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15th DEXA Workshop 2004: Zaragoza, Spain
- 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2004), with CD-ROM, 30 August - 3 September 2004, Zaragoza, Spain. IEEE Computer Society 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2195-9
NLIS'04: 4th International Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems
Document Analysis
- Tsunenori Ishioka, Masayuki Kameda:
Automated Japanese Essay Scoring System: Jess. 4-8 - Monica Palmirani, Raffaella Brighi, Matteo Massini:
Processing Normative References on the Basis of Natural Language Questions. 9-12 - Nikolaos Nanas, Victoria S. Uren, Anne N. De Roeck:
A Comparative Evaluation of Term Weighting Methods for Information Filtering. 13-17
Multilinguality and Morphology
- Marta Gatius, Manuel Bertrán, Horacio Rodríguez:
Multilingual and Multimedia Information Retrieval from Web Documents. 20-24 - Estela Saquete
, Patricio Martínez-Barco
, Rafael Muñoz:
Evaluation of the Automatic Multilinguality for Time Expression Resolution. 25-30 - Stéphane Bressan, Riky Irawan:
Morphologic Non-Word Error Detection. 31-35
Linguistic Knowledge Representation
- Carlos Periñán-Pascual
, Francisco Arcas-Túnez:
Meaning Postulates in a Lexico-Conceptual Knowledge Base. 38-42 - Rolf Schwitter:
Dynamic Semantics for a Controlled Natural Language. 43-47
PEH'04: 3rd International Workshop on Presenting and Exploring Heritage on the Web
Session 1
- Lorna Hards, Veronica Sekules:
Creating and Maintaining a Dynamic Resource: ArtWorld and Issues of Reliability and Community On-line. 52-56 - Vito Cappellini, Giovanna Damiani, Alessandro Piva:
Protection of Cultural Heritage Contents on the Web. 57-61 - Tim Redfern, Eoin Kilfeather
A Method for Presenting High Resolution, Archaeological 3D Scan Data in a Narrative Context. 62-66 - Franca Garzotto, Paolo Paolini, Marco Speroni, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger:
Ubiquitous Access to Cultural Tourism Portals. 67-72
Session 2
- Trevor D. Collins
, Paul Mulholland, Zdenek Zdráhal:
Community Story Exchang. 74-78 - Paul Mulholland, Zdenek Zdráhal, Trevor D. Collins
Supporting the Exploration and Use of Heritage Stories. 79-83 - Jan Uhlír, Martin Falc:
Annotating Narratives Using Ontologies and Conceptual Graphs. 84-88
Session 3
- Irene Lourdi, Christos Papatheodorou:
A Metadata Application Profile for Collection-Level Description of Digital Folklore Resources. 90-94 - Petr Aubrecht, Lubos Kral:
Ontology Formalism Transformation. 95-99 - Sebastiano Colazzo, Vito Perrone:
Integrating Distributed Heterogeneous Information Sources for Cultural Heritage: The DICE approach. 100-104 - Kamil Matousek, Jan Uhlír:
On Representing Uncertain Historical Time. 105-109
WebS'04: 3rd International Workshop on Web Semantics
- Eva Gahleitner, Wolfram Wöß:
Enabling Distribution and Reuse of Ontology Mapping Information for Semantically Enriched Communication Services. 116-121 - Raffaella Brighi:
An Ontology for Linkups between Norms. 122-126 - Wallace Anacleto Pinheiro, Ana Maria de Carvalho Moura:
An Ontology Based-Approach for Semantic Search in Portals. 127-131 - José A. Alonso-Jiménez, Joaquín Borrego-Díaz, Antonia M. Chávez-González:
Ontology Cleaning by Mereotopological Reasoning. 132-137
Session 2
- Silvana Castano, Alfio Ferrara, Stefano Montanelli, Gianpaolo Racca:
From Surface to Intensive Matching of Semantic Web Ontologies. 140-144 - Devis Bianchini, Valeria De Antonellis, Michele Melchiori:
QoS in Ontology-Based Service Classification and Discovery. 145-150 - Cláudio de Souza Baptista, Karine F. Vasconcelos, Ladjane S. Arruda, Ulrich Schiel, Elvis Rodrigues da Silva
OntoEditor: A Web Tool for Manipulating Ontologies Stored in Database Servers. 151-155
Session 3
- Ralf Klischewski:
How to "Rightsize" an Ontology: A Case of Ontology-Based Web Information Management to Improve the Service for Handicapped Persons. 158-162 - Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Using RDF for Policy Specification and Enforcement. 163-167 - Torsten Priebe
, Christian Schläger, Günther Pernul:
A Search Engine for RDF Metadata. 168-172
Session 4
- Randy Howard, Larry Kerschberg:
A Knowledge-based Framework for Dynamic Semantic Web Services Brokering and Management. 174-178 - Carmen Costilla, Juan P. Palacios, María José Rodríguez, José Cremades, Antonio J. Calleja, Raúl Fernández, Jorge Vila:
Semantic Web Digital Archive Integration. 179-185 - Radek Burget:
Hierarchies in HTML Documents: Linking Text to Concepts. 186-190 - Dean Williams, Alexandra Poulovassilis:
An Example of the ESTEST Approach to Combining Unstructured Text and Structured Data. 191-195
Session 5
- Adriana J. Berlanga, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
A Open Model to Define Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems Based on Learning Technology Specifications. 198-202 - S. Misbah Deen:
Non-Preemptive Preferences in Multi-Agent Task Processing. 203-207 - Michel Sala, Pierre Pompidor, Danièle Hérin, Gaël Isoird:
A Proposed Architecture to Index Courses on Website and Analyse the Student Follow up. 208-212
Session 6
- Thomas Biskup, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Building Blocks of a Semantic Web Framework - Requirements Analysis and Architectural Implications. 214-218 - Martin Bernauer, Gerti Kappel, Elke Michlmayr:
Traceable Document Flows. 219-225 - Thang To, Dan J. Smith:
Managing Personal Digital Resources. 226-230 - Ismael Navas-Delgado, Nathalie Moreno Vergara, Antonio C. Gomez Lora, María del Mar Roldán García
, Iván Ruiz Mostazo, José Francisco Aldana Montes:
Embedding Semantic Annotations into Dynamic Web Contents. 231-235
WBC'04: 4th International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration
Session I
- Stephen Sobol, Jennie Roux:
Developing Web-Based Infrastructures For Collaborative Working: The Case For Localised Solutions. 242-246 - Jordi Bataller, Hendrik Decker, Luis Irún-Briz, Francesc D. Muñoz-Escoí:
Replication for Web-Based Collaboration. 247-253 - Rainer Schmidt:
Enactment of Inter-Organizational Workflows Using Aspect-Element-Oriented Web Services. 254-258 - Victor M. Ruiz Penichet, José A. Gallud, M. L. González, Pascual González:
Implantation Guide for Collaborative Web-Based Systems (IGCWS). 259-263
Session II
- Willy Picard:
Towards Support Systems for Non-Monolithic Collaborative Document Edition: The Document-Group-Message Model. 266-270 - Alejandro Fernández:
Scaki - The Scaffolding Wiki. 271-275 - Marek Suchocki:
Web-based Collaboration: A Key Tool for the Management of Corporate Information. 276-280
Session III
- Jerome Robinson:
Data Extraction from Web Data Sources. 282-288 - Mahmoud Brahimi, Mahmoud Boufaïda, Lionel Seinturier:
A Federated Agent-Based Solution for Developing Cooperative E-Business Applications. 289-293 - Waldemar Wieczerzycki:
PSM: A Model of Collaborative Agents for E-Markets. 294-298
NBiS'04: 7th International Workshop on Network-Based Information Systems
Web and Multimedia Systems
- Nobuyoshi Sato, Minoru Uehara:
Differential Index Update in Cooperative Search Engine. 302-307 - Kaoru Sugita, Tomoyuki Ishida, Akihiro Miyakawa, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Kansei Retrieval Method Based on Design Pattern of Traditional Japanese Crafting Object. 308-312 - Akio Koyama, Tadahiko Abiko, Noriyuki Kamibayashi, Norio Narita:
A Care Communication Service System for Improving Inpatients Quality of Life. 313-317 - Daisuke Hironaka, Masao Yokota:
Multimedia Description Language for More Intelligent Networking. 318-323
Ad-Hoc Networks and Group Protocols
- Leonard Barolli, Yoshitaka Honma, Akio Koyama, Arjan Durresi, Junpei Arai:
A Selective Border-Casting Zone Routing Protocol for Ad-hoc Networks. 326-330 - Yosuke Nakamura, Xuejun Tian, Tetsuo Ideguchi, Takashi Okuda:
Access Control Method with Variable Retransmission Probability in Ad-Hoc networks and Its consideration of the Changing Point. 331-336 - Kenichi Watanabe, Tomoya Enokido, Makoto Takizawa:
Distributed Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Networks. 337-341 - Satoshi Itaya, Tomoya Enokido, Makoto Takizawa:
Group Communication Protocol for Atomic and Causal Delivery of Multimedia Messages. 342-346
Multimedia Applications
- Akihiro Miyakawa, Tomoyuki Ishida, Kaoru Sugita, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Proposal of Tradition Handicraft Searching Method Using DCML. 348-352 - Yuka Kato, DongMei Jiang, Katsuya Hakozaki:
A Proposal of a Streaming Video System Adapting to Various System Environments and Its Implementation. 353-357 - Yoshiki Murotani, Minoru Uehara, Hideki Mori:
A Conceptual Model Based Distance Learning System for Computer Literacy. 358-362
BIDM'04: 2nd International Workshop on Biological Data Management
Session 1
- Yang Wang, Osmar R. Zaïane, Randy Goebel, Jennafer L. Southron, Urmila Basu, Randy M. Whittal, Julie L. Stephens, Gregory J. Taylor:
Developing a Database for Proteomic Analysis of Extracytosolic Plant Proteins. 366-370 - Zoé Lacroix, Kaushal Parekh, Maria-Esther Vidal:
Evaluation Paths to Express Scientific Queries. 371-375 - Hasan Davulcu, Zoé Lacroix, Kaushal Parekh, I. V. Ramakrishnan, Nikeeta Julasana:
Exploiting Agent and Database Technologies for Biological Data Collection. 376-381
Session 2
- Michael Maibaum, Galia Rimon, Christine A. Orengo, Nigel J. Martin, Alexandra Poulovassilis:
BioMap: Gene Family based Integration of Heterogeneous Biological Databases Using AutoMed Metadata. 384-388 - Ilya Zaslavsky, Haiyun He, Joshua Tran, Maryann E. Martone, Amarnath Gupta:
Integrating Brain Data Spatially: Spatial Data Infrastructure and Atlas Environment for Online Federation and Analysis of Brain Images. 389-393
Session 3
- Jianting Zhang, Le Gruenwald:
An Efficient Optimal Leaf Ordering for Hierarchical Clustering in Microarray Gene Expression Data Analysis. 396-400 - Margherita Berardi, Michele Lapi, Pietro Leo, Donato Malerba, Caterina Marinelli, Gaetano Scioscia:
A Data Mining Approach to PubMed Query Refinement. 401-405
MIW'04: 5th International Workshop on Management of Information on the Web
Invited Paper
- Alex G. Büchner, David W. Patterson:
Personalised E-Learning Opportunities - Call for a Pedagogical Domain Knowledge Model. 410-414 - Daniela Leal Musa, Lydia Silva Muñoz, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira:
Sharing Learner Profile through an Ontology and Web Services. 415-419 - Rachid Anane
, S. Crowther, J. Beadle, Georgios Theodoropoulos:
eLearning Content Provision. 420-425 - Abdulrahman A. Mirza
Learn As You Solve - Inventory Models Web Solver. 426-429 - Amala Vijaya Selvi Rajan, Jim Otieno:
Leveraging Traditional Distributed Applications to Web Services for E-Learning Applications. 430-435 - D. Burnell, Ala Al-Zobaidie, G. Windall, A. Butler:
Self-Optimising Data Farming for Web Applications. 436-440
TAKMA'04: 5th International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management
Concepts of Knowledge Modelling
- Simone Stumpf, Janet McDonnell:
Sharing Metadata - Problems and Potential Solutions. 444-448 - Diane E. Mularz, Margaret Lyell:
Integrating Concept Mapping and Semantic Web Technologies for Effective Knowledge Management. 449-453 - Wilfried Njomgue Sado, Dominique Fontaine, Philippe Fontaine:
A Linguistic and Statistical Approach for Extracting Knowledge from Documents. 454-458 - A. Riki Y. Morikawa, Larry Kerschberg:
MAKO: Multi-Ontology Analytical Knowledge Organization based on Topic Maps. 459-463
KM Frameworks
- Jan Aidemark:
A Flexibility Approach to Planning an Intranet in Support of Knowledge Work. 466-470 - Robert Woitsch
, Dimitris Karagiannis, Peter Höfferer, Bernhard Teuchmann:
Process Oriented Knowledge Management: A Service Oriented Approach. 471-475 - Alfs T. Berztiss:
Knowledge and Uncertainty. 476-480
KMS Examples
- Jörg Becker, Lev Vilkov, Christian Brelage:
Multidimensional Knowledge Spaces for Strategic Management - Experiences at a Leading Manufacturer of Construction and Mining Equipment. 482-487 - Aurora Vizcaíno, Francisco Ruiz, Mario Piattini, Félix García:
Using REFSENO to Represent Knowledge in the Software Maintenance Process. 488-493 - Kemal A. Delic, Laurent Douillet:
Corporate IT Knowledge Workbench : Case Study. 494-497 - Nicolae Tandareanu, Mihaela Ghindeanu:
Hierarchical Reasoning Based on Stratified Graphs Application in Image Synthesis. 498-502
GLOBE'04: 1st International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems
Invited Paper 1
- Anastasios Gounaris, Norman W. Paton, Rizos Sakellariou, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes:
Adaptive Query Processing and the Grid: Opportunities and Challenges. 506-510
Grid and P2P Systems
- Samir Jafar, Sébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch:
Using Data-Flow Analysis for Resilience and Result Checking in Peer-To-Peer Computations. 512-516 - Marko Niinimäki, John White
, Wim Som de Cerff, Joni Hahkala, Tapio Niemi, Mikko Pitkänen:
Using Virtual Organizations Membership System with EDG's Grid Security and Database Access. 517-522
Semantics for P2P Systems
- Zoran Majkic:
Massive Parallelism for Query Answering in Weakly Integrated P2P Systems. 524-528 - Silvana Castano, Alfio Ferrara, Stefano Montanelli, Elena Pagani
, Gian Paolo Rossi, Stefano Tebaldi:
On Combining a Semantic Engine and Flexible Network Policies for P2P Knowledge Sharing Networks. 529-535
Invited Paper 2
- Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
C2P2: A Peer-to-Peer Network for On-Demand Automobile Information Services. 538-542
Query Processing and P2P Systems
- Marcel Karnstedt, Katja Hose, Kai-Uwe Sattler:
Query Routing and Processing in Schema-Based P2P Systems. 544-548 - Jean-Paul Arcangeli, Sébastien Leriche, Marc Pantel:
Development of Flexible Peer-To-Peer Information Systems Using Adaptable Mobile Agents. 549-553
Invited Paper 3
- Bernhard Fiser, Umut Onan, Ibrahim Elsayed, Peter Brezany, A Min Tjoa
On-Line Analytical Processing on Large Databases Managed by Computational Grids. 556-560
http: //doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/DEXA.2004.118
- Jean-Marc Pierson, Ludwig Seitz, Hector Duque, Johan Montagnat:
MetaData for Efficient, Secure and Extensible Access to Data in a Medical Grid. 562-566 - Tao-Yuan Jen, Rafik Taouil, Dominique Laurent:
A Dichotomous Algorithm for Association Rule Mining. 567-571
FEIDSS'04: 1st International Workshop on Forest and Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems
Invited Presentations
- Ronald E. McRoberts, Krista M. Gebert, Patrick D. Miles, Greg C. Liknes, R. James Barbour:
Using Forest Inventory Data and Geographic Information Systems to Support Forest Management Decision-Making. 576-580 - Patrick D. Miles, Wayne D. Shepperd, Ronald E. McRoberts, John S. Vissage, Kenneth E. Skog, Bryce J. Stokes:
Accessing and Extending the Utility of United States Forest Inventory Data. 581-585 - Binh Thanh Nguyen
, Mohamed T. Ibrahim:
Metadata Integration Framework for Managing Forest Heterogeneous Information Resources. 586-591 - Chiyaba Njovu, Mohammed T. Ibrahim:
Taxonomy of Bi-Temporal Events Data Semantics. 592-595
Fire Information and Decision Support Systems
- Kohyu Satoh, Song Weiguo, K. T. Yang:
A Study of Forest Fire Danger Prediction System in Japan. 598-602 - Paolo Fiorucci
, Francesco Gaetani, Riccardo Minciardi, Roberto Sacile, Eva Trasforini
Dynamic Resource Allocation For Forest Fire Risk Management. 603-607
Holistic Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems
- Keith Rennolls, Tim Richards, Alexander M. Fedorec, Mohamed T. Ibrahim, Kevin McManus, Alun Butler:
Requirements and Design of an Integrated European Environmental Information Communication System (IEEICS). 610-614 - Keith Rennolls, Tim Richards, Alexander M. Fedorec, Mohamed T. Ibrahim, Kevin McManus, Alun Butler:
Models and Tools for an Integrated European Environmental Management and Decision Support System, (IEEMDSS). 615-619
Other FEIDSS Papers
- Riccardo Minciardi, Michela Robba, Roberto Sacile:
A General Decision Model for a Sustainable Groundwater Planning. 622-626 - Alan Thomson, Mandy Haggith, Ravi Prabhu:
Innovation Diffusion: Predicting Success of System Development. 627-631
MDDS '04: 7th International Workshop on Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems
Location Data Management
- Gary Hoi Kit Lam, Hong Va Leong
, Stephen Chi-fai Chan
Reducing Group Management Overhead in Group-Based Location Management. 640-644 - Xiulan Yu, Ying Chen, Fangyan Rao, Dong Liu:
Filtering Location Stream in Moving Object Database. 645-649
Mobile Agents and Services
- Sergio Ilarri, Eduardo Mena, Arantza Illarramendi
Testing Agent-Based Mobile Computing Applications Using Distributed Simulations. 652-656 - Ricky Robinson, Jadwiga Indulska
A Complex Systems Approach to Service Discovery. 657-661 - Nikola Mitrovic, José A. Royo, Eduardo Mena:
ADUS: Indirect Generation of User Interfaces on Wireless Devices. 662-666
Transactions and Sensor Data
- Vladimir Zadorozhny, Panos K. Chrysanthis
, Alexandros Labrinidis:
Algebraic Optimization of Data Delivery Patterns in Mobile Sensor Networks. 668-672 - Christophe Bobineau, Cyril Labbé, Claudia Roncancio, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado:
Comparing Transaction Commit Protocols for Mobile Environments. 673-677
SAACS'04: 2nd International Workshop on Self-Adaptable and Autonomic Computing Systems
Session 1
- Shlomi Dolev
, Reuven Yagel:
Toward Self-Stabilizing Operating Systems. 684-688 - Hélène N. Lim Choi Keung, Justin R. D. Dyson, Stephen A. Jarvis
, Graham R. Nudd:
Self-Adaptive and Self-Optimising Resource Monitoring for Dynamic Grid Environments. 689-693 - Markus C. Huebscher, Julie A. McCann:
Simulation Model for Self-Adaptive Applications in Pervasive Computing. 694-698