38th SAC 2023: Tallinn, Estonia

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Agents: AIED - Artificial Intelligence for Education Track

Theme: Distributed Systems: CC - Cloud Computing Track

Theme: System Software and Security: CPS - Cyber-Physical Systems Track

Theme: Distributed Systems: DADS - Dependable, Adaptive, and Secure Distributed Systems Track

Theme: Distributed Systems: DAPP - Decentralized Applications with Blockchain, DLT and Crypto-Currencies Track

Theme: Information Systems: DBDM - Databases and Big Data Management Track

Theme: Information Systems: DM - Data Mining Track

Theme: Information Systems: DS - Data Streams Track

Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Agents: EC - Applications of Evolutionary Computing Track

Theme: System Software and Security: EMBS - Embedded Systems Track

Theme: Distributed Systems: GIA - Geographical Information Analytics Track

Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Agents: GMLR - Graph Models for Learning and Recognition Track

Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Agents: HIBIO - Health Informatics and Bioinformatics Track

Theme: Information Systems: IAR - Information Access and Retrieval Track

Theme: Distributed Systems: IE - IoT and Edge Computing Track

Theme: Distributed Systems: INTOP - Interoperability Track

Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Agents: IRMAS - Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems Track