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IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, Volume 2023
Volume 2023, 2023
- Mohammad Hashemi, Domenic Forte, Fatemeh Ganji:
Time is money, friend! Timing Side-channel Attack against Garbled Circuit Constructions. 1 - Jeffrey Burdges, Handan Kilinç Alper, Alistair Stewart, Sergey Vasilyev:
Ethical identity, ring VRFs, and zero-knowledge continuations. 2 - Yan-Cheng Chang:
How to Use Sigstore without Sigstore. 3 - Hyunji Kim, Sejin Lim, Anubhab Baksi, Dukyoung Kim, Seyoung Yoon, Kyungbae Jang, Hwajeong Seo:
Quantum Artificial Intelligence on Cryptanalysis. 4 - Shuai Cheng, Shengke Zeng, Haoyu Zeng, Yawen Feng, Jixiang Xiao:
Secure Single-Server Fuzzy Deduplication without Interactive Proof-of-Ownership in Cloud. 5 - Thomas Marquet, Elisabeth Oswald:
Exploring multi-task learning in the context of two masked AES implementations. 6 - Haodong Jiang, Zhi Ma, Zhenfeng Zhang:
Post-Quantum Security of Key Encapsulation Mechanism against CCA Attacks with a Single Decapsulation Query. 7 - Mick G. D. Remmerswaal, Lichao Wu, Sébastien Tiran, Nele Mentens:
AutoPOI: Automated Points Of Interest Selection for Side-channel Analysis. 8 - Adi Akavia, Ben Galili, Hayim Shaul, Mor Weiss, Zohar Yakhini:
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Viral Strain Classification via k-mer Signatures and FHE. 9 - Martin Brain, Carlos Cid, Rachel Player, Wrenna Robson:
Verifying Classic McEliece: examining the role of formal methods in post-quantum cryptography standardisation. 10 - Sietse Ringers:
Using the RSA or RSA-B accumulator in anonymous credential schemes. 11 - Dimitris Mouris, Daniel Masny, Ni Trieu, Shubho Sengupta, Prasad Buddhavarapu, Benjamin M. Case:
Delegated Private Matching for Compute. 12 - Tako Boris Fouotsa, Tomoki Moriya, Christophe Petit:
M-SIDH and MD-SIDH: countering SIDH attacks by masking information. 13 - Antonio Guimarães, Hilder V. L. Pereira, Barry Van Leeuwen:
Amortized Bootstrapping Revisited: Simpler, Asymptotically-faster, Implemented. 14 - Yuyu Wang, Jiaxin Pan:
Unconditionally Secure NIZK in the Fine-Grained Setting. 15 - Katharina Boudgoust, Peter Scholl:
Simple Threshold (Fully Homomorphic) Encryption From LWE With Polynomial Modulus. 16 - Oliver W. Gnilke, Jens Zumbrägel:
Cryptographic Group and Semigroup Actions. 17 - Zhenqiang Li, Fei Gao, Su-Juan Qin, Qiaoyan Wen:
New record in the number of qubits for a quantum implementation of AES. 18 - Marina Krcek, Guilherme Perin:
Autoencoder-enabled Model Portability for Reducing Hyperparameter Tuning Efforts in Side-channel Analysis. 19 - Amadou Tall:
The Scholz conjecture on addition chain is true for infinitely many integers with â"(2n) = â"(n). 20 - Yukun Cheng, Changhai Ou, Fan Zhang, Shihui Zheng:
DLPFA: Deep Learning based Persistent Fault Analysis against Block Ciphers. 21 - Florian Stolz, Marc Fyrbiak, Pascal Sasdrich, Tim Güneysu:
Recommendation for a holistic secure embedded ISA extension. 22 - Stéphanie Delaune, Patrick Derbez
, Arthur Gontier, Charles Prud'homme:
New Algorithm for Exhausting Optimal Permutations for Generalized Feistel Networks. 23 - Alexandros Bakas, Antonis Michalas:
It Runs and it Hides: A Function-Hiding Construction for Private-Key Multi-Input Functional Encryption. 24 - Hong-Wei Sun, Bin-Bin Cai, Su-Juan Qin, Qiao-Yan Wen, Fei Gao:
Quantum Attacks on Beyond-Birthday-Bound MACs. 25 - Hanno Böck:
Fermat Factorization in the Wild. 26 - Katharina Kreuzer:
Verification of the (1-δ)-Correctness Proof of CRYSTALS-KYBER with Number Theoretic Transform. 27 - Elette Boyle, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Victor I. Kolobov:
Information-Theoretic Distributed Point Functions. 28 - Sarah Scheffler, Anunay Kulshrestha, Jonathan R. Mayer:
Public Verification for Private Hash Matching. 29 - Aydin Abadi, Steven J. Murdoch:
Earn While You Reveal: Private Set Intersection that Rewards Participants. 30 - Jeffrey Burdges, Handan Kilinç Alper, Alistair Stewart, Sergey Vasilyev:
Sassafras and Semi-Anonymous Single Leader Election. 31 - Joseph Surin, Shaanan Cohney:
A Gentle Tutorial for Lattice-Based Cryptanalysis. 32 - Dankrad Feist, Dmitry Khovratovich:
Fast amortized KZG proofs. 33 - Jannik Zeitschner, Nicolai Müller, Amir Moradi:
PROLEAD_SW - Probing-Based Software Leakage Detection for ARM Binaries. 34 - Daniel Lammers, Nicolai Müller, Amir Moradi:
Glitch-free is not Enough - Revisiting Glitch-Extended Probing Model. 35 - Christina Boura, Margot Funk, Yann Rotella:
Differential analysis of the ternary hash function Troika. 36 - Kelong Cong, Yi-Fu Lai, Shai Levin
Efficient Isogeny Proofs Using Generic Techniques. 37 - Atsuki Momose, Ling Ren, Elaine Shi, Jun Wan, Zhuolun Xiang:
On the Amortized Communication Complexity of Byzantine Broadcast. 38 - Johanna Maria Kirss, Peeter Laud, Nikita Snetkov, Jelizaveta Vakarjuk:
Server-Supported Decryption for Mobile Devices. 39 - Shuqin Su, Bohan Yang, Vladimir Rozic, Mingyuan Yang, Min Zhu, Shaojun Wei, Leibo Liu:
A Closer Look at the Chaotic Ring Oscillators based TRNG Design. 40 - Adrian-Daniel Stefan, Ionut-Petrisor Anghel, Emil Simion:
Quantum-Safe Protocols and Application in Data Security of Medical Records. 41 - Aymeric Genêt:
On Protecting SPHINCS+ Against Fault Attacks. 42 - David Spielmann, Ognjen Glamocanin, Mirjana Stojilovic:
RDS: FPGA Routing Delay Sensors for Effective Remote Power Analysis Attacks. 43 - Mahimna Kelkar, Kushal Babel, Philip Daian, James Austgen, Vitalik Buterin, Ari Juels:
Complete Knowledge: Preventing Encumbrance of Cryptographic Secrets. 44 - Manuela Horduna, Simona-Maria Lazarescu, Emil Simion:
A note on machine learning applied in ransomware detection. 45 - José Contreras:
Cognitive Cryptography using behavioral features from linguistic-biometric data. 46 - Raja Adhithan RadhaKrishnan:
Side-Channel Resistant Implementation Using Arbiter PUF. 47 - Marc Joye:
On-Line/Off-Line DCR-based Homomorphic Encryption and Applications. 48 - Hao Yang, Shiyu Shen, Wangchen Dai, Lu Zhou, Zhe Liu, Yunlei Zhao:
Implementing and Benchmarking Word-Wise Homomorphic Encryption Schemes on GPU. 49 - Alexandre Berzati, Andersson Calle Viera, Maya Chartouni, Steven Madec, Damien Vergnaud, David Vigilant:
A Practical Template Attack on CRYSTALS-Dilithium. 50 - Theophilus Agama:
A proof of the Scholz conjecture on addition chains. 51 - Sebastian Faust, Carmit Hazay, David Kretzler, Benjamin Schlosser:
Putting the Online Phase on a Diet: Covert Security from Short MACs. 52 - Weizhao Jin, Erik Kline, T. K. Satish Kumar, Lincoln Thurlow, Srivatsan Ravi:
ð'3ð' : Privacy-Preserving Path Validation System for Multi-Authority Sliced Networks. 53 - Ashley Fraser, Lydia Garms, Elizabeth A. Quaglia:
On the Incoercibility of Digital Signatures. 54 - Nicu Neculache, Vlad-Andrei Petcu, Emil Simion:
An analysis of a scheme proposed for electronic voting systems. 55 - Trey Li:
Quantum Annealing for Subset Product and Noisy Subset Product. 56 - Max Ammann, Lucca Hirschi, Steve Kremer:
DY Fuzzing: Formal Dolev-Yao Models Meet Protocol Fuzz Testing. 57 - Luca De Feo, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Antonin Leroux, Simon-Philipp Merz, Lorenz Panny, Benjamin Wesolowski:
SCALLOP: scaling the CSI-FiSh. 58 - Ward Beullens, Ming-Shing Chen, Shih-Hao Hung, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Bo-Yuan Peng, Cheng-Jhih Shih, Bo-Yin Yang:
Oil and Vinegar: Modern Parameters and Implementations. 59 - Edward Chen, Jinhao Zhu, Alex Ozdemir, Riad S. Wahby, Fraser Brown, Wenting Zheng:
Silph: A Framework for Scalable and Accurate Generation of Hybrid MPC Protocols. 60 - Shaoquan Jiang, Dima Alhadidi, Hamid Fazli Khojir:
Key-and-Signature Compact Multi-Signatures: A Compiler with Realizations. 61 - Mingxing Hu:
Post-Quantum Secure Deterministic Wallet: Stateless, Hot/Cold Setting, and More Secure. 62 - Leemon Baird, Sanjam Garg
, Abhishek Jain, Pratyay Mukherjee, Rohit Sinha, Mingyuan Wang, Yinuo Zhang:
Threshold Signatures in the Multiverse. 63 - Antonin Leroux:
Computation of Hilbert class polynomials and modular polynomials from supersingular elliptic curves. 64 - Jakub Klemsa, Melek Önen, Yavuz Akin:
A Practical TFHE-Based Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption with Linear Complexity and Low Noise Growth. 65 - Alexandr Bulkin, Tim Dokchitser:
Plonkup scheme with multiple queries. 66 - Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Gustavo H. M. Zanon:
Blind signatures from Zero-knowledge arguments. 67 - Shalini Banerjee, Steven D. Galbraith, Giovanni Russello:
Obfuscating Decision Trees. 68 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Zihan Hu, Henry Yuen:
On the (Im)plausibility of Public-Key Quantum Money from Collision-Resistant Hash Functions. 69 - (Withdrawn) A new side-channel attack on RSA prime numbers generation. 70
- Corina-Elena Bogos, Razvan Mocanu, Emil Simion:
A security analysis comparison between Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram. 71 - Geoffroy Couteau, Maryam Zarezadeh:
Non-Interactive Secure Computation of Inner-Product from LPN and LWE. 72 - Peng Yang, Zoe Lin Jiang, Shiqi Gao, Jiehang Zhuang, Hongxiao Wang, Junbin Fang, Siu-Ming Yiu, Yulin Wu:
FssNN: Communication-Efficient Secure Neural Network Training via Function Secret Sharing. 73 - Geoffroy Couteau, Adi Rosén:
Random Sources in Private Computation. 74 - Tahoura Mosavirik, Saleh Khalaj Monfared, Maryam Saadat-Safa, Shahin Tajik:
Silicon Echoes: Non-Invasive Trojan and Tamper Detection using Frequency-Selective Impedance Analysis. 75 - Dev M. Mehta, Mohammad Hashemi, David Selasi Koblah, Domenic Forte, Fatemeh Ganji:
Bake It Till You Make It: Heat-induced Leakage from Masked Neural Networks. 76 - Ward Beullens, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Gregor Seiler:
Lattice-Based Blind Signatures: Short, Efficient, and Round-Optimal. 77 - Mostefa Kara, Abdelkader Laouid, Mohammad Hammoudeh:
An Efficient Multi-Signature Scheme for Blockchain. 78 - Tabacaru Robert, Anghel Florin, Asandoaiei David, Simion Emil:
The challenges of proving solvency while preserving privacy. 79 - Dimitris Mouris, Pratik Sarkar, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos:
PLASMA: Private, Lightweight Aggregated Statistics against Malicious Adversaries with Full Security. 80 - Harjasleen Malvai, Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias, Alberto Sonnino, Esha Ghosh, Ercan Oztürk, Kevin Lewi, Sean F. Lawlor:
Parakeet: Practical Key Transparency for End-to-End Encrypted Messaging. 81 - Tarak Ben Youssef, Riad S. Wahby:
Specialized Proof of Confidential Knowledge (SPoCK). 82 - Surya Mathialagan, Neekon Vafa:
MacORAMa: Optimal Oblivious RAM with Integrity. 83 - GyuChol Kim:
Single-tiered hybrid PoW consensus protocol to encourage decentralization in bitcoin. 84 - Jean Paul Degabriele, Jérôme Govinden, Felix Günther, Kenneth G. Paterson:
The Security of ChaCha20-Poly1305 in the Multi-user Setting. 85 - Javier Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, Diego Angel Masini, Sergio Demian Lerner:
Flyover: A Repayment Protocol for Fast Bitcoin Transfers over Federated Pegs. 86 - Katharina Kreuzer:
Verification of Correctness and Security Properties for CRYSTALS-KYBER. 87 - Stefan Dziembowski, Sebastian Faust, Tomasz Lizurej:
Individual Cryptography. 88 - Benjamin Levy, Benjamin Sherman, Muhammad Ishaq, Lindsey Kennard, Ana L. Milanova, Vassilis Zikas:
Compilation and Backend-Independent Vectorization for Multi-Party Computation. 89 - Karim M. Abdellatif, Olivier Hériveaux, Adrian Thillard:
Unlimited Results: Breaking Firmware Encryption of ESP32-V3. 90 - Alex Ozdemir, Gereon Kremer, Cesare Tinelli, Clark W. Barrett:
Satisfiability Modulo Finite Fields. 91 - Junpei Yamaguchi, Masafumi Yamazaki, Akihiro Tabuchi, Takumi Honda, Tetsuya Izu, Noboru Kunihiro:
Estimation of Shor's Circuit for 2048-bit Integers based on Quantum Simulator. 92 - Pritha Gupta, Jan Peter Drees, Eyke Hüllermeier:
Automated Side-Channel Attacks using Black-Box Neural Architecture Search. 93 - Watson Ladd, Marloes Venema, Tanya Verma:
Portunus: Re-imagining access control in distributed systems. 94 - Michael Scott:
On TLS for the Internet of Things, in a Post Quantum world. 95 - Mariana Botelho da Gama, Emad Heydari Beni, Emmanuela Orsini, Nigel P. Smart, Oliver Zajonc:
MPC With Delayed Parties Over Star-Like Networks. 96 - Behzad Abdolmaleki, Noemi Glaeser, Sebastian Ramacher, Daniel Slamanig:
Universally Composable NIZKs: Circuit-Succinct, Non-Malleable and CRS-Updatable. 97 - Julius Hermelink, Erik Mårtensson, Simona Samardjiska, Peter Pessl, Gabi Dreo Rodosek:
Belief Propagation Meets Lattice Reduction: Security Estimates for Error-Tolerant Key Recovery from Decryption Errors. 98 - Gabrielle Beck, Aarushi Goel, Aditya Hegde, Abhishek Jain, Zhengzhong Jin, Gabriel Kaptchuk:
Scalable Multiparty Garbling. 99 - Ye Dong, Xiaojun Chen, Weizhan Jing, Kaiyun Li, Weiping Wang:
Meteor: Improved Secure 3-Party Neural Network Inference with Reducing Online Communication Costs. 100 - Xiaoen Lin, Le He, Hongbo Yu:
Practical Preimage Attack on 3-Round Keccak-256. 101 - Senyang Huang, Rui Qi Sim, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson:
Cache-timing attack against HQC. 102 - Runchao Han, Jiangshan Yu:
Fair Delivery of Decentralised Randomness Beacon. 103 - Anamaria Costache, Lea Nürnberger, Rachel Player:
Optimizations and Trade-offs for HElib. 104 - Georg Land, Adrian Marotzke, Jan Richter-Brockmann, Tim Güneysu:
Gate-Level Masking of Streamlined NTRU Prime Decapsulation in Hardware. 105 - Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Lorenz Panny, Jana Sotáková, Mattia Veroni:
Deuring for the People: Supersingular Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Endomorphism Ring in General Characteristic. 106 - Alan Szepieniec, Alexander Lemmens, Jan Ferdinand Sauer, Bobbin Threadbare:
The Tip5 Hash Function for Recursive STARKs. 107 - Kyle Storrier, Adithya Vadapalli, Allan Lyons, Ryan Henry:
Grotto: Screaming fast (2 + 1)-PC for ℤ2n via (2, 2)-DPFs. 108 - Ling Sun, Meiqin Wang:
SoK: Modeling for Large S-boxes Oriented to Differential Probabilities and Linear Correlations (Long Paper). 109 - Ripon Patgiri, Dolendro Singh Laiphrakpam, Dalton Meitei Thounaojam:
VORSHA: A Variable-sized, One-way and Randomized Secure Hash Algorithm. 110 - Vahid Amin Ghafari, Mohammad Ali Orumiehchiha, Saeed Rostami:
An Attack on the LILLE Stream Cipher. 111 - Gabrielle De Micheli, Duhyeong Kim, Daniele Micciancio, Adam Suhl:
Faster Amortized FHEW bootstrapping using Ring Automorphisms. 112 - Luciano Freitas de Souza, Andrei Tonkikh, Adda-Akram Bendoukha, Sara Tucci Piergiovanni, Renaud Sirdey, Oana Stan, Petr Kuznetsov:
Homomorphic Sortition - Single Secret Leader Election for PoS Blockchains. 113 - Tarun Chitra, Matheus V. X. Ferreira, Kshitij Kulkarni:
Credible, Optimal Auctions via Blockchains. 114 - Eike Kiltz, Jiaxin Pan, Doreen Riepel, Magnus Ringerud:
Multi-User CDH Problems and the Concrete Security of NAXOS and HMQV. 115 - Diego Castejon-Molina, Dimitrios Vasilopoulos, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez:
CBDC-Cash: How to Fund and Defund CBDC Wallets. 116 - Manjeet Kaur, Tarun Yadav, Manoj Kumar, Dhananjoy Dey:
Full-Round Differential Attack on ULC and LICID Block Ciphers Designed for IoT. 117 - Chloé Gravouil:
A New Generic Fault Resistant Masking Scheme using Error-Correcting Codes. 118 - Akin Ünal:
Worst-Case Subexponential Attacks on PRGs of Constant Degree or Constant Locality. 119 - Adam Caulfield, Nabiha Raza, Peizhao Hu:
X-Cipher: Achieving Data Resiliency in Homomorphic Ciphertexts. 120 - Dmitrii I. Koshelev:
Hashing to elliptic curves over highly 2-adic fields $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ with O(log(q)) operations in $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$. 121 - Carsten Baum, James Hsin-yu Chiang, Bernardo David, Tore Kasper Frederiksen:
SoK: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Finance. 122 - Tudorica Radu, Rares Radu, Emil Simion:
A way of decrypting particular malware payloads found in MZPE files. 123 - Ionut Rosca
, Alexandra-Ina Butnaru, Emil Simion:
Security of Ethereum Layer 2s. 124 - Irimia Alexandru-Vasile:
Ransomware data recovery techniques. 125 - Danielle Movsowitz-Davidow, Yacov Manevich:
Privacy-Preserving Payment System With Verifiable Local Differential Privacy. 126 - Rebecca Schwerdt, Laurin Benz, Wasilij Beskorovajnov, Sarai Eilebrecht, Jörn Müller-Quade, Astrid Ottenhues:
Sender-binding Key Encapsulation. 127 - Prabhanjan Ananth, Fatih Kaleoglu, Qipeng Liu:
Cloning Games: A General Framework for Unclonable Primitives. 128 - Noam Mazor:
A Lower Bound on the Share Size in Evolving Secret Sharing. 129 - Hannah Davis, Christopher Patton, Mike Rosulek, Phillipp Schoppmann:
Verifiable Distributed Aggregation Functions. 130 - (Withdrawn) Some Practical Applications of Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 131
- Alexandra Ciobanu, Marina Stefiuc:
Security analysis of DBTRU cryptosystem. 132 - Shantanu Sharma
, Yin Li, Sharad Mehrotra, Nisha Panwar
, Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, Peeyush Gupta:
Prism: Private Set Intersection and Union with Aggregation over Multi-Owner Outsourced Data. 133 - Sabyasachi Dey, Hirendra Kumar Garai
, Subhamoy Maitra:
Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round ChaCha- New Attack and Deeper Analysis. 134 - Sarani Bhattacharya, Dilip Kumar Shanmugasundaram Veeraraghavan, Shivam Bhasin, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay:
Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Smartphone Cryptography: A Timing Analysis of the Bouncy Castle RSA Implementation. 135 - Kaizhan Lin, Jianming Lin, Shiping Cai, Weize Wang, Chang-An Zhao:
Public-key Compression in M-SIDH. 136