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7. MICCAI 2004: Saint-Malo, France
- Christian Barillot, David R. Haynor, Pierre Hellier:
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2004, 7th International Conference Saint-Malo, France, September 26-29, 2004, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3216, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-22976-0
Brain Segmentation
- Andy Tsai, William M. Wells III, Simon K. Warfield, Alan S. Willsky:
Level Set Methods in an EM Framework for Shape Classification and Estimation. 1-9 - Marcel Prastawa, John H. Gilmore, Weili Lin, Guido Gerig
Automatic Segmentation of Neonatal Brain MRI. 10-17 - Christophe Lenglet
, Mikaël Rousson, Rachid Deriche:
Segmentation of 3D Probability Density Fields by Surface Evolution: Application to Diffusion MRI. 18-25 - Guillaume Dugas-Phocion, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, Grégoire Malandain, Christine Lebrun, Nicholas Ayache:
Improved EM-Based Tissue Segmentation and Partial Volume Effect Quantification in Multi-sequence Brain MRI. 26-33
Cardiovascular Segmentation
- Huafeng Liu, Pengcheng Shi:
Cardiac Motion and Elasticity Characterization with Iterative Sequential Hinfinity Criteria. 34-42 - Marijn van Stralen, Johan G. Bosch, Marco M. Voormolen, Gerard van Burken, Boudewijn J. Krenning, Charles T. Lancée, Nico de Jong, Johan H. C. Reiber:
A Semi-automatic Endocardial Border Detection Method for 4D Ultrasound Data. 43-50 - Delphine Nain, Anthony J. Yezzi, Greg Turk:
Vessel Segmentation Using a Shape Driven Flow. 51-59 - Xiaolei Huang, Zhiguo Li, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Learning Coupled Prior Shape and Appearance Models for Segmentation. 60-69
Segmentation I
- Arnaud Ogier
, Pierre Hellier:
A Modified Total Variation Denoising Method in the Context of 3D Ultrasound Images. 70-77 - Ravi Bansal, Lawrence H. Staib
, Bradley S. Peterson:
Correcting Nonuniformities in MRI Intensities Using Entropy Minimization Based on an Elastic Model. 78-86 - Sylvie Sevestre-Ghalila
, Amel Benazza-Benyahia, Anne Ricordeau, Nedra Mellouli, Christine Chappard, Claude Laurent Benhamou:
Texture Image Analysis for Osteoporosis Detection with Morphological Tools. 87-94 - Peter Lorenzen, Brad Davis, Guido Gerig, Elizabeth Bullitt, Sarang C. Joshi:
Multi-class Posterior Atlas Formation via Unbiased Kullback-Leibler Template Estimation. 95-102 - Hua Li, Abderrahim Elmoataz, Mohamed-Jalal Fadili, Su Ruan:
Dual Front Evolution Model and Its Application in Medical Imaging. 103-110 - Pierre-Louis Bazin
, Dzung L. Pham:
Topology Smoothing for Segmentation and Surface Reconstruction. 111-118 - Dzung L. Pham, Pierre-Louis Bazin
Simultaneous Boundary and Partial Volume Estimation in Medical Images. 119-126 - Hüseyin Tek, Hüseyin Can Aras:
Local Watershed Operators for Image Segmentation. 127-134 - Jaume Rigau, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert
, Anton Bardera, Imma Boada:
Medical Image Segmentation Based on Mutual Information Maximization. 135-142 - Aly A. Farag, Hossam S. Hassan:
Adaptive Segmentation of Multi-modal 3D Data Using Robust Level Set Techniques. 143-150 - Kilian M. Pohl, Simon K. Warfield, Ron Kikinis, W. Eric L. Grimson, William M. Wells III:
Coupling Statistical Segmentation and PCA Shape Modeling. 151-159 - Shuo Li, Thomas Fevens, Adam Krzyzak:
Image Segmentation Adapted for Clinical Settings by Combining Pattern Classification and Level Sets. 160-167 - Marleen de Bruijne
, Mads Nielsen:
Shape Particle Filtering for Image Segmentation. 168-175 - Sean Ho, Guido Gerig
Profile Scale-Spaces for Multiscale Image Match. 176-183 - Christine Tanner, Michael Khazen, Preminda Kessar, Martin O. Leach
, David J. Hawkes:
Classification Improvement by Segmentation Refinement: Application to Contrast-Enhanced MR-Mammography. 184-191 - Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
, Musodiq Bello, Shiva Arunachalam, Wei Kang, Tao Ju, Joe D. Warren, James P. Carson, Wah Chiu, Christina Thaller, Gregor Eichele:
Landmark-Driven, Atlas-Based Segmentation of Mouse Brain Tissue Images Containing Gene Expression Data. 192-199 - Cees van Wijk, Roel Truyen, Rogier E. van Gelder, Lucas J. van Vliet, Frans Vos:
On Normalized Convolution to Measure Curvature Features for Automatic Polyp Detection. 200-208 - Mikaël Rousson, Nikos Paragios, Rachid Deriche:
Implicit Active Shape Models for 3D Segmentation in MR Imaging. 209-216 - Paramate Horkaew
, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Construction of 3D Dynamic Statistical Deformable Models for Complex Topological Shapes. 217-224 - Ashraf Mohamed, Christos Davatzikos:
Shape Representation via Best Orthogonal Basis Selection. 225-233 - Raúl San José Estépar, Anders Brun, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Robust Generalized Total Least Squares Iterative Closest Point Registration. 234-241
Segmentation Methods
- Julien Dauguet, Jean-François Mangin, Thierry Delzescaux, Vincent Frouin:
Robust Inter-slice Intensity Normalization Using Histogram Scale-Space Analysis. 242-249 - Engin Dikici, Thomas O'Donnell, Randolph Setser, Richard D. White:
Quantification of Delayed Enhancement MR Images. 250-257 - Su-Lin Lee, Paramate Horkaew
, Ara Darzi, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Statistical Shape Modelling of the Levator Ani with Thickness Variation. 258-265 - Haissam Haidar, Sylvain Bouix
, James J. Levitt, Chandley C. Dickey, Robert W. McCarley, Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Janet S. Soul:
Characterizing the Shape of Anatomical Structures with Poisson?s Equation. 266-273 - Mahnaz Maddah, Kelly H. Zou, William M. Wells III, Ron Kikinis, Simon K. Warfield:
Automatic Optimization of Segmentation Algorithms Through Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation (STAPLE). 274-282
Segmentation II
- Uros Vovk, Franjo Pernus, Bostjan Likar:
Multi-feature Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction in MR Images. 283-290 - Carlos E. Thomaz, James P. Boardman, Derek L. G. Hill, Joseph V. Hajnal, David D. Edwards, Mary A. Rutherford, Duncan Fyfe Gillies, Daniel Rueckert:
Using a Maximum Uncertainty LDA-Based Approach to Classify and Analyse MR Brain Images. 291-300 - Jeffrey M. Solomon, John A. Butman, Arun Sood:
Data Driven Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI Using Probabilistic Reasoning over Space and Time. 301-309 - Cybèle Ciofolo:
Atlas-Based Segmentation Using Level Sets and Fuzzy Labels. 310-317 - Elsa D. Angelini, Ting Song, Brett D. Mensh, Andrew Laine:
Multi-phase Three-Dimensional Level Set Segmentation of Brain MRI. 318-326 - Siddharth Srivastava, Frederik Maes, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Wim Van Paesschen, Patrick Dupont, Paul Suetens:
Effects of Anatomical Asymmetry in Spatial Priors on Model-Based Segmentation of the Brain MRI: A Validation Study. 327-334 - Horst K. Hahn, Benoît Jolly, Miriam Lee, Daniel Krastel, Jan Rexilius, Johann Drexl, Mathias Schlüter, Burckhard Terwey, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
How Accurate Is Brain Volumetry? A Methodological Evaluation. 335-342 - Carlos A. Castaño-Moraga, Miguel A. Rodríguez-Florido, Luis Álvarez
, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Juan Ruiz-Alzola
Anisotropic Interpolation of DT-MRI. 343-350 - Marcos Martín-Fernández
, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Carlos Alberola-López:
3D Bayesian Regularization of Diffusion Tensor MRI Using Multivariate Gaussian Markov Random Fields. 351-359 - Lauren O'Donnell
, W. Eric L. Grimson, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Interface Detection in Diffusion Tensor MRI. 360-367 - Anders Brun, Hans Knutsson, Hae-Jeong Park, Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Clustering Fiber Traces Using Normalized Cuts. 368-375 - Jean-Philippe Pons, Renaud Keriven, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Area Preserving Cortex Unfolding. 376-383 - Duygu Tosun, Maryam E. Rettmann, Daniel Q. Naiman, Susan M. Resnick, Michael A. Kraut, Jerry L. Prince:
Cortical Reconstruction Using Implicit Surface Evolution: A Landmark Validation Study. 384-392 - Yanxi Liu, Leonid Teverovskiy, Owen T. Carmichael, Ron Kikinis, Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Cameron S. Carter, V. Andrew Stenger, Simon W. Davis, Howard Aizenstein, James T. Becker, Oscar L. Lopez, Carolyn C. Meltzer:
Discriminative MR Image Feature Analysis for Automatic Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's Disease Classification. 393-401 - Amol Pednekar, Uday Kurkure, Raja Muthupillai, Scott Flamm, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
Left Ventricular Segmentation in MR Using Hierarchical Multi-class Multi-feature Fuzzy Connectedness. 402-410 - Ting Chen, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Leon Axel:
3D Cardiac Anatomy Reconstruction Using High Resolution CT Data. 411-418 - Robert M. Lapp, Maria Lorenzo-Valdés, Daniel Rueckert:
3D/4D Cardiac Segmentation Using Active Appearance Models, Non-rigid Registration, and the Insight Toolkit. 419-426 - Juha Koikkalainen, Mika Pollari, Jyrki Lötjönen, Sari Kivistö, Kirsi Lauerma:
Segmentation of Cardiac Structures Simultaneously from Short- and Long-Axis MR Images. 427-434 - Yingge Qu, Qiang Chen, Pheng-Ann Heng, Tien-Tsin Wong:
Segmentation of Left Ventricle via Level Set Method Based on Enriched Speed Term. 435-442 - Maxime Taron, Nikos Paragios, Marie-Pierre Jolly:
Border Detection on Short Axis Echocardiographic Views Using a Region Based Ellipse-Driven Framework. 443-450 - Bernardo Silva Carmo, Yin-Heung Pauline Ng, Adam Prügel-Bennett, Guang-Zhong Yang:
A Data Clustering and Streamline Reduction Method for 3D MR Flow Vector Field Simplification. 451-458 - Jan Erik Solem, Markus Persson, Anders Heyden:
Velocity Based Segmentation in Phase Contrast MRI Images. 459-466 - Sílvia Delgado Olabarriaga, Marcel Breeuwer, Wiro J. Niessen:
Multi-scale Statistical Grey Value Modelling for Thrombus Segmentation from CTA. 467-474 - Rashindra Manniesing, Wiro J. Niessen:
Local Speed Functions in Level Set Based Vessel Segmentation. 475-482 - Charles Florin, Romain Moreau-Gobard, James Williams:
Automatic Heart Peripheral Vessels Segmentation Based on a Normal MIP Ray Casting Technique. 483-490 - Stefan Wörz, Karl Rohr:
A New 3D Parametric Intensity Model for Accurate Segmentation and Quantification of Human Vessels. 491-499 - Maxime Descoteaux, D. Louis Collins
, Kaleem Siddiqi:
Geometric Flows for Segmenting Vasculature in MRI: Theory and Validation. 500-507 - Yoshinobu Sato, Shuji Yamamoto
, Shinichi Tamura:
Accurate Quantification of Small-Diameter Tubular Structures in Isotropic CT Volume Data Based on Multiscale Line Filter Responses. 508-515 - Marie-Odile Berger, René Anxionnat, Erwan Kerrien:
A Methodology for Validating a New Imaging Modality with Respect to a Gold Standard Imagery: Example of the Use of 3DRA and MRI for AVM Delineation. 516-524 - Hugo A. F. Gratama van Andel, Erik Meijering, Aad van der Lugt, Henri A. Vrooman, Rik Stokking:
VAMPIRE: Improved Method for Automated Center Lumen Line Definition in Atherosclerotic Carotid Arteries in CTA Data. 525-532 - Thomas Bülow, Cristian Lorenz, Steffen Renisch:
A General Framework for Tree Segmentation and Reconstruction from Medical Volume Data. 533-540 - Jingbin Wang, Margrit Betke, Jane P. Ko:
Shape-Based Curve Growing Model and Adaptive Regularization for Pulmonary Fissure Segmentation in CT. 541-548 - Vincent Daanen, Jerome Tonetti, Jocelyne Troccaz:
A Fully Automated Method for the Delineation of Osseous Interface in Ultrasound Images. 549-557
Registration I
- Graeme P. Penney, Julia A. Schnabel, Daniel Rueckert, David J. Hawkes, Wiro J. Niessen:
Registration-Based Interpolation Using a High-Resolution Image for Guidance. 558-565 - Burton Ma, Randy E. Ellis:
Surface-Based Registration with a Particle Filter. 566-573 - Everine B. van de Kraats, Graeme P. Penney, Dejan Tomazevic, Theo van Walsum, Wiro J. Niessen:
Standardized Evaluation of 2D-3D Registration. 574-581 - Dinggang Shen:
Image Registration by Hierarchical Matching of Local Spatial Intensity Histograms. 582-590 - Eldad Haber, Jan Modersitzki:
Volume Preserving Image Registration. 591-598 - Rui Gan, Jue Wu, Albert C. S. Chung, Simon C. H. Yu
, William M. Wells III:
Multiresolution Image Registration Based on Kullback-Leibler Distance. 599-606 - Paul A. Bromiley, Maja Pokric, Neil A. Thacker:
Empirical Evaluation of Covariance Estimates for Mutual Information Coregistration. 607-614 - Natasa Kovacevic, X. Josette Chen, John G. Sled, Jeff Henderson, R. Mark Henkelman:
Deformation Based Representation of Groupwise Average and Variability. 615-622 - Burton Ma, Randy E. Ellis:
Spatial-Stiffness Analysis of Surface-Based Registration. 623-630 - Torsten Rohlfing, Daniel B. Russakoff, Joachim Denzler, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.:
Progressive Attenuation Fields: Fast 2D-3D Image Registration Without Precomputation. 631-638 - Dirk Loeckx, Frederik Maes, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Paul Suetens:
Nonrigid Image Registration Using Free-Form Deformations with a Local Rigidity Constraint. 639-646 - Zhi-ying Long, Li Yao, Dan-ling Peng:
Fast Non-linear Elastic Registration in 2D Medical Image. 647-654 - Mathieu De Craene, Aloys du Bois d'Aische, Benoît Macq, Simon K. Warfield:
: Multi-subject Registration for Unbiased Statistical Atlas Construction. 655-662 - Xiaohua Chen, Michael Brady, Daniel Rueckert:
Simultaneous Segmentation and Registration for Medical Image. 663-670 - Marcin Wierzbicki, Maria Drangova
, Gerard Guiraudon, Terry M. Peters:
Mapping Template Heart Models to Patient Data Using Image Registration. 671-678 - William R. Crum, Daniel Rueckert, Mark Jenkinson, David N. Kennedy, Stephen M. Smith:
A Framework for Detailed Objective Comparison of Non-rigid Registration Algorithms in Neuroimaging. 679-686 - Christophe Grova, Pierre Jannin, Irène Buvat, Habib Benali, Bernard Gibaud:
Evaluation of Registration of Ictal SPECT/MRI Data Using Statistical Similarity Methods. 687-695 - Dieter Seghers, Emiliano D'Agostino, Frederik Maes, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Paul Suetens:
Construction of a Brain Template from MR Images Using State-of-the-Art Registration and Segmentation Techniques. 696-703 - Radu Stefanescu, Olivier Commowick, Grégoire Malandain, Pierre-Yves Bondiau, Nicholas Ayache, Xavier Pennec:
Non-rigid Atlas to Subject Registration with Pathologies for Conformal Brain Radiotherapy. 704-711 - Cynthia Jongen, Jeroen van der Grond
, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Ventricle Registration for Inter-subject White Matter Lesion Analysis. 712-719 - Tianming Liu, Dinggang Shen, Christos Davatzikos:
Deformable Registration of Tumor-Diseased Brain Images. 720-728
Registration II
- Pierre-François D'Haese, Ebru Cetinkaya, Chris Kao, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Peter E. Konrad
, Benoit M. Dawant:
Toward the Creation of an Electrophysiological Atlas for the Pre-operative Planning and Intra-operative Guidance of Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Implantation. 729-736 - Avan Suinesiaputra, Mehmet Üzümcü, Alejandro F. Frangi
, T. A. M. Kaandorp, Johan H. C. Reiber, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt:
Detecting Regional Abnormal Cardiac Contraction in Short-Axis MR Images Using Independent Component Analysis. 737-744 - Emiliano D'Agostino, Frederik Maes, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Paul Suetens:
Non-rigid Atlas-to-Image Registration by Minimization of Class-Conditional Image Entropy. 745-753 - Maria Lorenzo-Valdés, Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz, Hugo G. Bogren, Raad Mohiaddin, Daniel Rueckert:
Determination of Aortic Distensibility Using Non-rigid Registration of Cine MR Images. 754-762 - Xenophon Papademetris, Andrea P. Jackowski
, Robert T. Schultz, Lawrence H. Staib, James S. Duncan:
Integrated Intensity and Point-Feature Nonrigid Registration. 763-770 - Xianfeng Gu
, Baba C. Vemuri:
Matching 3D Shapes Using 2D Conformal Representations. 771-780 - Mark P. Wachowiak, Terry M. Peters:
Parallel Optimization Approaches for Medical Image Registration. 781-788 - Matthew Mellor, Michael Brady:
Non-rigid Multimodal Image Registration Using Local Phase. 789-796 - Mark Holden, Lewis D. Griffin, Nadeem Saeed, Derek L. G. Hill:
Multi-channel Mutual Information Using Scale Space. 797-804 - Zeger F. Knops, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Registration Using Segment Intensity Remapping and Mutual Information. 805-812 - Evangelia Karali, Pantelis Asvestas
, Konstantina S. Nikita
, George K. Matsopoulos:
Comparison of Different Global and Local Automatic Registration Schemes: An Application to Retinal Images. 813-820 - William R. Crum, Lewis D. Griffin, David J. Hawkes:
Automatic Estimation of Error in Voxel-Based Registration. 821-828 - Julien Jomier, Stephen R. Aylward
Rigid and Deformable Vasculature-to-Image Registration: A Hierarchical Approach. 829-836 - Antoine Leroy, Pierre Mozer, Yohan Payan, Jocelyne Troccaz
Rigid Registration of Freehand 3D Ultrasound and CT-Scan Kidney Images. 837-844 - Aloys du Bois d'Aische, Mathieu De Craene, Steven Haker, Neil I. Weisenfeld, Clare M. Tempany, Benoît Macq, Simon K. Warfield:
Improved Non-rigid Registration of Prostate MRI. 845-852 - Steven Haker, Simon K. Warfield, Clare M. Tempany:
Landmark-Guided Surface Matching and Volumetric Warping for Improved Prostate Biopsy Targeting and Guidance. 853-861 - Josephine H. Naish, Geoffrey J. M. Parker
, Paul C. Beatty, Alan Jackson, John C. Waterton, Simon S. Young, Christopher J. Taylor:
Improved Regional Analysis of Oxygen-Enhanced Lung MR Imaging Using Image Registration. 862-869 - Charles V. Stewart, Ying-Lin Lee, Chia-Ling Tsai:
An Uncertainty-Driven Hybrid of Intensity-Based and Feature-Based Registration with Application to Retinal and Lung CT Images. 870-877 - Arnaud Charnoz, Vincent Agnus, Luc Soler:
Portal Vein Registration for the Follow-Up of Hepatic Tumours. 878-886 - Ulrich Müller, Jürgen Hesser, Reinhard Männer:
Fast Rigid 2D-2D Multimodal Registration. 887-894 - Ken C. L. Wong, Pengcheng Shi:
Finite Deformation Guided Nonlinear Filtering for Multiframe Cardiac Motion Analysis. 895-902 - Ying Sun
, Marie-Pierre Jolly, José M. F. Moura:
Contrast-Invariant Registration of Cardiac and Renal MR Perfusion Images. 903-910 - Dimitrios Perperidis, Raad Mohiaddin, Daniel Rueckert:
Spatio-Temporal Free-Form Registration of Cardiac MR Image Sequences. 911-919

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