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IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 16
Volume 16, Number 1, January 2012
- Lei Zhou, Wei Yu:
Capacity of the Gaussian Relay Channel with Correlated Noises to Within a Constant Gap. 2-5 - Kwangjin Choi, Seong Gon Choi, Jun Kyun Choi:
Hybrid Video Transmission Scheme for Minimizing Server Bandwidth Consumption with Zero Start-up Delay in Video-on-Demand Service. 6-8 - Sung Ho Chae, Sang-Woon Jeon, Sae-Young Chung:
Cooperative Relaying for the Rank-Deficient MIMO Relay Interference Channel. 9-11 - Octavia A. Dobre
, Menguc Oner, Sreeraman Rajan
, Robert J. Inkol:
Cyclostationarity-Based Robust Algorithms for QAM Signal Identification. 12-15 - Le-Nam Tran
An Iterative Precoder Design for Successive Zero-Forcing Precoded Systems. 16-18 - Jintao Wang, Shuyun Jia, Jian Song:
Signal Vector Based Detection Scheme for Spatial Modulation. 19-21 - Jun-Bo Wang, Ming Sheng, Xiaoyu Song, Yuan Jiao, Ming Chen:
Comments on 'BER Performance of FSO Links over Strong Atmospheric Turbulence Channels with Pointing Errors'. 22-23 - Xiaohui Zhang, Enqing Chen, Xiaomin Mu:
Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization Based on Frequency-Domain Oversampling. 24-26 - Kuei-Ping Shih, Hung-Chang Chen, Sheng-Shih Wang, Chau-Chieh Chang, Chi-Tao Chiang:
A Subchannel Renumbering Scheme for IEEE 802.16 OFDMA Systems. 27-29 - Javad Vazifehdan, R. Venkatesha Prasad
, Martin Jacobsson, Ignas G. Niemegeers:
An Analytical Energy Consumption Model for Packet Transfer over Wireless Links. 30-33 - Weikun Hou, Xianbin Wang
, Gejie Liu:
ML Detection with Successive Group Interference Cancellation for Interleaved OFDMA Uplink. 34-36 - Yifan Yu, Daqing Gu:
Enhanced MU-MIMO Downlink Transmission in the FDD-Based Distributed Antennas System. 37-39 - Zeyang Dai, Jian Liu, Chonggang Wang, Keping Long:
An Adaptive Cooperation Communication Strategy for Enhanced Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radios. 40-43 - Hang Li, Qinghua Guo
, Defeng Huang
Throughput Analysis of Opportunistic Feedback for Downlink Multiuser Diversity with Capture Effect. 44-46 - Soumendra Nath Datta, Saswat Chakrabarti, Rajarshi Roy:
Comprehensive Error Analysis of Multi-Antenna Decode-and-Forward Relay in Fading Channels. 47-49 - Zhongjiang Yan
, Zhou Zhang, Hai Jiang
, Zhong Shen, Yilin Chang:
Optimal Traffic Scheduling in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks. 50-53 - Jui Teng Wang:
Joint MMSE Equalization and Power Control for MIMO System under Multi-User Interference. 54-56 - M. Jafar Taghiyar, Sami Muhaidat
, Jie Liang
, Mehrdad Dianati:
Relay Selection with Imperfect CSI in Bidirectional Cooperative Networks. 57-59 - Stavroula Vassaki, Athanasios D. Panagopoulos
, Philip Constantinou:
Effective Capacity and Optimal Power Allocation for Mobile Satellite Systems and Services. 60-63 - Ajay Singh, Manav R. Bhatnagar
, Ranjan K. Mallik
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Multiple Antenna Based Cognitive Radio Network Using an Improved Energy Detector. 64-67 - Young-Jin Kim, Gi-Hong Im:
Pilot-Symbol Assisted Power Delay Profile Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 68-71 - Agisilaos Papadogiannis, Alister G. Burr
, Meixia Tao:
On the Maximum Achievable Sum-Rate of Interfering Two-Way Relay Channels. 72-75 - Fei Sun, Huarui Yin, Weidong Wang:
Finite-Resolution Digital Receiver for UWB TOA Estimation. 76-79 - P. Wijesinghe, U. Gunawardana, R. Liyanapathirana
Combined Flat Histogram Monte Carlo Method for Efficient Simulation of Communication Systems. 80-82 - Fanxin Zeng
, Xiaoping Zeng, Zhenyu Zhang, Guixin Xuan
8-QAM+ Periodic Complementary Sequence Sets. 83-85 - Tian Peng Ren, Chau Yuen, Yong Liang Guan
, Kun Hua Wang:
3-Time-Slot Group-Decodable STBC with Full Rate and Full Diversity. 86-88 - Luis Javier García-Villalba
, José René Fuentes Cortez, Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco
, Mario Blaum:
An Efficient Algorithm for Searching Optimal Shortened Cyclic Single-Burst-Correcting Codes. 89-91 - Lei Shen, Haiquan Wang, Wei Zhang
, Zhijin Zhao:
Multiple Antennas Assisted Blind Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Channels. 92-94 - Yanwei Li, Wenda Ni, Heng Zhang, Yanhe Li, Xiaoping Zheng:
Availability Analytical Model for Permanent Dedicated Path Protection in WDM Networks. 95-97 - Hakjeon Bang, Jongdeog Kim, Sang-Soo Lee, Chang-Soo Park:
Determination of Sleep Period for Cyclic Sleep Mode in XG-PON Power Management. 98-100 - George Athanasiou
, Kostas Tsagkaris
, Panagiotis Vlacheas, Dimitrios Karvounas, Panagiotis Demestichas
Multi-Objective Traffic Engineering for Future Networks. 101-103 - Moneeb Gohar
, Seok Joo Koh
Network-Based Distributed Mobility Control in Localized Mobile LISP Networks. 104-107
Volume 16, Number 2, February 2012
- Sok-Ian Sou, Hsiu-Fang Ho:
Modeling Session Completion in Sparse Vehicular Internet Access. 161-163 - Shaowei Wang, Hualai Gu:
Multiuser Detection with Sparse Spectrum Gaussian Process Regression. 164-167 - Lili Wei, Wen Chen:
Optimal Upward Scaling of Minimum-TSC Binary Signature Sets. 168-171 - Josep Sala
, Francesc Rey
, Javier Villares
Asymptotically Optimum Energy Profile for Successive Interference Cancellation in DS-CDMA under a Power Unbalance Constraint. 172-175 - Ertugrul Basar
, Ümit Aygölü, Erdal Panayirci, H. Vincent Poor
Performance of Spatial Modulation in the Presence of Channel Estimation Errors. 176-179 - Lei Wang, Dazhuan Xu, Xiaofei Zhang:
Recursive Bit Metric Generation for PSK Signals with Gray Labeling. 180-182 - Mi-Kyung Oh, Sangsung Choi, Young-Hyoun Kwon:
Position-Based FSK Scheme Toward Power-Saving Transmission in LECIM Networks. 183-185 - Lisheng Fan, Xutao Li, Xianfu Lei, Wei Li, Feifei Gao:
On Distribution of SaS Noise and its Application in Performance Analysis for Linear Rake Receivers. 186-189 - Sungwon Lee, SeungGwan Lee, Choong Seon Hong
An Accuracy Enhanced IEEE 1588 Synchronization Protocol for Dynamically Changing and Asymmetric Wireless Links. 190-192 - Zhenguo Du
, Peilin Hong, Kaiping Xue:
Hotspot Gravitation Mobility Model. 193-195 - Shixun Wu, Jiping Li, Shouyin Liu, Jong-Wha Chong:
Improved and Extended Range Scale Algorithm for Wireless Cellular Location. 196-198 - JongSeob Baek, Jong-Soo Seo:
Efficient Iterative SIC and Detection for Two-Path Cooperative Block Transmission Relaying. 199-201 - Hongseok Yoo, Moonjoo Shim, Dongkyun Kim:
Dynamic Duty-Cycle Scheduling Schemes for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. 202-204 - A. M. Pistea, H. Saligheh Rad:
Wideband and Ultra-Wideband Characterization of Three-Dimensional MIMO Wireless Channels. 205-207 - Guopeng Zhang, Kun Yang, Qingsong Hu, Peng Liu, Enjie Ding:
Bargaining Game Theoretic Framework for Stimulating Cooperation in Wireless Cooperative Multicast Networks. 208-211 - Wenjie Xu, Seyed A. Zekavat:
Novel High Performance MIMO-OFDM Based Measures for NLOS Identification in Time-Varying Frequency and Space Selective Channels. 212-215 - Daegun Oh, Myung-kyun Kwak, Jong-Wha Chong:
Subspace-Based Propagation Delay Estimation Robust to Frequency Offset for Two-Way Ranging. 216-219 - Jintae Park, Georgy Shevlyakov, Kiseon Kim:
Distributed Detection and Fusion of Weak Signals in Fading Channels with Non-Gaussian Noises. 220-223 - In-Ho Lee, Dongwoo Kim:
Outage Performance of Opportunistic Cooperation in Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems with Relay Selection. 224-227 - Salama S. Ikki
, Raed Mesleh
A General Framework for Performance Analysis of Space Shift Keying (SSK) Modulation in the Presence of Gaussian Imperfect Estimations. 228-230 - Jonathan Ling, Dmitry Chizhik:
Capacity Scaling of Indoor Pico-Cellular Networks via Reuse. 231-233 - Syed Ali Hassan
, Mary Ann Ingram:
The Benefit of Co-Locating Groups of Nodes in Cooperative Line Networks. 234-237 - Mate Boban
, Tiago T. V. Vinhoza
, Ozan K. Tonguz, João Barros
Seeing is Believing - Enhancing Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks Through Visual Cues. 238-241 - Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Syed Obaid Amin, Choong Seon Hong
Hop-by-Hop Traceback in Wireless Sensor Networks. 242-245 - Kwan-Wu Chin
, Sieteng Soh
, Chen Meng:
A Novel Scheduler for Concurrent Tx/Rx Wireless Mesh Networks with Weighted Links. 246-248 - Saif E. A. Alnawayseh
, Pavel Loskot:
Complexity Reduction of Ordered Statistics Decoding Using Side Information. 249-251 - Lijuan Cui, Shuang Wang, Samuel Cheng:
Adaptive Slepian-Wolf Decoding Based on Expectation Propagation. 252-255 - Wei Gu, Laurent Clavier
Decoding Metric Study for Turbo Codes in Very Impulsive Environment. 256-258 - Thiago R. Raddo
, Anderson L. Sanches
, José V. dos Reis Júnior, Ben-Hur V. Borges
A New Approach for Evaluating the BER of a Multirate, Multiclass OFFH-CDMA System. 259-261 - Zuqing Zhu, Chuanqi Wan, Weida Zhong:
Using Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Mixed Placement of 1R/2R/3R Regenerators in Translucent Lightpaths for Energy-Efficient Design. 262-264 - Anna V. Manolova, Sarah Ruepp
, Andreas Rytlig, Michael S. Berger
, Henrik Wessing
, Lars Dittmann
Internal Backpressure for Terabit Switch Fabrics. 265-267 - Albert Pagès
, Jordi Perelló
, Salvatore Spadaro
, Gabriel Junyent
Strategies for Virtual Optical Network Allocation. 268-271 - Luis Miguel Vaquero
, Suksant Sae Lor, Dev Audsin, Paul Murray, Nick Wainwright:
Sampling ISP Backbone Topologies. 272-274 - Tuan Anh Le, Choong Seon Hong
, Md. Abdur Razzaque, Sungwon Lee, Heeyoung Jung:
ecMTCP: An Energy-Aware Congestion Control Algorithm for Multipath TCP. 275-277 - Pablo Ameigeiras
, Alba Azcona-Rivas, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz
, Juan J. Ramos-Muñoz
, Juan M. López-Soler
A Simple Model for Predicting the Number and Duration of Rebuffering Events for YouTube Flows. 278-280
Volume 16, Number 3, March 2012
- Pin-Yu Chen, Weng-Chon Ao, Kwang-Cheng Chen
Rate-Delay Enhanced Multipath Transmission Scheme via Network Coding in Multihop Networks. 281-283 - Carolin Huppert, Vinay R. Majjigi, John M. Cioffi:
Buffer Stability in Multi-User Streaming Systems Applying Water-Filling with Adaptive Levels. 284-287 - Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Desmond C. McLernon
, Mounir Ghogho:
Quantifying the Primary's Guard Zone under Cognitive User's Routing and Medium Access. 288-291 - Richard H. Chen, Wei-Ho Chung:
Reduced Complexity MIMO Detection Scheme Using Statistical Search Space Reduction. 292-295 - Dongsik Kim, Hyun-Myung Kim, Gi-Hong Im:
Soft Log Likelihood Ratio Replacement for Low-Complexity Maximum-Likelihood Detection. 296-299 - Andrea Zanella:
Estimating Collision Set Size in Framed Slotted Aloha Wireless Networks and RFID Systems. 300-303 - Tian-Ming Ma, Yu-Song Shi, Ying-Guan Wang:
A Low Complexity MMSE for OFDM Systems over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. 304-306 - Zujun Liu
, Dechun Sun, Lin Liu, Kechu Yi:
Joint Interference Suppression for Multi-User TDD MIMO Downlink with Other-Cell Interference. 307-309 - Daniel Denkovski
, Vladimir Atanasovski
, Liljana Gavrilovska:
HOS Based Goodness-of-Fit Testing Signal Detection. 310-313 - Rodolfo Oliveira
, Miguel Luís
, Luís Bernardo
, Rui Dinis
Towards Reliable Broadcast in ad hoc Networks. 314-317 - Misun Yoon, Myoung-Seok Kim, Chungyong Lee:
Decentralized Precoding Algorithm with Weighted SLNR for Limitedly Coordinated Network. 318-320 - Vesna Blagojevic, Predrag Ivanis
Ergodic Capacity for TAS/MRC Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio. 321-323 - Salama S. Ikki
, Sonia Aïssa:
Impact of Imperfect Channel Estimation and Co-Channel Interference on Dual-Hop Relaying Systems. 324-327 - Jui Teng Wang:
Receive Combiner Bank for MIMO System under Multi-User Cochannel Interference. 328-330 - Ertan Onur
, Yunus Durmus, Ignas G. Niemegeers:
Cooperative Density Estimation in Random Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 331-333 - Liang Yang
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Outage Probability of Distributed Beamforming with Co-Channel Interference. 334-337 - Daegun Oh, Daekyung Kim, Jong-Wha Chong:
Effective Preprocessing Transformation with Rake Reception for Shift Invariant TOA Estimation of Chirp Signals in Multipath Environments. 338-341 - Meejoung Kim, Seung-Eun Hong, Jinkyeong Kim:
Analysis of Directional Communication via Relaying Devices in mmWave WPANs. 342-345 - Gaofeng Pan
, Eylem Ekici
, Quanyuan Feng:
Capacity Analysis of Log-Normal Channels Under Various Adaptive Transmission Schemes. 346-348 - Dan Wu, Yueming Cai, Jiaheng Wang:
Cooperation Policy Selection for Energy-Constrained Ad Hoc Networks Using Correlated Equilibrium. 349-351 - Dan Wang, Shizhong Yang, Yong Liao, Yu Liu:
Efficient Receiver Scheme for LTE PUCCH. 352-355 - Dimitrios Katselis:
Some Preamble Design Aspects in CP-OFDM Systems. 356-359 - Haewook Park, Seokhwan Park, Hanbae Kong, Inkyu Lee:
Weighted Sum MSE Minimization under Per-BS Power Constraint for Network MIMO Systems. 360-363 - Giacomo Bacci
Energy-Efficient Power Control for CDMA Code Acquisition over Frequency-Selective Channels. 364-367 - Mohammad Faisal Uddin
, Chadi Assi, Ali Ghrayeb
Joint Relay Assignment and Power Allocation for Multicast Cooperative Networks. 368-371 - Feng Seng Chu, Kwang-Cheng Chen
, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Green Resource Allocation to Minimize Receiving Energy in OFDMA Cellular Systems. 372-374 - Pin Lv, Zhiping Cai, Jia Xu, Ming Xu:
Multicast Service-Oriented Virtual Network Embedding in Wireless Mesh Networks. 375-377 - Javad Haghighat, Walaa Hamouda:
Decode-Compress-and-Forward with Selective-Cooperation for Relay Networks. 378-381 - Wen-Hsin Yang, You-Chiun Wang, Yu-Chee Tseng:
Efficient Packet Recovery Using Prioritized Network Coding in DVB-IPDC Systems. 382-385 - Joohyung Lee, Young Mi Lim, Kwihoon Kim, Seong Gon Choi, Jun Kyun Choi:
Energy Efficient Cooperative Multicast Scheme Based on Selective Relay. 386-388 - Gabi Sarkis, Warren J. Gross:
Efficient Stochastic Decoding of Non-Binary LDPC Codes with Degree-Two Variable Nodes. 389-391 - Youssouf Ould-Cheikh-Mouhamedou:
A Simple and Efficient Method for Lowering the Error Floors of Turbo Codes that Use Structured Interleavers. 392-395 - Lawrence Ong
, Sarah J. Johnson
The Capacity Region of the Restricted Two-Way Relay Channel with Any Deterministic Uplink. 396-399 - Mehdi Karimi, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Counting Short Cycles of Quasi Cyclic Protograph LDPC Codes. 400-403 - Minkyu Lee, Dongsoo Han:
Voronoi Tessellation Based Interpolation Method for Wi-Fi Radio Map Construction. 404-407 - Joaquín Pérez
, Zabih Ghassemlooy
, Sujan Rajbhandari
, Muhammad Ijaz, Hoa Le Minh
Ethernet FSO Communications Link Performance Study Under a Controlled Fog Environment. 408-410 - Ingo McLean, Ken Christensen:
Reducing Energy Use: A Dual-Channel Link. 411-413 - Hyun-Ho Choi
, Ki-Ho Lee, Jung-Ryun Lee:
Analysis of Tradeoff Between Energy Consumption and Activation Delay in Power Management Mechanisms. 414-416 - Oshri Naparstek, Kobi Cohen
, Amir Leshem
Parametric Spectrum Shaping for Downstream Spectrum Management of Digital Subscriber Lines. 417-419 - Pravesh Biyani, Shankar Prakriya, Amitabha Bagchi, Surendra Prasad:
Dynamic Programming Based Multi-User Resource Allocation for Partial Crosstalk Cancellation in VDSL. 420-423
Volume 16, Number 4, April 2012
- Sujit Jos, Jinesh P. Nair:
A Note on "A Novel ZCZ Code Based on m-Sequences and its Applications in CDMA Systems". 425 - Alireza Mirzaee, Claude D'Amours:
Turbo Receiver for DS-SS Systems Employing Parity Bit Selected Spreading Codes. 426-428 - Kwonhue Choi, Huaping Liu:
Polyphase Scrambled Walsh Codes for Zero-Correlation Zone Extension in QS-CDMA. 429-431 - Xuejun Sha, Xin Qiu, Lin Mei:
Hybrid Carrier CDMA Communication System Based on Weighted-Type Fractional Fourier Transform. 432-435 - Byungjin Chun, Hyuncheol Park:
A Spatial-Domain Joint-Nulling Method of Self-Interference in Full-Duplex Relays. 436-438 - Jupeng Ding, Zhitong Huang, Yuefeng Ji:
Evolutionary Algorithm Based Power Coverage Optimization for Visible Light Communications. 439-441 - Dong Zheng, Ju Liu, Kai-Kit Wong, He Chen
, Lei Chen:
Robust Peer-to-Peer Collaborative-Relay Beamforming with Ellipsoidal CSI Uncertainties. 442-445 - Serdar Ozyurt
, Murat Torlak:
Performance Analysis of Optimum Zero-Forcing Beamforming with Greedy User Selection. 446-449 - Shiwei Huang, Hongbin Chen
, Yan Zhang, Feng Zhao
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Amplify-and-Forward Relaying. 450-453 - Natalia Y. Ermolova, Olav Tirkkonen
Multivariate η-μ Fading Distribution with Constant Correlation Model. 454-457 - Kyuhyuk Chung:
An Analytical Expression for Performance of Optimum Combining with Multiple Correlated CCIs and Two Antennas. 458-461 - Y.-C. Wang, L. Dong, X. Xue, K.-C. Yi:
On the Design of Constant Modulus Sequences with Low Correlation Sidelobes Levels. 462-465 - Dharmendra Dixit
, P. R. Sahu:
Symbol Error Rate of Rectangular QAM with Best-Relay Selection in Cooperative Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 466-469 - Guoqing Hu, Anpeng Huang, Tammy Chang
, Xiang Cheng, Hequan Wu, Linzhen Xie, Anshi Xu, Zhangyuan Chen:
A Sensor-Based Seamless Handover Solution for Express Train Access Networks (ETANs). 470-472