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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 8, 1965
Volume 8, Number 1, January 1965
- George Radin, H. Paul Rogoway:
NPL: highlights of a new programming language. 9-17 - Saul Gorn:
Proposed American standard - character set for optical character recognition. 18-26 - J. M. Gerard, Michael P. Barnett, I. G. Izsak:
Mechanization of tedious algebra: the Newcomb operators of planetary theory. 27-32 - D. R. Ross:
Reducing truncation errors using cascading accumulators. 32-33 - Paul A. Samet:
Subroutine assembly. 34 - C. V. Ramamoorthy:
Code structures for protection and manipulation of variable-length items. 35-38 - H. E. Anderson:
Pracniques: automated plotting of flow-charts on a small computer. 38-39 - M. Morris Mano:
Pracniques: simulation of Boolean functions in a decimal computer. 39-40 - William Kahan:
Pracniques: further remarks on reducing truncation errors. 40 - H. W. Kirk:
Use of decision tables in computer programming. 41-43 - R. G. Loomis:
Boundary networks. 44-48 - Gerald H. Whipple, Hirosh Horibe, James F. Dickson, Lawrence W. Stark:
Remote, online, real-time computer diagnosis of the clinical electrocardiogram. 49-52 - Robert F. Simmons:
Answering English questions by computer: a survey. 53-70 - Robert C. Payne:
Letters to the editor: a reaction to Juncosa's proposal for ACM publications. 71 - Peter Warburton:
Letters to the editor: suggestions for ACM's long-term growth. 71 - D. M. Collison:
Letters to the editor: calculating E on a small computer. 71-72 - A. K. Duncan:
Letters to the editor: further results on computer construction of school timetables. 72
Volume 8, Number 2, February 1965
- Peter J. Landin:
Correspondence between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-notation: part I. 89-101 - William A. Briggs:
Algorithm 248: netflow [H]. 103-104 - Niklaus Wirth:
Algorithm 249: outreal N [15]. 104 - Henry J. Bowlden:
Remark on algorithm 206 [B1]: arccossin. 104-105 - Loren P. Meissner:
Remark on algorithm 135 [F4]: CROUT with equilibration and iteration. 104 - B. H. Boonstra:
Algorithm 250: inverse permutation [G6]. 104 - Walter Gautschi:
Certification of algorithm 236 [S17]: Bessel functions of the first kind. 105-106 - Paul A. Samet:
Certification of algorithm 234 [S23]: Poisson-Charlier polynomials. 105 - Elaine L. Lahners:
Automation of the radioisotope accountability system. 107-110 - Alan P. Batson:
The organization of symbol tables. 111-112 - J. Ben Rosen, S. Suzuki:
Pracniques: construction of nonlinear programming test problems. 113 - H. Gordon Rice:
Recursion and iteration. 114-115 - Walter J. Weller, Virginia C. Klema:
A rapid Braille transliteration technique for certain IBM machine. 115-116 - L. P. Schmid:
Efficient autocorrelation. 115 - George D. Montillon:
Computer user-oriented system. 117-124 - J. Y. S. Luh, R. J. Krolak:
Mathematical model for mechanical part description. 125-129 - John B. Goodenough:
A lightpen-controlled program for online data analysis. 130-134
Volume 8, Number 3, March 1965
- George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership: why ACM? 143-144 - Jack Moshman:
Should ACM discontinue annual exhibits? 145 - John B. Johnston:
A class of unambiguous computer languages. 147-149 - O. G. Mancino, Maria Morandi Cecchi:
The internal structure of the FORTRAN CEP translator. 149-151 - Edgar T. Irons:
A rapid turnaround multi-programming system. 152-157 - Peter J. Landin:
A correspondence between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-notations: Part II. 158-167 - W. A. Zaremba:
On ALGOL I/O conventions. 167-169 - M. Wells:
Algorithm 251: function minimisation [E4]. 169-170 - Henry J. Bowlden:
Certification of algorithm 139 [A1]: solutions of the diophantine equation. 170-171 - Malcolm C. Pike:
Remark on algorithm 145 [D1]: adaptive numerical integration by Simpson's rule. 171 - James M. Varah:
Certification of algorithm 203 [E4]: STEEP1. 171 - E. J. Wasscher:
Remark on algorithm 205 [E4]: ATIVE. 171 - Stanley E. Lass:
PERT time calculations without topological ordering. 172-174 - Yasuhiko Ikebe:
Note on triple-precision floating-point arithmetic with 132-bit numbers. 175-177 - Martin Greenberger:
Method in randomness. 177-179 - Edayathu V. Krishnamurthy:
On a divide-and-correct method for variable precision division. 179-181
Volume 8, Number 4, April 1965
- Saul Gorn:
Transparent-mode control procedures for data communication, using the American standard code for information interchange - a tutorial. 203-206 - Richard W. Conway, J. J. Delfausse, William L. Maxwell, W. E. Walker:
CLP-the Cornell list processor. 215-216 - J. H. Gunn:
Alogorithm 252 [Z]: vector coupling or Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. 217 - Peter A. Businger:
Algorithm 253 [F2]: eigenvalues of real symmetric matrix by the QR method. 217-218 - Peter A. Businger:
Algorithm 254 [F2]: eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix by the QR method. 218-219 - James Stafford:
Certification of algorithm 21 [S17]: Bessel function for a set of integer orders. 219 - Mats Ferring:
Remark on algorithm 231 [F1]: matrix inversion. 220 - Zalman A. Shavell:
The use of FORTRAN in subroutines with COBOL main programs. 221-223 - I. C. Pyle:
Data input by question and answer. 223-226 - Richard Bellman, June D. Buell, Robert E. Kalaba:
Numerical integration of a differential-difference equation with a decreasing time-lag. 227-228 - Richard M. Brown:
Use of a conditional base number system for encoding sequences of correlated characters. 229-230 - Richard Bellman, Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert E. Kalaba:
Wengert's numerical method for partial derivatives, orbit determination and quasilinearization. 231-232 - Kazuo Tajiri:
The use of COBOL subroutines in FORTRAN main programs. 233 - P. H. Arnold:
Still another use for FORTRAN II chaining. 234 - James T. Day:
On the numerical solution of an N-point boundary value problem for linear ordinary differential equations. 235-236 - A. M. Krasun, W. Prager:
Remark on Romberg quadrature. 236-237 - L. B. Doyle:
Expanding the editing function in language data processing. 238-243 - D. R. Davis, Andrew D. Lin:
Secondary key retrieval using an IBM 7090-1301 system. 243-246
Volume 8, Number 5, May 1965
- Walter H. Burkhardt:
Letters to the editor: syntax and generalization of ALGOL 60. 261 - Malcolm C. Harrison:
Letters to the editor: Fortran II chaining. 262 - David W. Hutchinson:
Letters to the editor: a final word on reducing truncation errors. 262 - Lee Schmidt:
Letters to the editor: on syntax specification. 262 - Donald B. Russell:
Letters to the editor: on the implementation of SLIP. 263 - George E. Forsythe, Niklaus Wirth:
Automatic grading programs. 275-278 - Linda Teijelo:
Algorithm 255: computation of Fourier coefficients. 279 - J. Boothroyd:
Certification of algorithm 243 [B3]: logarithm of a complex number. 279 - Saul Gorn:
Performance of systems used for data transmission transfer rate of information bitsmdash;an ASA tutorial. 280-286 - Timothy V. Griffiths, Stanley R. Petrick:
On the relative efficiencies of context-free grammar. 289-300 - Joseph B. Landwehr, Charles McLaughlin, H. Mueller, M. Lichstein, Seymour V. Pollack:
BLNSYS - a 1401 operating system with Braille capabilities. 300-303 - Walter H. Burkhardt:
Metalanguage and syntax specification. 304-305 - Ascher Opler:
Procedure-oriented language statements to facilitate parallel processing. 306-307 - Robert P. Larsen, M. Morris Mano:
Modeling and simulation of digital networks. 308-312 - S. W. Marshall, J. A. Nelson, R. M. Wilenzick:
Least-squares analysis of resonance spectra on small computers. 313-314 - Roger J. Weldon, Robert L. Baker:
Applications of binary numbers in computer routines. 315-318 - Bruce I. Blum:
An extended arithmetic package. 318-320 - Thomas G. Evans, D. Lucille Darley:
DEBUG - an extension to current online debugging techniques. 321-326 - Donald R. King:
Dynamic variable formatting. 326 - C. M. Philpott, G. V. Lago:
A method of data list processing with application to EEG analysis. 327-330
Volume 8, Number 6, June 1965
- A. C. Andrews, E. Winston Grundmeier, Ben A. Paulson:
Letters to the editor: calculations of first order kinetics problems with more than one first order region. 347 - James N. Haag:
Letters to the editor: more suggestions for ALGOL 60. 347 - Bernard A. Galler, Michael J. Fischer:
The iteration element. 349 - Fred M. Tonge, Peter Keller, Allen Newell:
QUICKSCRIPT - a SIMSCRIPT: like language for the G-20. 350-354 - Barry W. Smith:
Symbolic notations for statistical tables and an approach towards automatic system design. 355-360 - Joseph F. Traub:
American standard and IFIP / ICC vocabularies compared. 361-362 - Jürg Nievergelt:
On the automatic simplification of computer programs. 366-370 - W. S. Brown:
An operating environment for dynamic-recursive computer programming systems. 371-377 - Robert R. Korfhage:
Deeply nested iterations. 377-378 - George D. Tobey:
Bit manipulation in Fortran language. 378 - Roman L. Weil:
Testing the understanding of the difference between call by name and call by value in ALGOL 60. 378 - Albert A. Grau:
Algorithm 256: modified Graeffe method [C2]. 379-380 - G. Bayer:
Algorithm 258: transport. 381-382 - Robert N. Kubik:
Algorithm 257: Havie integrator. 381 - William D. Allen:
Certification of algorithm 246: graycode. 382 - N. Budea, J. G. Kamena, R. M. Kamena:
A technique for integrated reports from a multi-run system. 383-384 - Laurence I. Press:
Conversion of decision tables to computer programs. 385-390 - Gerard Salton, Michael E. Lesk:
The SMART automatic document retrieval systems - an illustration. 391-398 - Walter S. Stolz, Percy H. Tannenbaum, Frederick V. Carstensen:
Stochastic approach to the grammatical coding of english. 399-405
Volume 8, Number 7, July 1965
- George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership: why ACM? 422-426 - Herbert Kanner, P. Kosinski, Charles L. Robinson:
The structure of yet another ALGOL compiler. 427-438 - Saul Gorn:
Conventions for the use of symbols in the preparation of flowcharts for information processing systems. 439-440 - William M. McKeeman:
Peephole optimization. 443-444 - R. P. Rich, A. G. Stone:
Method for hyphenating at the end of a printed line. 444-445 - Malcolm C. Pike:
Remark on algorithm 235 [G6]: random permutation. 445 - Philip S. Abrams:
Certification of algorithm 245 [M1]: TREESORT. 445 - G. Bayer:
Remark on algorithm 258 [H]: transport. 445 - B. J. Dzubak, C. R. Warburton:
The organization of structured files. 446-452 - Susumu Kuno:
The predictive analyzer and a path elimination technique. 453-462 - Robert F. Rosin:
Determining a computing center environment. 463-468
Volume 8, Number 8, August 1965
- C. William Gear:
High speed compilation of efficient object code. 483-488 - Walter Gautschi:
Algorithms: ACM Algorithm 259: Legendre Functions for arguments larger than one. 488-492 - John G. Herriot:
Algorithm 259: Legendre functions for arguments larger than one. 489-492 - J. H. Gunn:
Algorithm 260: 6-J symbols. 492 - J. H. Gunn:
Algorithm 261: 9-J symbols. 492 - J. K. S. McKay:
Algorithm 262: Number of restricted partitions of N. 493 - J. K. S. McKay:
Algorithm 264: Map of partitions into integers. 493 - J. K. S. McKay:
Algorithm 263: Partition generator. 493 - Peter J. Smith:
Symbolic derivatives without list processing, subroutines, or recursion. 494-496 - David Gries
, Manfred Paul, Hans-Rüdiger Wiehle:
Some techniques used in the ALCOR ILLINOIS 7090. 496-500 - Arnold Lapidus, Max Goldstein:
Some experiments in algebraic manipulation by computer. 501-508 - John E. Ranelletti:
Dynamic format specifications. 508-510