17th DEXA Workshops 2006: Krakow, Poland

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W01 - NBiS'06: 9th International Workshop on Network-Based Information Systems

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1: Agent-Based Systems

Session 2: Fault Detection and Fault-Tolerant

Session 3: Distributed Systems

Session 4: Mobile and Sensor Networks

Session 5: Networking and Applications

W02 - SAACS'06: 4th International Workshop on Self-Adaptable and Autonomic Computing Systems

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1

Session 2

W03 - TAKMA'06: 7th International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1: Knowledge Guidelines and Standards

Session 2: Knowledge Sharing

Session 3: Knowledge Discovery and Acquisition

W04 - BIDM'06: 4th International Workshop on Biological Data Management

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

W05 - GLOBE'06: 3rd International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Invited Paper

Session 1: Data Grid and Mobility

Session 2: P2P Systems and Query Processing

Session 3: Dataspace and Load Balancing

W06 - WBC'06: 6th International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

W07 - WebS'06: 5th International Workshop on Web Semantics

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

W08 - HADIS'06: 2nd International Workshop on High Availiability of Distributed Systems

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1: Middleware-Based Replication

Session 2: Fault Tolerance, Failure Detection, and Recovery

W09 - FlexDBIST'06: 1st International Workshop on Flexible Database and Information System Technology

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1: Invited Paper

Session 2: Flexibility in Databases

Session 3: Data Mining

Session 4: Demonstration

Session 5: Searching and Context-Aware Computing

W10 - XANTEC'06: 1st International Workshop on XML Data Management Tools and Techniques

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

W11 - LAAIC'06: 2nd International Workshop on Logical Aspects and Applications of Integrity Constraints

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1: New Openness, Incompleteness, and Streams

Session 2: Optimization and Consistency

Session 3: Distributed and Parallel Databases

W12 - PMKD'06: 2nd International Workshop on Philosophies and Methodologies for Knowledge Discovery, Deployment, and Development of Decision Support Systems

Workshop Introduction and Organizers

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

W13 - GRep'06: 2nd International Workshop on Data Management in Global Data Respositories

Workshop Introduction and Organizers
