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IEEE Computer, Volume 31, 1998
Volume 31, Number 1, January 1998
- Doris L. Carver:
Building on Success: Our 1998 Plan. 4-6
- David Clark:
New Era for Digital Signal Processors. 10-11
- David D. Clark, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Donald P. Greenberg, Juris Hartmanis, Robert W. Lucky, Robert Metcalfe, Raj Reddy, Mary Shaw, William A. Wulf:
Innovation and Obstacles: The Future of Computing. 29-38 - Janet Wilson, Marc Tremblay, Greg Grohoski, Brad Burgess, Earl Killian, Robert P. Colwell, Paul I. Rubinfeld:
Challenges and Trends in Processor Design. 39-48 - Wen-mei W. Hwu:
Introduction to Predicate Execution. 49-50 - Scott Hamilton:
Inside Microsoft Research. 51-58 - Ted G. Lewis:
Information Appliances: Gadget Netopia. 59-68 - Akhtar Jameel, Matthias Stümpfle, Daniel Jiang, Axel Fuchs:
Web on Wheels: Toward Internet-Enabled Cars. 69-76 - Edward A. Lee
, David G. Messerschmitt:
Engineering and Education for the Future. 77-85
- Alan H. Karp, Ewing L. Lusk, David H. Bailey:
1997 Gordon Bell Prize Winners. 86-92
- Nabil R. Adam, Aryya Gangopadhyay:
Content-Based Retrieval in Digital Libraries. 93-94
- Charles R. Severance:
Conflict and Consensus: The Role of Standards. 138-139
- Bertrand Meyer
The Future of Object Technology. 140-141
- Ronald J. Vetter, Kirk L. Kroeger:
The Internet in the Year Ahead. 143-144
- Norman L. Kerth, James Coplien, Jerry M. Weinberg:
Call for the Rational Use of Personality Indicators. 146-147
- Ted G. Lewis:
Who's Afraid of Wintel? 149-152
Volume 31, Number 2, February 1998
- Don Kiely:
Are Components the Future of Software? 10-11
- H. John Caulfield:
Perspectives in Optical Computing. 22-25
- Neil F. Johnson, Sushil Jajodia:
Exploring Steganography: Seeing the Unseen. 26-34
- Leo J. Irakliotis, Pericles A. Mitkas:
Optics: A Maturing Technology for Better Computing - Guest Editors' Introduction. 36-37 - James Gourlay, Tsung-Yi Yang, Julian A. B. Dines, Andrew C. Walker:
Development of Free-Space Digital Optics in Computing. 38-44 - Pericles A. Mitkas, George A. Betzos, Leo J. Irakliotis:
Optical Processing Paradigms for Electronic Computers. 45-51 - Demetri Psaltis, Geoffrey W. Burr:
Holographic Data Storage. 52-60 - Masatoshi Ishikawa, Neil McArdle:
Optically Interconnected Parallel Computing Systems. 61-68 - Peter S. Guilfoyle, John M. Hessenbruch, Richard V. Stone:
Free-Space Interconnects for High-Performance Optoelectronic Switching. 69-75
- Daniel E. Cooke:
Outlook on Language Research and Practice. 76-77
- Donald C. Loughry:
The IEEE-SA: A New Era for Standards. 106
- Andrew P. Sage:
Toward Systems Ecology. 107-110
- James Bach:
Microdynamics of Process Evolution. 111-113
- João Carreira, João Gabriel Silva
Computer Science and the Pygmalion Effect. 116-117
- Harold W. Lason:
Salvation from System Complexity. 118-120
Volume 31, Number 3, March 1998
- John Edwards:
Changing Database Market Hurts Major Vendors. 10-11
- Tammy Parker:
Mobile Wireless Internet Technology Faces Hurdles. 12-14
- John K. Ousterhout:
Scripting: Higher-Level Programming for the 21st Century. 23-30
- Adair Dingle, Thomas H. Hildebrandt:
Improving C++ Performance Using Temporaries. 31-41
- David Krieger, Richard M. Adler:
The Emergence of Distributed Component Platforms. 43-53 - Daniel E. O'Leary
Enterprise Knowledge Management. 54-61
- P. M. Melliar-Smith, Louise E. Moser:
Surviving Network Partitioning. 62-68 - John W. Sheppard
, William R. Simpson:
Managing Conflict in System Diagnosis. 69-76 - Noppanunt Utamaphethai, Sumit Ghosh:
Dicaf: A Distributed Architecture for Intelligent Transportation. 78-84
- Goffredo Haus:
Rescuing La Scala's Music Archives. 88-89
- William Kahan:
IEEE 754 - Interview. Computer 31(3): 114-115 (1998)
- Warren Bennis, Patricia Ward Biederman:
None of Us Is As Smart As All of Us. 116-117
- Joseph Gil, David H. Lorenz:
Design Patterns and Language Design. 118-120
- Hermann A. Maurer:
Web-Based Knowledge Management. 122-123
- Richard Marlon Stein:
Does Determinism Dictate Dignity? 124
- Ted G. Lewis:
Java Holy War '98. 126-128
Volume 31, Number 4, April 1998
- George Lawton:
Paving the Information Superhighway's Last Mile. 10-14
- David Clark:
Developments Shake Domain-Name Plan. 17
- Maurice V. Wilkes:
A Revisionist Account of Early Language Development. 22-25 - Michael J. Flynn:
Computer Engineering 30 Years After the IBM Model 91. 27-31
- I-Ling Yen, Raymond A. Paul, Kinji Mori:
Toward Integrated Methods for High-Assurance Systems (Guest Editors' Introduction). 32-34 - I-Ling Yen, Raymond A. Paul, Victor L. Winter, John M. Covan, Larry J. Dalton, Leon Alkalai, Ann T. Tai, Rick Harper, Barry Flahive, Wei-Tek Tsai, Ramin Mojdehbakhsh, Sanjai Rayadurgam, Kinji Mori, Michael R. Lowry:
Key Applications for High-Assurance Systems. 35-45 - Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, Jeffrey M. Thompson, Barbara J. Czerny:
Specification and Analysis of Intercomponent Communication. 47-54 - Myong H. Kang, Andrew P. Moore, Ira S. Moskowitz:
Design and Assurance Strategy for the NRL Pump. 56-64 - Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Edward B. Allen, Robert Halstead, Gary P. Trio, Ronald M. Flass:
Using Process History to Predict Software Quality. 66-72
- Douglas W. Westcott:
Designs for the Computers of Tomorrow. 76-77
- John R. Gilbert:
Integrating CAD Tools for MEMS Design. 99-101
- Lewis Gray:
Gray Rebuts Bach: No Cowboy Programmers! 102-103
- Nick Tredennick:
This Cyberfarce Stars Elvis and the Nerds. 104-105
- Al Borchers, Jonathan L. Herlocker, John Riedl:
Ganging up on Information Overload. 106-108
- Ware Myers:
Why Software Developers Refuse to Improve. 110-112
Volume 31, Number 5, May 1998
- Sixto Ortiz Jr.:
Hardware-Based Networking Widens the Pipes. 8-9
- David Clark:
Are ATM, Gigabit Ethernet Ready for Prime Time? 11-13
- Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Dolores R. Wallace:
Experimental Models for Validating Technology. 23-31
- Walter F. Tichy:
Should Computer Scientists Experiment More? 32-40
- Pradip Bose, Thomas M. Conte
Performance Analysis and Its Impact on Design. 41-49 - Matt Reilly, John H. Edmondson:
Performance Simulation of an Alpha Microprocessor. 50-58 - Bryan Black, John Paul Shen:
Calibration of Microprocessor Performance Models. 59-65
- Kurt Maly, Ajay K. Gupta, Satish Mynam:
BTU: A Host Communication Benchmark. 66-74 - Spencer W. Ng:
Advances in Disk Technology: Performance Issues. 75-81
- Charles R. Severance:
Grab the Change to Work on the Leading Edge. 99
- Steve McConnell:
The Power of Process. 100-102
- Robert L. Glass:
Success? Failure? Or Both? 103
- Bertrand Meyer
, Christine Mingins, Heinz W. Schmidt:
Providing Trusted Components to the Industry. 104-105
- Volker Turau:
What Practices Are Being Adopted on the Web? 106-108
- Ted G. Lewis:
Why the Economy Is So Good. 110-112
Volume 31, Number 6, June 1998
- Lee Garber, David Sims:
In Pursuit of Hardware-Software Codesign. 12-14
- George Lawton:
The Internet's Challenge to Privacy. 16-18
- Niklaus Wirth:
Hardware Compilation: Translating Programs into Circuits. 25-31
- Bruce L. Jacob, Trevor N. Mudge:
Virtual Memory: Issues of Implementation. 33-43
- Jeffrey M. Voas:
The Challenges of Using COTS Software in Component-Based Development (Guest Editor's Introduction). 44-45 - Nancy Talbert, John Alexander McDermid:
The Cost of COTS (Interview). 46-52 - Jeffrey M. Voas:
Certifying Off-the-Shelf Software Components. 53-59 - Ulf Lindqvist
, Erland Jonsson:
A Map of Security Risks Associated wuth Using COTS. 60-66 - Qun Zhong, Nigel Edwards:
Security Control for COTS Components. 67-73
- John Hurd:
Why Does Digital Participate in Standards? 95-96
- Scott Bollig, Dan Xiao:
Throwing Off the Shackles of a Legacy System. 104-106
- James Bach, Dave W. Smith:
Plans, Lies, and Videotape. 107-109
- Scott Hamilton, Bjarne Stroustrup:
The Real Stroustrup Interview. 110-114
- Alfred Bork, David R. Britton Jr.:
The Web Is Not Yet Suitable for Learning. 115-116
- Timothy J. Rogers:
Building the US Workforce, One Engineer At A Time. 117-120
Volume 31, Number 7, July 1998
- Barry Phillips:
Have Storage Area Networks Come of Age? 10-12
- George Lawton:
Multicasting: Will It Transform the Internet? 13-15
- Carole Dulong:
The IA-64 Architecture at Work. 24-32 - Barry W. Boehm, Alexander Egyed, Julie Kwan
, Daniel Port, Archita Shah, Raymond J. Madachy:
Using the WinWin Spiral Model: A Case Study. 33-44
- Jed Lengyel:
The Convergence of Graphics and Vision. 46-53
- Sally A. McKee, Robert H. Klenke, Kenneth L. Wright, William A. Wulf, Maximo H. Salinas, James H. Aylor, Alan P. Batson:
Smarter Memory: Improving Bandwidth for Streamed References. 54-63 - Hiralal Agrawal, James L. Alberi, Joseph Robert Horgan, J. Jenny Li, Saul London, W. Eric Wong, Sudipto Ghosh, Norman Wilde:
Mining System Tests to Aid Software Maintenance. 64-73
- Karl Reed:
Why the CS Should Help Chart the Future of IT. 77-78
- Rob Lanphier:
Standardizing Real-Time Streaming Protocols (Interview). 94-95
- Bertrand Meyer
Tell Less, Say More: The Power of Implicitness. 97-98
- Paul Bassett:
Managing for Flexible Software Manufacturing. 100-102
- Jukka K. Korpela:
Lurching Toward Babel: HTML, CSS, and XML. 103-104
- W. Neville Holmes:
Mitigating Microsoft with Virtual Consoles. 105-106
- Ted G. Lewis:
Joe Sixpack, Larry Lemming, and Ralph Nader. 107-108 - Dominique S. Black:
Behind the Hype About the IT Labor "Shortage". 110-112
Volume 31, Number 8, August 1998
- Richard Marlon Stein:
T. J. Roders, H-1B Visas, and Me. 8
- George Lawton:
Biometrics: A New Era in Security. 16-18
- Sixto Ortiz Jr.:
Active Networks: The Programmable Pipeline. 19-21
- Mark D. Hill:
Multiprocessors Should Support Simple Memory-Consistency Models. 28-34
- Earl Long, Amit Misra, Janos Sztipanovits:
Increasing Productivity at Saturn. 35-43
- Manfred Schlett:
Trends in Embedded-Microprocessor Design. 44-49 - Jennifer Eyre, Jeff Bier:
DSP Processors Hit the Mainstream. 51-59 - Stephan Schulz, Jerzy W. Rozenblit, Michael Mrva, Klaus Buchenrieder
Model-Based Codesign. 60-67
- Tony Savor, Rudolph E. Seviora:
Toward Automatic Detection of Software Failures. 68-74 - Hsinchun Chen, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Richard E. Orwig, Olga Titkova:
Information Visualization for Collaborative Computing. 75-82
- W. Neville Holmes:
Toward Decent Text Encoding. 108-109
- Mark T. Smith:
Smart Cards: Integrating for Portable Complexity. 110-112
- James Bach:
The Highs and Lows of Change Control. 113-115
- Janet Wilson:
The IETF: Laying the Net's Asphalt. 116-117
- Simon Napper:
Embedded-System Design Plays Catch-Up. 118-120
Volume 31, Number 9, September 1998
- Lee Goldberg:
The Advent of "Green" Computers. 16-19
- Patrick W. Dowd, John T. McHenry:
Network Security: It's Time to Take It Seriously (Guest Editors' Introduction). 24-28 - Bruce Schneier:
Cryptographic Design Vulnerabilities. 29-33 - Andrew Csinger, Keng Siau:
The Global Public Key Infrastructure: terms and Concepts. Computer 31(9): 30-31 (1998) - Aviel D. Rubin, Daniel E. Geer Jr.:
A Survey of Web Security. 34-41