
Using lessons from health care to protect the privacy of library users: Guidelines for the de-identification of library data based on HIPAA. 1198-1206 - Rebecca Cathey, Eric C. Jensen, Steven M. Beitzel, Ophir Frieder, David A. Grossman:
Exploiting parallelism to support scalable hierarchical clustering. 1207-1221
- Pramod K. Nayar:
Media ecologies: Materialist energies in art and technoculture. 1222
- Sadasivuni Lakshminarayana:
Quality search content: A reality with next generation browsers. 1223
Volume 58, Number 9, July 2007
- Carol L. Barry:
In this issue. 1225-1226
- John E. Leide, Charles Cole, Jamshid Beheshti, Andrew Large, Yang Lin:
Task-based information retrieval: Structuring undergraduate history essays for better course evaluation using essay-type visualizations. 1227-1241 - Sook Lim:
Do information technology units have more power than other units in academic libraries? 1242-1253 - Judit Bar-Ilan
, Kevin Keenoy, Eti Yaari, Mark Levene:
User rankings of search engine results. 1254-1266 - Carol A. Hert, Sheila O. Denn, Daniel W. Gillman, Jung Sun Oh, Maria Cristina Pattuelli, Naybell Hernández:
Investigating and modeling metadata use to support information architecture development in the statistical knowledge network. 1267-1284