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17th DEXA Workshops 2006: Krakow, Poland
- 17th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2006), 4-8 September 2006, Krakow, Poland. IEEE Computer Society 2006
- Message from the Programs Chairs.
- Program Committee.
W01 - NBiS'06: 9th International Workshop on Network-Based Information Systems
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from NBiS '06 Workshop and Program Chairs.
Session 1: Agent-Based Systems
- Emerson Oliveira, Zair Abdelouahab, Denivaldo Lopes:
Security on MASs with XML Security Specifications. 5-9 - Youhei Tanaka, Naohiro Hayashibara, Tomoya Enokido, Makoto Takizawa:
Fault-Tolerant Destributed Systems in a Mobile Agent Model. 10-14 - Massimiliano Albanese, Angelo Chianese, Antonio Penta, Antonio Picariello
, L. Passariello:
A Model for User Profiling in an ASP Environment. 15-19
Session 2: Fault Detection and Fault-Tolerant
- Naohiro Hayashibara, Makoto Takizawa:
Performance Analysis of the phi-Failure Detector with its Tunable Parameters. 20-24 - Rodrigo Lanka, Kentaro Oda, Hiroki Najima, Takaichi Yoshida:
A Dynamic Fault-Tolerant Model for Open Distributed Computing. 25-29 - Hong Hai Do, Jürgen Anke
, Gregor Hackenbroich:
Architecture Evaluation for Distributed Auto-ID Systems. 30-34
Session 3: Distributed Systems
- Hiroyuki Echigo, Hiroaki Yuze, Tsuyoshi Hoshikawa, Kazuo Takahata, Nobuhiro Sawano, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Distributed Disaster Information System over Japan Gigabit Network. 35-39 - Nobuyoshi Sato, Minoru Uehara, Koichiro Shimomura, Hirobumi Yamamoto, Ken'ichi Kamijo:
Efficient Target Selection in Similarity Preserve Hash for Distributed Geographical Origin Identification System of Vegetables. 40-44 - Valbona Barolli, Heihachiro Fukuda, Leonard Barolli, Makoto Takizawa:
A Quality Enhancement Model Considering Service Providers and Consumers Relation. 45-49
Session 4: Mobile and Sensor Networks
- Giuseppe De Marco, Tao Yang, Leonard Barolli:
Impact of Radio Irregularities on Topology Tradeoffs of WSNs. 50-54 - Toshihiko Yamakami:
Regularity Analysis Using Time Slot Counting in the Mobile Clickstream. 55-59 - Markus Aleksy
, Colin Atkinson, Philipp Bostan, Thomas Butter, Martin Schader:
Interaction Styles for Service Discovery in Mobile Business Applications. 60-65 - Takashi Hamma, Takashi Katoh, Bhed Bahadur Bista, Toyoo Takata:
An Efficient ZHLS Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 66-70
Session 5: Networking and Applications
- Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington, Andrew L. Wendelborn:
Optimising Performance in Network-Based Information Systems: Virtual Organisations and Customised Views. 71-76 - Hideaki Yanagisawa, Minoru Uehara, Hideki Mori:
Automatic Generation of an Instruction Set Simulator for Educational Use. 77-82 - Arjan Durresi, Vamsi Paruchuri
, Leonard Barolli, Raj Jain
, Makoto Takizawa:
Tokens for Anonymous Communications in the Internet. 83-90
W02 - SAACS'06: 4th International Workshop on Self-Adaptable and Autonomic Computing Systems
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the Self-Adaptive Autonomic Computing Systems '06 Workshop Chairs. 91-92
Session 1
- Philip Miseldine, A. Taleb-Bendiab:
Retrofitting Zeroconf to Type-Safe Self-Organising Systems. 93-97 - Marcel Hiel
, Hans Weigand:
Requirements on the Use of Goal-Directed Imitation for Self-Adaptation. 98-102 - Sajid Hussain, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Elhadi M. Shakshuki, M. S. Zaman:
Agent-Based Petroleum Offshore Monitoring Using Sensor Networks. 103-107 - Richard John Anthony:
Generic Support for Policy-Based Self-Adaptive Systems. 108-113
Session 2
- Martin Randles
, A. Taleb-Bendiab, Philip Miseldine:
Towards Scaleable Self-Governance through Situated Cognitive Systems: Utilising Deliberative Logic to Provide an Encompassing Epistemic Layer. 114-118 - Wenguo Wei, Shoubin Dong, Ling Zhang, Jialin Li:
A Novel Cluster Parallel File System. 119-123 - Sylvain Guinepain, Le Gruenwald:
Automatic Database Clustering Using Data Mining. 124-128 - Mohamed T. Ibrahim, Richard John Anthony, Torsten Eymann, A. Taleb-Bendiab, Le Gruenwald:
Exploring Adaptation & Self-Adaptation in Autonomic Computing Systems. 129-138
W03 - TAKMA'06: 7th International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the Workshop Chairs. 139-140
Session 1: Knowledge Guidelines and Standards
- Lena Aggestam:
Towards a Maturity Model for Learning Organizations - the Role of Knowledge Management. 141-145 - Kenichi Nishikawa, Nobuhide Nishiyama, Fumihiko Ito, Tetsuya Yamamura:
Individual Knowledge Generation for Individual User Environments by Relating User Network Ontology to Local Protocols. 146-150 - Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington, Andrew L. Wendelborn:
Capturing and Using the Operational Semantics of Large Distributed Systems: Sharing Common Application Requirements in Virtual Organisations. 151-155
Session 2: Knowledge Sharing
- Alicia Díaz, Guillermo Baldo, Gérôme Canals:
Co-Protégé: Collaborative Ontology Building with Divergences. 156-160 - Niels de Vrij, Remko Helms
, Pim Voogd:
Application of a Community of Practice to Improve Knowledge Sharing in Offshoring Relations. 161-165 - Dino Borri, Adele Celino, Grazia Concilio, Anna De Liddo:
Structuring Short-Term Organizational Memories by Argumentation Based Transient-Scenarios. 166-170
Session 3: Knowledge Discovery and Acquisition
- Petr Kroha, Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, Björn Krellner:
Text Mining of Business News for Forecasting. 171-175 - Michael Granitzer
, Thomas Neidhart, Mathias Lux:
Learning Term Spaces Based on Visual Feedback. 176-180 - Wolfgang Kienreich, Michael Granitzer
, Vedran Sabol, Werner Klieber:
Plagiarism Detection in Large Sets of Press Agency News Articles. 181-188
W04 - BIDM'06: 4th International Workshop on Biological Data Management
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the BIDM '06 Workshop Co-Chairs. 189-190
Session 1
- Jie Bao, Zhiliang Hu, Doina Caragea, James M. Reecy, Vasant G. Honavar:
A Tool for Collaborative Construction of Large Biological Ontologies. 191-195 - Jürgen Kleffe, Friedrich Möller, Burghardt Wittig:
ClustDB: A High-Performance Tool for Large Scale Sequence Matching. 196-200 - Karol Kozak, Marta Kozak, Eberhard Krausz:
SIB: Database and Tool for the Integration and Browsing of Large Scale Image Hhigh-Throughput Screening Data. 201-205
Session 2
- Fabrício Nogueira da Silva, Maria Cláudia Cavalcanti
, Alberto M. R. Dávila:
In Services: Data Management for In Silico Workflows. 206-210 - Sebastian Klie, Steffen Neumann:
Storage and Processing of Mass Spectrometry Data. 211-215 - Badr Al-Daihani, W. Alex Gray, Peter Kille
Extracting Metadata from Biological Experimental Data. 216-222
Session 3
- Yu-Wei Chiu, Fang-Rong Hsu, Man-Kwan Shan:
Comparative Analysis of Exon Skipping Patterns in Human and Mouse. 223-227 - Saiful Akbar, Josef Küng, Roland R. Wagner:
Exploiting Geometrical Properties on Protein Similarity Search. 228-234
W05 - GLOBE'06: 3rd International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the Program Chair. 235-236
Invited Paper
- Guy Bernard:
Invited Paper: Middleware for Next Generation Distributed Systems: Main Challenges and Perspectives. 237-240
Session 1: Data Grid and Mobility
- Kjetil Nørvåg:
DASCOSA: Database Support for Computational Science Applications. 241-245 - Karin Anna Hummel, Georg Bohs, Peter Brezany, Ivan Janciak:
Mobility Extensions for Knowledge Discovery Workflows in Data Mining Grids. 246-250 - Witold Litwin, Riad Mokadem, Philippe Rigaux, Thomas J. E. Schwarz:
Pattern Matching Using n-Gram Sampling of Cumulative Algebraic Signatures: Preliminary Results. 251-255
Session 2: P2P Systems and Query Processing
- María-Del-Pilar Villamil, Claudia Roncancio, Cyril Labbé:
Range Queries in Massively Distributed Data. 256-260 - Moreno Marzolla, Matteo Mordacchini
, Salvatore Orlando
A P2P Resource Discovery System Based on a Forest of Trees. 261-265
Session 3: Dataspace and Load Balancing
- Ibrahim Elsayed, Peter Brezany, A Min Tjoa:
Towards Realization of Dataspaces. 266-272 - Marcin Gorawski, Maciej Kaminski:
On-Line Balancing of Horizontally-Range-Partitioned Data in Distributed Spatial Telemetric Data Warehouse. 273-280
W06 - WBC'06: 6th International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- WBC'06 Message from the Chair. 281-282
Session 1
- Flavio Corradini, Alberto Polzonetti, Romeo Pruno, Lucio Forastieri:
Document Exchange Methodology for Collaborative Work in e-Government. 283-287 - Belinda M. Carter, Maria E. Orlowska:
On the Execution of Collaborative Business Processes. 288-292 - Stefan Paal, Lars Bröcker, Marion Borowski:
Supporting On Demand Collaboration in Web-Based Communities. 293-298
Session 2
- Razika Driouche, Zizette Boufaïda, Fabrice Kordon:
Towards Integrating Collaborative Business Process Based on a Process Ontology and EbXML Collaboration Scenario. 299-303 - Herzi Khaled, Aïcha-Nabila Benharkat, Youssef Amghar:
Refinement of Correspondences in EXSMAL for XML Document Transformation. 304-308 - Konrad Fuks, Waldemar Wieczerzycki:
A New Approach to Information Exchange within Public Registries Based on RosettaNet Standards. 309-313
Session 3
- Janusz Wielki:
A Framework of the Impact of Cyberspace on Contemporary Organizations. 314-318 - Sajid Hussain, Nick Schofield, Abdul Wasey Matin:
Design of a Web-Based Application for Wireless Sensor Networks. 319-326
W07 - WebS'06: 5th International Workshop on Web Semantics
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the Workshop Chairs. 327-328
Session 1
- Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Paul D. Coddington, Andrew L. Wendelborn:
Bridging the Gap between the SemanticWeb and Existing Network Services. 329-333 - Silvestre Losada, Dariusz Kleczek, V. Richard Benjamins, Jesús Contreras, Óscar Corcho, José Luis Bas, Sergio Bellido:
How to Make It Faster and at Lower Cost? B2B Integration with Semantic Web Services. 334-338
Session 2
- Alessio Bosca, Dario Bonino:
OntoSphere3D: A Multidimensional Visualization Tool for Ontologies. 339-343 - Richard Hackelbusch:
Handling Heterogeneous Academic Curricula. 344-348
Session 3
- Damiao Ribeiro de Almeida, Cláudio de Souza Baptista, Fabio Gomes de Andrade:
Using Ontologies in Context-Aware Applications. 349-353 - Malgorzata Mochól, Elena Paslaru Bontas Simperl:
A High-Level Architecture of a Metadata-based Ontology Matching Framework. 354-358 - Devis Bianchini, Valeria De Antonellis, Michele Melchiori, Denise Salvi:
Lightweight Ontology-Based Service Discovery in Mobile Environments. 359-364
Session 4
- Ora Lassila:
Browsing the SemanticWeb. 365-369 - Kim Viljanen, Teppo Kansala, Eero Hyvönen, Eetu Mäkelä
ONTODELLA - A Projection and Linking Service for Semantic Web Applications. 370-376
W08 - HADIS'06: 2nd International Workshop on High Availiability of Distributed Systems
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the Workshop Organisers. 377-378
Session 1: Middleware-Based Replication
- Joseph G. Slember, Priya Narasimhan:
Nondeterminism in ORBs: The Perception and the Reality. 379-384 - Johannes Osrael, Lorenz Froihofer, Georg Stoifl, Lucas Weigl, Klemen Zagar, Igor Habjan, Karl M. Göschka:
Using Replication to Build Highly Available .NET Applications. 385-389 - José Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo, Hendrik Decker, José Ramón González de Mendívil, Francesc D. Muñoz-Escoí
Middleware-Based Data Replication: Some History and Future Trends. 390-394
Session 2: Fault Tolerance, Failure Detection, and Recovery
- Marcin Gorawski, Pawel Marks:
Fault-Tolerant Distributed Stream Processing System. 395-399 - Mikel Larrea
, Cristian Martín:
Implementing the Omega Failure Detector in the Crash-Recovery Model with partial Connectivity and/or Synchrony. 400-405 - Stefan Beyer, Francesc D. Muñoz-Escoí
, Pablo Galdámez:
CORBA Replication Support for Fault-Tolerance in a Partitionable Distributed System. 406-412
W09 - FlexDBIST'06: 1st International Workshop on Flexible Database and Information System Technology
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Preface. 413-414
Session 1: Invited Paper
- Slawomir Zadrozny, Janusz Kacprzyk:
Bipolar Queries and Queries with Preferences. 415-419
Session 2: Flexibility in Databases
- Narjes Hachani, Habib Ounelli:
A Knowledge-Based Approach For Database Flexible Querying. 420-424 - Hendrik Decker, Davide Martinenghi:
Avenues to Flexible Data Integrity Checking. 425-429 - Patrick Bosc, Olivier Pivert:
On a Qualitiative Approximate Inclusion -- Application to the Division of Fuzzy Relations. 430-434
Session 3: Data Mining
- Minyar Sassi, Amel Grissa Touzi, Habib Ounelli:
Using Gaussians Functions to Determine Representative Clustering Prototypes. 435-439 - Ramón Alberto Carrasco, María Amparo Vila Miranda
, Francisco Araque:
dmFSQL: a Language for Data Mining. 440-444
Session 4: Demonstration
- Gabriella Pasi, Gloria Bordogna, Robert Villa:
The PENG System: Practice and Experience. 445-449
Session 5: Searching and Context-Aware Computing
- Haralampos Karanikas, Nikos Pelekis, Dimitrios K. Iakovidis, Ioannis Kopanakis, Thomas Mavroudakis, Yannis Theodoridis:
MetaOn - Ontology Driven Metadata Construction and Management for Intelligent Search in Text and Image Collections. 450-454 - Pari Delir Haghighi, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Shonali Krishnaswamy:
An Evaluation of Query Languages for Context-Aware Computing. 455-462
W10 - XANTEC'06: 1st International Workshop on XML Data Management Tools and Techniques
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the Program Chair. 463-464
Session 1
- Sharma Chakravarthy, Subramanian C. Hari Hara:
Automating Change Detection and Notification of Web Pages (Invited Paper). 465-469 - Maria Rekouts, Maxim Grinev, Alexander Boldakov:
A Method for XQuery Transform Implementation Based on Shadow Mechanism. 470-475 - Mehdi Essid, Omar Boucelma, Stéphane Bressan:
Answering Queries in the Presence of XML Keys. 476-481 - Giacomo Buratti, Danilo Montesi:
A Data Model and an Algebra for Querying XML Documents. 482-486
Session 2
- Giuseppe Psaila:
On the Problem of Coupling Java Algorithms and XML Parsers (Invited Paper). 487-491 - Qiuju Lee, Stéphane Bressan, J. Wenny Rahayu:
XShreX: Maintaining Integrity Constraints in the Mapping of XML Schema to Relational. 492-496 - John N. Wilson, Richard Gourlay, Robert Japp, Mathias Neumüller:
Extracting Partition Statistics from Semistructured Data. 497-501
Session 3
- Falk Hartmann:
An Architecture for an XML-Template Engine Enabling Safe Authoring. 502-507 - Daniel Fötsch, Andreas Speck:
XTC - The XML Transformation Coordinator for XML Document Transformation Technologies. 507-511 - Davood Rafiei, Daniel L. Moise, Dabo Sun:
Finding Syntactic Similarities Between XML Documents. 512-516 - Lena Strömbäck
A Classification for Comparing Standardized XML Data. 517-524
W11 - LAAIC'06: 2nd International Workshop on Logical Aspects and Applications of Integrity Constraints
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Message from the Program Co-Chairs. 525-526
Session 1: New Openness, Incompleteness, and Streams
- Jan Chomicki:
Consistent Query Answering: Opportunities and Limitations. 527-531 - Hendrik Decker:
An Integrity Semantics for Open World Databases. 532-536 - Sebastian Link:
A Strongly Minimal Axiomatisation of Multivalued Dependencies in Incomplete Database Relations. 537-541 - Alessandro Campi, Paola Spoletini
History Checking of XML Data Streams. 542-546
Session 2: Optimization and Consistency
- Andrea Calì, Diego Calvanese:
Optimising Query Answering in the Presence of Access Limitations (Position Paper). 547-552 - José Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo, J. R. Juárez-Rodríguez, Hendrik Decker, Francesc D. Muñoz-Escoí
Trying to Cater for Replication Consistency and Integrity of Highly Available Data. 553-557 - Andrei Lopatenko, Leopoldo E. Bertossi:
Consistent Query Answering By Minimal-Size Repairs. 558-562
Session 3: Distributed and Parallel Databases
- Hamidah Ibrahim:
Checking Integrity Constraints - How it Differs in Centralized, Distributed and Parallel Databases. 563-568 - Henning Christiansen, Davide Martinenghi:
On Using Simplification and Correction Tables for Integrity Maintenance in Integrated Databases. 569-576
W12 - PMKD'06: 2nd International Workshop on Philosophies and Methodologies for Knowledge Discovery, Deployment, and Development of Decision Support Systems
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Preface. 577-578
Session 1
- Seppo Puuronen, Mykola Pechenizkiy
, Alexey Tsymbal:
Keynote Paper: Data Mining Researcher, Who is Your Customer? Some Issues Inspired by the Information Systems Field. 579-583 - Flavio Corradini, Alberto Polzonetti, Romeo Pruno, Roberto D'Angelo:
Social Enterprise Architecture: Towards an Extendable and Scaleable System Architecture for KM. 584-587 - Olivier L. Georgeon, Alain Mille, Thierry Bellet:
Analyzing Behaviorial Data for Refining Cognitive Models of Operator. 588-592
Session 2
- Michel Charest, Sylvain Delisle, Ofelia Cervantes, Yanfen Shen:
Intelligent Data Mining Assistance via CBR and Ontologies. 593-597 - Hugh M. Cartwright, Rohan M. Gunatillake, Les M. Sztandera:
Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks in the Molecular Design of Novel Fibers. 598-602 - Keith Rennolls:
Visualization and Bayesian Nets to link Business Aims. 603-607
Session 3
- V. Reznikov:
Some Approaches to the Model Error Problem in Data Mining Systems. 608-614
W13 - GRep'06: 2nd International Workshop on Data Management in Global Data Respositories
Workshop Introduction and Organizers
- Preface. 615-616