- Matthias Rauterberg, Erich Styger:
Positive Effects of Sound Feedback During the Operation of a Plant Simulator. EWHCI 1994: 35-44 - Carsten Rückert, Stephan Klein:
Empirical Study on the Use of a Knowledge-Based System for Selecting Standard Engineering Components. EWHCI 1994: 19-34 - Siegfried Schreiber:
Specification and Generation of User Interfaces with the BOSS-System. EWHCI 1994: 107-120 - Leslie G. Tudor:
Growing an Icon Set: User Acceptance of Abstract and Concrete Icon Styles. EWHCI 1994: 56-63 - Gennady Uzilevsky:
Ergosemiotics of User Interface Research and Design: Foundations, Objectives, Potential. EWHCI 1994: 1-10 - Brad Blumenthal, Juri Gornostaev, Claus Unger:
Human-Computer Interaction, 4th International Conference, EWHCI '94, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2-5, 1994, Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 876, Springer 1994, ISBN 3-540-58648-2 [contents] - 1993
- Giuliano Antoniol, Roberto Fiutem, R. Flor, Gianni Lazzari:
Radiological Reporting Based on Voice Recognition. EWHCI 1993: 242-253 - Aline Berthome-Montoy:
Generating Self-Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces. EWHCI 1993: 318-326 - François Bodart, Anne-Marie Hennebert, Jean-Marie Leheureux, Isabelle Sacré, Jean Vanderdonckt:
Architecture Elements for Highly-Interactive Business-Oriented Applications. EWHCI 1993: 83-104 - Susanne Bødker
Historical Analysis and Conflicting Perspectives - Contextualizing HCI. EWHCI 1993: 1-10 - Eddy Boeve, Lon Barfield, Steven Pemberton:
WYSWYG Editors: And What Now? EWHCI 1993: 68-82 - Peter Brusilovsky
, Ivan Burmistrov
, Victor Kaptelinin:
Structuring the Field of HCI: An Empirical Study of Experts' Representations. EWHCI 1993: 11-20 - Peter Brusilovsky
, Leonid Pesin, Mikhail I. Zyryanov:
Towards an Adaptive Hypermedia Component for an Intelligent Learning Environment. EWHCI 1993: 348-358 - Matthew Chalmers:
Visualisation of Complex Information. EWHCI 1993: 152-162 - Valery M. Chelnokov, Victoria L. Zephyrova:
Coherent Navigation in Hypertext Environments: The SMIsC Conception. EWHCI 1993: 298-317 - Alexander Chernin:
The "Document-Driven Activity" Approach to Modelling and Designing Office Automation Systems. EWHCI 1993: 380-386 - Damian Conway:
HyperLecture: A Self-Organizing Lecture Presentation and Revision System. EWHCI 1993: 334-347 - Joëlle Coutaz, Laurence Nigay, Daniel Salber:
The MSM Framework: A Design Space for Multi-Sensori-Motor Systems. EWHCI 1993: 231-241 - Allen Cypher:
The Practical Use of Macro Recording: A Case Study. EWHCI 1993: 327-333 - A. Derder, Catherine Garbay:
A System to Model, Assist and Control the Human Observation of Microscopic Specimen. EWHCI 1993: 371-379 - Caryn Hubbard, James H. Bradford:
Task Interference with a Discrete Word Recognizer. EWHCI 1993: 254-259 - Keith Instone, Erik Brown, Laura M. Leventhal, Barbee Teasley:
The CHallenge of Effectively Integrating Graphics into Hypertext. EWHCI 1993: 290-297 - Achilles Kameas, Stergios Papadimitriou, Georgios Pavlides:
Coupling Interaction Specification with Functionality Description. EWHCI 1993: 21-28 - Arthur I. Karshmer, Richard L. Oliver:
Special Computer Interfaces for the Visually Handicapped: F.O.B. The Manufacturer. EWHCI 1993: 272-280 - Ying K. Leung, Mark D. Apperley:
E3: Towards the Metrication of Graphical Presentation Techniques for Large Data Sets. EWHCI 1993: 125-140 - Laura M. Leventhal, Barbee Teasley, Diane S. Rohlman, Keith Instone:
Positive Test Bias in Software Testing Among Professionals: A Review. EWHCI 1993: 210-218 - Mark Sh. Levin
Hierarchical Components of Human-Computer Systems. EWHCI 1993: 37-52 - Robert C. MacGregor:
An Extension to the Human-Computer Interaction Paradigm. EWHCI 1993: 29-36 - Kevin A. Mayo, H. Rex Hartson:
Synthesis-Oriented Situational Analysis in User Interface Design. EWHCI 1993: 53-67 - U. K. Patel, Alistair G. Sutcliffe:
Three-Dimensional Visualisation of Knowledge Structures: Prototyping for Design Evaluation. EWHCI 1993: 163-180