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Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications 2007
- Arthur Tatnall:
Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications (2 Volumes). IGI Global 2007, ISBN 9781591409892
- Juha Kettunen:
An Academic Management Portal. 1-5 - Carla Falsetti:
An Academic Student-Centered Portal. 6-11 - Constantina Doulgeraki:
Accessible Personalized Portals. 12-19 - Thorsten Schlachter, Werner Geiger, Rainer Weidemann:
Accessing Administrative Environmental Information. 20-25 - Tharitpong Fuangvut, Helen Hasan:
Accommodating End-Users' Online Activities with a Campus Portal. 26-34 - Lorna Uden, Kimmo Salmenjoki:
Adoption of Portals Using Activity Theory. 35-40 - Esharenana E. Adomi:
African Web Portals. 41-46 - Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Aristidis Konstantas:
Analyzing Competition for a Web Portal. 47-57 - Ian Weber:
Assessing Weblogs as Education Portals. 58-64 - Daniel Carbone:
Australian General Practitioners' Use of Health Information. 65-69
- Natalie Lee-San Pang, Don Schauder:
The Beijing Olympics (2008) Advertainment Portal. 70-74 - Michel Eboueya, Lorna Uden:
Benefits and Limitations of Portals. 75-81 - Mario Cannataro:
Bioinformatics Web Portals. 82-88 - Yoosuf Cader:
Biotechnology Portals in Medicine. 89-93 - Alex Pliaskin:
The BIZEWEST Portal. 94-97 - Samantha Bax:
The Bluegem Portal. 98-101 - Achraf Ayadi:
Business Challenges of Online Banking Portals. 102-105 - Zhu Bing:
Business Module Differentiation. 106-113
- Tracy R. Stewart:
A Case Study of an Integrated University Portal. 114-117 - Fredric Landqvist, Dick Stenmark:
Challenges and Pitfalls in Portal Information Management. 118-122 - Greg Gebhart:
Changing the Interface to High School Education. 123-125 - Yuriy Taranovych:
A Coaching Portal for IT Project Management. 126-133 - Wita Wojtkowski:
Collaborative Enterprise Portals. 134-139 - Wei Dai:
Collaborative Real-Time Information Services via Portals. 140-145 - Américo Sampaio:
Commercial and Open-Source Web Portal Solutions. 146-151 - Richard C. Millham:
Commercialization of Web Portals. 152-156 - Alison Norris:
Community Geographic Domain Names. 157-161 - Connie L. Fulmer:
Comparing Portals and Web Pages. 162-165 - Tharitpong Fuangvut, Helen Hasan:
A Comprehensive Methodology for Campus Portal Development. 166-171 - Tom S. Chan:
Constructing and Deploying Campus Portals in Higher Education. 172-177 - Scott Bingley:
The Content of Horizontal Portals. 178-181 - Akhilesh Bajaj:
A Content-Incentive-Usability Framework for Corporate Portal Design. 182-187 - Theodoros Evdoridis:
Countermeasures for Protecting Legally Sensitive Web-Powered Databases and Web Portals. 188-191 - Brian Dobing:
Cross-Cultural Dimensions of National Web Portals. 192-196
- William Gardner, Rajagopal Rajugan:
A Declarative Approach for Designing Web Portals. 197-203 - Yin-Leng Theng:
Design of a Proposed Nursing Knowledge Portal. 204-211 - Norbert Fröschle:
Designing a Portal and Community with the Community Generator. 212-216 - Ronald Maier:
Designing Portals for Knowledge Work. 217-222 - Thomas W. Parsons:
Developing a Knowledge Management Portal. 223-227 - Mae van der Merwe, Lorna Uden:
Developing Online Learning Portals in Low Bandwidth Communities. 228-234 - Brooke Abrahams:
Developing Semantic Portals. 235-243 - Shen Libing:
The Development Strategy of Sina and Sohu. 244-248 - Christoph Schlueter Langdon, Alexander Bau:
Digital Interactive Channel Systems and Portals. 249-255 - Theodoros Evdoridis:
Digital Rights Protection Management of Web Portals Content. 256-263 - Giovanni Maria Sacco:
Dynamic Taxonomies and Intelligent User-Centric Access to Complex Portal Information. 264-269
- Kai Jakobs:
E-Business Standards Setting. 270-274 - Jesse S. Jin:
E-Commerce Portals. 275-281 - Shota Okujava, Ulrich Remus:
Economical Aspects when Deploying Enterprise Portals. 282-289 - Alf Neumann, Henrik Hanke:
Education Portal Strategy. 290-295 - Rodrigo Baroni de Carvalho, Marta Araújo Tavares Ferreira, Chun Wei Choo, Ricardo Vidigal da Silva:
The Effects of Enterprise Portals on Knowledge Management Projects. 296-303 - Sergio Di Martino:
Effort Estimation for the Development of Web Portals. 304-309 - Giorgos Laskaridis, Konstantinos Markellos:
E-Government Portals Personalization. 310-315 - Juha Kettunen:
E-Management Portal and Organisational Behaviour. 316-320 - Meliha Handzic, Joon Ho-Hur:
An Empirical Study of a Corporate E-Learning Portal. 321-326 - Beverley Lloyd-Walker:
Employee Self-Service Portals. 327-331 - Mats Edenius:
Empowerment and Health Portals. 332-336 - Hua Luo, Yuan Gao:
Enabling Technology and Functionalities of Shopping Portals. 337-340 - Carol Pollard, Prashant Palvia, Mary Lind, Choton Basu:
Encouraging Global IS Collaborative Networks with a Knowledge Portal. 341-347 - Leo Tan Wee Hin:
Enhancing Electronic Governance in Singapore with Government Portals. 348-352 - Yuriy Taranovych:
Enhancing Portal Design. 353-359 - Ghazi AlKhatib, Zakaria Maamar:
Enterprise Portals and Web Services Integration. 360-363 - Ian Michael:
E-Portals in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. 364-367 - Ulf-Daniel Ehlers:
European Quality Observatory. 368-375 - Demetrios G. Sampson:
Evaluation of Web Portals. 376-383 - Blessing Mukabeta Maumbe, Wallace J. Taylor:
E-Value Creation in a Government Web Portal in South Africa. 384-390 - Lorna Uden, Kimmo Salmenjoki:
Evolution of Portals. 391-396 - Ilona E. Holland:
Evolution of the Milwaukee Public Schools Portal. 397-401
- Xiuzhen Feng:
Factors Affecting Portal Design. 402-407 - Carol Ann Barraclough, Udo Richard Averweg, Angela Frances O'Byrne Spencer:
From the Intranet to the Enterprise Knowledge Portal. 408-412 - Andrea Bosin, Nicoletta Dessì, Maria Grazia Fugini, Diego Liberati, Barbara Pes:
The Future of Portals in E-Science. 413-418
- Xiuzhen Feng:
A Generic Model of an Enterprise Portal. 419-424 - Giovanni Maria Sacco:
Guided Product Selection and Comparison of E-Commerce Portals. 425-430
- Daniel Carbone:
Health Portals. 431-436 - Xiyan Lu:
Helping Chinese Enterprises be Successful in Global Markets. 437-441 - Karyn Welsh, Kim Hassall:
Hosting Portals on an E-Marketplace. 442-448 - Steven R. Gordon, Monideepa Tarafdar:
How Corporate Portals Support Innovation. 449-453 - Aki Vainio, Kimmo Salmenjoki:
How to Promote Community Portals. 454-460
- Derek H. T. Walker, Tayyab Maqsood:
Identifying Knowledge Assets in an Organisation. 461-468 - Arthur Tatnall, J. Barrie Thompson:
The IFIP Portal. 469-475 - Wellington Moraes, Alberto de Medeiros Jr.:
Impacts and Revenues Models from Brazilian Portals. 476-481 - Allard Strijker:
Implementing Portals in Higher Education. 482-487 - Enrico Scarso:
Industry Portals for Small Businesses. 488-493 - Wita Wojtkowski:
Information Visualization. 494-500 - Zaiyong Tang, Kallol Kumar Bagchi:
Intelligent-Agent-Supported Enterprise Information Portal. 501-506 - Giorgos Laskaridis, Penelope Markellou:
Interoperability Integrating E-Government Portals. 507-512 - Teemu Paavola:
Investing in Portals for Benefits and Gains. 513-515
- Gennaro Costagliola:
Java Portals and Java Portlet Specification and API. 516-521
- Bhojaraju Gunjal:
KM Cyberary is a Gateway to Knowledge Resources. 522-526 - Andrew Basden:
Knowledge Servers. 527-531
- Christopher B. Mayer, K. Selçuk Candan:
Large-Scale ASP Replication of Database-Driven Portals. 532-537 - Paolo Bellavista:
Large-Scale Integrated Academic Portals. 538-546 - Dion Hoe-Lian Goh:
Learning Geography with the G-Portal Digital Library. 547-553 - Frederick Stielow:
Library Portals and an Evolving Information Legacy. 554-558 - Heather Fulford:
A Local Community Web Portal and Small Businesses. 559-563
- Tony Polgar, Jana Polgar:
Management Issues in Portlet Development. 564-570 - Nikos Manouselis:
Metadata for Web Portal. 571-576 - Hans Lehmann, Stefan Berger, Ulrich Remus:
A Mobile Portal for Academe. 577-582 - David Parsons:
Mobile Portal Technologies and Business Models. 583-586 - Ofir Turel, Alexander Serenko:
Mobile Portals. 587-593 - Alexander Serenko, Ofir Turel:
Mobile Portals as Innovations. 594-598 - Hans Lehmann, Ulrich Remus, Stefan Berger:
Mobile Portals for Knowledge Management. 599-605 - Pierfrancesco Foglia, Cosimo Antonio Prete, Michele Zanda:
Modelling Public Administration Portals. 606-614 - Lorenzo Gallucci, Mario Cannataro:
Models and Technologies for Adaptive Web Portals. 615-623 - Christian Serarols-Tarrés:
Modifying the News Industry with the Internet. 624-631 - Robert S. Owen:
Mouse Tracking to Assess Enterprise Portal Efficiency. 632-636 - David Beer:
The MP3 Player as a Mobile Digital Music Collection Portal. 637-641
- Hong Zhu, Yanlong Zhang:
Navigability Design and Measurement. 642-646 - Dag von Lubitz, Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
Network-Centric Healthcare and the Entry Point into the Network. 647-652
- Bhojaraju Gunjal, Sarah Buck:
Ontologies in Portal Design. 653-657 - Ah Lian Kor:
Ontology, Web Services, and Semantic Web Portals. 658-668 - Jean-Philippe Rennard:
Open Access to Scholarly Publications and Web Portals. 669-676 - Giancarlo Fortino, Carlos Enrique Palau:
An Open Streaming Content Distribution Network. 677-683 - Phillip Olla, Rod Crider:
Open-Source Online Knowledge Portals for Education. 684-688
- Bill Davey, Arthur Tatnall:
Paradox of Social Portals. 689-693 - Neal Shambaugh:
Personal Portals. 694-698 - Pankaj Kamthan:
Personalizing Web Portals. 699-704 - John W. Lamp:
The Portal as Information Broker. 705-711 - Konstantinos Robotis:
Portal Development Tools. 712-718 - Christoph Schlueter Langdon, Alexander Bau:
Portal Economics and Business Models. 719-723 - Cavan McCarthy:
Portal Features of Major Digital Libraries. 724-736 - Beverly Park Woolf, Esma Aïmeur:
Portal for Artificial Intelligence in Education. 737-742 - Karyn Welsh, Kim Hassall:
Portal Models and Applications in Commodity-Based Environments. 743-746 - María Ángeles Moraga, Angélica Caro:
Portal Quality Issues. 747-754 - Zuopeng Justin Zhang, Sajjad M. Jasimuddin:
Portal Strategy for Managing Organizational Knowledge. 755-762 - Udo Richard Averweg:
Portal Technologies and Executive Information Systems Implementation. 763-768 - Peter Shackleton, Rick Molony:
Portals and Interoperability in Local Government. 769-775 - Andreas Becks:
Portals for Business Intelligence. 776-781 - Nikolaos Partarakis:
Portals for Development and Use of Guidelines and Standards. 782-787 - Giuseppe Berio, Mounira Harzallah:
Portals for Integrated Competence Management. 788-794 - Lorna Uden, Marja Naaranoja:
Portals for Knowledge Management. 795-800 - Peter Dalmaris:
Portals for Workflow and Business Process Management. 801-804 - Juan Qiong Gou:
Portals in Application Integration. 805-810 - Ian Michael:
Portals in Consumer Search Behavior and Product Customization. 811-813 - Ed Watson, Brian Schaefer:
Portals in the Public Sector. 814-820 - Karen Simpson Nikakis:
Portals of the Mind. 821-825 - Paul Crowther:
Portals Supporting a Mobile Learning Environment. 826-830 - Konrad J. Peszynski:
Power and Politics in University Portal Implementation. 831-834