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CHI 1995: Denver, Colorado
- Jim Miller, Irvin R. Katz, Robert L. Mack, Linn Marks:
Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '95 Conference Companion: Mosaic of Creativity, Denver, Colorado, USA, May 7-11, 1995. ACM 1995, ISBN 0-89791-755-3 - Christopher Fry, Henry Lieberman:
Programming as driving: unsafe at any speed? 3-4 - David Wolber, Edward Janne, Kirk Chen:
Creating real-time animated interfaces with stimulus-response demonstration. 5-6 - Shari L. Jackson:
The ScienceWare Modeler: a learner-centered tool for students building models. 7-8 - Rebecca Denning, Philip J. Smith:
Teaching problem-solving through a cooperative learning environment. 9-10 - Linda Tetzlaff, Michelle Kim, Robert J. Schloss:
Home health care support. 11-12 - Samuel A. Rebelsky, James Ford, Kenneth Harker, Fillia Makedon, Panagiotis Takis Metaxas, Charles B. Owen:
Interactive multimedia conference proceedings. 13-14 - Christopher Ahlberg, Erik Wistrand:
IVEE: an environment for automatic creation of dynamic queries applications. 15-16 - Stephen G. Eick, Brian S. Johnson:
Interactive data visualization at AT&T Bell laboratories. 17-18 - Randy Kerr, Mike Markley, Martin Sonntag, Tandy Trower:
Reno: a component-based user interface. 19-20 - Jeffrey D. McWhirter:
Building dynamic graphical interfaces with Escalante. 21-22 - Benjamin B. Bederson, James D. Hollan:
Pad++: a zoomable graphical interface system. 23-24 - Monty L. Hammontree, Paul Weiler, Bob Hendrich:
PDA-based observation logging. 25-26 - Dan R. Olsen, Kenneth J. Rodham, Douglas C. Kohlert, Jeff Jensen, Brett Ahlstrom, Mike Bastian, Darren Davis:
NIC: interaction on the World Wide Web. 27-28 - Loren G. Terveen, Elena Papavero, Mark Tuomenoksa:
DynaDesigner: a tool for rapid design and deployment of device-independent interactive services. 29-30 - Earl Rennison:
Personalized galaxies of information. 31-32 - Keith Andrews, Frank Kappe, Hermann A. Maurer:
Hyper-G and harmony: towards the next generation of networked information technology. 33-34 - Allen Cypher, David Canfield Smith:
KidSim: end user programming of simulations. 35-36 - Michelle Y. Kim:
Creative multimedia for children: Isis story builder. 37-38 - Eric Blough:
Merging language, direct manipulation, and visualization: a programmable research environment for diffusion-limited aggregation. 39-40 - Casey Boyd:
Human and machine dimensions of 3D interfaces for virtual environments. 41-42 - Thaddeus R. Crews:
AdventurePlayer: an intelligent learning environment. 43-44 - Rudolph P. Darken:
Wayfinding in large-scale virtual worlds. 45-46 - Eckehard Doerry:
Evaluating distributed environments based on communicative efficacy. 47-48 - Peter Faraday:
Evaluating multimedia presentations for comprehension. 49-50 - Barry Fishman:
High-end high school communication: strategies and practices of students in a networked environment. 51-52 - Rich Gossweiler:
A system for application-independent time-critical renderin. 53-54 - Sandra G. Hirsh:
The effect of domain knowledge on elementary school children's search behavior on an information retrieval system: the science library catalog. 55-56 - Charles McLaughlin Hymes:
Conflicting class structures between the object oriented paradigm and users concepts. 57-58 - Jennifer S. Kay:
STRIPE: remote driving using limited image data. 59-60 - Axel Kramer:
Supporting design activities in the written medium. 61-62 - James A. Landay:
Interactive sketching for user interface design. 63-64 - Anant Kartik Mithal:
Using psychomotor models of movement in the analysis and design of computer pointing devices. 65-66 - Elizabeth D. Mynatt:
Transforming graphical interfaces into auditory interfaces. 67-68 - Jonathan L. Ostwald:
Supporting collaborative design with representations for mutual understanding. 69-70 - Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones:
Conversational dialogue in graphical user interfaces: interaction technique feedback and dialogue structure. 71-72 - Lisa Tweedie:
Describing interactive visualization artifacts-DIVA. 73-74 - Karen Ward:
Integrating multiple cues for spoken language understandin. 75-76 - Michael J. Shiffer:
Interactive city planning using multimedia representation aids. 77-78 - Barbara Hayes-Roth, Erik Sincoff, Lee Brownston, Ruth Huard, Brian Lent:
Directed improvisation with animated puppets. 79-80 - Allan Christian Long Jr., Shankar Narayanaswamy, Andrew J. Burstein, Richard Han, Ken Lutz, Brian C. Richards, Samuel Sheng, Robert W. Brodersen, Jan M. Rabaey:
A prototype user interface for a mobile multimedia terminal. 81-82 - Leonard J. Bass, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic, John Stivoric:
On site wearable computer system. 83-84 - Elizabeth D. Mynatt, W. Keith Edwards:
Audio GUIs: interacting with graphical applications in an auditory world. 85-86 - Tamotsu Murakami, Kazuhiko Hayashi, Kazuhiro Oikawa, Naomasa Nakajima:
DO-IT: deformable objects as input tools. 87-88 - Peter Spreenberg:
Designing a multimedia publication: American Center for Design interact journal. 89-90 - Eric Blough:
Merging language, direct manipulation, and visualization: programmable research environments for computational scientists. 91-92 - James Ambach:
Directing pictures with Art Pals. 93-94 - Ron Van Buskirk, Mary J. LaLomia:
The just noticeable difference of speech recognition accuracy. 95 - Ron Van Buskirk, Mary J. LaLomia:
A comparison of speech and mouse/keyboard GUI navigation. 96 - Ahmet Çakir, Gisela Çakir, Thomas Müller, Pieter Unema:
The TrackPad: a study on user comfort and performance (poster). 97-98 - Barry Fishman:
High-end high school communication: strategies and practices of students in a networked environment (poster). 99-100 - Peter W. Foltz:
Improving human-proceedings interaction: indexing the CHI index. 101-102 - Cathy Gunn:
An example of formal usability inspections in practice at Hewlett-Packard company. 103-104 - Roland Hübscher:
Rewriting interaction. 105-106 - Jennifer S. Kay:
STRIPE: remote driving using limited image data (poster). 107-108 - Smadar Kedar, Benjamin Bell:
Teachers in charge: model-based authoring of educational software. 109-110 - Adrienne Y. Lee, Douglas J. Gillan, Evan E. Upchurch, Jeffrey S. Melton:
Is multimedia-based training effective?: yes and no. 111-112 - R. William Soukoreff, I. Scott MacKenzie:
Generalized Fitts' law model builder. 113-114 - Michael J. Muller, Anne P. McClard:
Validating an extension to participatory heuristic evaluation: quality of work and quality of work life. 115-116 - Corrina Perrone, Alexander Repenning:
Remote exploratoriums: combining network media with design environments. 117-118 - Bethany Smith, Leonard J. Bass, Jane Siegel:
On site maintenance using a wearable computer system. 119-120 - Dick Steinberg, Charles DePlachett, Kacheshwar Pathak, Dennis Strickland:
3-D displays for real-time monitoring of air traffic. 121-122 - Massimo Paolucci, Daniel D. Suthers, Arlene Weiner:
Belvedere: stimulating students' critical discussion. 123-124 - Manfred Tscheligi, Verena Giller:
The gear model of HCI education. 125-126 - Thomas S. Tullis, Jennifer L. Boynton, Harry Hersh:
Readability of fonts in the windows environment. 127-128 - Lisa Tweedie, Robert Spence, Huw Dawkes, Hua Su:
The influence explorer. 129-130 - Karen Ward, David G. Novick:
Integrating multiple cues for spoken language understanding. 131-132 - Mihriban Whitmore, Tim McKay:
Usability testing of Posture Video Analysis Tool. 133-134 - Casey Boyd:
Human and machine dimensions of 3D interfaces for virtual environments. 135-136 - Gerhard Viehstaedt, Mark Minas:
Editing user-specific diagrams by direct manipulation. 137-138 - Jason Cassee, Meghan R. Ede, Todd Kemp:
Growing simplicity: a task-based approach to containing complexity. 139-140 - Toshifumi Arai, Kimiyoshi Machii, Soshiro Kuzunuki, Hiroshi Shojima:
InteractiveDESK: a computer-augmented desk which responds to operations on real objects. 141-142 - Toshiyuki Masui, Kouichi Kashiwagi, George R. Borden IV:
Elastic graphical interfaces to precise data manipulation. 143-144 - Ivan Bretan, Anna-Lena Ereback, Catriona MacDermid, Annika Waern:
Simulation-based dialogue design for speech-controlled telephone services. 145-146 - Ole Lauridsen:
Abstract specification of user interfaces. 147-148 - Ellen A. White, Marc E. Fusco:
Science-by-Mail. 149-150 - Saul Jimenez:
A computer science community service project. 151-152 - Melissa Schofield, Daniel Ben-Horin:
CompuMentor: people helping computers help people. 153-154 - Donald A. Norman, Jim Miller, D. Austin Henderson Jr.:
What you see, some of what's in the future, and how we go about doing it: HI at Apple Computer. 155 - Elizabeth Rosenzweig, Cay Lodine:
Usability at Eastman Kodak Company: a study in group collaboration. 156-157 - Jean Scholtz, Paul G. Sorenson:
Interface evaluation, design and research at Intel. 158-159 - Hajime Nonogaki, Hirotada Ueda:
FRIEND21 Project: two-tiered architecture for 21st-century human interfaces. 160-161 - Douglas J. Gillan:
HCI at New Mexico State University. 162-163 - Peter Spreenberg, Gitta Salomon, Phillip Joe:
Interaction design at IDEO Product Development. 164-165 - Jared M. Spool, Carolyn Snyder, Will Schroeder:
User Interface Engineering: fostering creative product development. 166-167 - Christel Dehaes, Kris Vanstappen:
Integrated software usability services. 168-169 - Manfred Tscheligi, Stephanie Houde, Raghu Kolli, Aaron Marcus, Michael J. Muller, Kevin E. Mullet:
Creative prototyping tools: what interaction designers really need to produce advanced user interface concepts. 170-171 - S. Joy Mountford:
Retrospective views on Apple Computer's Interface Design Project. 172-173 - Kevin E. Mullet:
3D or not 3D: "more is better" or "less is more"? (panel session). 174-175 - Wayne D. Gray:
Discount or disservice?: discount usability analysis--evaluation at a bargain price or simply damaged merchandise? (panel session). 176-177 - Lynn A. Streeter:
Interface styles: direct manipulation versus social interactions (panel session). 178 - Jock D. Mackinlay, Polle Zellweger:
Browsing vs. search: can we find a synergy? (panel session). 179-180 - William E. Hefley:
The NSF/ARPA/NASA digital libraries initiative: opportunities for HCI research (panel session). 181-182 - Stuart K. Card:
The Anti-Mac: violating the Macintosh human interface guidelines (panel session). 183-184 - Ernest A. Edmonds:
Creativity: interacting with computers (panel session). 185-186 - Maddy D. Brouwer-Janse:
From our past to our future: user interfaces over the lifespan (panel session). 187-188 - Daniel Boyarski, Virginia Howlett, Scott Mathis, David Peters:
Mapping the design process: visualizing what we don't see (panel session). 189-190 - Doug Riecken, Pattie Maes, Ben Shneiderman, David Canfield Smith:
Dealing with complexity: uniting agents and direct manipulation (panel session. 191-192 - Kevin M. Schofield:
CHI conference user feedback session (panel session). 193-194 - Joan Greenbaum, Morten Kyng:
The design challenge - creating a Mosaic out of chaos. 195-196 - Scott McDonald:
Learning from diversity: interactive TV, computers, and the frontier of the cognitive sciences. 197 - Christopher Joslyn, Clayton Lewis, Gitta Domik:
Designing glyphs to exploit patterns in multidimensional datasets. 198-199 - Robert Silvers:
Livemap - a system for viewing multiple transparent and time-varying planes in three dimensional space. 200-201 - Scott E. Hudson, Ian E. Smith:
Automatic generation of starfield displays using constraints. 202-203 - Nick S. Drew, Robert J. Hendley:
Visualising complex interacting systems. 204-205 - David Allport, Earl Rennison, Lisa Strausfeld:
Issues of gestural navigation in abstract information spaces. 206-207 - Lisa Strausfeld:
Financial Viewpoints: using point-of-view to enable understanding of information. 208-209 - Benjamin B. Bederson:
Audio augmented reality: a prototype automated tour guide. 210-211 - Don Kimber, Lynn Wilcox, Francine Chen, Thomas P. Moran:
Speaker segmentation for browsing recorded audio. 212-213 - William Joseph King, Suzanne Weghorst:
Ear tracking: visualizing auditory localization strategies. 214-215 - Mauricio Lumbreras, Gustavo Rossi:
A metaphor for the visually impaired: browsing information in a 3D auditory environment. 216-217 - Chris Schmandt, Atty Mullins:
AudioStreamer: exploiting simultaneity for listening. 218-219 - Cynthia A. Sikora, Linda Roberts, La Tondra Murray:
Musical vs. real world feedback signals. 220-221 - Peter Brusilovsky, Leonid Pesin:
Visual annotation of links in adaptive hypermedia. 222-223 - Kelvin Clibbon:
Conceptually adapted hypertext for learning. 224-225 - Batya Friedman:
"It's the computer's fault": reasoning about computers as moral agents. 226-227 - Clifford Nass, Youngme Moon, B. J. Fogg, Byron Reeves, D. Christopher Dryer:
Can computer personalities be human personalities? 228-229 - Bob Rehder, Clayton H. Lewis, Robert B. Terwilliger, Peter G. Polson, John Rieman:
A model of optimal exploration and decision making in novel interfaces. 230-231 - Ian Rogers:
The use of an automatic "To Do" list to guide structured interaction. 232-233 - Francesmary Modugno, Albert T. Corbett, Brad A. Myers:
Evaluating program representation in a demonstrational visual shell. 234-235 - Francisco Saiz, Javier Contreras, Roberto Moriyón:
Virtual slots: increasing power and reusability for user interface development languages. 236-237 - Judith D. Wilson, Irvin R. Katz, Giorgio P. Ingargiola, Robert M. Aiken, Nathan Hoskin:
Students' use of animations for algorithm understanding. 238-239 - Ole Lauridsen:
Abstract specification of user interfaces. 240-241 - Constance Fleuriot, David Y. Lees, Robert D. Macredie, Peter J. Thomas, John F. Meech:
Interface engineering in an office information appliance. 242-243 - Anthony Savidis, Constantine Stephanidis:
Building non-visual interaction through the development of the rooms metaphor. 244-245 - Ahmet Çakir, Gisela Çakir, Thomas Müller, Pieter Unema:
The TrackPad: a study on user comfort and performance. 246-247