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ICC 2013: Budapest, Hungary
- Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13, 2013. IEEE 2013
- Nancy El Rachkidy, Alexandre Guitton, Michel Misson:
Improving routing performance when several routing protocols are used sequentially in a WSN. 1408-1413 - Maggie X. Cheng, Quanmin Ye, Xiaochun Cheng
Simultaneous routing and multiplexing in ad hoc networks with MIMO links. 1414-1418 - Hui Tong, Xu Wu, Jun Zheng:
A destination information based probabilistic routing protocol for vehicular sensor networks. 1419-1423 - Marwane Ayaida, Mohtadi Barhoumi, Hacène Fouchal
, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Lissan Afilal:
PHRHLS: A movement-prediction-based joint routing and Hierarchical Location Service for VANETs. 1424-1428 - Min Sheng, Yang Xu, Jia Liu, Yan Shi:
On the overhead of ad hoc routing protocols with finite buffers. 1429-1433 - Tingting Chen, Sheng Zhong:
On designing truthful spectrum auctions for variable bandwidths. 1434-1438 - Leandro A. Villas, Azzedine Boukerche, Regina Borges de Araujo, Antonio A. F. Loureiro, Jo Ueyama
Network partition-aware geographical data dissemination. 1439-1443 - Mustafa Ilhan Akbas
, Raghu Nandan Avula, Mostafa A. Bassiouni, Damla Turgut:
Social network generation and friend ranking based on mobile phone data. 1444-1448 - Jiaxiao Zheng, Wenjun Xu, Gaofei Sun, Xiaohua Tian, Xinbing Wang:
Hybrid channel assignment in multi-hop multi-radio cognitive ad hoc network. 1449-1453 - S. Alireza Motevallian, Lu Xia, Brian D. O. Anderson:
A new splitting-merging paradigm for distributed localization in wireless sensor networks. 1454-1458 - Hamid Ramezani, Geert Leus
L-MAC: Localization packet scheduling for an underwater acoustic sensor network. 1459-1463 - Mohammed Almulla, Yikun Wang, Azzedine Boukerche, Zhenxia Zhang:
A fast location-based handoff scheme for vehicular networks. 1464-1468 - Christos Laoudias
, Michalis P. Michaelides
, Christoforos Panayiotou
Fault tolerant target localization and tracking in binary WSNs using sensor health state estimation. 1469-1473 - Wenjie Wang, Bin Li, Qinye Yin, Bin Yang:
A distributed localization in wireless sensor networks utilizing AOD estimation and rotation synthetic aperture technique. 1474-1478 - Lutful Karim, Jalal Almhana, Nidal Nasser:
Mobility-centric energy efficient and fault tolerant clustering protocol of wireless sensor network. 1479-1484 - Irfan S. Al-Anbagi, Mounib Khanafer
, Hussein T. Mouftah:
MAC finite buffer impact on the performance of cluster-tree based WSNs. 1485-1490 - Luca Rose, Samir Medina Perlaza
, Christophe J. Le Martret, Mérouane Debbah:
Achieving Pareto optimal equilibria in energy efficient clustered ad hoc networks. 1491-1495 - Bhuvana Kalyanasundaram, Mohamed F. Younis:
Using mobile data collectors to federate clusters of disjoint sensor network segments. 1496-1500 - Peiyan Yuan
, Huadong Ma:
Fuzzy forwarding for opportunistic networks. 1501-1505 - Walid M. Ibrahim, Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, Saudi Arabia:
Robust wireless multihop localization using mobile anchors. 1506-1511 - Yoshihisa Okamoto, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Human activity classification and localization algorithm based on temporal-spatial virtual array. 1512-1516 - Ghalem Boudour, Martin Heusse, Andrzej Duda
An enhanced capture scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks. 1517-1521 - Gürkan Solmaz, Damla Turgut:
Event coverage in theme parks using wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks. 1522-1526 - Bo Lv, Muqing Wu, Jingrong Wen, Dongyang Wang:
Small worlds in multi-channel wireless networks: An analytical approach. 1527-1531 - Kamal Rahimi Malekshan, Weihua Zhuang
An energy efficient MAC protocol for fully-connected wireless networks. 1538-1542 - Salman Kahrobaee, Mehmet C. Vuran
Vibration energy harvesting for wireless underground sensor networks. 1543-1548 - Li Chen, Stephen Cool, He Ba, Wendi B. Heinzelman
, Ilker Demirkol
, Ufuk Muncuk, Kaushik R. Chowdhury
, Stefano Basagni:
Range extension of passive wake-up radio systems through energy harvesting. 1549-1554 - Yun Rui, Lei Deng
, Peng Cheng
, Q. T. Zhang, Mingqi Li:
Energy-efficient multi-mode transmission in uplink virtual MIMO systems. 1555-1559 - Miloud Bagaa
, Mohamed F. Younis, Abdelraouf Ouadjaout
, Nadjib Badache:
Efficient multi-path data aggregation scheduling in wireless sensor networks. 1560-1564 - Huan Zhou, Hongyang Zhao, Chi Harold Liu, Jiming Chen:
Adaptive working schedule for duty-cycle opportunistic mobile networks. 1565-1569 - Bharat Shrestha, Ekram Hossain, Sergio Camorlinga:
Hidden node collision mitigated CSMA/CA-based multihop wireless sensor networks. 1570-1575 - Min Yao, Chuang Lin, Peng Zhang, Yuan Tian, Shibo Xu:
TDMA scheduling with maximum throughput and fair rate allocation in wireless sensor networks. 1576-1581 - Mina Yazdanpanah, Samir Sebbah, Chadi Assi, Yousef R. Shayan:
Impact of successive interference cancellation on the capacity of wireless networks: Joint optimal link scheduling and power control. 1582-1587 - Satyanarayana Vuppala, Giuseppe Abreu
Analysis of secure unicast links in stochastic wireless networks. 1588-1593 - Li Zhu, F. Richard Yu
, Bin Ning, Tao Tang:
Joint security and QoS provisioning in cooperative vehicular ad hoc networks. 1594-1598 - Antonio Prado, Sushmita Ruj
, Amiya Nayak
Enhanced privacy and reliability for secure geocasting in VANET. 1599-1603 - Yuexin Zhang, Li Xu, Yang Xiang
, Xinyi Huang:
Matrix-based pairwise key establishment in wireless mesh networks using deployment knowledge. 1604-1608 - Liang Xiao
, Qiben Yan
, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou:
Proximity-based security using ambient radio signals. 1609-1613 - Kanghee Lee, Hyuck M. Kwon, Hyunggi Kim, Jie Yang, Hyuncheol Park, Yong Hoon Lee:
A cooperative AF wireless relay network under three wireless communication conditions with relay power constraint. 1614-1618 - Lingya Liu, Cunqing Hua, Cailian Chen, Xinping Guan:
Power allocation for three-stage cooperative relaying in wireless networks. 1619-1624 - Zhenzhen Jiao, Zheng Yao, Baoxian Zhang, Cheng Li
NBP: An efficient network-coding based backpressure algorithm. 1625-1629 - Izzet F. Senturk
, Kemal Akkaya, Fatih Senel, Mohamed F. Younis
Connectivity restoration in disjoint wireless sensor networks using limited number of mobile relays. 1630-1634 - Bin Li, Wenjie Wang, Hongxiang Li, Qinye Yin, Ying Zhang, Hui Liu:
Performance analysis and optimization for energy-efficient cooperative transmission in random wireless sensor network. 1635-1639 - Eugenio Celada-Funes, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano:
Dynamic inhibition areas for accurately solving the shortest link scheduling problem. 1640-1645 - Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Lieguang Zeng, Sheng Chen
Revealing patterns of opportunistic contact durations and intervals for large scale urban vehicular mobility. 1646-1650 - Jing Huang, Xiaoying Gan, Xinxin Feng:
Multi-armed bandit based opportunistic channel access: A consideration of switch cost. 1651-1655 - Hesham ElSawy, Ekram Hossain, Sergio Camorlinga:
Multi-channel design for random CSMA wireless networks: A stochastic geometry approach. 1656-1660 - Felix Juraschek, Simon Seif, Mesut Günes
Distributed channel assignment in large-scale wireless mesh networks: A performance analysis. 1661-1665 - Piergiuseppe Di Marco
, Carlo Fischione
, Fortunato Santucci
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Effects of Rayleigh-lognormal fading on IEEE 802.15.4 networks. 1666-1671 - Qi Zhang
Energy saving efficiency comparison of transmit power control and link adaptation in BANs. 1672-1677 - Chang Zhao, Bowen Ge, Xiaohua Tian:
A generic simulation framework for energy consumption in data center networks. 1678-1682 - Ghalem Boudour, Martin Heusse, Andrzej Duda
Improving performance and fairness in IEEE 802.15.4 networks with capture effect. 1683-1687 - Jianxia Ning, Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy
, Ramesh Govindan:
On the trade-offs between collecting packet level forensic evidence and data delivery performance in wireless networks. 1688-1693 - Irwin O. Kennedy, Chih-Kuang Lin
, Vijay Venkateswaran:
A cross layer design and evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 network with an enhanced sensor gateway: Injecting hierarchy into wireless sensor networks. 1694-1699 - Ashraf E. Al-Fagih, Fadi M. Al-Turjman, Hossam S. Hassanein:
Online heuristics for monetary-based courier relaying in RFID-Sensor Networks. 1700-1704 - Qiming Dai, Cunqing Hua:
Scheduling of index coding with side information in multicarrier wireless systems. 1705-1709 - Haichuan Ding, Guang-Hua Yang
, Shaodan Ma, Chengwen Xing, Zesong Fei:
Analysis of hybrid ARQ in interference dominant mobile ad hoc networks. 1710-1714 - Apollinaire Nadembega, Abdelhakim Hafid, Tarik Taleb:
Handoff time estimation model for vehicular communications. 1715-1719 - Mai Abdelhakim
, Leonard E. Lightfoot, Jian Ren, Tongtong Li:
Architecture design of mobile access coordinated wireless sensor networks. 1720-1724 - Zijie Zhang, Guoqiang Mao
, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Opportunistic broadcast in mobile ad-hoc networks subject to channel randomness. 1725-1729 - Yi Wu, Kenneth W. Shum, Zihuai Lin
, Wing Shing Wong, Lianfeng Shen:
Protocol sequences for mobile ad hoc networks. 1730-1735 - Nizar Alsharif
, Sandra Céspedes Umaña
, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
iCAR: Intersection-based connectivity aware routing in vehicular ad hoc networks. 1736-1741 - Yuning Song, Huadong Ma, Liang Liu:
Content-centric internetworking for resource-constrained devices in the Internet of Things. 1742-1747 - Zhi Sun, Bocheng Zhu:
Channel and energy analysis on magnetic induction-based wireless sensor networks in oil reservoirs. 1748-1752 - Bin Cao, Yu Ge
, Chee Wee Kim, Gang Feng, Hwee Pink Tan:
Investigating the impact of inter-user interference in wireless body sensor networks: An experimental approach. 1753-1757 - Ahmed Jedda, Mazen G. Khair, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Distributed algorithms for the RFID coverage problem. 1758-1762 - Sungjin Park, Yusun Chang, Seokjoo Shin, John A. Copeland:
Characterizing hidden nodes with experimental evaluation in noisy MANETs. 1763-1768 - Xi Xu, Rashid Ansari, Ashfaq A. Khokhar:
Power-efficient hierarchical data aggregation using compressive sensing in WSNs. 1769-1773 - Yu Gu, Yusheng Ji, Fuji Ren, Jie Li
Network lifetime optimization in wireless healthcare systems: Understanding the gap between online and offline scenarios. 1774-1778 - Brendan Mumey
, Kelly Spendlove, Binhai Zhu:
Extending the lifetime of a WSN by partial covers. 1779-1783 - Kevin Dorling, Stefan Valentin
, Geoffrey G. Messier, Sebastian Magierowski:
Repair algorithms to increase the lifetime of fully connected wireless sensor networks. 1784-1789 - Xi Chen, Chen He, Lingge Jiang:
The tradeoff between transmission cost and network lifetime of data gathering tree in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1790-1794 - Anil Ufuk Batmaz
, Bülent Tavli
, Davut Incebacak, Kemal Bicakci
The impact of link unidirectionality and reverse path length on wireless sensor network lifetime. 1795-1799 - Ilaria Thibault, Azadeh Faridi
, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
, Angel Lozano
Successive deterministic distributed beamforming. 1800-1804 - Yi Luo, Huiqin Du, Tharm Ratnarajah, Dave Wilcox:
Performance of homogeneous and asynchronous ad hoc network with interference alignment. 1805-1809 - Zhangyu Guan, Tommaso Melodia
, Gesualdo Scutari:
Distributed queueing games in interference-limited wireless networks. 1810-1815 - Xianling Lu, Deying Li, Biaofei Xu, Wenping Chen, Zhiming Ding:
Minimum cost collaborative sensing network with mobile phones. 1816-1820 - Scott Pudlewski
, Tommaso Melodia
RA-CVS: Cooperating at low power to stream compressively sampled videos. 1821-1826 - Nadia Haddadou, Abderrezak Rachedi
DTM2: Adapting job market signaling for distributed trust management in vehicular ad hoc networks. 1827-1832 - Waleed Alasmary, Hamed Sadeghi, Shahrokh Valaee:
Crowdsensing in vehicular sensor networks with limited channel capacity. 1833-1838 - Milena Radenkovic
, Ivan Vaghi, Sameh Zakhary
, Abderrahim Benslimane
AdaptAnon: Adaptive anonymity for service queries in mobile opportunistic networks. 1839-1844 - Yi Jiang, Dulanjalie C. Dhanapala, Anura P. Jayasumana:
Tracking and prediction of mobility without physical distance measurements in sensor networks. 1845-1850 - Dulanjalie C. Dhanapala, Vidarshana W. Bandara, Ali Pezeshki, Anura P. Jayasumana:
Phenomena discovery in WSNs: A compressive sensing based approach. 1851-1856 - Xia Deng
, Le Chang, Jun Tao, Jianping Pan
, Jianxin Wang:
Social profile-based multicast routing scheme for delay-tolerant networks. 1857-1861 - Daniel Rothfus, Christina Dunning, Xiao Chen:
Social-similarity-based routing algorithm in Delay Tolerant Networks. 1862-1866 - Jun-Wei Li, ShiNing Li, Yu Zhang, Yee Wei Law
, Xingshe Zhou, Marimuthu Palaniswami
Analytical model of coding-based reprogramming protocols in lossy wireless sensor networks. 1867-1871 - Wanlu Sun, Fredrik Brannstrom
, Erik G. Ström
On clock offset and skew estimation with exponentially distributed delays. 1872-1877 - Christos Laoudias
, Michalis P. Michaelides
, Christos G. Panayiotou
Sensor health state estimation for target tracking with binary sensor networks. 1878-1882 - Sima Hajmohammad, Halima Elbiaze:
Unlicensed spectrum splitting between Femtocell and WiFi. 1883-1888 - Rongqing Zhang
, Lingyang Song, Zhu Han, Xiang Cheng, Bingli Jiao:
Distributed resource allocation for device-to-device communications underlaying cellular networks. 1889-1893 - Qian Han, Xue Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhiqiang Wu:
Performance of target search via track-before-detect for distributed sensor networks with heterogeneous sensors and imperfect communication links. 1894-1898 - Marc Barcelo
, Alejandro Correa Vila
, José López Vicario
, Antoni Morell
Multi-tree routing for heterogeneous data traffic in wireless sensor networks. 1899-1903 - Hari Prabhat Gupta, Seela Veerabhadreswara Rao, Tamarapalli Venkatesh:
Analysis of the redundancy in coverage of a heterogeneous wireless sensor network. 1904-1909 - Majid Gerami, Ming Xiao, Carlo Fischione
, Mikael Skoglund:
Decentralized minimum-cost repair for distributed storage systems. 1910-1914 - Aamir Mahmood
, Hüseyin Yigitler
, Riku Jäntti
Stochastic packet collision modeling in coexisting wireless networks for link quality evaluation. 1915-1920 - Lu Wang
, Mounir Hamdi
Feedback considered beneficial: Exploring frequency diversity in full-duplex rateless codes. 1921-1925 - Reza Abdolee, Benoît Champagne, Ali H. Sayed:
Diffusion LMS strategies for parameter estimation over fading wireless channels. 1926-1930 - Ido Nevat, Gareth W. Peters
, Iain B. Collings
Estimation of correlated and quantized spatial random fields in wireless sensor networks. 1931-1935 - Xueli Huang, Xiaojiang Du:
Efficiently secure data privacy on hybrid cloud. 1936-1940 - Shui Yu
, Robin Doss
, Wanlei Zhou
, Song Guo
A general cloud firewall framework with dynamic resource allocation. 1941-1945 - Boyang Wang, Hui Li, Ming Li:
Privacy-preserving public auditing for shared cloud data supporting group dynamics. 1946-1950 - Emmanuelle Anceaume, Gilles Guette, Paul Lajoie-Mazenc, Nicolas Prigent, Valérie Viet Triem Tong:
A privacy preserving distributed reputation mechanism. 1951-1956 - Hongli Zhang, Panpan Li, Zhigang Zhou, Xiaojiang Du, Weizhe Zhang:
A performance prediction scheme for computation-intensive applications on cloud. 1957-1961 - Christophe Hauser, Frederic Tronel
, Colin J. Fidge
, Ludovic Mé:
Intrusion detection in distributed systems, an approach based on taint marking. 1962-1967 - Dirk Hoffstadt, Niels Wolff, Stefan Monhof, Erwin P. Rathgeb:
Improved detection and correlation of multi-stage VoIP attack patterns by using a Dynamic Honeynet System. 1968-1973 - Sooel Son
, Seungwon Shin, Vinod Yegneswaran, Phillip A. Porras, Guofei Gu:
Model checking invariant security properties in OpenFlow. 1974-1979 - Keqin Liu, Qing Zhao, Ananthram Swami:
Dynamic probing for intrusion detection under resource constraints. 1980-1984 - Li Ming Chen, Meng Chang Chen, Yeali S. Sun, Wanjiun Liao
Spectrum analysis for detecting slow-paced persistent activities in network security. 1985-1989 - Weibo Chu, Bin B. Zhu, Feng Xue, Xiaohong Guan, Zhongmin Cai:
Protect sensitive sites from phishing attacks using features extractable from inaccessible phishing URLs. 1990-1994 - Xiao Wang, Jinqiao Shi, Binxing Fang, Li Guo:
An empirical analysis of family in the Tor network. 1995-2000 - Giseop Noh, Chong-kwon Kim:
RobuRec: Robust Sybil attack defense in online recommender systems. 2001-2005 - Rafael Barra de Almeida, José Augusto Miranda Nacif, Ana Paula Couto da Silva
, Alex Borges Vieira:
Pollution and whitewashing attacks in a P2P live streaming system: Analysis and counter-attack. 2006-2010 - Wei Yu
, Sixiao Wei, Guanhui Ma, Xinwen Fu, Nan Zhang:
On effective localization attacks against Internet Threat monitors. 2011-2015 - Sander Wozniak, Michael Rossberg, Franz Girlich, Guenter Schaefer:
Geocast into the past: Towards a privacy-preserving spatiotemporal multicast for cellular networks. 2016-2021 - Hasen Nicanfar, Peyman TalebiFard, Amr Alasaad, Victor C. M. Leung
Privacy-preserving scheme in smart grid communication using enhanced network coding. 2022-2026