17th Interspeech 2016: San Francisco, CA, USA

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Keynote 1: ISCA Medalist: John Makhoul

Neural Networks in Speech Recognition

Special Session: Auditory-Visual Expressive Speech and Gesture in Humans and Machines


Speech and Language Processing for Clinical Health Applications

Speech Coding and Audio Processing for Noise Reduction

Speech Analysis

First and Second Language Acquisition

Speech and Hearing Disorders & Perception

Speech Synthesis Poster

Topics in Speech Processing

Show & Tell Session 1

New Trends in Neural Networks for Speech Recognition

Special Session: The RedDots Challenge: Towards Characterizing Speakers from Short Utterances

Articulatory Measurements and Analysis

Automatic Assessment of Emotions

Acoustic and Articulatory Phonetics

Source Separation and Spatial Audio

Special Session: Auditory-Visual Expressive Speech and Gesture in Humans and Machines