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TEEM 2013: Salamanca, Spain
- Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality Conference, TEEM '13, Salamanca, Spain, November 14-15, 2013. ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2345-1
Technological advances and teaching innovation applied to health science education
- Juan A. Juanes Méndez
, Pablo Ruisoto
Technological advances and teaching innovation applied to health science education. 3-7 - María José Rodriguez-Conde
, Francisco Javier Cabrero Fraile, Alberto Cabrero Hernández, Juan A. Juanes Méndez, Javier Borrajo Sánchez, Blanca García-Riaza:
Assessment-oriented Java development vs. clickers' use in formal assessment of basic principles of dental radiology: the opinion of dentistry students. 9-13 - Javier Nieto Blasco, Pablo Alonso Hernández, Juan A. Juanes Méndez
, José A. Santos Sánchez, Felipe Hernández Zaballos, Vidal Moreno Rodilla
, Fco. Javier Serrano Rodríguez, Belén Curto Diego, Jesús A. Alaejos Fuentes:
Medical training for echo-guided infiltration of Botulinum toxin by an echograph simulator. 15-19 - Juan A. Juanes Méndez
, Pablo Alonso Hernández, Felipe Hernández Zaballos, Pablo Ruisoto
, José A. Santos Sánchez, Clemente Muriel:
Digital viewer for learning regional anaesthesia. 21-24 - Félix Buendía García, Juan Vicente Izquierdo Soriano, Eduardo Tabernero Alba:
Using an e-learning platform in hospital training. 25-29 - Juan Vicente Izquierdo Soriano, Félix Buendía García, José Luis Ortega Monzó:
Health education at La Ribera universitary hospital. 31-35 - Andrés Framiñán, Pablo Ruisoto
, Diana García, Juan A. Juanes Méndez
Advanced neuroimage processing for the study of the neurovascular system. 37-41 - Antonio Coca, Helia Estévez, Camino Fernández
, Gonzalo Esteban
Building 3D models for reconstructing a virtual cataract surgery haptic simulation. 43-48 - Juan A. Juanes Méndez
, Pablo Ruisoto
, Alberto Prats
, Francisco J. Cabrero, Andrés Framiñán, Juan C. Paniagua, Juan J. Gómez:
Visualization and interactive systems applied to health science education. 49-53 - Marcelo F. Jiménez
, María José Rodriguez-Conde, Gonzalo Varela
, Francisco S. Lozano, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo, Susana Olmos, Fernando Martínez-Abad:
Advances in assessment methodologies for basic clinical and surgical skills in medical school. 55-59 - Patricia Carreño Moran, Juan A. Juanes Méndez, Joaquín Benito Díaz, Juan C. Paniagua Escudero:
Teaching the eloquent areas of the brain by neuroimaging: functional magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor tractography. 61-65 - Marija Mavar-Haramija, Alberto Prats-Galino
, Clara Berenguer Escuder, Juan A. Juanes Méndez, Anna Puigdelívoll-Sánchez:
3D PDF technology combined with JavaScript functions enables the creation and visualization of interactive 3D presentations. 67-72 - Ana Martín Suárez, Juan Cruz-Benito
, Jonás Samuel Pérez Blanco, Ma del Carmen Gutiérrez Millán, Aránzazu Zarzuelo Castañeda
, Ma José de Jesús Valle
, Hinojal Zazo Gómez
, Cristina Maderuelo Martín
, José Manuel Armenteros del Olmo, José Martínez Lanao:
Virtual congresses for pharmaceutical learning. 73-77
Software engineering for eLearning
- Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo
, José Luis Sierra-Rodríguez:
Software engineering for eLearning. 81-86 - Gonzalo Esteban
, Camino Fernández
, Miguel Á. Conde
, Vicente Matellán
Design of a haptic simulator framework for modelling surgical learning systems. 87-94 - Daniel Rodriguez-Cerezo, Mercedes Gómez-Albarrán, José Luis Sierra:
A process model for the generative production of interactive simulations in engineering education. 95-103 - Miguel Ángel Conde González
, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
, Camino Fernández Llamas
Modeling TRAILER project methodology for the recognition, tagging and acknowledge of informal learning activities. 105-110 - Carlos González-Sacristán, Pablo Molins-Ruano
, Fernando Díez, Pilar Rodríguez Marín
, Sacha Gomez-Monivas:
Computer-assisted assessment with item classification for programming skills. 111-117 - Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi, Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi:
An instructional design approach for e-active courses. 119-126 - Emilio Julio Lorenzo, Roberto Centeno, Miguel Rodríguez-Artacho
A framework for helping developers in the integration of external tools into virtual learning environments. 127-132 - Ana M. Fernández-Pampillón Cesteros:
A new AENOR project for measuring the quality of digital educational materials. 133-139 - Antonio Balderas
, Ivan Ruiz-Rube
, Manuel Palomo-Duarte
, Juan Manuel Dodero
A generative computer language to customize online learning assessments. 141-147 - Carina S. González
, Pedro A. Toledo
, Vanesa Muñoz
, Maria Aurelia Noda, Alicia Bruno
, Lorenzo Moreno Ruiz:
Inclusive educational software design with agile approach. 149-155 - Héctor J. Macho, Gregorio Robles
Preliminary lessons from a software evolution analysis of Moodle. 157-161 - Taoufik Mastour, Maha Khemaja
Design of a semantic web and OSGi based middleware for ITS development. 163-171
Communication and cultural diversity
- Juan-José Igartua
Communication media and cultural diversity. 175-176 - Isabel M. Barrios Vicente, Juan-José Igartua
, Félix Ortega
, Francisco Javier Frutos
, María Marcos, Valeriano Piñero
Portraying immigration in Spanish prime-time TV fiction. 177-181 - Lifen Cheng, Ma Eugenia González Alafita:
Is it a small world after all?: mapping intercultural competence in computer mediated communication users. 183-189 - María-Dolores Olvera-Lobo, Lourdes López-Pérez
The role of public universities and the primary digital national newspapers in the dissemination of Spanish science through the internet and web 2.0. 191-196 - Valérie Monfort, Maha Khemaja
A context based approach to adapt training strategy for handicraft women from third world countries. 197-204
Application of mobile and software as a service (SAAS) in learning processes
- María José Casany Guerrero, Marc Alier Forment
, Enric Mayol:
Application of mobile and software as a service (SAAS) in learning processes. 207-208 - Rafael Cano-Parra, Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo
, José Antonio González-Martínez:
Cloud-based simulation for education: an illustrative scenario. 209-214 - Ricardo Colomo Palacios
, Eduardo Fernandes, Antonio de Amescua Seco
M-PeopleNet: mobile human and intellectual capital management based on the cloud. 215-218 - Daniel Amo
MOOCs: experimental approaches for quality in pedagogical and design fundamentals. 219-223 - Nélida Hierro, Nikolas Galanis, Enric Mayol, María José Casany Guerrero, Marc Alier Forment
Using a pull mechanism for connecting an informal learning collector with external applications. 225-229 - Nazareth Álvarez Rosado, Sergio Bravo Martín, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
, Susana Álvarez Rosado:
Join the board. 231-236
A promised land for educational decision-making? present and future of learning analytics
- Miguel Á. Conde
, Ángel Hernández-García
A promised land for educational decision-making?: present and future of learning analytics. 239-243 - Miroslav Minovic
, Milos Milovanovic
Real-time learning analytics in educational games. 245-251 - Diego Alonso Gómez Aguilar
, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
, Roberto Therón
Tap into visual analysis of the customization of grouping of activities in eLearning. 253-259 - Rafael Duque Medina
, Domingo Gómez-Pérez
, Alicia Nieto-Reyes
, Crescencio Bravo Santos:
A method to form learners groups in computer-supported collaborative learning systems. 261-266 - Antonio Hervás, Joan Guàrdia i Olmos, Maribel Peró
, Pedro Pablo Soriano
, Roberto Capilla
Psychometric study of a questionnaire for the assessment of factors associated with the choice of degrees and universities in the Spanish public system. 267-275 - José A. Ruipérez-Valiente
, Pedro J. Muñoz Merino
, Carlos Delgado Kloos:
An architecture for extending the learning analytics support in the Khan Academy framework. 277-284 - Giovanni Fulantelli
, Davide Taibi
, Marco Arrigo:
A semantic approach to mobile learning analytics. 287-292
A robot in the classroom
- Belén Curto
, Vidal Moreno
A robot in the classroom. 295-296 - Juan Felipe García Sierra
, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Lera
, Camino Fernández Llamas
, Vicente Matellán Olivera:
Inside the maze: who would find the cheese first, a robot or a mouse?: teaching IT using robots. 297-302 - Halis Altun
, Özgen Korkmaz
, Armagan Ozkaya, Ertugrul Usta
Lessons learned from robot-in-class projects using LEGO NXT and some recommendations. 303-307 - Kathia Pittí
, Belén Curto
, Vidal Moreno
, Francisco Javier Blanco
A new approach to robotics teaching at computer science engineering degree based on action-research. 309-314 - Kathia Pittí
, Belén Curto
, Vidal Moreno
, Ma-José Rodríguez:
Resources and features of robotics learning environments (RLEs) in Spain and Latin America. 315-322 - Javier Arlegui, Alfredo Pina
, Michele Moro:
A PBL approach using virtual and real robots (with BYOB and LEGO NXT) to teaching learning key competences and standard curricula in primary level. 323-328
Science 2.0 supported by open access repositories and open linked data
- Tránsito Ferreras-Fernández
, José A. Merlo-Vega, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Science 2.0 supported by open access repositories and open linked data. 331-332 - Ana B. Ríos Hilario
, Tránsito Ferreras-Fernández
, Diego Martín Campo:
Linked open bibliographic data. 333-337 - Enayat Rajabi, Miguel-Ángel Sicilia
, Salvador Sánchez-Alonso
Interlinking educational data: an experiment with GLOBE resources. 339-348 - Erla M. Morales Morgado, Rosalynn A. Campos Ortuño
, Ling-Ling Yang, Tránsito Ferreras-Fernández
Metadata mapping to describe learning objects and educational apps in the GREDOS repository. 349-356 - Tránsito Ferreras-Fernández
, José A. Merlo-Vega, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Impact of scientific content in open access institutional repositories: a case study of the repository Gredos. 357-363
New publishing and scientific communication ways: electronic edition and digital educational resources
- José Antonio Cordón García
, Raquel Gómez Díaz
New publishing and scientific communication ways: electronic edition and digital educational resources. 367-368 - José Antonio Cordón García
, Raquel Gómez Díaz
, Julio Alonso Arévalo
The digital readout at the crossroads: the gaps of documentary heritage. 369-374 - Taísa Rodrigues Dantas:
The digital reading as a product of the evolution of information: books between screens. 375-379 - Ramón Álvarez Tapia, Patricia Martín-Rodilla
, Ángel Oliva:
Towards a social reader: a mobile application to evaluate e-reading capabilities. 381-384 - Teresa Costa
, Carlos Lopes
, Francisco António Lourenço Vaz
B-on's evolution and its contribution to the development of Portuguese science. 385-389 - Daniel Linder:
English abstracts in electronic translation studies journals in Spain, 2011-12. 391-398
Educational innovation
- Ana García-Valcárcel
, Ana Iglesias Rodríguez, Juan José Mena Marcos
Educational innovation. 401-404 - Marisa Sein-Echaluce
, Dolores Lerís, Ángel Fidalgo Blanco, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Knowledge management system for applying educational innovative experiences. 405-410 - Spyros Argyropoulos, Euripides G. M. Petrakis
, Panos Milios:
A positive thinking training application. 417-421 - Ana Belén González-Rogado
, Ana María Vivar-Quintana
, Izaskun Elorza
Augmented safety in the laboratory with mobile technology. 423-428 - Sergi Villagrasa Falip
, Jaume Duran Castells:
Gamification for learning 3D computer graphics arts. 429-433 - Gemma Tur
, Victoria I. Marín
Student teachers' attitude towards ePortfolios and technology in education. 435-439 - Ana María Vivar-Quintana
, Ana Belén González-Rogado
, Ana Belén Ramos Gavilán
, Isabel Revilla Martín
, María Ascensión Rodríguez Esteban
, Teófilo Ausín Zorrila, Juan Francisco Martín Izard:
Application of rubric in learning assessment: a proposal of application for engineering students. 441-446 - Susana Nieto Isidro
, Higinio Ramos
A virtual tool to improve the mathematical knowledge of engineering students. 447-451 - Rubén Gutiérrez Priego, Azahara García Peralta:
Engagement factors and motivation in e-Learning and blended-learning projects. 453-460 - Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso
, Verónica Basilotta Gómez-Pablos:
How elementary school students evaluate the learning strategy of collaborative projects using ICT. 461-466 - Fernando Martínez-Abad
, María José Rodriguez-Conde
, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez
, Juan Pablo Hernández-Ramos
Multivariate study of the information literacy evaluation scale IL-HUMASS: multidimensional scaling. 467-472 - José Carlos Sánchez Prieto
, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Mobile learning: tendencies and lines of research. 473-480 - David Fonseca
, Ernesto Redondo
Are the architecture students prepared for the use of mobile technology in the classroom? 481-487 - Rosana Montes
, Serafina Molina, Miguel Gea
, Roberto Bergaz, David Bravo-Lupiáñez, Antonio Ramos:
Turning out a social community into an e-Learning platform for MOOC: the case of AbiertaUGR. 489-493 - María Cruz Sánchez Gómez
, Ana Iglesias Rodríguez, Concepción Pedrero Muñoz:
Collaborative work experiences in level 5 ICT primary schools. 495-500 - Jorge Joo Nagata:
Geomatics tools and education: status, integration and perception. 501-506 - Patricio Humanante Ramos
, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Contribution of virtual classrooms to the personal learning environments (PLE) of the students of the career of informatics applied to education of National University of Chimborazo. 507-513 - Adriana Recamán Payo, Ana Iglesias Rodríguez, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez, Fernando Martínez-Abad
Virtual teaching tools: the moodle (studium) contribution to the evaluation activity. 515-519
Formal and informal learning experiences in multicultural scopes
- Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
, Alicia García-Holgado
, Juan Cruz-Benito
Formal and informal learning experiences in multicultural scopes. 523-527 - Maria Clara Viegas
, Maria Arcelina Marques
, Gustavo Ribeiro Alves
, Nikolas Galanis, Francis Brouns
, José Janssen, Elwira Waszkiewicz, Aleksandra Mykowska, Dom Szkolen i Doradztwa, Valentina Zangrando, Alicia García-Holgado
, Miguel Ángel Conde González
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo
Using the TRAILER tool for managing informal learning in academic and professional contexts: the learner perspective. 529-534 - Francis Brouns
, Hubert Vogten, José Janssen, Anton Finders:
E-portfolios in lifelong learning. 535-540 - Mounira Ilahi
, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi, Rafik Braham:
Competence web-based assessment for lifelong learning. 541-547 - Matthias Moch:
Early professional biographies: on the career entry and work experience of BA graduates in "social work". 549-552 - Ángel Fidalgo Blanco, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
, Marisa Sein-Echaluce
A methodology proposal for developing adaptive cMOOC. 553-558 - Juan Cruz-Benito
, Roberto Therón Sánchez
, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
, Emiliana Pizarro Lucas:
Analyzing users' movements in virtual worlds: discovering engagement and use patterns. 559-564 - Alicia García-Holgado
, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
The evolution of the technological ecosystems: an architectural proposal to enhancing learning processes. 565-571
Doctoral consortium
- Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Education in knowledge society: a new PhD programme approach. 575-577 - Eva María Torrecilla Sánchez
, María José Rodriguez-Conde, María Esperanza Herrera García, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez:
Evaluation of results of two methods, in-person vs online, for a competences development programme for conflict resolution in secondary education teachers. 579-584 - Adriana Recamán Payo, Santiago Nieto Martín, Eva María Torrecilla Sánchez:
The technological model in the school guidance into digital educational resources. 585-589 - Patricia Torrijos Fincias, Juan Francisco Martín Izard:
Development and evaluation of emotional competences in secondary education teachers: design of an applied research. 591-595 - Ana Pérez Escoda
Introducing media literacy at school: new devices, new contents at the curriculum. A case study. 597-604 - João Guerreiro, Ana B. Ríos Hilario
Features of public libraries today: Focus groups as a technique for the study of the social representation of the library. 605-608 - Marcela Martínez Preciado, María José Rodriguez-Conde:
Moderation and its relationship with the participation and knowledge building through chat. 609-615

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