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18th CCE 2021: Mexico City, Mexico
- 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, CCE 2021, Mexico City, Mexico, November 10-12, 2021. IEEE 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-0029-9
- Judith Guzman, Eladio Cardiel, Laura I. Garay Jiménez
, Pablo Rogelio Hernández:
An Objective Analysis of Human Snoring Based on an Acoustic Technique to Determine the Obstruction Site. 1-5 - Adhikari Ashok, Ganesh Regmi
, Subramaniam Velumani, Dorian Valencia, Jorge Conde
, Homero Castaneda:
Numerical Optimization of Materials Properties for High-Efficiency CISe Thin Film Solar Cells Using SCAPS-1D Simulator. 1-6 - Francisco Javier-Cano
, Araceli Romero-Nuñez
, Anish Jantrania, Hongbo Liu, Adi Kassiba, Subramaniam Velumani:
Bandgap dependence on facet and size engineering of TiO2: A DFT Study. 1-5 - Summra Saleem, Muhammad Usman Ghani, Aslam Muhammad, Ana María Martínez Enríquez:
Supervised Neural Network for Offline Forgery Detection of Handwritten Signature. 1-6 - A. Manjarrés García, Carlos Alexander Osorio Quero
, Jose de Jesus Rangel-Magdaleno, José Martínez-Carranza, Daniel Durini Romero:
Edge computing SoC implementation of compressive sensing algorithm for single-pixel cameras. 1-5 - Jorge Cruz-Gómez
, Aruna Devi Rasu-Chettiar, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, Sandra Andrea Mayén-Hernández, Adrian Sosa-Domínguez, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Improvement the optical properties of the P3HT: PC70BM film using CdSe QD. 1-6 - David Santos Cuz, María de la Luz Olvera-Amador, Sayda Dinorah Coria Quiñones, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Structural, optical and morphological characterization of Sb2S3 thin films grown by Physical Vapor Deposition. 1-5 - Muhammad Ibrahim, Imran Hameed:
A Novel Method to Analyze Input-Output Controllability. 1-6 - Sara Rodríguez-Reyes, Pablo Benavides-Herrera
, Gregorio Álvarez, Riemann Ruiz-Cruz
, Juan Diego Sánchez-Torres:
A Generalized Lagrange Multiplier Method for Support Vector Regression. 1-5 - Andres Rodriguez-Torres, Jesus Morales-Valdez, Wen Yu
Parametric identification of a magnetorheological damper based on Genetic Algorithm. 1-5 - Isaí Jiménez Hernández, Carlos García-Rodriguez, Jesús Linares-Flores:
Rotor position estimation in a bldc motor at low speed using g-functions and extended state observers. 1-6 - Gerardo C. Velez-Lopez, Luis Hernández-Martínez, Hector Vazquez-Leal:
Collision-Free Path Planning Applied Robotic Arms Using Homotopy Continuation Methods for Embedded Systems. 1-6 - Ana Laura Cazarin, Eladio Cardiel, Laura I. Garay Jiménez
, Pablo Rogelio Hernández, Victor Manuel Valadez Jiménez:
Phoniatric System Based on Acoustical Analysis for Early Detection of Anomalies in Voice Production. 1-6 - Evelyn B. Díaz-Cruz
, E. Regalado-Pérez
, Jorge Cruz-Gómez
, X. Mathew, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Improving thermal stability of perovskite solar cell through interface modification by PbS quantum dots. 1-5 - D. Trejo-Zamudio
, Sandra Andrea Mayén-Hernández, J. G. Quiñones-Galván, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, M. L. Gómez-Herrera, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Optoelectrothermoelectric properties of ternary chalcogenides thin films of CuSbS2 and Cu12Sb4S13. 1-5 - Enrique Martínez-Sánchez, Jonatan Pena Ramirez, Alejandro Rodríguez-Angeles:
Autonomous navigation of a mobile robot using a network of Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) neurons. 1-6 - Juan Carlos López-Hoyos, Jorge Said Cervantes-Rojas, Patricio Ordaz, Omar Sandre-Hernández:
Model Reference Adaptive Control for an unmanned aerial vehicle with variable-mass payloads. 1-6 - Karla Jocelyn Campos-Cruz, Cuauhtemoc Mancillas-López, Brisbane Ovilla-Martinez
A Lightweight Security Protocol for Beacons BLE. 1-6 - Rafael Escudero
, Luis Ibarra
, Pedro Ponce
, Arturo Molina
DFT-based Phasor Estimator using a MAF with a Phase-Lead Compensator. 1-6 - J. Felipe Guerra, Ramón García-Hernández
, Miguel A. Llama:
Bio-Inspired Optimization to Improve Neural Identifiers for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems. 1-6 - Hafsa Binte Kibria
, Abdul Matin
, Nusrat Jahan, Sanzida Islam:
A Comparative Study with Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Diabetes Disease Prediction. 1-8 - Abimael Terrones Acosta, Daniel Lorias Espinoza, Vicente González Carranza, Fernando Pérez-Escamirosa, José Antonio Gutiérrez Gnecchi, Rigoberto Martinez-Mendez:
Design and Manufacture of a Training System for Ventriculostomy. 1-6 - Bruno Renato Flores-Hernández, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, Sandra Andrea Mayén-Hernández, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Graphene for a green-environmentally methodology with organic surfactants. 1-5 - Jean Criado, Carolina Abril, Carlos Sánchez:
Influence of MMT Reinforcement Fraction Variation on the Mechanical Properties of a Polycarbonate Polymer Matrix with an ABS Additive. 1-5 - Rodrigo Leite Prates, Wilfrido Gómez-Flores, Wagner Coelho A. Pereira:
Semantic Segmentation of Mammograms Using Pre-Trained Deep Neural Networks. 1-6 - Carlos G. Valerio, Eduardo Steed Espinoza
, Rogelio Lozano:
Control and cable deployment of a tethered PVTOL aircraft. 1-6 - José H. Mendoza, Rasikh Tariq
, Luis F. Santis Espinosa
, Francisco Anguebes
, Ali Bassam
Soft Computing Tools for Multiobjective Optimization of Offshore Crude Oil and Gas Separation Plant for the Best Operational Condition. 1-6 - M. C. Jose Ruben Huerta Osnaya:
Interpedicular Screw Placement Image Guided Navigation Surgery Simulator. 1-6 - Adrian Lizarraga, Ofelia Begovich, Antonio Ramírez
Concurrent Fault Diagnosis Based on an Extended Kalman Filter. 1-6 - Mohammed Youssef, Hesham Hamed Ibrahim:
Automotive engine fault detection and isolation using LSTM for model-based residual sequence classification. 1-6 - Alicia Guadalupe Lazcano Herrera, Rita Quetziquel Fuentes-Aguilar
, Mariel Alfaro-Ponce
EEG motor/imagery signal classification comparative using machine learning algorithms. 1-6 - J. Francisco Pérez-Cuapio, Roberto Morales-Caporal
, Marco A. Morales-Caporal:
Simplified Reactive Power Control of a Multilevel Inverter for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Applications. 1-6 - Rafael Bayareh Mancilla, Christian Daul, Josefina Gutiérrez-Martínez, Lorenzo Leija Salas, Didier Wolf, Arturo Vera Hernández:
Temperature prediction based on ANN linear regression with an LWIR sensor for the study of diabetic foot. 1-7 - Hichem Ferhati, Fayçal Djeffal:
Genetic Algorithm-based Approach to Enhance the Performance of Gate Engineered InGaZnO UV Thin-Film Phototransistor. 1-6 - Omar Vicente Perez Arista
, Oscar Rafael Vargas Barona, Rafael Stanley Nunez Cruz
Development of an Efficient Path Planning Algorithm for Indoor Navigation. 1-6 - Cinmayii A. Garillos-Manliguez, John Y. Chiang:
Multimodal Deep Learning via Late Fusion for Non-Destructive Papaya Fruit Maturity Classification. 1-6 - Luis A. Arellano-Cruz
, Giselle M. Galván-Tejada, Rogelio Lozano-Leal:
A New Positioning Algorithm Robust to Measured Distances Errors for Non-Overdetermined Systems. 1-4 - Jetzael Cuazoson
, Daniel Ferrusca
, Jesús Contreras, Eduardo Ibarra-Medel, Miguel Velázquez, Stan Kurtz, David Hiriart:
Single-Board Computer based Architecture and Firmware for Radiometers with Radio Astronomy applications. 1-6 - Manmohan Jain, Sucheta Juneja, Kalpana Lodhi, Chander Kant, Sushil Kumar, Mohit Jain, Ateet Dutt
, Yasuhiro Matsumoto:
Effect of argon plasma treatment on electronic properties of doped hydrogenated Silicon thin films for photovoltaic applications. 1-6 - D. Valencia, M. Zuñiga, Carlos Alonso Meza-Avendaño
, I. Zuñiga, Heber Vilchis, Jorge Conde
, Adhikari Ashok, Subramaniam Velumani:
Numerical Study of the Recombination Profiles in CIGSe Thin Film Solar Cells Through Silvaco Atlas Simulator after using Experimental Parameters. 1-6 - Manmohan Jain, Andrés Galdámez-Martínez
, Ateet Dutt
, Yasuhiro Matsumoto:
Photoluminescence properties of SiOxCy-films deposited under argon atmosphere and Si-based organometallic precursor by O-Cat-CVD. 1-4 - Cesar Alejandro Villasenor Rios, Octavio Gutiérrez-Frías:
Control Scheme for Rotary Base Inverted Pendulum by Means of Nested Saturation Functions. 1-5 - Edel-Serafin Hernandez-Gomez, José Luis Olvera-Cervantes, Benito Corona-Vasquez, Alonso Corona-Chavez
, Tejinder Kaur Kataria, Maria-Elena Sosa-Morales:
Open-Ended Coaxial Probe Technique for the measurement of the ionic strength due to magnesium sulfate heptahydrate in water. 1-6 - Zhengmao Ye:
Quantitative Comparisons of Edge Based and Region Based Feature Detection in Digital Aerial Imagery Analysis. 1-6 - Jesús Jiménez-León, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes, Pedro Rosales-Quintero
A Two-Level Modeling Methodology for Memristive Devices. 1-6 - J. F. Solís-Vivanco, R. Aruna-Devi, M. C. Arenas-Arrocena, A. Sosa-Domínzuez, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Double ETL in ITO-free poly-3-hexylthiophene-based organic solar cells. 1-5 - A. E. Rodriguez-Mata, R. Aurélien Cabarbaye, Rogelio Baray-Arana, P. Acosta-Cano De Los Ríos, H. Rodríguez-Rangel:
Neuronal Slidding Mode Output Control Application in a Attitude for Quadrotor. 1-7 - J. A. Melchor-Robles, T. G. Díaz-Rodríguez, Jacobo Martínez-Reyes
, Arturo Maldonado-Alvarez, María de la Luz Olvera-Amador:
Synthesis, characterization, and structure computational calculations of the oxycalcogenide LaCuOSe for thermoelectric applications. 1-5 - Carlos Alberto Sanabria Diaz, Mónico Linares Aranda, Rogelio Manuel Higuera Gonzalez
Analysis of On-Silicon-Vias for an Advanced RF-CMOS Process: Experimental Characterization and Modeling. 1-4 - Sergio-Daniel Sanchez-Solar, Gustavo Rodríguez Gómez, Angélica Muñoz-Meléndez, José Martínez-Carranza
Tuning, Control and Path Planning of a Spherical Robot using Stochastic Signals. 1-6 - Jorge Ibarra, Jesús Alonso Díaz, Raymundo Márquez, Miguel Bernal
A Systematic Method for Backstepping via Linear Matrix Inequalities. 1-6 - Dionicio Meza Solano, Raúl Eusebio-Grande, Mariana N. Ibarra Bonilla:
PID Control and Fuzzy Logic System to the Obstacle Avoidance in an Autonomous Robot. 1-6 - Suresh Thenozhi, Antonio Concha Sánchez:
Adaptive Tracking Control of an Uncertain Duffing-Holmes System. 1-4 - Aldo Yair Tenorio-Barajas
, Dulce Estefanía Nicolás-Álvarez, Andres Reyes-Chaparro
, Claudia Oliva Mendoza-Barrera, Brenda Magaña-Trejo, Víctor Altuzar:
Comparison of performance of two virtual screening software on acetylcholinesterase protein molecular docking. 1-4 - Jonathan Flores-Monroy
, Mariko Nakano-Miyatake
, Gabriel Sanchez-Perez
, Héctor Pérez-Meana:
Visual-based Real Time Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using CNN. 1-5 - J. Lagunas-Avila, Rafael Castro-Linares, Jaime Álvarez-Gallegos:
Obstacle avoidance in leader-follower formation using artificial potential field algorithm. 1-6 - César Barrón-Rubio, Ernesto López-Mellado:
Discovering Structurally Simple Workflow Nets by Vector-Based Trace Clustering. 1-6 - Maria Karen Gonzalez-Castillo, Victor Golikov, Hussain Alazki
, Oleg I. Samovarov:
Comparative Performance of Two 2-D Detectors in the Case of Multipixel Low Contrast Object on a Real Sea Surface. 1-4 - Mazen Shehab, Ahmed Zaghloul, Ayman A. El-Badawy
Low-Level Control of a Quadrotor using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3). 1-6 - Jasiel A. Hernandez-Trujillo, Ivan R. Padilla-Cantoya
High Transconductance Gain Low Voltage Class AB OTA. 1-4 - Antonio Concha Sánchez, Suresh Thenozhi:
Nonlinear Least Squares-based Identification of a Continuous Friction Model. 1-6 - Fayçal Djeffal, Hichem Ferhati:
Optimized Graphene Nanoribbon UV Phototransistor Based on ZnO Sensitive Gate for Optical Wireless Communications. 1-5 - C. Rodríguez-Vázquez, C. Camas
, Jorge Conde
, Heber Vilchis:
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cu-Se Interactions for CIGS Solar Cells Growth Process. 1-4 - María Fernanda Ramírez-Peralta, María Fernanda Romo-Fuentes
, Blanca Tovar-Corona, Martin Arturo Silva-Ramírez, Laura Ivoone Garay Jiménez
Ictal Periods Detection in Photoplethysmographic and Electrodermal Signals. 1-6 - Vakulabharanam Ramakrishna:
Reduction Of Energy Consumption in NoC Through The Application Of Novel Encoding Techniques. 1-4 - F. González Sáenz, Omar Sandre-Hernández:
Model Predictive Current Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Exponential Cost Function. 1-6 - Karla Itzel Suárez Pérez, Daniel Sarir Apátiga Pérez, Antonio Héctor Dell'Osa, Miguel Ramírez-Barrios
Anisotropy Properties of Chicken Muscle Tissues with Bioimpedance Measurements Via AD5933EBZ. 1-6 - Carlos Alexander Osorio Quero
, A. Manjarrés García, Daniel Durini, José de Jesus Rangel-Magdaleno, José Martínez-Carranza, Ruben Ramos-Garcia:
Toward a single-pixel near-infrared low-resolution 2D image reconstruction strategy. 1-6 - José Luis Robles Magdaleno, Mondher Farza, Leonel Ernesto Amabilis-Sosa, Abraham Efraim Rodriguez-Mata:
A Lipchitz Observer Application in Photobioreactors for Microalgae Cultivation. 1-7 - Brian Camilo Gómez-León
, Mario Andres Aguilar-Orduña
, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez:
A Disturbance Observer Based Control scheme using an Active Disturbance Rejection Controller: An underactuated moving crane example. 1-6 - Rosario Ríos-Prado, Blanca Tovar-Corona, Laura I. Garay Jiménez
Artifacts Removal in Electrodermal Signals. 1-6 - Giselle M. Galván-Tejada, Jorge Aguilar-Torrentera:
5G Connectivity for Aerial Scenarios: A New Spatial and Temporal Perspective for Wireless Networks. 1-7 - Carlos E. Marquez-Garcia
, Jesús López Gómez
, Fermín Martínez-Solis
, María Aurora Diozcora Vargas-Treviño, Sergio Vergara-Limón, Victor M. Velazquez-Aguilar:
FPGA-based accuracy mechatronics of a feed-drive system with ball screw. 1-6 - Sayed Pedram Haeri Boroujeni
, Elnaz Pashaei
A Novel Hybrid Gene Selection Based on Random Forest Approach and Binary Dragonfly Algorithm. 1-8 - Javier Sotelo Medina
, Daniel Ortiz Gutiérrez, Vyacheslav Elyukhin, Ramon Peña-Sierra:
Synthesis and Characterization of Ge Nanoclusters in Amorphous GeOx(x∼0.1) Nano-Films Grown by Magnetron Sputtering. 1-5 - Axel Coronado, Alejandra De La Guerra
, Luis Alvarez-Icaza
Implementation of a BLDC Motor Observer Scheme using the INSTASPIN Platform. 1-4 - Ricardo Cortez
, Yair Lozano
, Ruben Garrido
Parameter identification from hybrid model using PSO and penalty functions. 1-6 - Hang Yin, Zhengmao Ye, Huey Lawson, Albertha Lawson:
Nonlinear Modeling and Least Squares Optimization on Consolidation Property of Composite Soil Samples. 1-5 - Adolfo Perrusquía, Ruben Garrido
, Wen Yu
An Input Error Method for Parameter Identification of a Class of Euler-Lagrange Systems. 1-6 - Sashank Sridhar, Sowmya Sanagavarapu:
Effect of Rate of Change of Stock Prices with News Sentiment Analysis. 1-6 - Jorge Cruz-Gómez
, E. Hernández-Cantero, David Santos Cuz, Sandra Andrea Mayén-Hernández, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Optoelectronic properties of Sb2S3 thin films grown by Physical Vapor Deposition. 1-4 - Patricia G. López-Cárdenas, Emmanuel Alcalá
, Juan Diego Sánchez-Torres, Elsie Araujo:
A Resampling Approach for the Data-Based Optimization of Nanosensors. 1-4 - Israel Alejandro Cadena Luqueño, Martin Bustamante Enciso, Rafael Stanley Nunez Cruz
Modeling and Simulation of a Furuta Pendulum Actuated by an Inertial Wheel. 1-6 - Samuel Omar Tovias-Alanis, Wilfrido Gómez-Flores, Gregorio Toscano Pulido:
Instance Selection Based on Linkage Trees. 1-6 - Andrea López-Tapia, Luis Sánchez-Márquez, Mario Alfredo Reyes-Barranca, Griselda Stephany Abarca-Jimenez, Luis Martín Flores-Nava:
Micromotors unit based on CMOS-MEMS technology integrated on a single chip. 1-6 - Román Jaramillo Cajica, Raul Ernesto Gonzalez-Torres, Pedro Mejía-Alvarez:
Automatic Generation of Test Cases from Formal Specifications using Mutation Testing. 1-6 - José Alberto García-Limón, Frank Martínez-Suárez
, Carlos Alvarado-Serrano:
Prototype of an Ambulatory Long-Term ECG Monitoring System for Real Time Detection of QRS Complex and T Wave End Based on FPGA. 1-6

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