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NeuroImage, Volume 45
Volume 45, Number 1, March 2009
- Riikka J. Immonen, Irina Kharatishvili, Heidi Gröhn, Asla Pitkänen, Olli Gröhn:
Quantitative MRI predicts long-term structural and functional outcome after experimental traumatic brain injury. 1-9 - Nikki H. Stricker, B. C. Schweinsburg, Lisa Delano-Wood, Christina E. Wierenga, Katherine J. Bangen, K. Y. Haaland, Lawrence R. Frank, David P. Salmon, Mark W. Bondi:
Decreased white matter integrity in late-myelinating fiber pathways in Alzheimer's disease supports retrogenesis. 10-16 - Peter V. Kochunov, A. E. Ramage, Jack L. Lancaster, Donald A. Robin, Shalini Narayana
, Thomas R. Coyle, Donald Royall, Peter T. Fox
Loss of cerebral white matter structural integrity tracks the gray matter metabolic decline in normal aging. 17-28 - Loretxu Bergouignan
, Marie Chupin, Yvonne Czechowska, Serge Kinkingnéhun, Cédric Lemogne
, Guillaume Le Bastard, Martin D. Lepage, Line Garnero, Olivier Colliot
, Philippe Fossati:
Can voxel based morphometry, manual segmentation and automated segmentation equally detect hippocampal volume differences in acute depression? 29-37 - Stephan Ulmer, Michael Helle, Olav Jansen, H. Maximilian Mehdorn, Arya Nabavi:
Intraoperative dynamic susceptibility contrast weighted magnetic resonance imaging (iDSC-MRI) - Technical considerations and feasibility. 38-43 - Robyn Honea, Beth A. Verchinski, Lukas Pezawas
, Bhaskar S. Kolachana, Joseph H. Callicott
, Venkata S. Mattay, Daniel R. Weinberger, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Impact of interacting functional variants in COMT on regional gray matter volume in human brain. 44-51 - Donald G. McLaren, Kristopher J. Kosmatka, Terrance R. Oakes, Christopher D. Kroenke, Steven G. Kohama, John A. Matochik, Don K. Ingram, Sterling C. Johnson
A population-average MRI-based atlas collection of the rhesus macaque. 52-59 - Kerstin Bendfeldt, Pascal Kuster, Stefan Traud, Hanspeter Egger, Sebastian Winklhofer, Nicole Mueller-Lenke, Yvonne Naegelin, Achim Gass, Ludwig Kappos, Paul M. Matthews
, Thomas E. Nichols
, Ernst-Wilhelm Radue, Stefan J. Borgwardt
Association of regional gray matter volume loss and progression of white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis - A longitudinal voxel-based morphometry study. 60-67
- Tihomir P. Obrenovitch, Shangbin Chen, Eszter Farkas:
Simultaneous, live imaging of cortical spreading depression and associated cerebral blood flow changes, by combining voltage-sensitive dye and laser speckle contrast methods. NeuroImage 45(1): 68-74 (2009) - Jinhu Xiong
, Liangsuo Ma, Binquan Wang, Shalini Narayana
, Eugene P. Duff
, Gary F. Egan
, Peter T. Fox
Long-term motor training induced changes in regional cerebral blood flow in both task and resting states. 75-82 - Jodie R. Gawryluk
, Kimberly D. Brewer
, Steven D. Beyea
, Ryan C. N. D'Arcy:
Optimizing the detection of white matter fMRI using asymmetric spin echo spiral. 83-88 - Hervé Abdi
, Joseph P. Dunlop, Lynne J. Williams
How to compute reliability estimates and display confidence and tolerance intervals for pattern classifiers using the Bootstrap and 3-way multidimensional scaling (DISTATIS). 89-95 - Tina Rasmussen, Niels-Henrik Holstein-Rathlou
, Martin Lauritzen
Modeling neuro-vascular coupling in rat cerebellum: Characterization of deviations from linearity. 96-108 - Thomas C. Ferrée, Matthew R. Brier, John Hart Jr.
, Michael A. Kraut:
Space-time-frequency analysis of EEG data using within-subject statistical tests followed by sequential PCA. 109-121
- Angela Deutschländer, Thomas Stephan, Katharina Hüfner
, Judith Wagner, Martin Wiesmann, Michael Strupp, Thomas Brandt, Klaus Jahn
Imagined locomotion in the blind: An fMRI study. 122-128 - Hiroki Nakata, Kiwako Sakamoto
, Yukiko Honda, Hideki Mochizuki, Minoru Hoshiyama, Ryusuke Kakigi:
Centrifugal modulation of human LEP components to a task-relevant noxious stimulation triggering voluntary movement. 129-142 - Kacey Ballard, Brian Knutson
Dissociable neural representations of future reward magnitude and delay during temporal discounting. 143-150 - Lars Michels
, Raimund Kleiser, Marc H. E. de Lussanet, Rüdiger J. Seitz, Markus Lappe:
Brain activity for peripheral biological motion in the posterior superior temporal gyrus and the fusiform gyrus: Dependence on visual hemifield and view orientation. 151-159 - Marta Bianciardi, Masaki Fukunaga
, Peter van Gelderen, Silvina G. Horovitz
, Jacco A. de Zwart
, Jeff H. Duyn:
Modulation of spontaneous fMRI activity in human visual cortex by behavioral state. 160-168 - Audrey-Anne Dubé, Marco Duquette, Mathieu Roy, Franco Lepore, Gary Duncan, Pierre Rainville:
Brain activity associated with the electrodermal reactivity to acute heat pain. 169-180
- Graeme C. Schwindt, Sandra E. Black
Functional imaging studies of episodic memory in Alzheimer's disease: a quantitative meta-analysis. 181-190 - Sven C. Mueller
, Rachel Swainson, Georgina M. Jackson:
ERP indices of persisting and current inhibitory control: A study of saccadic task switching. 191-197 - Norbert Jausovec, Ksenija Jausovec:
Do women see things differently than men do? 198-207 - David C. Knight
, Najah S. Waters, Peter A. Bandettini:
Neural substrates of explicit and implicit fear memory. 208-214 - Kristine B. Walhovd
, Anders M. Fjell, Inge K. Amlien
, Ramune Grambaite
, Vidar Stenset, Atle Bjørnerud, Ivar Reinvang, Leif Gjerstad, Tone Cappelen, Paulina Due-Tønnessen
, Tormod Fladby
Multimodal imaging in mild cognitive impairment: Metabolism, morphometry and diffusion of the temporal-parietal memory network. 215-223 - Katharina Sass, Sören Krach
, Olga Sachs, Tilo Kircher
Lion - tiger - stripes: Neural correlates of indirect semantic priming across processing modalities. 224-236 - Daphna Bergerbest, John D. E. Gabrieli, Susan L. Whitfield-Gabrieli, Heesoo Kim, Glenn T. Stebbins, David A. Bennett, Debra A. Fleischman:
Age-associated reduction of asymmetry in prefrontal function and preservation of conceptual repetition priming. 237-246
Volume 45, Number 1, Supplement 1, March 2009
- Paul M. Thompson
, Michael I. Miller, Russell A. Poldrack, Thomas E. Nichols
, Jonathan E. Taylor, Keith J. Worsley, J. Tilak Ratnanather
Special Issue on Mathematics in Brain Imaging. S1-S2
- Jonathan H. Morra, Zhuowen Tu, Liana G. Apostolova, Amity E. Green
, Christina Avedissian, Sarah K. Madsen, Neelroop Parikshak
, Arthur W. Toga, Clifford R. Jack Jr.
, Norbert Schuff, Michael W. Weiner, Paul M. Thompson
, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative:
Automated mapping of hippocampal atrophy in 1-year repeat MRI data from 490 subjects with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and elderly controls. S3-S15 - Michael I. Miller, Anqi Qiu
The emerging discipline of Computational Functional Anatomy. S16-S39 - Laurent Younes
, Felipe Arrate, Michael I. Miller:
Evolutions equations in computational anatomy. S40-S50 - Anqi Qiu
, Marilyn S. Albert, Laurent Younes
, Michael I. Miller:
Time sequence diffeomorphic metric mapping and parallel transport track time-dependent shape changes. S51-S60 - Tom Vercauteren
, Xavier Pennec
, Aymeric Perchant, Nicholas Ayache:
Diffeomorphic demons: Efficient non-parametric image registration. S61-S72 - Sajjad Baloch, Christos Davatzikos
Morphological appearance manifolds in computational anatomy: Groupwise registration and morphological analysis. S73-S85 - Monica K. Hurdal
, Ken Stephenson:
Discrete conformal methods for cortical brain flattening. S86-S98 - Paul A. Yushkevich
Continuous medial representation of brain structures using the biharmonic PDE. S99-S110 - Christophe Lenglet
, Jennifer S. W. Campbell, Maxime Descoteaux, Gloria Haro
, Peter Savadjiev, Demian Wassermann, Alfred Anwander
, Rachid Deriche
, G. Bruce Pike
, Guillermo Sapiro, Kaleem Siddiqi
, Paul M. Thompson
Mathematical methods for diffusion MRI processing. S111-S122 - Marc Niethammer, Christopher Zach, John Melonakos, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Near-tubular fiber bundle segmentation for diffusion weighted imaging: Segmentation through frame reorientation. S123-S132 - Casey Goodlett, P. Thomas Fletcher, John H. Gilmore, Guido Gerig
Group analysis of DTI fiber tract statistics with application to neurodevelopment. S133-S142 - P. Thomas Fletcher, Suresh Venkatasubramanian
, Sarang C. Joshi:
The geometric median on Riemannian manifolds with application to robust atlas estimation. S143-S152 - Angelos Barmpoutis
, Min-Sig Hwang, Dena Howland
, John R. Forder, Baba C. Vemuri:
Regularized positive-definite fourth order tensor field estimation from DW-MRI. S153-S162 - Vince D. Calhoun
, Jingyu Liu
, Tülay Adali:
A review of group ICA for fMRI data and ICA for joint inference of imaging, genetic, and ERP data. S163-S172 - Mark William Woolrich
, Saâd Jbabdi, Brian Patenaude, Michael A. Chappell
, Salima Makni, Timothy Behrens
, Christian F. Beckmann
, Mark Jenkinson
, Stephen M. Smith
Bayesian analysis of neuroimaging data in FSL. S173-S186 - Martin A. Lindquist, Ji Meng Loh, Lauren Y. Atlas
, Tor D. Wager:
Modeling the hemodynamic response function in fMRI: Efficiency, bias and mis-modeling. S187-S198 - Francisco Pereira, Tom M. Mitchell, Matthew M. Botvinick:
Machine learning classifiers and fMRI: A tutorial overview. S199-S209 - Tor D. Wager, Martin A. Lindquist, Thomas E. Nichols
, Hedy Kober
, Jared X. Van Snellenberg
Evaluating the consistency and specificity of neuroimaging data using meta-analysis. S210-S221
Volume 45, Number 2, April 2009
- Per Borghammer
, Paul Cumming
, Joel Aanerud, Albert Gjedde
Artefactual subcortical hyperperfusion in PET studies normalized to global mean: Lessons from Parkinson's disease. 249-257 - Gerhard Gründer:
"Absolute" or "relative": Choosing the right outcome measure in neuroimaging. 258-259 - Yilong Ma
, Chengke Tang, James Ralph Moeller, David Eidelberg
Abnormal regional brain function in Parkinson's disease: truth or fiction? 260-266
- Viviane Bouilleret, R. Edward Hogan
, Dennis Velakoulis, Michael R. Salzberg, Lei Wang
, Gary F. Egan
, Terence J. O'Brien
, Nigel C. Jones
Morphometric abnormalities and hyperanxiety in genetically epileptic rats: A model of psychiatric comorbidity? 267-274 - Tzung Lieh Yeh, I. Hui Lee, Kao Chin Chen, Po See Chen, Wei Jen Yao, Yen Kuang Yang, Nan-Tsing Chiu, Ru Band Lu:
The relationships between daily life events and the availabilities of serotonin transporters and dopamine transporters in healthy volunteers - A dual-isotope SPECT study. 275-279 - Jan Kalbitzer, Vibe G. Frokjaer
, David Erritzoe
, Claus Svarer
, Paul Cumming
, Finn Årup Nielsen
, Sayed H. Hashemi, William F. C. Baaré
, Jacob Madsen, Steen Gregers Hasselbalch
, Morten L. Kringelbach
, Erik L. Mortensen
, Gitte Moos Knudsen
The personality trait openness is related to cerebral 5-HTT levels. 280-285 - Xiaolei Chen
, Daniel Weigel, Oliver Ganslandt, Michael Buchfelder, Christopher Nimsky
Prediction of visual field deficits by diffusion tensor imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. 286-297 - Moira L. Steyn-Ross, D. A. Steyn-Ross, Marcus T. Wilson, James W. Sleigh:
Modeling brain activation patterns for the default and cognitive states. 298-311 - Manabu Kinoshita
, Naoya Hashimoto, Tetsu Goto, Takufumi Yanagisawa, Yoshiko Okita, Naoki Kagawa, Haruhiko Kishima, Hisashi Tanaka
, Norihiko Fujita, Eku Shimosegawa, Jun Hatazawa, Toshiki Yoshimine:
Use of fractional anisotropy for determination of the cut-off value in 11C-methionine positron emission tomography for glioma. 312-318 - Sebastian Olbrich
, Christoph Mulert
, Susanne Karch, Maja Trenner, Gregor Leicht
, Oliver Pogarell, Ulrich Hegerl
EEG-vigilance and BOLD effect during simultaneous EEG/fMRI measurement. 319-332
- John Ashburner
, Karl J. Friston
Computing average shaped tissue probability templates. 333-341 - Anne-Mari Vitikainen, Pantelis Lioumis
, Ritva Paetau, Eero Salli, S. Komssi, Liisa Metsähonkala, A. Paetau, Dubravko Kicic
, Göran Blomstedt, Leena Valanne
, Jyrki P. Mäkelä, Eija Gaily:
Combined use of non-invasive techniques for improved functional localization for a selected group of epilepsy surgery candidates. 342-348 - Mohamed L. Seghier
, Cathy J. Price:
Dissociating functional brain networks by decoding the between-subject variability. 349-359 - Corey M. McCann, Peter Waterman, Jose-Luiz Figueiredo, Elena Aikawa
, Ralph Weissleder
, John W. Chen:
Combined magnetic resonance and fluorescence imaging of the living mouse brain reveals glioma response to chemotherapy. 360-369 - Aristotle N. Voineskos
, Lauren J. O'Donnell
, Nancy J. Lobaugh, Douglas Markant, Stephanie Ameis
, Marc Niethammer, Benoit H. Mulsant
, Bruce G. Pollock, James L. Kennedy, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Martha Elizabeth Shenton:
Quantitative examination of a novel clustering method using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor tractography. 370-376 - Jonathan D. Clayden
, Amos J. Storkey, Susana Muñoz Maniega
, Mark E. Bastin
Reproducibility of tract segmentation between sessions using an unsupervised modelling-based approach. 377-385 - Matthew M. Cheung, Edward S. Hui
, Kevin C. Chan, Joseph A. Helpern, Liqun Qi
, Ed X. Wu
Does diffusion kurtosis imaging lead to better neural tissue characterization? A rodent brain maturation study. 386-392 - Yusuke Fujiwara, Okito Yamashita, Dai Kawawaki, Kenji Doya
, Mitsuo Kawato, Keisuke Toyama
, Masa-aki Sato:
A hierarchical Bayesian method to resolve an inverse problem of MEG contaminated with eye movement artifacts. 393-409 - Harsha Radhakrishnan, Wim Vanduffel, Hongping Deng, Leeland Ekstrom, David A. Boas, Maria Angela Franceschini:
Fast optical signal not detected in awake behaving monkeys. 410-419 - Joy Liau, Thomas T. Liu
Inter-subject variability in hypercapnic normalization of the BOLD fMRI response. 420-430 - David W. Shattuck, Gautam Prasad, Mubeena Mirza, Katherine L. Narr, Arthur W. Toga:
Online resource for validation of brain segmentation methods. 431-439 - Matthew J. Brookes
, Jiri Vrba, Karen J. Mullinger
, Gerða Björk Geirsdóttir, Winston X. Yan, Claire M. Stevenson, Richard Bowtell
, Peter G. Morris:
Source localisation in concurrent EEG/fMRI: Applications at 7T. 440-452
- Chun-Chuan Chen
, Richard N. A. Henson, Klaas E. Stephan
, James M. Kilner
, Karl J. Friston
Forward and backward connections in the brain: A DCM study of functional asymmetries. 453-462 - Michael Risner
, Christopher J. Aura, James E. Black, Timothy J. Gawne:
The Visual Evoked Potential is independent of surface alpha rhythm phase. 463-469 - Kristen A. Ford, Joseph S. Gati, Ravi S. Menon
, Stefan Everling
BOLD fMRI activation for anti-saccades in nonhuman primates. 470-476 - Eishi Asano
, Masaaki Nishida, Miho Fukuda, Robert Rothermel, Csaba Juhász, Sandeep Sood:
Differential visually-induced gamma-oscillations in human cerebral cortex. 477-489 - Jun Yao, Albert Chen, Carolina Carmona
, Julius P. A. Dewald:
Cortical overlap of joint representations contributes to the loss of independent joint control following stroke. 490-499 - Laura Mancini
, Olga Ciccarelli
, F. Manfredonia, John S. Thornton
, Federica Agosta
, Frederik Barkhof
, Christian F. Beckmann
, Nicola De Stefano
, Christian Enzinger, Franz Fazekas, Massimo Filippi
, Achim Gass, Jochen G. Hirsch, Heidi Johansen-Berg
, Ludwig Kappos, T. Korteweg, S. C. Manson, S. Marino, Paul M. Matthews
, Xavier Montalban
, Jackie Palace, Chris Polman, Maria Assunta Rocca
, Stefan Ropele, Alex Rovira, C. Wegner, Karl J. Friston
, Alan J. Thompson
, Tarek A. Yousry:
Short-term adaptation to a simple motor task: A physiological process preserved in multiple sclerosis. 500-511 - Claudio Babiloni
, Claudio Del Percio, Paolo Maria Rossini, Nicola Marzano, Marco Iacoboni, Francesco Infarinato
, Roberta Lizio
, Marina Piazza, Mirella Pirritano, Giovanna Berlutti, Giuseppe Cibelli
, Fabrizio Eusebi:
Judgment of actions in experts: A high-resolution EEG study in elite athletes. 512-521 - David R. Andresen, Joakim Vinberg, Kalanit Grill-Spector
The representation of object viewpoint in human visual cortex. 522-536
- Antonino Vallesi
, Anthony Randal McIntosh
, Michael P. Alexander, Donald T. Stuss:
FMRI evidence of a functional network setting the criteria for withholding a response. 537-548 - Ulrich Ettinger
, Steven C. R. Williams
, Dhanesh Patel, Tanja M. Michel
, Agwawumma Nwaigwe, Alejandro Cáceres
, Mitul A. Mehta, Anantha P. Anilkumar, Veena Kumari
Effects of acute nicotine on brain function in healthy smokers and non-smokers: Estimation of inter-individual response heterogeneity. 549-561 - Kaia L. Vilberg, Michael D. Rugg:
An investigation of the effects of relative probability of old and new test items on the neural correlates of successful and unsuccessful source memory. 562-571 - Bénédicte Léonard, Marie-Pierre de Partz, Cécile B. Grandin, Agnesa Pillon:
Domain-specific reorganization of semantic processing after extensive damage to the left temporal lobe. 572-586 - Hiroyuki Tsubomi, Takashi Ikeda, Takashi Hanakawa, Nobuyuki Hirose, Hidenao Fukuyama, Naoyuki Osaka:
Connectivity and signal intensity in the parieto-occipital cortex predicts top-down attentional effect in visual masking: An fMRI study based on individual differences. 587-597 - Martin Fink, Wolfgang Wadsak
, Markus Savli, Patrycja Stein, Ulrike Moser, Andreas Hahn
, Leonhard-Key Mien, Kurt Kletter, Markus Mitterhauser
, Siegfried Kasper
, Rupert Lanzenberger
Lateralization of the serotonin-1A receptor distribution in language areas revealed by PET. 598-605 - Stefan Bode
, John-Dylan Haynes:
Decoding sequential stages of task preparation in the human brain. 606-613 - Amy Krain Roy, Zarrar Shehzad, Daniel S. Margulies
, Clare Kelly
, Lucina Q. Uddin
, Kristin Gotimer, Bharat B. Biswal
, F. Xavier Castellanos
, Michael P. Milham:
Functional connectivity of the human amygdala using resting state fMRI. 614-626 - Lily Riggs, Sandra N. Moses, Timothy Bardouille, Anthony T. Herdman
, Bernhard Ross
, Jennifer D. Ryan:
A complementary analytic approach to examining medial temporal lobe sources using magnetoencephalography. 627-642
- Richard D. Lane, Kateri McRae, Eric Reiman, Kewei Chen
, Geoffrey L. Ahern, Julian F. Thayer:
Corrigendum to "Neural correlates of heart rate variability during emotion" [NeuroImage 44 (2009) 213-222]. 643-644
Volume 45, Number 3, April 2009
- Alex D. Leow, Igor Yanovsky, Neelroop Parikshak, Xue Hua, Suh Lee, Arthur W. Toga, Clifford R. Jack Jr.
, Matt A. Bernstein
, Paula J. Britson, Jeffrey L. Gunter, Chadwick P. Ward, Bret J. Borowski, Leslie M. Shaw, John Q. Trojanowski, Adam Fleisher, Danielle J. Harvey, John Kornak, Norbert Schuff, Gene E. Alexander, Michael W. Weiner, Paul M. Thompson
, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative:
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: A one-year follow up study using tensor-based morphometry correlating degenerative rates, biomarkers and cognition. 645-655 - Anqi Qiu
, Christine Fennema-Notestine
, Anders M. Dale, Michael I. Miller:
Regional shape abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. 656-661 - Jason S. Schneiderman, Monte S. Buchsbaum, M. Mehmet Haznedar, Erin A. Hazlett, Adam M. Brickman, Lina Shihabuddin, Jesse G. Brand, Yuliya Torosjan, Randall E. Newmark, Emily L. Canfield, Cheuk Y. Tang
, Jonathan Aronowitz, Reshmi Paul-Odouard, Patrick R. Hof:
Age and diffusion tensor anisotropy in adolescent and adult patients with schizophrenia. 662-671 - Eileen Luders, Arthur W. Toga, Natasha Leporé, Christian Gaser
The underlying anatomical correlates of long-term meditation: Larger hippocampal and frontal volumes of gray matter. 672-678 - Scott C. Kolbe
, Caron Chapman, Thanh Nguyen, Clare Bajraszewski, Leigh A. Johnston
, Michael Kean, Peter Mitchell, Mark Paine, Helmut Butzkueven
, Trevor J. Kilpatrick
, Gary F. Egan
Optic nerve diffusion changes and atrophy jointly predict visual dysfunction after optic neuritis. 679-686 - Kuo-Hsing Ma, Wen-Sheng Huang, Yu-Yeh Kuo, Chi-Jiun Peng
, Nien-Hsien Liou, Ren-Shyan Liu, Jeng-Jong Hwang, Jiang-Chuan Liu, Haw-Jan Chen, Chyng-Yann Shiue:
Validation of 4-[18F]-ADAM as a SERT imaging agent using micro-PET and autoradiography. 687-693 - Changwei W. Wu
, Hong Gu, Hanbing Lu, Elliot A. Stein, Jyh-Horng Chen, Yihong Yang:
Mapping functional connectivity based on synchronized CMRO2 fluctuations during the resting state. 694-701 - Stefano Magon
, Gianpaolo Basso
, Paolo Farace
, Giuseppe Kenneth Ricciardi
, Alberto Beltramello, Andrea Sbarbati:
Reproducibility of BOLD signal change induced by breath holding. 702-712 - Simon F. Eskildsen
, Lasse Riis Østergaard
, Anders B. Rodell, Leif Østergaard
, Jørgen E. Nielsen, Adrian M. Isaacs, Peter Johannsen
Cortical volumes and atrophy rates in FTD-3 CHMP2B mutation carriers and related non-carriers. 713-721
- Claudia Hemmelmann, M. Ungureanu, Wolfram Hesse, Torsten Wüstenberg
, Jürgen R. Reichenbach
, Otto W. Witte
, Herbert Witte, Lutz Leistritz:
Modelling and analysis of time-variant directed interrelations between brain regions based on BOLD-signals. 722-737 - Defeng Wang, Lin Shi
, Winnie C. W. Chu
, Tomás Paus, Jack Chun Yiu Cheng
, Pheng-Ann Heng
A comparison of morphometric techniques for studying the shape of the corpus callosum in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. 738-748 - Mauro Costagli
, R. Allen Waggoner
, Kenichi Ueno, Keiji Tanaka
, Kang Cheng:
Correction of 3D rigid body motion in fMRI time series by independent estimation of rotational and translational effects in k-space. 749-757 - Alejandro Cáceres
, Deanna L. Hall, Fernando O. Zelaya
, Steven C. R. Williams
, Mitul A. Mehta:
Measuring fMRI reliability with the intra-class correlation coefficient. 758-768 - Uicheul Yoon, Vladimir S. Fonov
, Daniel Perusse, Alan C. Evans
, Brain Development Cooperative Group:
The effect of template choice on morphometric analysis of pediatric brain data. 769-777 - George Andrew James
, Mary E. Kelley, R. Cameron Craddock
, Paul E. Holtzheimer, Boadie W. Dunlop
, Charles B. Nemeroff
, Helen S. Mayberg, Xiaoping Philip Hu
Exploratory structural equation modeling of resting-state fMRI: Applicability of group models to individual subjects. 778-787 - Quan Zhang, Gary Strangman
, Giorgio Ganis
Adaptive filtering to reduce global interference in non-invasive NIRS measures of brain activation: How well and when does it work? 788-794 - Adrian R. Groves, Michael A. Chappell
, Mark William Woolrich
Combined spatial and non-spatial prior for inference on MRI time-series. 795-809 - Gholamreza Salimi Khorshidi, Stephen M. Smith
, John Keltner, Tor D. Wager, Thomas E. Nichols
Meta-analysis of neuroimaging data: A comparison of image-based and coordinate-based pooling of studies. 810-823