33rd IPDPS 2019: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Workshops

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HCW: Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop

Session 1: Task Scheduling

Session 2: Programming Models for Accelerator-Based Systems

Session 3: Matrix Computations

RAW: Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop

Short paper Introductions

Oral Session I - Design Methods and Tools

Oral Session II - Applications

Oral Session III - CAD

HiCOMB: High Performance Computational Biology

Session I

Session II

Session III

GrAPL: Graph, Architectures, Programming and Learning

Session: Graph Analytics - Infrastructure

Session: Graph Analytics - Algorithms

Session: Graphs and Machine Learning

Session: Graph Analytics Frameworks

EduPar: NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education

HIPS: High Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments

Session 1: Full Papers

Session 2: Short Papers

Session 3: Invited Talks

HPBDC: High-Performance Big Data and Cloud Computing

Regular Paper Session I: High-Performance Data Analytics and Management

Regular Paper Session II: High-Performance Machine Learning

Short Paper Session: High-Performance Data Processing Algorithms

AsHES: Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems

Session 1: GPU Algorithms

Session 2: Communication and Memory

Session 3: Performance and Energy Analysis

PDCO: Parallel and Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization

Session I: Parallel Methods and Metaheuristics

Session II: Parallel Methods and Applications

Session III: Distributed Computing and Optimization

APDCM: Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models

Session 1: Practical Computer Systems

Session 2: Concurrency Models

Session 3: Parallel Computing Models

PDSEC: Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing

Session 1: Best Paper

Session 2: Algorithms and Simulation

Session 3: Applications

Session 4: The Future of HPC

iWAPT: International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tunings

AT Techniques