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New Media & Society, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, 2019
- Tanja Aitamurto
Normative paradoxes in 360° journalism: Contested accuracy and objectivity. - Joseph Macey
, Juho Hamari
eSports, skins and loot boxes: Participants, practices and problematic behaviour associated with emergent forms of gambling. - Gili Vidan
, Vili Lehdonvirta:
Mine the gap: Bitcoin and the maintenance of trustlessness. - Bryce Clayton Newell
Context, visibility, and control: Police work and the contested objectivity of bystander video. - Florian Sprenger
The network is not the territory: On capturing mobile media. - Diana Rieger, Christoph Klimmt:
The daily dose of digital inspiration: A multi-method exploration of meaningful communication in social media. - Brooke Erin Duffy
, Ngai Keung Chan
"You never really know who's looking": Imagined surveillance across social media platforms. - Christian Pentzold
, Cornelia Brantner
, Lena Fölsche
Imagining big data: Illustrations of "big data" in US news articles, 2010-2016. - Michael Sülflow, Svenja Schäfer
, Stephan Winter
Selective attention in the news feed: An eye-tracking study on the perception and selection of political news posts on Facebook. - Dhiraj Murthy
, Sanjay Sharma
Visualizing YouTube's comment space: online hostility as a networked phenomena. - Michael Saker, Jordan Frith:
From hybrid space to dislocated space: Mobile virtual reality and a third stage of mobile media theory. - Liesel L. Sharabi
, John P. Caughlin:
Deception in online dating: Significance and implications for the first offline date. - Yanqin Lu
, Jae Kook Lee
Stumbling upon the other side: Incidental learning of counter-attitudinal political information on Facebook.
- Emily Sidnam-Mauch
Counting the costs and projecting the future of numbering technologies.
- Jonathan Cohn:
Book Review: We Are Data: Algorithms and the Making of Our Digital Selves. - Joshua Synenko:
Book review: Digital memory studies: Media pasts in transition.
Volume 21, Number 2, 2019
- Markus Ojala
, Mervi Pantti
, Salla-Maaria Laaksonen
Networked publics as agents of accountability: Online interactions between citizens, the media and immigration officials during the European refugee crisis. - Emma A. Bäck
, Hanna Bäck
, Annika Fredén
, Nils Gustafsson:
A social safety net? Rejection sensitivity and political opinion sharing among young people in social media. - Michael A. Stefanone, Zhiying Yue
, Zena Toh
A social cognitive approach to traditional media content and social media use: Selfie-related behavior as competitive strategy. - Mar Guerrero-Pico
, Maria-Jose Masanet
, Carlos Alberto Scolari
Toward a typology of young produsers: Teenagers' transmedia skills, media production, and narrative and aesthetic appreciation. - Alexander Jam Van Deursen
, Jan Agm van Dijk:
The first-level digital divide shifts from inequalities in physical access to inequalities in material access. - Jessica Baldwin-Philippi
The technological performance of populism. - Marcelo Alves dos Santos Jr, Diógenes Lycarião
, Jakson Alves de Aquino
The virtuous cycle of news sharing on Facebook: Effects of platform affordances and journalistic routines on news sharing. - Luci Pangrazio
, Neil Selwyn
'Personal data literacies': A critical literacies approach to enhancing understandings of personal digital data. - Cuihua Shen
, Mona Kasra
, Wenjing Pan, Grace A. Bassett, Yining Malloch, James F. O'Brien
Fake images: The effects of source, intermediary, and digital media literacy on contextual assessment of image credibility online. - Dennis Rosenberg
Use of e-government services in a deeply divided society: A test and an extension of the social inequality hypotheses. - Hernan Galperin, Malena Arcidiacono:
Learning from or leaning on? The impact of children on Internet use by adults. - David Myles
'Anne goes rogue for abortion rights!': Hashtag feminism and the polyphonic nature of activist discourse.
- Molly Sauter:
Innovation's fairylands.
- Alan MacLeod
Book review: Kill all normies: Online culture wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-right. - Martin J. Riedl
Book review: Custodians of the Internet: Platforms, Content Moderation, and the Hidden Decisions that Shape Social Media.
Volume 21, Number 3, 2019
- Leslie M. Meier
, Vincent Manzerolle
Rising tides? Data capture, platform accumulation, and new monopolies in the digital music economy. - Sebastian Scherr
, Mario Haim
, Florian Arendt:
Equal access to online information? Google's suicide-prevention disparities may amplify a global digital divide. - Antonis Kalogeropoulos
, Richard Fletcher
, Rasmus Kleis Nielsen:
News brand attribution in distributed environments: Do people know where they get their news? - Elizabeth Stoycheff, Juan Liu, Kai Xu, Kunto Adi Wibowo
Privacy and the Panopticon: Online mass surveillance's deterrence and chilling effects. - Xerxes Minocher
Online consumer activism: Challenging companies with Change.org. - Karina Rider, David Murakami Wood
Condemned to connection? Network communitarianism in Mark Zuckerberg's "Facebook Manifesto". - Sindy R. Sumter
, Laura Vandenbosch:
Dating gone mobile: Demographic and personality-based correlates of using smartphone-based dating applications among emerging adults. - Jeffrey A. Hall
, Rebecca M. Johnson
, Elaina M. Ross:
Where does the time go? An experimental test of what social media displaces and displaced activities' associations with affective well-being and quality of day. - Luke J. Heemsbergen
Killing secrets from Panama to Paradise: Understanding the ICIJ through bifurcating communicative and political affordances. - Simone Natale
If software is narrative: Joseph Weizenbaum, artificial intelligence and the biographies of ELIZA. - Noam Gal:
Ironic humor on social media as participatory boundary work. - F. Elizabeth Gray
, Kane Hopkins:
Transported: New Zealand non-profit organizations, digital platforms and the limitations of metaphor. - Alecea Standlee:
Friendship and online filtering: The use of social media to construct offline social networks.
- Jacob Euteneuer:
Defining games, designing identity, and developing toxicity: Future trends in game studies.
- Evan Lybrand:
Digital Countercultures and the Struggle for Community. - Jing Xian Yang:
K-pop Live: Fans, Idols, and Multimedia Performance.
Volume 21, Number 4, April 2019
- Liam Berriman
, Giovanna Mascheroni
Exploring the affordances of smart toys and connected play in practice. - John Wihbey, Kenneth Joseph
, David Lazer:
The social silos of journalism? Twitter, news media and partisan segregation. - Logan Molyneux
, Seth C. Lewis
, Avery E. Holton:
Media work, identity, and the motivations that shape branding practices among journalists: An explanatory framework. - Scott A. Eldridge II
"Thank god for Deadspin": Interlopers, metajournalistic commentary, and fake news through the lens of "journalistic realization". - Stephanie M. Ortiz
The meanings of racist and sexist trash talk for men of color: A cultural sociological approach to studying gaming culture. - Kelley Cotter
Playing the visibility game: How digital influencers and algorithms negotiate influence on Instagram. - Astrid Carolus
, Jens F. Binder
, Ricardo Muench, Catharina Schmidt, Florian Schneider, Sarah L. Buglass:
Smartphones as digital companions: Characterizing the relationship between users and their phones. - Valentine Crosset, Samuel Tanner, Aurélie Campana
Researching far right groups on Twitter: Methodological challenges 2.0. - Andrew R. N. Ross, Delia Dumitrescu
'Vox Twitterati': Investigating the effects of social media exemplars in online news articles. - Matti Minkkinen
Making the future by using the future: A study on influencing privacy protection rules through anticipatory storylines. - Jette Kofoed, Elisabeth Staksrud
'We always torment different people, so by definition, we are no bullies': The problem of definitions in cyberbullying research.
- Francesca Bolla Tripodi:
Radicalism, authoritarianism, and the role of new media.
- Kimberly Lynn Workman:
Book review: Reclaiming fair use: How to put balance back in copyright. - Víctor Ávila Torres
Book review: Streaming music: Practices, media, cultures.
Volume 21, Number 5, May 2019
- Eid Mohamed, Aziz Douai, Adel Iskandar:
Media, identity, and online communities in a changing Arab world.
- Mohamed Ben Moussa
Rap it up, share it up: Identity politics of youth "social" movement in Moroccan online rap music. - Saifuddin Ahmed
, Jaeho Cho:
The Internet and political (in)equality in the Arab world: A multi-country study of the relationship between Internet news use, press freedom, and protest participation. - Justin D. Martin, S. Shageaa Naqvi, Klaus Schoenbach:
Attribute substitution and stereotypes about the online Arab public sphere: Predictors of concerns about Internet surveillance in five Arab countries. - Norah Abokhodair, Adam Hodges:
Toward a transnational model of social media privacy: How young Saudi transnationals do privacy on Facebook. - Einar Thorsen
, Chindu Sreedharan
#EndMaleGuardianship: Women's rights, social media and the Arab public sphere. - Evronia Azer
, G. Harindranath
, Yingqin Zheng
Revisiting leadership in information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled activism: A study of Egypt's grassroots human rights groups.
Volume 21, Number 6, June 2019
- Cameron W. Piercy
, Sun Kyong Lee
A typology of job search sources: Exploring the changing nature of job search networks. - Frederik Dhaenens
, Jean Burgess
'Press play for pride': The cultural logics of LGBTQ-themed playlists on Spotify. - Tom Dobber
, Damian Trilling, Natali Helberger
, Claes H. de Vreese:
Spiraling downward: The reciprocal relation between attitude toward political behavioral targeting and privacy concerns. - Sally M. Gainsbury
, Matthew Browne
, Matthew J. Rockloff:
Identifying risky Internet use: Associating negative online experience with specific online behaviours. - Homero Gil de Zúñiga
, Trevor Diehl:
News finds me perception and democracy: Effects on political knowledge, political interest, and voting. - Judy Wajcman:
How Silicon Valley sets time. - Kaitlynn Mendes
, Jessalynn Keller, Jessica Ringrose
Digitized narratives of sexual violence: Making sexual violence felt and known through digital disclosures. - Scott J. Fatt
, Jasmine Fardouly
, Ronald M. Rapee
#malefitspo: Links between viewing fitspiration posts, muscular-ideal internalisation, appearance comparisons, body satisfaction, and exercise motivation in men. - Colin Koopman
Information before information theory: The politics of data beyond the perspective of communication. - Alex van der Zeeuw
, Alexander Jam Van Deursen
, Giedo Jansen:
Inequalities in the social use of the Internet of things: A capital and skills perspective. - Urszula Pruchniewska:
"A group that's just women for women": Feminist affordances of private Facebook groups for professionals. - Michael Wayne Kearney
Analyzing change in network polarization.
- Nune Grigoryan
It is not what we thought: New media and democracy.
- Stephanie J. Coopman:
Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality. - Thomas Conner
Robot Rights.
Volume 21, Number 7, July 2019
- Joseph Seering
, Tony Wang
, Jina Aris Yoon
, Geoff Kaufman:
Moderator engagement and community development in the age of algorithms. - Anne Mette Thorhauge
, Andreas Gregersen
Individual pastime or focused social interaction: Gendered gaming practices among Danish youth. - Sabina Mihelj
, Adrian Leguina
, John Downey:
Culture is digital: Cultural participation, diversity and the digital divide. - Felix Reer, Wai Yen Tang
, Thorsten Quandt
Psychosocial well-being and social media engagement: The mediating roles of social comparison orientation and fear of missing out. - Simin Kargar
, Adrian Rauchfleisch
State-aligned trolling in Iran and the double-edged affordances of Instagram. - Håkan Johansson, Gabriella Scaramuzzino:
The logics of digital advocacy: Between acts of political influence and presence. - Rachel Cohen
, Jasmine Fardouly
, Toby Newton-John, Amy Slater
#BoPo on Instagram: An experimental investigation of the effects of viewing body positive content on young women's mood and body image. - Genia Kostka:
China's social credit systems and public opinion: Explaining high levels of approval. - Jan Svelch
Resisting the perpetual update: Struggles against protocological power in video games. - Joanne Lloyd
, Sally Frost, Ignas Kuliesius, Claire Jones:
Locus of control and involvement in videogaming. - Jeffrey Layne Blevins
, James Jaehoon Lee
, Erin E. McCabe
, Ezra Edgerton:
Tweeting for social justice in #Ferguson: Affective discourse in Twitter hashtags.
- Kenneth W. Moffett
The presidency and social media: Discourse, disruption, and digital democracy in the 2016 presidential election. - Paul Candon:
Twitter: Social communication in the Twitter era. - Elaina Eakle:
Twitter and tear gas: The power and fragility of networked protest. - Rachel Plotnick:
Dot-com design: The rise of a usable, social, commercial web. - Lillian Boxman-Shabtai:
Social Media in Southeast Italy.
Volume 21, Number 8, August 2019
- Chao Chen
, Yu Bai
, Rui Wang:
Online political efficacy and political participation: A mediation analysis based on the evidence from Taiwan. - Adrian Athique
A great leap of faith: The cashless agenda in Digital India. - Yan Wu
, Matthew Wall
The ties that bind: How the dominance of WeChat combines with guanxi to inhibit and constrain China's contentious politics. - Kaylee Payne Kruzan
, Andrea Stevenson Won:
Embodied well-being through two media technologies: Virtual reality and social media. - Nicholas-Brie Guarriello
Never give up, never surrender: Game live streaming, neoliberal work, and personalized media economies. - Ana-Maria Bliuc
, John M. Betts
, Matteo Vergani, Muhammad Iqbal
, Kevin Dunn
Collective identity changes in far-right online communities: The role of offline intergroup conflict. - Abdul Rohman
Persistent connection and participation: New media use in post-peace movement Ambon, Indonesia. - Elizabeth Edenberg
, Meg Leta Jones:
Analyzing the legal roots and moral core of digital consent. - Nora A. Draper
, Joseph Turow:
The corporate cultivation of digital resignation. - Brendan R. Watson
, Zhao Peng, Seth C. Lewis
Who will intervene to save news comments? Deviance and social control in communities of news commenters. - Leopoldina Fortunati
, Anna Maria Manganelli, Filippo Cavallo
, Furio Honsell:
You need to show that you are not a robot.
- Lars Nyre:
IF ... THEN: Algorithmic power and politics. - Josh Lauer:
Paid: Tales of Dongles, Checks, and Other Money Stuff. - Barbara Ruth Burke
The Internet and the 2016 presidential campaign. - Caitlin Anderson
The Rise of Nerd Politics: Digital Activism and Political Change. - Logan Brown
The Politics of Mass Digitization.
Volume 21, Number 9, September 2019
- Leah Scolere
Brand yourself, design your future: Portfolio-building in the social media age. - Tim Squirrell
Platform dialectics: The relationships between volunteer moderators and end users on reddit. - Kaylan C. Schwarz
, Lisa Ann Richey
Humanitarian humor, digilantism, and the dilemmas of representing volunteer tourism on social media.