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Management Science, Volume 48
Volume 48, Number 1, January 2002
- David C. Mowery, Scott Shane:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Introduction to the Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer. v-ix - Wesley M. Cohen, Richard R. Nelson, John P. Walsh:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Links and Impacts: The Influence of Public Research on Industrial R&D. 1-23 - Jason Owen-Smith
, Massimo Riccaboni, Fabio Pammolli, Walter W. Powell:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: A Comparison of U.S. and European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences. 24-43 - Ajay Agrawal, Rebecca Henderson:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Putting Patents in Context: Exploring Knowledge Transfer from MIT. 44-60 - Jeannette Colyvas, Michael Crow, Annetine Gelijns, Roberto Mazzoleni, Richard R. Nelson, Nathan Rosenberg, Bhaven N. Sampat
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: How Do University Inventions Get Into Practice? 61-72 - Jerry G. Thursby, Marie C. Thursby:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Who Is Selling the Ivory Tower? Sources of Growth in University Licensing. 90-104 - Maryann Feldman, Irwin Feller, Janet Bercovitz, Richard Burton:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Equity and the Technology Transfer Strategies of American Research Universities. 105-121 - Scott Shane:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Selling University Technology: Patterns from MIT. 122-137 - Lynne G. Zucker, Michael R. Darby, Jeff S. Armstrong:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Commercializing Knowledge: University Science, Knowledge Capture, and Firm Performance in Biotechnology. 138-153 - Scott Shane, Toby E. Stuart:
Special Issue on University Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: Organizational Endowments and the Performance of University Start-ups. 154-170
Volume 48, Number 2, February 2002
- Andrew A. King, Christopher L. Tucci
Incumbent Entry into New Market Niches: The Role of Experience and Managerial Choice in the Creation of Dynamic Capabilities. 171-186 - Teck-Hua Ho, Sergei V. Savin
, Christian Terwiesch:
Managing Demand and Sales Dynamics in New Product Diffusion Under Supply Constraint. 187-206 - Noah Gans:
Customer Loyalty and Supplier Quality Competition. 207-221 - Namwoon Kim
, Jin K. Han
, Rajendra K. Srivastava
A Dynamic IT Adoption Model for the SOHO Market: PC Generational Decisions with Technological Expectations. 222-240 - S. Rajagopalan:
Make to Order or Make to Stock: Model and Application. 241-256 - Rune Stenbacka, Mihkel Tombak:
Investment, Capital Structure, and Complementarities Between Debt and New Equity. 257-272 - James R. Bradley
, Peter W. Glynn:
Managing Capacity and Inventory Jointly in Manufacturing Systems. 273-288 - Andrew King, Michael J. Lenox:
Exploring the Locus of Profitable Pollution Reduction. 289-299 - Ki Ling Cheung, Hau L. Lee:
The Inventory Benefit of Shipment Coordination and Stock Rebalancing in a Supply Chain. 300-306 - Kenneth F. Reinschmidt:
Aggregate Social Discount Rate Derived from Individual Discount Rates. 307-312
Volume 48, Number 3, March 2002
- V. Krishnan, Shantanu Bhattacharya
Technology Selection and Commitment in New Product Development: The Role of Uncertainty and Design Flexibility. 313-327 - Stefanos A. Zenios:
Optimal Control of a Paired-Kidney Exchange Program. 328-342 - Ming Ding, Jehoshua Eliashberg:
Structuring the New Product Development Pipeline. 343-363 - Scott Shane, Daniel Cable:
Network Ties, Reputation, and the Financing of New Ventures. 364-381 - Satish Nambisan
Complementary Product Integration by High-Technology New Ventures: The Role of Initial Technology Strategy. 382-398 - Alexandar Angelus, Evan L. Porteus:
Simultaneous Capacity and Production Management of Short-Life-Cycle, Produce-to-Stock Goods Under Stochastic Demand. 399-413 - Kamran Moinzadeh:
A Multi-Echelon Inventory System with Information Exchange. 414-426 - Bob Korkie, Harry J. Turtle:
A Mean-Variance Analysis of Self-Financing Portfolios. 427-443 - Osman Ogtildeuz:
Generalized Column Generation for Linear Programming. 444-452
Volume 48, Number 4, April 2002
- Richard M. Cyert, Sok-Hyon Kang, Praveen Kumar
Corporate Governance, Takeovers, and Top-Management Compensation: Theory and Evidence. 453-469 - William J. Breen, Laurie Simon Hodrick, Robert A. Korajczyk
Predicting Equity Liquidity. 470-483 - Laurie J. Kirsch, V. Sambamurthy, Dong-Gil Ko
, Russell L. Purvis:
Controlling Information Systems Development Projects: The View from the Client. 484-498 - Jing-Sheng Song:
Order-Based Backorders and Their Implications in Multi-Item Inventory Systems. 499-516 - Diwakar Gupta, Yigal Gerchak:
Quantifying Operational Synergies in a Merger/Acquisition. 517-533 - Eric K. Clemons, Il-Horn Hann, Lorin M. Hitt:
Price Dispersion and Differentiation in Online Travel: An Empirical Investigation. 534-549 - Dimitris Bertsimas, Ramazan Demir:
An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Multidimensional Knapsack Problems. 550-565 - Ety Zohar, Avishai Mandelbaum, Nahum Shimkin:
Adaptive Behavior of Impatient Customers in Tele-Queues: Theory and Empirical Support. 566-583 - Wen-Chyuan Chiang
, Panagiotis Kouvelis
, Timothy L. Urban:
Incorporating Workflow Interference in Facility Layout Design: The Quartic Assignment Problem. 584-590
Volume 48, Number 5, May 2002
- Paul F. Zantek, Gordon P. Wright, Robert D. Plante:
Process and Product Improvement in Manufacturing Systems with Correlated Stages. 591-606 - James T. Treharne, Charles R. Sox:
Adaptive Inventory Control for Nonstationary Demand and Partial Information. 607-624 - Hatem Ben Ameur, Michèle Breton, Pierre L'Ecuyer
A Dynamic Programming Procedure for Pricing American-Style Asian Options. 625-643 - Srinagesh Gavirneni
Information Flows in Capacitated Supply Chains with Fixed Ordering Costs. 644-651 - Abraham Grosfeld-Nir, Yigal Gerchak:
Multistage Production to Order with Rework Capability. 652-664 - Jun-ya Gotoh, Hiroshi Konno:
Bounding Option Prices by Semidefinite Programming: A Cutting Plane Algorithm. 665-678 - Saifallah Benjaafar:
Modeling and Analysis of Congestion in the Design of Facility Layouts. 679-704 - Mei Xue, Patrick T. Harker:
Note: Ranking DMUs with Infeasible Super-Efficiency DEA Models. 705-710
Volume 48, Number 6, June 2002
- Kip Smith, John Dickhaut, Kevin McCabe, José V. Pardo:
Neuronal Substrates for Choice Under Ambiguity, Risk, Gains, and Losses. 711-718 - Hau L. Lee, Seungjin Whang:
The Impact of the Secondary Market on the Supply Chain. 719-731 - Lorin M. Hitt, Frances X. Frei:
Do Better Customers Utilize Electronic Distribution Channels? The Case of PC Banking. 732-748 - Robert S. Garfinkel, Ram D. Gopal
, Paulo B. Góes:
Privacy Protection of Binary Confidential Data Against Deterministic, Stochastic, and Insider Threat. 749-764 - Rik Pieters, Luk Warlop
, Michel Wedel:
Breaking Through the Clutter: Benefits of Advertisement Originality and Familiarity for Brand Attention and Memory. 765-781 - Vincent L. Barker, George C. Mueller:
CEO Characteristics and Firm R&D Spending. 782-801 - Han Bleichrodt, Ulrich Schmidt:
A Context-Dependent Model of the Gambling Effect. 802-812 - Duane Christ, Benjamin Avi-Itzhak:
Strategic Equilibrium for a Pair of Competing Servers with Convex Cost and Balking. 813-820
Volume 48, Number 7, July 2002
- Eric von Hippel, Ralph Katz:
Shifting Innovation to Users via Toolkits. 821-833 - Anita M. McGahan
, Michael E. Porter:
What Do We Know About Variance in Accounting Profitability? 834-851 - Milton Harris, Artur Raviv:
Organization Design. 852-865 - Julie Smith David
, Yuhchang Hwang, Buck K. W. Pei, J. Hal Reneau:
The Performance Effects of Congruence Between Product Competitive Strategies and Purchasing Management Design. 866-885 - Anil Arya
, Jonathan Glover, Bryan R. Routledge:
Project Assignment Rights and Incentives for Eliciting Ideas. 886-899 - Nicolaj Siggelkow:
Misperceiving Interactions Among Complements and Substitutes: Organizational Consequences. 900-916 - Jérôme Detemple, Weidong Tian:
The Valuation of American Options for a Class of Diffusion Processes. 917-937 - Donald Gerwin, Nicholas J. Barrowman
An Evaluation of Research on Integrated Product Development. 938-953
Volume 48, Number 8, August 2002
- Eric T. Anderson:
Sharing the Wealth: When Should Firms Treat Customers as Partners? 955-971 - Wilfred Amaldoss, Sanjay Jain
David vs. Goliath: An Analysis of Asymmetric Mixed-Strategy Games and Experimental Evidence. 972-991 - Terry A. Taylor:
Supply Chain Coordination Under Channel Rebates with Sales Effort Effects. 992-1007 - Michael T. Pich, Christoph H. Loch, Arnoud De Meyer
On Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Complexity in Project Management. 1008-1023 - Rajshree Agarwal, Barry L. Bayus:
The Market Evolution and Sales Takeoff of Product Innovations. 1024-1041 - Gary L. Lilien, Pamela D. Morrison, Kathleen Searls, Mary Sonnack, Eric von Hippel:
Performance Assessment of the Lead User Idea-Generation Process for New Product Development. 1042-1059 - Daniel Solow, George L. Vairaktarakis, Sandy Kristin Piderit, Ming-Chi Tsai
Managerial Insights into the Effects of Interactions on Replacing Members of a Team. 1060-1073 - Moshe Leshno, Haim Levy:
Preferred by "All" and Preferred by "Most" Decision Makers: Almost Stochastic Dominance. 1074-1085 - S. G. Kou
A Jump-Diffusion Model for Option Pricing. 1086-1101
Volume 48, Number 9, September 2002
- Hubert Gatignon, Michael L. Tushman, Wendy K. Smith, Philip Anderson:
A Structural Approach to Assessing Innovation: Construct Development of Innovation Locus, Type, and Characteristics. 1103-1122 - Sanjay Jain
, P. K. Kannan:
Pricing of Information Products on Online Servers: Issues, Models, and Analysis. 1123-1142 - Greg Shaffer, Z. John Zhang
Competitive One-to-One Promotions. 1143-1160 - Thomas W. Archibald
, Lyn C. Thomas
, J. M. Betts, R. B. Johnston:
Should Start-up Companies Be Cautious? Inventory Policies Which Maximise Survival Probabilities. 1161-1174 - Jonathan D. Bohlmann
, Peter N. Golder, Debanjan Mitra:
Deconstructing the Pioneer's Advantage: Examining Vintage Effects and Consumer Valuations of Quality and Variety. 1175-1195 - Lode Li:
Information Sharing in a Supply Chain with Horizontal Competition. 1196-1212 - Ulrich W. Thonemann
, Alex O. Brown, Warren H. Hausman:
Easy Quantification of Improved Spare Parts Inventory Policies. 1213-1225
Volume 48, Number 10, October 2002
- Christoph H. Loch, Stylianos Kavadias:
Dynamic Portfolio Selection of NPD Programs Using Marginal Returns. 1227-1241 - Pradeep K. Chintagunta
, André Bonfrer, Inseong Song:
Investigating the Effects of Store-Brand Introduction on Retailer Demand and Pricing Behavior. 1242-1267 - Kathy A. Paulson Gjerde, Susan A. Slotnick, Matthew J. Sobel:
New Product Innovation with Multiple Features and Technology Constraints. 1268-1284 - Stephen J. Mezias, Ya-Ru Chen, Patrice R. Murphy:
Aspiration-Level Adaptation in an American Financial Services Organization: A Field Study. 1285-1300 - Tridas Mukhopadhyay, Sunder Kekre:
Strategic and Operational Benefits of Electronic Integration in B2B Procurement Processes. 1301-1313 - Gérard P. Cachon, Patrick T. Harker:
Competition and Outsourcing with Scale Economies. 1314-1333 - Moshe Levy, Haim Levy:
Prospect Theory: Much Ado About Nothing? 1334-1349 - Kamel Jedidi, Z. John Zhang
Augmenting Conjoint Analysis to Estimate Consumer Reservation Price. 1350-1368
Volume 48, Number 11, November 2002
- William S. Lovejoy, Ying Li:
Hospital Operating Room Capacity Expansion. 1369-1387 - Gustavo J. Vulcano
, Garrett J. van Ryzin, Costis Maglaras:
Optimal Dynamic Auctions for Revenue Management. 1388-1407 - Soon Ang, Sandra Slaughter, Kok-Yee Ng:
Human Capital and Institutional Determinants of Information Technology Compensation: Modeling Multilevel and Cross-Level Interactions. 1427-1445 - Lap Mui Ann Chan, Ana Muriel, Zuo-Jun Max Shen
, David Simchi-Levi, Chung-Piaw Teo
Effective Zero-Inventory-Ordering Policies for the Single-Warehouse Multiretailer Problem with Piecewise Linear Cost Structures. 1446-1460 - Richard M. Burton, Jørgen Lauridsen, Børge Obel:
Return on Assets Loss from Situational and Contingency Misfits. 1461-1485 - Francis de Véricourt, Fikri Karaesmen
, Yves Dallery:
Optimal Stock Allocation for a Capacitated Supply System. 1486-1501 - Kilsun Kim
, Dilip Chhajed:
Product Design with Multiple Quality-Type Attributes. 1502-1511 - Pieter Klaassen:
Comment on "Generating Scenario Trees for Multistage Decision Problems". 1512-1516
Volume 48, Number 12, December 2002
- Paul Ingram, Tal Simons
The Transfer of Experience in Groups of Organizations: Implications for Performance and Competition. 1517-1533 - Wilbur Chung, Juan Alcácer:
Knowledge Seeking and Location Choice of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States. 1534-1554 - Richard M. Anderson, Benjamin F. Hobbs:
Using a Bayesian Approach to Quantify Scale Compatibility Bias. 1555-1568 - Natalie M. Steiger, James R. Wilson:
An Improved Batch Means Procedure for Simulation Output Analysis. 1569-1586 - Laurence A. Wolsey:
Solving Multi-Item Lot-Sizing Problems with an MIP Solver Using Classification and Reformulation. 1587-1602 - Thomas Erlebach, Hans Kellerer, Ulrich Pferschy:
Approximating Multiobjective Knapsack Problems. 1603-1612 - Rathindra Sarathy
, Krishnamurty Muralidhar, Rahul Parsa:
Perturbing Nonnormal Confidential Attributes: The Copula Approach. 1613-1627 - Yasushi Masuda, Seungjin Whang:
Capacity Management in Decentralized Networks. 1628-1634 - Sila Çetinkaya, Mahmut Parlar:
Note: Optimality Conditions for an (s, S) Policy with Proportional and Lump-Sum Penalty Costs. 1635-1639 - Eric A. Greenleaf, Ma Jun, Wanhua Qiu, Ambar G. Rao, Atanu R. Sinha:
Note on "Guarantees in Auctions: The Auction House as Negotiator and Managerial Decision Maker". 1640-1644

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