IIS 2004: Zakopane, Poland

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I. Regular Sessions: Machine Learning, Machine Discovery and Data Mining

II. Regular Sessions: Biologically Motivated Algorithms and Systems

III. Regular Sessions: Natural Language Processing

IV. Regular Sessions: Web Mining, Web Technologies and Information Retrieval

V. Poster Session

VI. Invited Session: Machine Learning Techniques for Computational Linguistics

invited by Erhard W. Hinrichs

VII. Invited Session: Knowledge Discovery

invited by Zbigniew W. Ras

VIII. Invited Session: Selected issues of knowledge discovery and representation in information systems

invited by Henryk Rybinski

IX. Invited Session: Automatic Understanding of Medical Images and Other Signals

invited by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz

X. Invited Session: New Trends in Preprocessing and Pattern Classification

invited by Roman Swiniarski