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ICSE 2019: Montreal, QC, Canada - Companion Volume
- Joanne M. Atlee, Tevfik Bultan, Jon Whittle:
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, ICSE 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 25-31, 2019. IEEE / ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-1764-5
- Paul Clements:
Managing variation: an industrial perspective on product line engineering. 1 - Margaret-Anne D. Storey:
Publish or perish: questioning the impact of our research on the software developer. 2
Technical briefings
- Mik Kersten:
Analyzing flow to measure value in software delivery. 3 - Yingnong Dang, Qingwei Lin, Peng Huang:
AIOps: real-world challenges and research innovations. 4-5 - Krzysztof Czarnecki:
Software engineering for automated vehicles: addressing the needs of cars that run on software and data. 6-8 - Magy Seif El-Nasr:
Developing games that capture and engage users. 9-10
Static analysis
- Mikhail Y. R. Gadelha, Enrico Steffinlongo, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Bernd Fischer, Denis A. Nicole:
SMT-based refutation of spurious bug reports in the clang static analyzer. 11-14
Debugging and fault localization
- Ben Buhse, Thomas Wei, Zhiqiang Zang, Aleksandar Milicevic, Milos Gligoric:
VeDebug: regression debugging tool for Java. 15-18
IoT and cooperative systems
- Ajay Krishna, Michel Le Pallec, Radu Mateescu, Ludovic Noirie, Gwen Salaün:
IoT composer: composition and deployment of IoT applications. 19-22
Security 2
- Jianbo Gao, Han Liu, Chao Liu, Qingshan Li, Zhi Guan, Zhong Chen:
EasyFlow: keep ethereum away from overflow. 23-26
Test generation
- Alessio Gambi, Marc Müller, Gordon Fraser:
AsFault: testing self-driving car software using search-based procedural content generation. 27-30 - Tri Huynh, Alessio Gambi, Gordon Fraser:
AC3R: automatically reconstructing car crashes from police reports. 31-34
Analysis and verification
- Mitchell J. Gerrard, Matthew B. Dwyer:
ALPACA: a large portfolio-based alternating conditional analysis. 35-38 - Derrick Lockwood, Benjamin Holland, Suresh C. Kothari:
Mockingbird: a framework for enabling targeted dynamic analysis of Java programs. 39-42
Model-based software engineering
- Oszkár Semeráth, Aren A. Babikian, Sebastian Pilarski, Dániel Varró:
Viatra solver: a framework for the automated generation of consistent domain-specific models. 43-46
SE datasets, research infrastructure, and methodology
- Samuel Benton, Ali Ghanbari, Lingming Zhang:
Defexts: a curated dataset of reproducible real-world bugs for modern JVM languages. 47-50
Process and project management
- David Moreno, Santiago Dueñas, Valerio Cosentino, Miguel Angel Fernández, Ahmed Zerouali, Gregorio Robles, Jesús M. González-Barahona:
SortingHat: wizardry on software project members. 51-54
- Phu X. Mai, Fabrizio Pastore, Arda Goknil, Lionel C. Briand:
MCP: a security testing tool driven by requirements. 55-58 - Yilong Yang, Xiaoshan Li, Zhiming Liu, Wei Ke:
RM2PT: a tool for automated prototype generation from requirements model. 59-62
Tool taxonomy and adoption
- Mathieu Nassif, Christoph Treude, Martin P. Robillard:
Witt: querying technology terms based on automated classification. 63-66
- Wuxia Jin, Yuanfang Cai, Rick Kazman, Qinghua Zheng, Di Cui, Ting Liu:
ENRE: a tool framework for extensible eNtity relation extraction. 67-70
Requirements engineering for mass-market software
- Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas, Kevin Moran, Michele Tufano, Zichang Liu, Linyong Nan, Zhehan Shi, Denys Poshyvanyk:
Guigle: a GUI search engine for Android apps. 71-74
- Yanze Li, Bozhen Liu, Jeff Huang:
SWORD: a scalable whole program race detector for Java. 75-78
Mining software changes and patterns
- Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus:
Coming: a tool for mining change pattern instances from git commits. 79-82 - Thong Hoang, Julia Lawall, Richard Jayadi Oentaryo, Yuan Tian, David Lo:
PatchNet: a tool for deep patch classification. 83-86
Software product lines
- Cuong Cu, Xin Ye, Yongjie Zheng:
xLineMapper: a product line feature-architecture-implementation mapping toolset. 87-90
API analysis
- Zuxing Gu, Jiecheng Wu, Chi Li, Min Zhou, Yu Jiang, Ming Gu, Jiaguang Sun:
Vetting API usages in C programs with IMChecker. 91-94
- Naoyasu Ubayashi, Takuya Watanabe, Yasutaka Kamei, Ryosuke Sato:
Git-based integrated uncertainty manager. 95-98
Specifications and models
- Claudio Menghi, Christos Tsigkanos, Thorsten Berger, Patrizio Pelliccione:
PsALM: specification of dependable robotic missions. 99-102 - Kaiyuan Wang, Allison Sullivan, Sarfraz Khurshid:
ARepair: a repair framework for alloy. 103-106 - Gianluca Barbon, Vincent Leroy, Gwen Salaün, Emmanuel Yah:
Visual debugging of behavioural models. 107-110
Testing of AI systems
- Youcheng Sun, Xiaowei Huang, Daniel Kroening, James Sharp, Matthew Hill, Rob Ashmore:
DeepConcolic: testing and debugging deep neural networks. 111-114
- Yu Zhou, Xin Yan, Taolue Chen, Sebastiano Panichella, Harald C. Gall:
DRONE: a tool to detect and repair directive defects in Java APIs documentation. 115-118 - Congying Xu, Bosen Min, Xiaobing Sun, Jiajun Hu, Bin Li, Yucong Duan:
MULAPI: a tool for API method and usage location recommendation. 119-122
Student research competition
- Nghi D. Q. Bui:
Towards zero knowledge learning for cross language API mappings. 123-125 - An Ran Chen:
An empirical study on leveraging logs for debugging production failures. 126-128 - Xiaoning Du:
Marvel: a generic, scalable and effective vulnerability detection platform. 129-131 - Kalvin Eng:
Visually identifying potential sensitive information leaks in access-controlled data services. 132-134 - Foundjem Armstrong:
Release synchronization in software ecosystems. 135-137 - Jianbo Gao:
Guided, automated testing of blockchain-based decentralized applications. 138-140 - Xiaofei Ge:
Android GUI search using hand-drawn sketches. 141-143 - Yue Li:
Finding concurrency exploits on smart contracts. 144-146 - Zhenhao Li:
Characterizing and detecting duplicate logging code smells. 147-149 - Christoph Matthies:
Agile process improvement in retrospectives. 150-152 - Austin Mordahl:
Toward detection and characterization of variability bugs in configurable C software: an empirical study. 153-155 - Son Nguyen:
Configuration-dependent fault localization. 156-158 - Tongtong Xu:
Improving automated program repair with retrospective fault localization. 159-161 - Banghu Yin:
Property oriented verification via iterative abstract interpretation. 162-164 - Zhiyu Fan:
A systematic evaluation of problematic tests generated by EvoSuite. 165-167 - Yi Liu:
JSOptimizer: an extensible framework for JavaScript program optimization. 168-170 - Ihar Shulhan:
Identifying developers by their application usage. 171-173 - Alejandra Siles Antezana:
TOAD: a tool for recommending auto-refactoring alternatives. 174-176 - Aleksandr V. Tarasov:
Impact of lifestyle and working process organization on the job satisfaction level of software engineers. 177-179 - Jevgenija Pantiuchina:
Towards just-in-time rational refactoring. 180-181 - Giovanni Viviani:
Finding and using design information in discussions. 182-183 - Alexander Trautsch:
Effects of automated static analysis tools: a multidimensional view on quality evolution. 184-185 - Gouri Deshpande:
SReYantra: automated software requirement inter-dependencies elicitation, analysis and learning. 186-187 - Max Kesselbacher:
Supporting the acquisition of programming skills with program construction patterns. 188-189
Doctoral symposium
- Tobias Hey:
INDIRECT: intent-driven requirements-to-code traceability. 190-191 - Léuson M. P. da Silva:
Detecting, understanding and resolving build and test conflicts. 192-193 - Boyuan Chen:
Improving the software logging practices in DevOps. 194-197 - Christoph Matthies:
Feedback in scrum: data-informed retrospectives. 198-201 - Chris Brown:
Digital nudges for encouraging developer actions. 202-205 - Eduardo Fernandes:
Stuck in the middle: removing obstacles to new program features through batch refactoring. 206-209 - Jirayus Jiarpakdee:
Towards a more reliable interpretation of defect models. 210-213 - Kaushik Madala:
An artificial intelligence-based model-driven approach for exposing off-nominal behaviors. 214-217 - Yixue Zhao:
Mobile-app analysis and instrumentation techniques reimagined with DECREE. 218-221 - Juan Manuel Florez:
Automated fine-grained requirements-to-code traceability link recovery. 222-225 - Mohammad Masudur Rahman:
Supporting code search with context-aware, analytics-driven, effective query reformulation. 226-229
Poster papers
- Zhaoyi Meng, Yan Xiong, Wenchao Huang, Fuyou Miao, Taeho Jung, Jianmeng Huang:
Divide and conquer: recovering contextual information of behaviors in Android apps around limited-quantity audit logs. 230-231 - He Jiang, Dong Liu, Xin Chen, Hui Liu, Hong Mei:
How are design patterns concerned by developers? 232-233 - Karina Kohl Silveira, Soraia Raupp Musse, Isabel Harb Manssour, Renata Vieira, Rafael Prikladnicki:
Confidence in programming skills: gender insights from StackOverflow developers survey. 234-235 - Jie Zhang, Cong Tian, Zhenhua Duan:
FastDroid: efficient taint analysis for Android applications. 236-237 - Thomas Bach, Ralf Pannemans, Johannes Häussler, Artur Andrzejak:
Dynamic unit test extraction via time travel debugging for test cost reduction. 238-239 - Anh Nguyen-Duc, Letizia Jaccheri, Pekka Abrahamsson:
An empirical study on female participation in software project courses. 240-241 - Sepehr Eghbali, Vinit Kudva, Gregg Rothermel, Ladan Tahvildari:
Supervised tie breaking in test case prioritization. 242-243 - Liang Cheng, Yang Zhang, Yi Zhang, Chen Wu, Zhangtan Li, Yu Fu, Haisheng Li:
Optimizing seed inputs in fuzzing with machine learning. 244-245 - Tudor B. Ionescu:
When software development meets the shopfloor: the case of industrial fablabs. 246-247 - Alexander Kampmann, Andreas Zeller:
Carving parameterized unit tests. 248-249 - Rafael Chanin, Jorge Melegati, Afonso Sales, Mariana Detoni, Xiaofeng Wang, Rafael Prikladnicki:
Incorporating real projects into a software engineering undergraduate curriculum. 250-251 - Erica Weilemann:
A winning team: what personality has to do with software engineering. 252-253 - Max Kesselbacher, Andreas Bollin:
Quantifying patterns and programming strategies in block-based programming environments. 254-255 - Dag Erik Homdrum Løvgren, Jingyue Li, Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan:
A data-driven security game to facilitate information security education. 256-257 - Luiz Fernando Capretz, Pradeep Waychal, Jingdong Jia:
Comparing the popularity of testing careers among Canadian, Chinese, and Indian students. 258-259 - Christoph Segler, Stefan Kugele, Philipp Obergfell, Mohd Hafeez Osman, Sina Shafaei, Eric Sax, Alois C. Knoll:
Evaluation of feature selection for anomaly detection in automotive E/E architectures. 260-261 - Luiz Fernando Capretz, Pradeep Waychal, Jingdong Jia, Daniel Varona, Yadira Lizama:
Studies on the software testing profession. 262-263 - Chenguang Sun, Samuel P. Midkiff:
Demand-driven refinement of points-to analysis. 264-265 - Rohan Padhye, Caroline Lemieux, Koushik Sen, Mike Papadakis, Yves Le Traon:
Validity fuzzing and parametric generators for effective random testing. 266-267 - Michael Leisner, Philipp Brune:
Good-bye localhost: a cloud-based web IDE for teaching Java EE web development to non-computer science majors. 268-269 - Lingyun Situ, Linzhang Wang, Xuandong Li, Le Guan, Wenhui Zhang, Peng Liu:
Energy distribution matters in greybox fuzzing. 270-271 - Xiaoqin Fu, Haipeng Cai:
On the deterioration of learning-based malware detectors for Android. 272-273 - Roman Haas, Rainer Niedermayr, Tobias Röhm, Sven Apel:
Recommending unnecessary source code based on static analysis: poster. 274-275 - María Cecilia Bastarrica, Daniel Perovich, Francisco J. Gutierrez, Maíra Marques:
A grading schema for reinforcing teamwork quality in a capstone course. 276-277 - Yijun Yu:
fAST: flattening abstract syntax trees for efficiency. 278-279 - William Pourmajidi, Lei Zhang, John Steinbacher, Tony Erwin, Andriy V. Miranskyy:
Immutable log storage as a service. 280-281 - Divya Gopinath, Corina S. Pasareanu, Kaiyuan Wang, Mengshi Zhang, Sarfraz Khurshid:
Symbolic execution for attribution and attack synthesis in neural networks. 282-283 - R. P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, Vikrant Kaulgud, Mauro Rebelo, Sanjay Podder:
A decentralized application for fostering biodiversity: opportunities and challenges. 284-285 - Fengmin Zhu, Fei He, Qianshan Yu:
Enhancing precision of structured merge by proper tree matching. 286-287 - Joxan Jaffar, Sangharatna Godboley, Rasool Maghareh:
Optimal MC/DC test case generation. 288-289 - Alessio Gambi, Tri Huynh, Gordon Fraser:
Automatically reconstructing car crashes from police reports for testing self-driving cars. 290-291 - Orges Cico, Letizia Jaccheri:
Industry trends in software engineering education: a systematic mapping study. 292-293 - Ali Mesbah, Andrew Rice, Edward Aftandilian, Emily Johnston, Nick Glorioso:
Analyzing and repairing compilation errors. 294-295 - Árpád Beszédes, Ferenc Horváth, Massimiliano Di Penta, Tibor Gyimóthy:
Leveraging contextual information from function call chains to improve fault localization. 296-297 - Sebastian Loss, Raffaele Fabio Ciriello, Jürgen Cito:
Beware of disengaged user acceptance in testing software-as-a-service. 298-299 - Jeppe Aagaard Glud, Kevin Helge Hansen-Schwartz, Raffaele Fabio Ciriello:
Exploring customer influence on the agile transformation of service providers. 300-301 - Debajyoti Mondal, Manishankar Mondal, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider, Shisong Wang, Yukun Li:
Towards visualizing large scale evolving clones. 302-303 - Sonja M. Hyrynsalmi, Sami Hyrynsalmi:
Software engineering studies attractiveness for the highly educated women planning to change career in Finland. 304-305 - Adriana Lopes, Edson Oliveira, Tayana Conte, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza:
Directives of communicability: teaching students how to improve communication through software modeling. 306-307 - Mathieu Nassif, Martin P. Robillard:
Constructural software documentation. 308-309 - Gias Uddin, Foutse Khomh, Chanchal K. Roy:
Towards crowd-sourced API documentation. 310-311 - Justin Alvin, Bob Kurtz, Paul Ammann, Huzefa Rangwala, René Just:
Guiding testing effort using mutant utility. 312-313 - Wujie Zheng, Wenyu Wang, Dian Liu, Changrong Zhang, Qinsong Zeng, Yuetang Deng, Wei Yang, Pinjia He, Tao Xie:
Testing untestable neural machine translation: an industrial case. 314-315 - Yutong Zhao, Lu Xiao, Xiao Wang, Bihuan Chen, Yang Liu:
Localized or architectural: an empirical study of performance issues dichotomy. 316-317 - Qianqian Wang, Alessandro Orso:
Mimicking user behavior to improve in-house test suites. 318-319 - Youcheng Sun, Xiaowei Huang, Daniel Kroening, James Sharp, Matthew Hill, Rob Ashmore:
Structural test coverage criteria for deep neural networks. 320-321 - Zeliang Kan,