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12th CSE 2009: Vanoucer, BC, Canada - Volume 4
- Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 29-31, 2009. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-5334-4
The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2009)
Social Computing I
- Lijie Zhang, Weining Zhang:
Edge Anonymity in Social Network Graphs. 1-8 - Valerie King, Louis Yu, Yan Zhuang:
Guanxi in the Chinese Web. 9-17 - Justin Zhan, B. John Oommen
, Johanna Crisostomo:
Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Social Systems Using Weak Estimators. 18-25 - Alina Stoica, Christophe Prieur:
Structure of Neighborhoods in a Large Social Network. 26-33
Social Computing II
- Adriana Budura, Daniela Bourges-Waldegg, James Riordan:
Deriving Expertise Profiles from Tags. 34-41 - Said Kashoob, James Caverlee, Elham Khabiri:
Probabilistic Generative Models of the Social Annotation Process. 42-49 - Tsuyoshi Murata:
Detecting Communities from Bipartite Networks Based on Bipartite Modularities. 50-57 - Lukas Bossard, Michael Kuhn, Roger Wattenhofer:
Visually and Acoustically Exploring the High-Dimensional Space of Music. 58-65
Social Computing III
- Wai-Tat Fu, Thomas George Kannampallil
, Ruogu Kang:
A Semantic Imitation Model of Social Tag Choices. 66-73 - John O'Donovan, Brynjar Gretarsson, Svetlin Bostandjiev, Tobias Höllerer, Barry Smyth:
A Visual Interface for Social Information Filtering. 74-81 - Joshua R. Davis, Zachary Goldman, Jacob Hilty, Elizabeth N. Koch, David Liben-Nowell, Alexa Sharp, Tom Wexler, Emma Zhou:
Equilibria and Efficiency Loss in Games on Networks. 82-89 - Chiao-Fang Hsu, Elham Khabiri, James Caverlee:
Ranking Comments on the Social Web. 90-97
Social Computing IV
- Rumi Ghosh, Kristina Lerman:
Structure of Heterogeneous Networks. 98-105 - Dan Hong, Vincent Y. Shen:
Online User Activities Discovery Based on Time Dependent Data. 106-113 - Jean-Philippe Cointet
, Camille Roth:
Socio-semantic Dynamics in a Blog Network. 114-121 - Yun Huang
, Mengxiao Zhu
, Jing (Annie) Wang, Nishith Pathak, Cuihua Shen
, Brian Keegan
, Dmitri Williams, Noshir S. Contractor:
The Formation of Task-Oriented Groups: Exploring Combat Activities in Online Games. 122-127
Social Computing V
- Chi-Yao Tseng, Ming-Syan Chen
Incremental SVM Model for Spam Detection on Dynamic Email Social Networks. 128-135 - Maryam Ramezani, Jeff J. Sandvig, Thomas Schimoler, Jonathan Gemmell, Bamshad Mobasher
, Robin D. Burke
Evaluating the Impact of Attacks in Collaborative Tagging Environments. 136-143 - Nathan Eagle, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Luís M. A. Bettencourt:
Community Computing: Comparisons between Rural and Urban Societies Using Mobile Phone Data. 144-150 - Munmun De Choudhury, Hari Sundaram
, Ajita John, Dorée Duncan Seligmann:
Social Synchrony: Predicting Mimicry of User Actions in Online Social Media. 151-158
The 2009 International Symposium on Social Intelligence and Networking (SIN 2009)
Social Intelligence and Networking I
- Whitman Richards, Nicholas C. Wormald:
Representing Small Group Evolution. 159-165 - Ali Khoshgozaran, Cyrus Shahabi:
Private Buddy Search: Enabling Private Spatial Queries in Social Networks. 166-173 - Jan J. Koenderink, Whitman Richards:
Multi-level Cellular Automata & Social Dynamics. 174-180 - Sonia Lajmi
, Johann Stan, Hakim Hacid, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Pierre Maret:
Extended Social Tags: Identity Tags Meet Social Networks. 181-187
Social Intelligence and Networking II
- Yu-En Lu, Sam G. B. Roberts, Pietro Liò
, Robin Dunbar, Jon Crowcroft:
Size Matters: Variation in Personal Network Size, Personality and Effect on Information Transmission. 188-193 - Tom Chao Zhou, Hao Ma, Irwin King
, Michael R. Lyu:
TagRec: Leveraging Tagging Wisdom for Recommendation. 194-199 - Tibor Bosse, Charlotte Gerritsen, Michel C. A. Klein
, Frank M. Weerman
Development and Validation of an Agent-Based Simulation Model of Juvenile Delinquency. 200-207 - Philip Hendrix, Ya'akov Gal
, Avi Pfeffer:
Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models to Learn about Reputation. 208-214 - Peter A. Gloor
, Jonas Krauss, Stefan Nann, Kai Fischbach, Detlef Schoder:
Web Science 2.0: Identifying Trends through Semantic Social Network Analysis. 215-222
Social Intelligence and Networking III
- Andry Rakotonirainy
, Seng Wai Loke, Patricia Obst
Social Awareness Concepts to Support Social Computing. 223-228 - Alexei Sharpanskykh, Sybert H. Stroeve
An Agent-Based Approach to Modeling and Analysis of Safety Culture in Air Traffic. 229-236 - Ueli Peter, Tomas Hruz:
Clustering Signature in Complex Social Networks. 237-244 - Arun S. Maiya, Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf
Inferring the Maximum Likelihood Hierarchy in Social Networks. 245-250 - Vassilis Kostakos
Is the Crowd's Wisdom Biased? A Quantitative Analysis of Three Online Communities. 251-255
Social Intelligence and Networking IV
- Ali Saidi, Mahesh V. Tripunitara, Mojdeh Mohtashemi:
Social Learning Applications in Resource Constrained Networks. 256-262 - Nan Li, Guanling Chen:
Analysis of a Location-Based Social Network. 263-270 - Ece Kamar, Ya'akov Gal
, Barbara J. Grosz:
Modeling User Perception of Interaction Opportunities for Effective Teamwork. 271-277 - Alvin Chin:
Finding Cohesive Subgroups and Relevant Members in the Nokia Friend View Mobile Social Network. 278-283 - Dan Corlette, Frank M. Shipman III:
Capturing On-Line Social Network Link Dynamics Using Event-Driven Sampling. 284-291
Social Intelligence and Networking V
- Manuel Cebrián
, Enrique Frías-Martínez
, Heath Hohwald, Rubén Lara, Nuria Oliver
How Did You Get to Know That? A Traceable Word-of-Mouth Algorithm. 292-297 - Su Chen, Tiejian Luo, Tingshao Zhu:
A Second-Order Markov Random Walk Approach for Collaborative Filtering. 298-303 - Georg Groh, Verena Rappel:
Towards Demarcation and Modeling of Small Sub-Communities/Groups in P2P Social Networks. 304-311 - Kenta Suzuki, Ken Wakita:
Extracting Multi-facet Community Structure from Bipartite Networks. 312-319
Social Intelligence and Networking VI
- Eni Mustafaraj, Panagiotis Takis Metaxas, Catherine Grevet:
The Use of Online Videos in the 2008 U.S. Congressional Elections. 320-325 - David A. Huffaker, Jing (Annie) Wang, Jeffrey William Treem, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Lindsay Fullerton, Dmitri Williams, Marshall Scott Poole, Noshir S. Contractor:
The Social Behaviors of Experts in Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games. 326-331 - Elizabeth M. Bonsignore
, Cody Dunne
, Dana Rotman, Marc A. Smith, Tony Capone, Derek L. Hansen, Ben Shneiderman:
First Steps to Netviz Nirvana: Evaluating Social Network Analysis with NodeXL. 332-339 - Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Brian Keegan
, Jaideep Srivastava
, Dmitri Williams, Noshir S. Contractor:
Mining for Gold Farmers: Automatic Detection of Deviant Players in MMOGs. 340-345
Social Intelligence and Networking VII
- Debra Lauterbach, Hung Truong, Tanuj Shah, Lada A. Adamic:
Surfing a Web of Trust: Reputation and Reciprocity on CouchSurfing.com. 346-353 - Yun Huang
, Cuihua Shen
, Dmitri Williams, Noshir S. Contractor:
Virtually There: Exploring Proximity and Homophily in a Virtual World. 354-359 - Barry Smyth, Maurice Coyle, Peter Briggs:
The Altruistic Searcher. 360-367 - Jon Dron
, Terry Anderson:
On the Design of Collective Applications. 368-374 - Heath Hohwald, Manuel Cebrián, Arturo Canales, Rubén Lara, Nuria Oliver
Inferring Unobservable Inter-community Links in Large Social Networks. 375-380
Social Intelligence and Networking VIII
- Christopher P. Diehl, Jaime Montemayor, Michael J. Pekala:
Social Relationship Identification: An Example of Social Query. 381-388 - Eric P. S. Baumer
, Jordan Sinclair, David Hubin, Bill Tomlinson
metaViz: Visualizing Computationally Identified Metaphors in Political Blogs. 389-394 - Robert Kremer:
Implementing Social Norms Using Policies. 395-400 - Michael Hart, Claude Castille, Rob Johnson, Amanda Stent:
Usable Privacy Controls for Blogs. 401-408 - Fang Wu, Dennis M. Wilkinson, Bernardo A. Huberman:
Feedback Loops of Attention in Peer Production. 409-415
Social Intelligence and Networking IX
- Michael Stefanone, Chyng-Yang Jang
, Nathan J. Claes:
New Media Use in Context: Environmental Cues and Online Self-Disclosure via Weblogs. 416-422 - Jaya Kawale, Aditya Pal, Jaideep Srivastava
Churn Prediction in MMORPGs: A Social Influence Based Approach. 423-428 - Ennan Zhai, Huiping Sun, Sihan Qing, Zhong Chen:
SpamClean: Towards Spam-Free Tagging Systems. 429-435 - Bijan Soleymani, Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
Social Authentication Protocol for Mobile Phones. 436-441 - Lingzhi Luo, Nilanjan Chakraborty, Katia P. Sycara:
Modeling Ethno-religious Conflicts as Prisoner's Dilemma Game in Graphs. 442-449
Social Intelligence and Networking X
- Howard T. Welser, Eric Gleave, Vladimir Barash, Marc A. Smith, Jessica Meckes:
Whither the Experts? Social Affordances and the Cultivation of Experts in Community Q&A Systems. 450-455 - Hikaru Yamamoto, Naohiro Matsumura:
The Power of Grassroots Influentials: The Optimal Heterophily between Sender and Receiver. 456-462 - Ya'akov Gal
, Rajesh Kasturirangan
, Avi Pfeffer, Whitman Richards:
A Model of Tacit Knowledge and Action. 463-468 - Kalyan Subbu, Ning Xu, Ram Dantu:
iKnow Where You Are. 469-474 - Liangjie Hong, Zaihan Yang, Brian D. Davison
Incorporating Participant Reputation in Community-Driven Question Answering Systems. 475-480
Social Intelligence and Networking XI
- Suratna Budalakoti, David DeAngelis, K. Suzanne Barber:
Expertise Modeling and Recommendation in Online Question and Answer Forums. 481-488 - Sai T. Moturu, Jian Yang, Huan Liu:
Quantifying Utility and Trustworthiness for Advice Shared on Online Social Media. 489-494 - Alexy Khrabrov, George Cybenko:
A Language of Life: Characterizing People Using Cell Phone Tracks. 495-501
The 2009 International Symposium on Social Computing Applications (SCA 2009)
Social Computing Applications I
- Levent Yilmaz
On the Synergy of Conflict and Collective Creativity in Open Innovation Socio-technical Ecologies. 502-508 - Vivian Hsueh-hua Chen
, Henry Been-Lirn Duh
Investigating User Experience of Online Communities: The Influence of Community Type. 509-514 - Justus Bross, Janosch Oppermann, Christoph Meinel:
Enabling Video-Blogging without Relying on External Service-Providers. 515-522 - Arjen van Alphen, Tibor Bosse, Catholijn M. Jonker, Francien Koeman:
Improving Interobserver Reliability by Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Behavioural Research. 523-529
Social Computing Applications II
- Stephen J. Rassenti, Carl A. Johnston:
Health Insurance Reform in an Experimental Market: Human Subjects, Agents Combined to Study Complex Regulatory Reform Proposals. 530-537 - Indratmo, Julita Vassileva
Social Interaction History: A Framework for Supporting Exploration of Social Information Spaces. 538-545 - Jans Aasman:
Social Network Analysis and Geotemporal Reasoning in a Web 3.0 World. 546-548 - Yu Zhang, Jason Leezer:
Emergence of Social Norms in Complex Networks. 549-555 - Fan Min, Xindong Wu:
Local Semi-linear Regression for River Runoff Forecasting. 556-561
Social Computing Applications III
- G. Michael McGrath:
Centrality and Power among Website Users: A Social Network Analysis Application. 562-567 - Guido van Heck, Itamar Sharon, Paulus Kampert, Jan van den Berg:
Introducing Electronic Child Records: Balancing Personal Interests, System Perfomance, and Social Values. 568-575 - Jia Zhou, Tiejian Luo:
Towards an Introduction to Collaborative Filtering. 576-581 - Amin Milani Fard
, Martin Ester:
Collaborative Mining in Multiple Social Networks Data for Criminal Group Discovery. 582-587 - Sadegh Aliakbary, Hassan Abolhassani
, Hossein Rahmani, Behrooz Nobakht:
Web Page Classification Using Social Tags. 588-593
Social Computing Applications IV
- Matt Spear, Xiaoming Lu, Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
Davis Social Links or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Net. 594-601 - Xiaohui Cui, Justin M. Beaver
, Jim N. Treadwell, Thomas E. Potok
, Laura Pullum
A Stigmergy Approach for Open Source Software Developer Community Simulation. 602-606 - Rui Prada
, Samuel Mascarenhas, Maria Augusta Silveira Netto Nunes
Personality in Social Group Dynamics. 607-612 - Katherine Krumme, Sergio Herrero-Lopez:
Lending Behavior and Community Structure in an Online Peer-to-Peer Economic Network. 613-618 - Il-Chul Moon, Young-Min Kim, Hyun-Jong Lee, Alice H. Oh:
Temporal Issue Trend Identifications in Blogs. 619-626
Social Computing Applications V
- Ben Kirman, Shaun W. Lawson, Conor Linehan
Gaming On and Off the Social Graph: The Social Structure of Facebook Games. 627-632 - Khulood Rambo, Kecheng Liu, Keiichi Nakata
The Socio-cultural Factors Influencing Online Female Consumers in Saudi Arabia. 633-638 - Tae-Gil Noh, Yong-Jin Han, Jeong Woo Son, Hyun-Je Song, Hee-Geun Yoon, Jae-An Lee, Sang-Do Lee, Kye-Sung Kim, Young-Hwa Lee, Seong-Bae Park, Se-Young Park, Sang-Jo Lee:
Experience Search: Accessing the Emergent Knowledge from Annotated Blog Postings. 639-644 - Bruno E. da Silva Coelho, Constantino Martins
, Ana de Almeida
Adaptive Tourism Modeling and Socialization System. 645-652 - Joonseong Ko, Kanghak Kim, Ohyeon Kweon, Jongwook Kim, Young-rin Kim, Steve SangKi Han:
Open Editing Algorithm: A Collaborative News Promotion Algorithm Based on Users' Voting History. 653-658
Social Computing Applications VI
- Yin He, Thecla Schiphorst:
Designing Social Computing Using Traditions of Symbolism, Personalization, and Gift Culture. 659-666 - Sean P. Goggins, James M. Laffey, Krista Galyen
Social Ability in Online Groups: Representing the Quality of Interactions in Social Computing Environments. 667-674 - Andrea Apolloni, Karthik Channakeshava, Lisa Durbeck, Maleq Khan, Chris J. Kuhlman, Bryan L. Lewis, Samarth Swarup:
A Study of Information Diffusion over a Realistic Social Network Model. 675-682 - Anne Russell, Mark Clark:
Modeling Human, Social, Cultural or Behavioral Events for Real World Applications: Results and Implications from the State Stability Project. 683-690
Social Computing Applications VII
- Payam Saisan, Anne Russell, Mark Clark, Stephen J. Krotosky:
System Theoretic Formalization of Social Group Processes and Optimal Evidence-Indicator Discovery. 691-696 - David Machaj, Christopher Andrews
, Chris North:
Co-located Many-Player Gaming on Large High-Resolution Displays. 697-704 - Marc A. Smith, Derek L. Hansen, Eric Gleave:
Analyzing Enterprise Social Media Networks. 705-710 - Victor Ströele A. Menezes
, Jonice Oliveira
, Geraldo Zimbrao, Jano Moreira de Souza:
Mining and Analyzing Multirelational Social Networks. 711-716 - Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata
, Toru Takahashi, Hiroshi G. Okuno
Development of a Meeting Browser towards Supporting Public Involvement. 717-722
Social Computing Applications VIII
- Man-Ching Yuen
, Ling-Jyh Chen
, Irwin King
A Survey of Human Computation Systems. 723-728 - Kangpyo Lee, Hyunwoo Kim, Hyopil Shin, Hyoung-Joo Kim:
Tag Sense Disambiguation for Clarifying the Vocabulary of Social Tags. 729-734 - Apoorv Agarwal, Owen Rambow, Nandini Bhardwaj:
Predicting Interests of People on Online Social Networks. 735-740 - Melanie Bernier, Dale Ganley:
Will Networking Nerds Pay for Stuff That Matters? The Relationship between Social Networks and Subscriptions in Virtual Communities. 741-746 - Benjamin M. Gross
Names of Our Lives. 747-752
Social Computing Applications IX
- Sung Eob Lee, Taeksoo Chun, Steve SangKi Han:
Using Qtag to Extract Dominant Public Opinion in Very Large-Scale Conversation. 753-758 - Young Sik Kim, Kibeom Lee, Steve SangKi Han:
Study on Collective Memory in the Blogosphere. 759-764 - Mauro San Martín, Claudio Gutierrez:
Personal Management of Social Networks Data. 765-770 - Dauw-Song Zhu, Gwendolyn Sneed O'Neal, Rick Zui-Chih Lee, Yen-Hsun Chen:
The Effect of Trust and Perceived Risk on Consumers' Online Purchase Intention. 771-776
The 2009 International Workshop on Social Networks Mining and Analysis for Business Applications (SNMABA 2009)
Social Networks Mining and Analysis for Business Applications I
- Huaiyu (Harry) Ma, Steven Gustafson, Abha Moitra, David B. Bracewell:
Ego-centric Network Sampling in Viral Marketing Applications. 777-782 - Eva-Maria Schwartz:
Integration of User Experiences to Advancement of B2B-Software-on-Demand Systems. 783-786 - Chiung-Fen Huang, Wen-Chih Tsai, An-Pin Chen:
Application of New A Priori Algorithm MDNC to Exchange Traded Fund. 787-794 - Michael Farrugia, Aaron J. Quigley
Enhancing Airline Customer Relationship Management Data by Inferring Ties between Passengers. 795-800
Social Networks Mining and Analysis for Business Applications II
- Kyunghee Kim, Micah Eckhardt, Nandi Bugg, Rosalind W. Picard:
The Benefits of Synchronized Genuine Smiles in Face-to-Face Service Encounters. 801-808 - Loc Nguyen
A Proposal of Discovering User Interest by Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree on Document Classification. 809-814 - I-Hsien Ting, Hui-Ju Wu, Pei-Shan Chang:
Analyzing Multi-source Social Data for Extracting and Mining Social Networks. 815-820
Social Networks Mining and Analysis for Business Applications III
- Wei-Lun Chang
, Sian-Ting Lin:
A Study of Co-relational Personalities of the Social Network in Organization. 821-825 - Carlos Miguel Tobar, Alessandro Santos Germer, Juan Manuel Adán Coello
, Ricardo Luís de Freitas:
Information Retrieval in Wikis Using an Ontology. 826-831 - Ting-Lin Lee, Chih-Wei Lin:
The Effect of Network Position and Relationship Quality on Organizational Performance-The ABW Family. 832-836
The 2009 International Workshop on Social Behavior in Music (SBM 2009)
- Marc Leman, Michiel Demey, Micheline Lesaffre, Leon van Noorden, Dirk Moelants:
Concepts, Technology, and Assessment of the Social Music Game "Sync-in-Team'. 837-842 - Giovanna Varni, Antonio Camurri
, Paolo Coletta, Gualtiero Volpe
Toward a Real-Time Automated Measure of Empathy and Dominance. 843-848 - Jack Stockholm, Philippe Pasquier
Reinforcement Learning of Listener Response for Mood Classification of Audio. 849-853 - Koray Tahiroglu:
Dynamic Social Interaction in a Collective Mobile Music Performance. 854-859 - Arne Eigenfeldt:
NetBeat and Net4Tet-Networked Performance Instruments for Electroacoustic Music Students. 860-861
The 2009 International Workshop on Social Computing in Education (WSCE 2009)
Social Computing in Education I
- Oscar Ardaiz-Villanueva
, Luis Manuel Díaz de Cerio
, Jose Andres Del Campo, Rubén Mondéjar:
Sharing Application Sessions for Peer-to-Peer Learning. 862-867 - Oscar Ardaiz-Villanueva
, Xabier Nicuesa Chacón, Oscar Brene Artazcoz, María Luisa Sanz de Acedo Lizarraga, María Teresa Sanz de Acedo Baquedano
Web2.0 Tools to Support the Instructional Method "Thinking Actively in a Creative Environment". 868-873 - Wenrong Jiang, Anbao Wang, Cuihong Wu, Jian Chen, Jihong Yan:
Approach for Name Ambiguity Problem Using a Multiple-Layer Clustering. 874-878 - Melody Siadaty, Dragan Gasevic, Marek Hatala:
Let's Meet: Integrating Social and Learning Worlds. 879-884
Social Computing in Education II
- Kobus Ehlers, Malan Joubert, Johann Kinghorn, Arnold van Zyl:
A Decision Support System for Institutional Research Management in Higher Education: Data Mining to Determine Research Focus, Intensity and Synergy. 885-890 - Jelena Jovanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Milan Stankovic, Zoran Jeremic, Melody Siadaty:
Online Presence in Adaptive Learning on the Social Semantic Web. 891-896 - Wang Fang, Mo Qian:
Design of a Platform of Popular Science Education Based on Social Computing. 897-902
Social Computing in Education III
- Justus Bross, Ahmet Emre Acar, Patrick Schilf, Christoph Meinel:
Spurring Design Thinking through Educational Weblogging. 903-908 - Zina Sahib, Julita Vassileva
Designing to Attract Participation in a Niche Community for Women in Science & Engineering. 909-914 - Hani Bani-Salameh
, Clinton L. Jeffery, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh:
SCI: Towards a Social Collaborative Integrated Development Environment. 915-920 - Yu-Ling Luo, Chia-Hao Hsu:
An Empirical Study of Research Collaboration Using Social Network Analysis. 921-926
The 2009 International Workshop on Social Computing with Mobile Phones & Sensors: Modeling, Sensing and Sharing (SCMPS 2009)
Social Computing with Mobile Phones and Sensors I
- Jason Ryder, Brent Longstaff, Sasank Reddy, Deborah Estrin:
Ambulation: A Tool for Monitoring Mobility Patterns over Time Using Mobile Phones. 927-931 - Vitaly Belik
, Theo Geisel, Dirk Brockmann:
The Impact of Human Mobility on Spatial Disease Dynamics. 932-935 - Gautier Krings, Francesco Calabrese, Carlo Ratti, Vincent D. Blondel:
Scaling Behaviors in the Communication Network between Cities. 936-939
Social Computing with Mobile Phones and Sensors II
- Eiko Yoneki:
The Importance of Data Collection for Modelling Contact Networks. 940-943 - James P. Bagrow
, Tal Koren:
Investigating Bimodal Clustering in Human Mobility. 944-947 - Fosca Giannotti, Mirco Nanni, Dino Pedreschi
, Chiara Renso
, Roberto Trasarti
Mining Mobility Behavior from Trajectory Data. 948-951
Social Computing with Mobile Phones and Sensors III
- Martin Wirz, Daniel Roggen
, Gerhard Tröster:
Decentralized Detection of Group Formations from Wearable Acceleration Sensors. 952-959 - Aaron Beach, Baishakhi Ray, Leah Buechley:
Touch Me Wear: Getting Physical with Social Networks. 960-965 - Taemie Kim, Daniel Olguín Olguín, Benjamin N. Waber, Alex Pentland:
Sensor-Based Feedback Systems in Organizational Computing. 966-969
The 2009 International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking (SPOSN 2009)
Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking I
- Lerone Banks, Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
All Friends Are Not Created Equal: An Interaction Intensity Based Approach to Privacy in Online Social Networks. 970-974 - Yang Wang, Alfred Kobsa:
Privacy in Online Social Networking at Workplace. 975-978 - San-Tsai Sun, Kirstie Hawkey, Konstantin Beznosov:
Towards Enabling Web 2.0 Content Sharing beyond Walled Gardens. 979-984
Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking II
- Heather Richter Lipford, Gordon Hull, Celine Latulipe
, Andrew Besmer, Jason Watson:
Visible Flows: Contextual Integrity and the Design of Privacy Mechanisms on Social Network Sites. 985-989 - Kirstie Hawkey:
Examining the Shifting Nature of Privacy, Identities, and Impression Management with Web 2.0. 990-995 - Guanfeng Liu
, Yan Wang
, Mehmet A. Orgun
Trust Inference in Complex Trust-Oriented Social Networks. 996-1001
Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking III
- Patrik Bichsel, Samuel Müller, Franz-Stefan Preiss, Dieter Sommer, Mario Verdicchio:
Security and Trust through Electronic Social Network-Based Interactions. 1002-1007 - Amirali Salehi-Abari, Tony White:
Witness-Based Collusion and Trust-Aware Societies. 1008-1014 - E. Michael Maximilien, Tyrone Grandison
, Kun Liu, Tony Sun, Dwayne Richardson, Sherry Guo:
Enabling Privacy as a Fundamental Construct for Social Networks. 1015-1020
The 2009 International Workshop on Social Mobile Web (SMW 2009)
Social Mobile Web I
- Jill Freyne, Adam J. Brennan, Barry Smyth, Daragh Byrne, Alan F. Smeaton
, Gareth J. F. Jones
Automated Murmurs: The Social Mobile Tourist Application. 1021-1026 - Xinru Page
, Alfred Kobsa
The Circles of Latitude: Adoption and Usage of Location Tracking in Online Social Networking. 1027-1030 - Huiqi Zhang, Ram Dantu, João W. Cangussu:
Quantifying Reciprocity in Social Networks. 1031-1035
Social Mobile Web II
- Aaron Beach, Mike Gartrell, Richard Han
Solutions to Security and Privacy Issues in Mobile Social Networking. 1036-1042 - Sorin Adam Matei
, Eric A. Wernert, Travis Faas:
Where Information Searches for You: The Visible Past Ubiquitous Knowledge Environment for Digital Humanities. 1043-1047 - Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez
, Pan Hui, Jon Crowcroft
Has Anyone Seen My Goose? Social Network Services in Developing Regions. 1048-1053
Social Mobile Web III
- Camille Grange, Izak Benbasat:
Information Technology Capabilities for Digital Social Networks. 1054-1059 - Claudio Biancalana, Alessandro Micarelli:
Social Tagging in Query Expansion: A New Way for Personalized Web Search. 1060-1065 - Fawad Nazir, Jianhua Ma, Aruna Seneviratne
Time Critical Content Delivery Using Predictable Patterns in Mobile Social Networks. 1066-1073
Social Mobile Web IV
- Ankush Garg, Prantik Bhattacharyya, Charles U. Martel, Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
Information Flow and Search in Unstructured Keyword Based Social Networks. 1074-1081 - Stuart Moran
, Keiichi Nakata
Ubiquitous Monitoring and Human Behaviour in Intelligent Pervasive Spaces. 1082-1087 - Clayton Fink, Christine D. Piatko
, James Mayfield, Danielle Chou, Tim Finin, Justin Martineau:
The Geolocation of Web Logs from Textual Clues. 1088-1092
The 2009 International Workshop on Leveraging Social Patterns for Security, Privacy, and Network Architectures (SP4SPNA 2009)
Leveraging Social Patterns I
- Mooi Choo Chuah, Alexandra Coman:
Identifying Connectors and Communities: Understanding Their Impacts on the Performance of a DTN Publish/Subscribe System. 1093-1098 - Colin Pattinson:
Using Converging Technology to Bring Social Networking to Commerce. 1099-1102 - Pan Hui, Nishanth Sastry
Real World Routing Using Virtual World Information. 1103-1108 - Alexis Malozemoff, Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
Socially Enhanced Network Address Translation. 1109-1114
Leveraging Social Patterns II
- Tong Zhou, Romit Roy Choudhury, Krishnendu Chakrabarty
Diverse Routing: Exploiting Social Behavior for Routing in Delay-Tolerant Networks. 1115-1122 - David Zage, Carl Livadas, Eve M. Schooler:
A Network-Aware Distributed Membership Protocol for Collaborative Defense. 1123-1130 - Yenumula B. Reddy:
Role of Game Models in Social Networks. 1131-1136 - Mohammad Reza Faghani, Hossein Saidi
Social Networks' XSS Worms. 1137-1141 - Miao Wang, Xiling Luo:
Delivery Rate and Routing Overhead Analysis with Salvage in Collaborative On-Line Game Playing. 1142-1147 - Nadav Aharony, David P. Reed, Andrew Lippman:
Social Area Networks: Data Networking of the People, by the People, for the People. 1148-1155
The 2009 International Workshop on Social Intelligence in Applied Gaming (SIAG 2009)
Social Intelligence in Applied Gaming I
- Kshanti A. Greene, Joe Michael Kniss, George F. Luger, Carl R. Stern:
Satisficing the Masses: Applying Game Theory to Large-Scale, Democratic Decision Problems. 1156-1162 - Travis L. Ross
Constructing a Virtual World as a Research Tool: Lessons Learned from the First Iteration in the Development of Greenland. 1163-1168 - Roderick M. Riensche, Louis M. Martucci, Jean Scholtz, Mark A. Whiting:
Application and Evaluation of Analytic Gaming. 1169-1173 - Andrew J. Cowell
, Amanda K. Cowell:
Avatars in Analytical Gaming. 1174-1179 - Colleen L. Phillips, K. Brock Stitts, Norman D. Geddes:
ASC: A Proposed Architecture for Computing a Social Capital Gaming Metric. 1180-1187
Social Intelligence in Applied Gaming II
- K. Brock Stitts, Colleen L. Phillips, Norman D. Geddes:
Validation of Sociocultural Models and Meta-Models via Serious Games. 1188-1193 - Robert T. Brigantic, George A. Muller, Aimee E. Taylor, Anthony F. Papatyi:
Gaming to Predict Human Responses to Mass Casualty Events: An Approach for Quick Look Tools for Pandemic Influenza. 1194-1198 - Kyong Jin Shim
, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Nishith Pathak, Jaideep Srivastava
Inferring Player Rating from Performance Data in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). 1199-1204 - Kam Tong Chan, Irwin King
, Man-Ching Yuen
Mathematical Modeling of Social Games. 1205-1210

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