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Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies 2020
- Arthur Tatnall
Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer International Publishing 2020, ISBN 978-3-319-60013-0 - Sigrid E. Schubert:
Computers in Secondary Schools. 1-5 - Sigrid E. Schubert:
Teaching About Computing. 1-8 - Joyce Malyn-Smith, Charoula Angeli:
Computational Thinking. 1-7 - Torsten Brinda, Matthias Kramer:
Competency Models in Computing Education. 1-4 - Mary E. Webb:
Curricula in Computer Science. 1-7 - Mary E. Webb:
Value of Teaching Computer Science. 1-5 - Johan Van Niekerk:
Programming and Coding in Secondary Schools. 1-2 - Michael Weigend:
Programming Languages for Secondary Schools, Python. 1-9 - Torsten Brinda, Matthias Kramer:
Programming Languages for Secondary Schools, Java. 1-4 - Johan Van Niekerk:
Teaching with Computing, Educational Games. 1-2 - Yaacov J. Katz:
Mobile Computing and Mobile Learning. 1-6 - Yaacov J. Katz:
Social Media and Networks as Digital Instruction and Learning Platforms. 1-6 - Valentina Dagiene, Jari Koivisto:
International Olympiads in Informatics. 1-10 - Pieter Hogenbirk:
Implementation of ICT in Secondary Schools. 1-15 - Christine Bescherer:
Technologies in Mathematics Education. 1-14 - Bernat Romagosa i Carrasquer:
The Snap! Programming System. 1-10 - Bernat Romagosa i Carrasquer:
The Snap! Programming System. 1-10 - Bertold Kujath, Andreas Schwill:
Problem-Solving in Computer Science: Learning from a Gifted Peer. 1-16 - Rosa Bottino:
Computers in Primary Schools, Educational Games. 1-8 - Margarida Romero
Computers in Secondary Schools: Educational Games. 1-4 - Eric Bruillard:
Teaching Machines. 1-4 - Georges-Louis Baron:
Educational Resources, Hypermedia. 1-3 - Thomas Jekel, Inga Gryl:
Educational Resources, Geographical Information, Geomedia, and Learning. 1-15 - Iza Marfisi-Schottman:
Games in Higher Education. 1-9 - Sébastien George
Games, Simulations, Immersive Environments, and Emerging Technologies. 1-10 - Eric Sanchez, Herre van Oostendorp, Jan Dirk Fijnheer, Élise Lavoué:
Gamification. 1-11 - Eric Sanchez:
Game-Based Learning. 1-9 - Eric Sanchez:
Game-Based Learning. 1-9 - Sawsen Lakhal, Florian Meyer:
Blended Learning. 1-6 - Vanda Luengo:
Educational Assessment, Educational Data Mining, and Learning Analytics. 1-3 - Joanne Orlando:
WhatsApp for Electronic Feedback and Assessment. 1-5 - Amjad M. Abuloum:
E-Portfolio in Higher Education. 1-8 - Faten S. M. Abdel-Hameed:
Information Technology and Assessment. 1-6 - Kevin R. Parker, Joseph T. Chao, Robert F. Houghton:
Wikis as a Collaboration Tool. 1-10 - Kevin R. Parker, David V. Beard, Bill Davey:
Teaching Computer Languages in Universities. 1-5 - Arthur Tatnall:
The Ultranet. 1-7 - Arthur Tatnall:
Technological Innovation in ICT for Education. 1-14 - Paul Cesarini:
Creative Commons. 1-6 - Gi Woong Yun, Sung-Yeon Park:
Collaboration and Social Networking. 1-6 - Arthur Tatnall:
Beginnings of Computing in School Education in Australia. 1-7 - Arthur Tatnall:
The Birth of Information Systems Curricula in Victoria in Colleges of Advanced Education and Universities. 1-7 - Arthur Tatnall:
Bunyip: The Australian Educational Computer that Was Never Built. 1-7 - John Impagliazzo:
Why Teach History of Computing? 1-6 - Marianna Vivitsou:
Digital Storytelling in Teaching and Research. 1-16 - Eric Hamilton, Veera Kallunki:
Distributed Collaboration in Project-Based Learning and Its Assessment in Next-Generation Learning Environments. 1-14 - Jari Multisilta, Pauliina Tuomi:
Teaching and Learning Computational Thinking and Coding Skills. 1-9 - John Field:
Lifelong Learning for Working People. 1-11 - António José Osório:
Assisting Elderly Non-computer-Literate People with Computer-Based Communications. 1-4 - Ieda M. Santos:
BYOD in the Classroom: Opportunities, Issues, and Policies. 1-6 - Mpine Makoe, Thulile Shandu:
Mobile Learning and Ubiquitous Learning. 1-10 - Brad Mehlenbacher, Ashley Rose Mehlenbacher:
Distance Learning. 1-12 - Maggie Hartnett:
Flexible and Distance Learning. 1-11 - Timos Almpanis:
Classroom Use, Blended Learning. 1-5 - Arkendu Sen, Calvin K. C. Leong:
Technology-Enhanced Learning. 1-8 - Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul A. Kirschner:
Computer-Assisted Learning. 1-8 - Rebecca Lai-wah Tam:
Computer-Assisted Instruction, Changes in Educational Practice as a Result of Adoption of ICT. 1-7 - Marianthi Grizioti, Chronis Kynigos:
Computer-Based Learning, Computational Thinking, and Constructionist Approaches. 1-17 - Marianthi Grizioti, Chronis Kynigos:
Computer-Based Learning, Computational Thinking, and Constructionist Approaches. 1-17 - Juraj Hromkovic, Dennis Komm
, Regula Lacher, Jacqueline Staub:
Teaching with LOGO Philosophy. 1-9 - Miriam Judge:
Computer-Based Training and School ICT Adoption: A Sociocultural Perspective. 1-14 - Cornelia Connolly, Mayank Singh Parihar, Nicola Marsden:
Online Teaching, Emotions and Emoticons in Computer-Mediated Communication. 1-6 - Verónica Marín-Díaz:
ICT-Based Inclusive Education. 1-18 - Michael Tan
, Phillip A. Towndrow:
Educative Value of Digital Storytelling. 1-10 - Irene-Angelica Chounta:
Collaborative Learning and Patterns of Practice. 1-14 - Abdul Mutalib Bin Embong, Azelin Binti Mohamed Noor, Rj Ahmad Iskandar B. Rj Yaacob, Nur Arfah Bt Abdul Sabian, Mardhiyah e Ridzuan, Aizat Akmal Bin A. Mohamad Beddelee
E-Books Among Students, Advancements in Higher Education. 1-16 - Anita Juskeviciene, Don Passey
Computing Education, Outcomes of. 1-14 - Nina Abdul Razzak:
Leadership on Information Technology in Education. 1-16 - Sarah K. Howard:
Policy Rationales and Integration Rationales, Implications for Subject Area Teaching. 1-9 - Ricardo T. Bagarinao:
Science Education and Technology. 1-14 - Alison Clark-Wilson
Mathematics Education and Technology. 1-9 - Judith E. Riddell:
Literacy and Technology. 1-13 - Eugene F. Borokhovski
, Rana M. Tamim, Robert M. Bernard, Richard F. Schmid:
Promises and Prospects of Educational Technology, Evidence from Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. 1-18 - Cormac O'Keeffe:
International Reports (Including OECD). 1-8 - Nicola Yelland, Caja Gilbert:
Digital Technologies and Literacy Contexts for Young Indigenous Children. 1-16 - John Anderson:
Computers and Educational Improvement. 1-13 - Miri Shonfeld:
Intercultural Education in the Digital Age. 1-9 - Wayne Holmes:
Artificial Intelligence in Education. 1-16 - Jaana-Maija Koivisto:
Digital Simulations in Healthcare Education. 1-10 - Tuulikki Keskitalo, Hanna Vuojärvi, Heli Ruokamo:
Learning with Simulations in Healthcare. 1-12 - Daniel Spikol, Mutlu Cukurova:
Multimodal Learning Analytics. 1-8 - Rana M. Tamim, Eugene Borokhovski
, Robert M. Bernard:
Methodological Quality of Educational Technology Meta-Analyses. 1-20 - Michael Tan
Makerspaces. 1-9 - Tomayess Issa:
Social Networking in Higher Education. 1-17 - Christopher Leslie:
Pedagogical Possibilities for the History of Computing. 1-11 - Alan Strickley:
Attendance Records, Educational Management. 1-8 - Jorge Rodríguez-Díaz:
IT in Educational Institutions, Planning and Development of. 1-12 - Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias:
Support for School and Institutional Improvement and Accountability. 1-14 - Christopher Thorn:
Decision Support Systems and Knowledge Management in Education. 1-5 - Javier Osorio, Julia Nieves:
Human, Social, and Ethical Aspects of Information Technology Management Systems. 1-8 - Javier Osorio, Julia Nieves:
Security and Privacy of Information Technology Management Systems. 1-7 - Gary Cifuentes:
Information Technology for Local Education Authorities and School Districts, Use of. 1-8 - Estefania Osorio-Acosta:
Data Mining for Educational Management. 1-7 - Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias:
Computers in Education in Developing Countries: Managerial Issues. 1-11 - Ditte Kolbaek:
Problem-Based Learning Online. 1-18 - Jo Bird:
Educators and Children Perceiving Affordances with Working Technologies in Early Childhood Settings. 1-5 - Joanne Blannin, Duncan Symons:
Algorithmic Thinking in Primary Schools. 1-8 - Joanne Blannin:
Digital Media Boards in Primary Schools, Use of. 1-5 - Chris Tatnall:
School Management Software in a Primary School in Victoria, Use of. 1-8 - Kevin R. Parker, David V. Beard, Bill Davey:
Programming Language Selection for University Courses. 1-12 - Jonathan D. Holmes, Kevin R. Parker, Bill Davey, Joseph T. Chao:
Teaching Software Design Techniques in University Courses. 1-10 - David V. Beard:
Programming Languages for University Courses. 1-6 - Catherine Newington:
Capturing Learning Through Mobile Device Cameras. 1-5 - Jane Waite:
Design in K-5 Programming Projects, Role of. 1-12 - Matthew Harrison
, Roland Gesthuizen:
Shared Regulatory Planning in Minecraft. 1-14 - Cheng Ean Lee:
Facebook Use in Malaysian Higher Education Classroom. 1-8 - Sanju Saha, Santoshi Halder:
Assistive Technology and Inclusion: Philosophical Foundation. 1-8 - Michael Stinson, Magda Nikolaraizi:
Assisting People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Through Technology. 1-10 - Katerina Mavrou:
Assisting People with Physical Disabilities Through Technology. 1-12 - Vassilios Argyropoulos, John Ravenscroft:
Assisting People with Vision Impairments through Technology. 1-10 - Nigel Newbutt:
Assisting people with Autism Spectrum Disorder Through technology. 1-15 - Panayiota Stavroussi, Charalampos Karagiannidis:
Assisting Students with Intellectual Disability Through Technology. 1-8 - Tas Adam:
Assisting Students with Learning Disabilities Through Technology. 1-20 - Eleni Didaskalou:
Assisting Students with Attention Deficit Disorder Through Technology. 1-7 - Tamra Stambaugh, Jacob Pierce:
Assistive Technology and the Gifted Learner. 1-5 - Birgit Eickelmann, Kerstin Drossel:
Students' Computer Literacy and the Use of Tablets in Upper Secondary Schools. 1-13 - Toshinori Saito:
Educational Support on Computing and Informatics for Disadvantaged Groups, An Empowerment Perspective. 1-8 - Kelly Carabott, Amber McLeod:
Teacher Education, Thinking About ICT. 1-11 - Steve Kennewell:
Rationales for Information Technology in Schools, Historical Perspective. 1-7 - Deirdre Butler, Margaret Leahy, Michael Hallissy, Mark Brown:
MOOCs, Teacher Professional Learning and Deep Learning Conversations. 1-13 - Therese Keane:
Underrepresentation of Girls in Computing. 1-5 - Therese Keane
Robotics in Education. 1-8 - Hala Alrumaih:
Computing Curricular Report IT2017, A Summary. 1-8 - John Impagliazzo:
Computing Curricular Report CE2016, A Summary. 1-7 - Margaret L. Niess:
Restructuring Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching with Technologies with Online Professional Development. 1-10 - Chien-Hsing Wu:
Adoption of Innovative ICT-Enabled Systems for Analysis- and Intuition-Styled Teachers in Primary Schools. 1-12 - David John Lemay, Tenzin Doleck, Paul Bazelais:
Situative Perspective and Determinants of Technology Acceptance in Educational Technology. 1-3 - Arthur Tatnall:
Modeling the Process of Information Technology Innovation in Education. 1-9