International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      • access: some or all publications openly available

      13th CSCL 2019: Lyon, France

      12th CSCL 2017: Philadelphia, PA, USA

      11th CSCL 2015: Gothenburg, Sweden

      10th CSCL 2013: Madison, WI, USA

      9th CSCL 2011: Hong Kong

      8th CSCL 2009: Rhodes, Greece

      7th CSCL 2007: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA

      6th CSCL 2005: Taipei, Taiwan

      5th CSCL 2003: Bergen, Norway

      4th CSCL 2002: Boulder, CO, USA

      EuroCSCL 2001: Maastricht, The Netherlands

      3rd CSCL 1999: Stanford, CA, USA

      2nd CSCL 1997: Toronto, ON, Canada

      1st CSCL 1995: Bloomington, IN, USA

      CSCL Workshop 1991: Carbondale, IL, USA

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