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14th ICMLA 2015: Miami, FL, USA
- Tao Li, Lukasz A. Kurgan, Vasile Palade, Randy Goebel, Andreas Holzinger, Karin Verspoor, M. Arif Wani:
14th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2015, Miami, FL, USA, December 9-11, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-5090-0287-0
Fuzzy Systems
- George Georgiev, Natacha Gueorguieva, Matthew Chiappa, Austin Krauza:
Feature Selection Using Gustafson-Kessel Fuzzy Algorithm in High Dimension Data Clustering. 1-6 - Bin-Bin Gao
, Jian-Jun Wang, Yao Wang, Chan-Yun Yang:
Coordinate Descent Fuzzy Twin Support Vector Machine for Classification. 7-12 - Ahmed A. Othman, Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Farzad Khalvati:
Self-Configuring and Evolving Fuzzy Image Thresholding. 13-18 - Shiqi Qiu, Ryan A. McGee, Yi Lu Murphey:
Adaptive Fuzzy Prediction for Automotive Applications Usage. 19-24
Time Series
- Tony Ribeiro, Morgan Magnin, Katsumi Inoue
, Chiaki Sakama:
Learning Multi-valued Biological Models with Delayed Influence from Time-Series Observations. 25-31 - Gautier Marti, Philippe Very, Philippe Donnat, Frank Nielsen
A Proposal of a Methodological Framework with Experimental Guidelines to Investigate Clustering Stability on Financial Time Series. 32-37 - Alexander Lavin
, Subutai Ahmad
Evaluating Real-Time Anomaly Detection Algorithms - The Numenta Anomaly Benchmark. 38-44 - Antonio Rafael Sabino Parmezan
, Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista:
A Study of the Use of Complexity Measures in the Similarity Search Process Adopted by kNN Algorithm for Time Series Prediction. 45-51
Statistical Learning
- Yi Wei, Vipin Chaudhary
The Influence of Sample Reconstruction on Stock Trend Prediction via NARX Neural Network. 52-57 - Akbar Siami Namin:
Statistical Fault Localization Based on Importance Sampling. 58-63 - Alexander V. Bernstein, Alexander P. Kuleshov, Yury Yanovich
Statistical Learning via Manifold Learning. 64-69 - Wentao Fan
, Nizar Bouguila:
Topic Novelty Detection Using Infinite Variational Inverted Dirichlet Mixture Models. 70-75
Bayesian Learning and Classifier Systems
- Yang Shao, Toshinori Miyoshi, Yasutaka Hasegawa, Hideyuki Ban:
Evaluating the Uncertainty of a Bayesian Network Query Response by Using Joint Probability Distribution. 76-81 - Erik M. Ferragut, Jason A. Laska:
Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling for Automated Database Schema Matching. 82-88 - Mohammed Falih Hassan
, Ikhlas Abdel-Qader:
Performance Analysis of Majority Vote Combiner for Multiple Classifier Systems. 89-95 - Joseph D. Prusa, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Naeem Seliya:
The Effect of Dataset Size on Training Tweet Sentiment Classifiers. 96-102
Kernels and Support Vector Machines
- Tim vor der Brück, Steffen Eger, Alexander Mehler:
Complex Decomposition of the Negative Distance Kernel. 103-108 - Piyush Kumar Sharma, Gary Holness, Yuri Markushin, Noureddine Melikechi:
A Family of Chisini Mean Based Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernels. 109-115 - Katelyn Gao:
Online One-Class SVMs with Active-Set Optimization for Data Streams. 116-121 - Abhijeet Sachdev, Veena Thenkanidiyoor, Aroor Dinesh Dileep, C. Chandra Sekhar:
Example-Specific Density Based Matching Kernels for Scene Classification Using Support Vector Machines. 122-127 - Zehra Camlica, Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Farzad Khalvati:
Medical Image Classification via SVM Using LBP Features from Saliency-Based Folded Data. 128-132
Machine Learning in Information and System Security Issues (Special Session)
- Dheny Fernandes, Kelton A. P. da Costa, Tiago A. Almeida
, João Paulo Papa:
SMS Spam Filtering Through Optimum-Path Forest-Based Classifiers. 133-137 - Túlio C. Alberto, Johannes V. Lochter, Tiago A. Almeida
TubeSpam: Comment Spam Filtering on YouTube. 138-143 - Bentz Tozer, Thomas A. Mazzuchi, Shahram Sarkani:
Optimizing Attack Surface and Configuration Diversity Using Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning. 144-149 - Sedef Gunduz, Bilgehan Arslan, Mehmet Demirci:
A Review of Machine Learning Solutions to Denial-of-Services Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. 150-155 - Yavuz Canbay, Seref Sagiroglu:
A Hybrid Method for Intrusion Detection. 156-161
Predictive Modelling and Applications
- Pasquale Minervini
, Nicola Fanizzi, Claudia d'Amato
, Floriana Esposito:
Scalable Learning of Entity and Predicate Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion. 162-167 - Thomas Timm Andersen, Heni Ben Amor, Nils Axel Andersen, Ole Ravn
Measuring and Modelling Delays in Robot Manipulators for Temporally Precise Control Using Machine Learning. 168-175 - Margaux Luck, Anastasia Yartseva, Gildas Bertho
, Eric Thervet, Philippe Beaune, Nicolas Pallet, Cécilia Damon:
Metabolic Profiling of 1H NMR Spectra in Chronic Kidney Disease with Local Predictive Modeling. 176-181 - Ifeoma Adaji, Julita Vassileva
Predicting Churn of Expert Respondents in Social Networks Using Data Mining Techniques: A Case Study of Stack Overflow. 182-189
Feature Selection
- Stefan Richthofer, Laurenz Wiskott
Predictable Feature Analysis. 190-196 - Shuangshuang Jiang, Hichem Frigui, Aaron W. Calhoun:
Speaker Identification in Medical Simulation Data Using Fisher Vector Representation. 197-201 - Xing Wang, Yifeng Gao, Jessica Lin, Huzefa Rangwala, Ranjeev Mittu:
A Machine Learning Approach to False Alarm Detection for Critical Arrhythmia Alarms. 202-207 - Alejandro Correa Bahnsen, Djamila Aouada
, Aleksandar Stojanovic, Björn E. Ottersten:
Detecting Credit Card Fraud Using Periodic Features. 208-213
Advanced Learning Methods I
- Vinícius M. A. de Souza
, Diego Furtado Silva
, Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista, João Gama
Classification of Evolving Data Streams with Infinitely Delayed Labels. 214-219 - Nikos Tsipinakis, James D. B. Nelson:
Sparse Temporal Difference Learning via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. 220-225 - Armon Toubman, Jan Joris Roessingh, Pieter Spronck, Aske Plaat
, H. Jaap van den Herik
Transfer Learning of Air Combat Behavior. 226-231 - Zhenyu Shu, Victor S. Sheng, Yang Zhang, Dianhong Wang, Jing Zhang, Heng Chen:
Integrating Active Learning with Supervision for Crowdsourcing Generalization. 232-237
Information Retrieval and Topic Models
- Raheleh Makki, Axel J. Soto
, Stephen Brooks, Evangelos E. Milios
Active Information Retrieval for Linking Twitter Posts with Political Debates. 238-245 - Amir H. Basirat, Asad I. Khan
, Bala Srinivasan:
A Highly Distributable Computational Framework for Fast Cloud Data Retrieval. 246-250 - Xiaoyu Chen, Jiangchao Yao, Yanfeng Wang, Ya Zhang
Online Learning Algorithm for Collective LDA. 251-258 - Mehdi Allahyari, Krys J. Kochut:
Automatic Topic Labeling Using Ontology-Based Topic Models. 259-264 - Ruth White, William S. Harwin, William Holderbaum, Laura Johnson
Investigating Eating Behaviours Using Topic Models. 265-270 - Luis Gerardo Mojica, Vincent Ng:
Fine-Grained Opinion Extraction with Markov Logic Networks. 271-276
Machine Learning in Information and System Security Issues (Special Session)
- Pelin Canbay, Hayri Sever:
The Effect of Clustering on Data Privacy. 277-282 - Maryam M. Najafabadi, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Chad Calvert, Clifford Kemp:
Detection of SSH Brute Force Attacks Using Aggregated Netflow Data. 283-288 - Niharika Guntamukkala, Rozita Dara, Gary Gréwal:
A Machine-Learning Based Approach for Measuring the Completeness of Online Privacy Policies. 289-294 - Mansour Alsaleh, Abdulrahman Alarifi, Fatima Al-Quayed, AbdulMalik S. Al-Salman
Combating Comment Spam with Machine Learning Approaches. 295-300 - Eric L. Goodman, Joe Ingram, Shawn Martin, Dirk Grunwald:
Using Bipartite Anomaly Features for Cyber Security Applications. 301-306 - Alaa Darabseh, Akbar Siami Namin:
Effective User Authentications Using Keystroke Dynamics Based on Feature Selections. 307-312
Machine Learning Algorithms for Environmental Applications (Special Session)
- Rituraj, Shukla:
Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Scenarios of Rainfall and Temperature over Indira Sagar Canal Command Area in Madhya Pradesh, India. 313-317 - Soukayna Mouatadid, Ravinesh C. Deo
, Jan Franklin Adamowski:
Prediction of SPEI Using MLR and ANN: A Case Study for Wilsons Promontory Station in Victoria. 318-324 - Pratik Prabhanjan Brahma:
Prediction of Sunspot Number Using Minimum Error Entropy Cost Based Kernel Adaptive Filters. 325-329 - Mohamed Ben Haj Frej, Khaled Elleithy
Secure Data Aggregation Model (SDAM) in Wireless Sensor Networks. 330-334 - Ramadhan J. Mstafa
, Khaled M. Elleithy
A New Video Steganography Algorithm Based on the Multiple Object Tracking and Hamming Codes. 335-340 - Onur Genc, Ali Dag, Mehmet Ardiclioglu:
A Novel Study for the Modeling of Monthly Evaporation Using K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithms for a Semi-Arid Continental Climate. 341-346
Poster Session
- James Brofos, Rui Shu:
Parallelization of Minimum Probability Flow on Binary Markov Random Fields. 347-350 - Karen Guo, Paul Schrater:
Automatically Discovering Fatigue Patterns from Sparsely Labelled Temporal Data. 351-355 - Stephen Suffian, Diego Ponce de León Baridó, Madhura Ingalhalikar, Pritpal Singh:
Increasing Grid Flexibility Through Improved Electricity Demand Prediction in Nicaragua. 356-359 - Martha Ganser, Sauptik Dhar, Unmesh Kurup, Carlos Cunha, Aca Gacic:
Patient Identification for Telehealth Programs. 360-363 - Bharat Singh, Soham De, Yangmuzi Zhang, Thomas A. Goldstein, Gavin Taylor:
Layer-Specific Adaptive Learning Rates for Deep Networks. 364-368 - Ming Sun, Varun K. Nagaraja, Björn Hoffmeister, Shiv Vitaladevuni:
Model Shrinking for Embedded Keyword Spotting. 369-374 - Woong Yeol Joe:
Vibration Learning and Control towards Vibration Actuated Robotic Systems. 375-377 - A. Tirupathi Rao, N. Pattabhi Ramaiah, V. Raghavendra Reddy, C. Krishna Mohan
Nearest Neighbor Minutia Quadruplets Based Fingerprint Matching with Reduced Time and Space Complexity. 378-381 - Hossein Bashashati, Rabab K. Ward, Ali Bashashati:
Hidden Markov Support Vector Machines for Self-Paced Brain Computer Interfaces. 382-385 - Nassara Elhadji Ille Gado, Edith Grall-Maës, Malika Kharouf:
Linear KernelPCA and K-Means Clustering Using New Estimated Eigenvectors of the Sample Covariance Matrix. 386-389 - Vincent Barnabe-Lortie, Colin Bellinger, Nathalie Japkowicz
Active Learning for One-Class Classification. 390-395 - K. M. Annervaz, Jovin George, Shubhashis Sengupta
A Generic Platform to Automate Legal Knowledge Work Process Using Machine Learning. 396-401 - Robert LeMoyne
, Timothy Mastroianni, Anthony L. Hessel
, Kiisa Nishikawa:
Application of a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for Classifying Software Platforms of a Powered Prosthesis through a Force Plate. 402-405 - Robert LeMoyne
, Timothy Mastroianni, Anthony L. Hessel
, Kiisa Nishikawa:
Ankle Rehabilitation System with Feedback from a Smartphone Wireless Gyroscope Platform and Machine Learning Classification. 406-409 - Douglas R. Heisterkamp:
Lambda Consensus Clustering. 410-413 - Erik Linstead, Rene German, Dennis Dixon, Doreen Granpeesheh, Marlena Novack, Alva Powell:
An Application of Neural Networks to Predicting Mastery of Learning Outcomes in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. 414-418 - Labiba Gillani Fahad, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan:
Anomalies Detection in Smart-Home Activities. 419-422 - Balemir Uragun:
An Automatic Recognition for the Auditory Brainstem Response Waveform. 423-428 - Cameron R. Hamilton
, Shervin Shahryari, Khaled M. Rasheed:
Eye State Prediction from EEG Data Using Boosted Rotational Forests. 429-432 - Alexander P. Kuleshov, Alexander V. Bernstein, Yury Agalakov:
Data-Based Statistical Models of Data Networks. 433-438 - Justin Lovinger
, Iren Valova:
Scrubbing the Web for Association Rules: An Application in Predictive Text. 439-442 - Erick De la Rosa, Wen Yu
Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Nonlinear System Modeling. 443-446 - Bing Zhou:
Using Vector Quantization of Hough Transform for Circle Detection. 447-450 - Wentao Fan
, Hassen Sallay
, Nizar Bouguila, Ji-Xiang Du:
Human Action Recognition Using Accelerated Variational Learning of Infinite Dirichlet Mixture Models. 451-456 - Anna V. Little, Alicia Byrd:
A Multiscale Spectral Method for Learning Number of Clusters. 457-460 - Xi Zhang, Yanwei Fu
, Shanshan Jiang, Leonid Sigal, Gady Agam:
Learning from Synthetic Data Using a Stacked Multichannel Autoencoder. 461-464 - Luiza Antonie, Andrew D'Angelo, Gary Gréwal, Miana Plesca:
Analyzing the Gender Wage Gap in Ontario's Public Sector. 465-470 - Zdravko Markov:
MDL-based Hierarchical Clustering. 471-474 - Claire Gallagher, Michael G. Madden
, Brian D'Arcy:
A Bayesian Classification Approach to Improving Performance for a Real-World Sales Forecasting Application. 475-480 - Adel R. Alharbi, Mitchell A. Thornton
Demographic Group Classification of Smart Device Users. 481-486 - Jared Lundell, Charles DuHadway, Dan Ventura:
Data-Driven Kernels via Semi-supervised Clustering on the Manifold. 487-492 - Tom Arjannikov, John Z. Zhang:
An Empirical Study on Structured Dichotomies in Music Genre Classification. 493-496 - Celal Savur
, Ferat Sahin:
Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition System Using Surface EMG Signal. 497-502 - Van Khoa Le, Pierre Beauseroy:
Path for Kernel Adaptive One-Class Support Vector Machine. 503-508 - Sara S. Abdelkader, Katarina Grolinger, Miriam A. M. Capretz:
Predicting Energy Demand Peak Using M5 Model Trees. 509-514 - Gianni Costa
, Riccardo Ortale
Mining Clusters in XML Corpora Based on Bayesian Generative Topic Modeling. 515-520 - Anvardh Nanduri, Huzefa Rangwala:
Predicting New Friendships in Social Networks. 521-526 - Alireza Fazelpour, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, David J. Dittman, Amri Napolitano:
Does the Inclusion of Data Sampling Improve the Performance of Boosting Algorithms on Imbalanced Bioinformatics Data? 527-534 - Joseph D. Prusa, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Amri Napolitano:
Utilizing Ensemble, Data Sampling and Feature Selection Techniques for Improving Classification Performance on Tweet Sentiment Data. 535-542 - Yulei Pang, Xiaozhen Xue, Akbar Siami Namin:
Predicting Vulnerable Software Components through N-Gram Analysis and Statistical Feature Selection. 543-548 - Wutao Wei, Chuanhai Liu, Michael Yu Zhu, Sorin Adam Matei
A Non-parametric Hidden Markov Clustering Model with Applications to Time Varying User Activity Analysis. 549-554 - Joana Côrte-Real, Theofrastos Mantadelis
, Inês de Castro Dutra
, Ricardo Rocha
, Elizabeth S. Burnside:
SkILL - A Stochastic Inductive Logic Learner. 555-558 - Lovedeep Gondara:
RPC: An Efficient Classifier Ensemble Using Random Projections. 559-564 - Bernard Chen, Valentin Velchev, Bryce Nicholson, Joey Garrison, Moani Iwamura, Ryan Battisto:
Wineinformatics: Uncork Napa's Cabernet Sauvignon by Association Rule Based Classification. 565-569 - Linkai Luo, Ling-Jun Ye, Qifeng Zhou, Hong Peng:
A Support Vector Classification Model with Partial Empirical Risks Given. 570-575 - Itauma Itauma, Melih S. Aslan, Flavio Villanustre
, Xue-wen Chen:
Unsupervised Learning and Image Classification in High Performance Computing Cluster. 576-581 - Tianchuan Du, Li Liao:
Deep Neural Networks with Parallel Autoencoders for Learning Pairwise Relations: Handwritten Digits Subtraction. 582-587 - Xiang Zhang, Naiyang Guan, Zhigang Luo, Xuejun Yang:
Constrained Projective Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Semi-supervised Multi-label Learning. 588-593 - Ali Braytee
, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Ali Anaissi, Paul J. Kennedy
ABC-sampling for Balancing Imbalanced Datasets Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. 594-599 - Elizabeth D. Gregory, Stephen D. Holland:
State Tracking of Composite Delaminations with a Bayesian Filter. 600-603 - Qing Liao, Xiang Zhang, Naiyang Guan, Qian Zhang
Local Coordinate Projective Non-negative Matrix Factorization. 604-607 - Joseph J. Giametta, Brett J. Borghetti:
EEG-based Secondary Task Detection in a Multiple Objective Operational Environment. 608-613 - Santosh Upadhyayula, Ziad Kobti:
Population Migration Using Dominance in Multi-population Cultural Algorithms. 614-617 - Nikolay Burlutskiy, Andrew Fish
, Nour Ali, Miltos Petridis:
Prediction of Users' Response Time in Q&A Communities. 618-623 - Robert Fisher, Reid G. Simmons
, Caroline Malin-Mayor:
Weakly Supervised Learning of Dialogue Structure in MOOC Forum Threads. 624-627 - Tomer Lancewicki, Benjamin Goodrich, Itamar Arel:
Sequential Covariance-Matrix Estimation with Application to Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting. 628-633 - Ruth Agada, Jie Yan:
A Model of Local Binary Pattern Feature Descriptor for Valence Facial Expression Classification. 634-639 - Abhilasha Ravichander, Supriya Vijay, Varshini Ramaseshan, S. Natarajan:
VISAGE: A Support Vector Machine Approach to Group Dynamic Analysis. 640-643 - Zeynep Zengin Alp, Sule Gündüz Ögüdücü:
Extracting Topical Information of Tweets Using Hashtags. 644-648 - Ankita Garg, Catherine G. Enright, Michael G. Madden
On Asymmetric Similarity Search. 649-654 - Arjun Raj Rajanna, Kamelia Aryafar, Ali Shokoufandeh, Raymond W. Ptucha:
Deep Neural Networks: A Case Study for Music Genre Classification. 655-660 - Zhengping Wu, Yuanyao Liu:
WNN-based Fast Event Pattern Detection and Prediction Using Reversed Pattern Tree for Cloud System Reliability Management. 661-666 - Jianhua Chen:
Boosting with Adaptive Sampling for Multi-class Classification. 667-672 - Maria Weslane Sousa Almeida, João Paulo Souza Medeiros
, Patricia Rufino Oliveira:
Solving the Academic Timetable Problem Thinking on Student Needs. 673-676 - Eman M. Nejad, Roozbeh Razavi-Far, Q. M. Jonathan Wu
, Mehrdad Saif
Multiple Imputation of Missing Residuals for Fault Classification: A Wind Turbine Application. 677-680 - Moustafa F. Mabrouk, Nagia M. Ghanem, Mohamed A. Ismail:
Semi Supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition Using Depth Cameras. 681-686 - Sondre Glimsdal, Ole-Christoffer Granmo
Thompson Sampling Guided Stochastic Searching on the Line for Non-stationary Adversarial Learning. 687-692