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CSIT 2023: Lviv, Ukraine
- 18th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, CSIT 2023, Lviv, Ukraine, October 19-21, 2023. IEEE 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-6046-2
- Maksym Zaliskyi, Oleksandr Solomentsev, Oleksii Holubnychyi, Ivan Ostroumov, Yuliya Averyanova, Olha Sushchenko:
Robust Method of Data Processing During Radio Equipment Operation. 1-4 - Volodymyr Motyka, Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Oksana Markiv, Sofia Chyrun, Liubov Kolyasa:
System Project for Ukrainian-language Feedback Tonality Analysis in the Health Care Field Based on BERT Model. 1-6 - Ivan Rudavskyi
, Oleksandr Stepanov, Halyna Klym:
Air Quality Monitoring System Based on Raspberry Pi and Arduino Hardware-Programmable Platform. 1-4 - Leonid Tsvirkun, Yurii Myronov
Challenges and Specificities of Adopting Continuous Integration within Scalable Cloud Environments. 1-4 - Roman Romanchuk, Victoria Vysotska, Vasyl Andrunyk, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Sofia Chyrun, Oksana Brodyak:
Intellectual Analysis System Project for Ukrainian-language Artistic Works to Determine the Text Authorship Attribution Probability. 1-6 - Oksana Malanchuk, Anatoliy Tryhuba, Inna Tryhuba
, Roksolana Sholudko, Oleh Pankiv:
A Neural Network Model-based Decision Support System for Time Management in Pediatric Diabetes Care Projects. 1-4 - Nataliia Kunanets, Vasyl Morokhovych
, Vasyl Kut, Dajana Popchenko:
Project for the development of an online betting game "Live Roulette". 1-5 - Yurii Kryvenchuk
, Alina Yamniuk:
Predicting fraudulent card transactions using machine learning methods. 1-4 - Olha Kopiievska
, Viktoriia Dobrovolska, Nataliia Holovach, Tetyana Filina, Tetiana Reva:
The Innovative Projects of the United Territorial Communities Cultural Institutions: Challenges of Nowadays. 1-4 - Olha Hurenko
, Ihor Bohdanov, Natalia Tsybuliak, Hanna Lopatina, Yana Suchikova, Anastasia Popova:
Development of an Inclusive Educational Environment in Higher Education Institutions: A Project Approach Using IDEF0. 1-5 - Olha Pronina, Olena Piatykop
Using Augmented Reality for Learning Animals for Early Childhood Education. 1-4 - Lidiia Vlasenko, Nataliia Lutska, Nataliia Zaiets, Vitaliy Lysenko:
Ontological Analysis of the Digital Crime Conceptual Model. 1-4 - Volodymyr Sokolov
, Pavlo Skladannyi, Artem Platonenko:
Jump-Stay Jamming Attack on Wi-Fi Systems. 1-5 - Ivan Ostroumov:
Recovery of airplane trajectory data by orientation angles and velocity information. 1-4 - Adewale Adesoji Emmanuel, Tatsuya Yamazaki:
Information Security in Social Media Sites: Sentiment Analysis of Email. 1-5 - Roman Miroshnyk, Igor Matviy, Iryna Bahlai, Lina Halaz:
Peculiarities of E-learning in Modern Conditions and Prospects for its Development. 1-4 - Nazarii Cherkas
, Anatoliy Batyuk, Maksym Arzubov:
Maximal Extractable Value in Blockchains: Current Trends. 1-4 - Houda El Bouhissi, Ouardia Itmacene, Milissa Oubekkou, Olga Pavlova, Tetiana Hovorushchenko, Tetiana Shestakevych:
Sentiment Analysis to manage Health Crisis in Smart Cities. 1-5 - Vladislav A. Kuznetsov, Serhii Kondratiuk, Hrygorii Kudin, Anatolii Kulyas, Iurii Krak, Olexander Barmak:
Development of Models of Self-Reinforcing Effects for Big Data Evaluation. 1-4 - Oleksandr Solomentsev, Maksym Zaliskyi, Oleksii Holubnychyi, Olha Sushchenko, Ivan Ostroumov, Yuliya Averyanova:
Design of Technological Processes for Aviation Radio Equipment Operation. 1-6 - Tetyana Tsymbalyuk, Dmytro V. Fedasyuk:
Analysis of the Possibility of Using Commercial Virtual Systems for Educational Purposes. 1-4 - Oksana Mulesa, Bogdan Rublyov, Igor Povkhan, Ihor Sihetii, Nika Kocherha, Yurii Bilak:
Designing the Algorithms for Constructing a Triangle with Maximum Area. 1-4 - Oleh Chaplia
, Halyna Klym:
Node.js Framework for Automated Code Scaling and Execution on Multiple Distributed Machines. 1-4 - Yaroslav Hladkyi
, Oleg Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlov, Oleksandr Matviichuk, Olena Horodetska:
A classifier of the Random Forest type based on GMDH, logistic transformation and positional voting. 1-4 - Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi, Vsevolod Senkivskyi, Roksoliana Zatserkovna
, Volodymyr Maik:
Application for Determining the Usability of Adapted Textbooks by People with Low Vision. 1-4 - Maxym Zhuravinskyi, Denys Maletskyi, Igor Kravets, Oleg Kapshii
, Oleg Farenyuk
Decentralized Provisioning Algorithm For BLE Mesh Network. 1-4 - Dmytro O. Terletskyi
, Sergey V. Yershov:
Knowledge Identification within the Decomposition of Homogeneous Classes of Objects. 1-7 - Tatyana Zhemchuzhkina, Ilya I. Kurochkin:
Classification of Functional and Dysfunctional Low Back Pain by Spectral Indicators of Electromyogram. 1-4 - Roman Musii, Nataliia Melnyk, Khrystyna Drohomyretska:
Mathematical modeling of thermal regimes of conductive strip under induction heating by a quasi-steady electromagnetic field. 1-4 - Vladyslav Kotsovsky, Anatoliy Batyuk:
Improved Architecture and the Synthesis Algorithm for Bithreshold Neural Network Classifier. 1-4 - Olena Kyryllova, Valentin Shakhov, Olena Rossomakha, Oleksandr Lozytskyy, Serhii Zakrevskyi
, Varvara Piterska:
Evaluation of the Quality of Research Projects of Universities of Transport Engineering Based on the Portfolio Management Information System. 1-4 - Viktor Morozov
, Oleksandr Tsesliv
Investigating Availability of Cloud-deployed Systems on Redundancy, Architecture, and Recovery Time. 1-4 - Mykola Korablyov, Oleksandr Fomichov, Danylo Antonov, Stanislav Dykyi, Ihor Ivanisenko
, Sergey Lutskyy:
Hybrid stock analysis model for financial market forecasting. 1-4 - Serhii Shatnyi, Sergiy Kunytskyi, Klimov Serhii, Nataliia Ivanchuk, Anastasiia Shatna
, Mikhailo Kunytskyi:
Measuring and Analytical Tools for Remote Monitoring of Surface Waters Parameters in Critical Water Supply Infrastructure of Settlements. 1-4 - Arpad Pandy, Balázs Harangi, András Hajdu:
Extracting Drug Names from Medical Reports. 1-4 - Pavlo Kryndach, Victoria Vysotska, Sofia Chyrun, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Svitlana Goloshchuk, Roman Holoshchuk:
Analysis of Semantic Relationships in Ukrainian Text Content Based on Word2Vec and Machine Learning. 1-6 - Myroslava Bublyk, Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Orest Slava, Valentyna Panasyuk, Maryna Shevchenko:
Features of Big Data Analysis for Apps Sales via Google Play Store. 1-6 - Serhiy Yefimenko:
Intelligent Inductive Modelling Technology Based on Recurrent-and-Parallel Computations. 1-4 - Nataliia Kunanets, Vasyl Morokhovych
, Vasyl Kut, Pavlo Fedorka, Oleh Popovych:
Prototype application for tracking individual and public vehicles. 1-5 - Dmytro V. Fedasyuk, Tetyana Marusenkova, Yaroslav Hura:
Architecture of Mobile Application for Real-Time Calculation of Fruit and Vegetable Mass-to-Volume Ratio. 1-4 - Barbara Morawska, Piotr Lipinski, Krzysztof Lichy:
Ultrawideband Localization Improvement Based on LSTM Neural Networks. 1-4 - Myroslava Kovaliuk, Nadia Yesypenko, Nina Pechko, Larysa Taranenko:
The concept of language in American media discourse on the basis of the chi-square test. 1-4 - Gulnora Y. Buronova
, Gulsina I. Atayeva:
Methodology For Developing Students' Skills By Using The "4k" Model In Teaching Programming In School. 1-5 - Yurii Kryvenchuk
, Mykyta Konovalov:
Information technology for movie recommendations using neural network methods. 1-5 - Petro Zdebskyi
, Andrii Berko, Victoria Vysotska:
Information Technology for Finding Answers to Questions from Open Web Resources. 1-7 - Mykola Baran, Victoria Vysotska, Vasyl Andrunyk, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Valentyna Panasyuk, Tetiana Nazarova
Recommender Systems Synthesis and Analysis for Goods and Services Sale with Cold Start Problem. 1-6 - Denys Pastushenko
Contemporary Aspects Of Automated Visual Object Creation In Gamification Tasks. 1-4 - Pavlo Kovalchuk, Volodymyr Kovalchuk, Hanna Balykhina, Mykhailo Yatsiuk, Olena Demchuk, Oksana Nechai:
Mathematical Modeling Methods of Evolutionary Dynamics of Wetland Ecosystems in a Changing Climate. 1-4 - Nataliia Lototska, Olesya V. Saban:
R. Ivanychuk's Idiolect: quantitative parameterization of the language used in the text. 1-4 - Sergiy Prykhodko
, Natalia Prykhodko:
Building Nonlinear Regression Models for Estimating the Number of Clusters and Their Initial Centroids. 1-4 - Vladyslav Kontsevyi, Oleksandr Voitenko:
Communications disruptor in project-oriented organisations. 1-4 - Bohdan Korostynskyi, Victoria Vysotska, Yevhen Kupriianov, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Sofia Chyrun, Ihor Budz:
Text Content Summarization Technology Based on Machine Learning Methods. 1-6 - Viktor Morozov
, Illia Peknevych:
Elaboration of Forecasting Models of Resource Reserves in Projects Based on Historical Data. 1-4 - Sergiy Rudenko, Tetiana Kovtun, Victoriya Smrkovska, Tetiana Smokova, Dmytro Kovtun, Finohenova Iryna:
Application of the genetic approach in the process of initiating a transportation services project. 1-4 - Ivan Bekhta:
Computer Processing of Verba Sentiendi in Doris Lessing's Fiction (Using R). 1-4 - Iryna Karamysheva, Liliia Mysko:
Challenges in Translation of Information Technology Texts (English-Ukrainian Language Pair): Experience of Using CAT Tools. 1-4 - Andrii Berko, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Oleh Prokipchuk
, Sofia Chyrun, Valentyna Panasyuk, Mykhailo Luchkevych:
Intelligent Analysis of Ukrainian-Language Tweets of Regional Public Opinion Study and Management. 1-7 - Oleksandr Vyshnevskyy, Liubov Zhuravchak:
Semantic Models for Buildings Energy Management. 1-4 - Mykhailo Savchenko, Kateryna Synytsya, Yevheniya Savchenko-Syniakova:
Content Recommendations for Knowledge Refreshing: a Case Study. 1-4 - Liudmyla Kozak, Oleksandr Kovalenko, Oksana Romanyuk, Leonid Biliavenko, Olha Kryvova:
Intelligent Information Technologies and Software Modules for Determining the Human Health State in Normal and Pathological Conditions. 1-4 - Olga Artemenko, Nazarii Seniura, Oleksandr Lozytskyy:
Web-service for Project Planning and Project Management. 1-4 - Tetiana Hovorushchenko, Yaroslav Hnatchuk, Alina Hnatchuk
, Oleksandr Fehyr:
Decision Support System For The Coaching Staff in the Process of Preliminary Selection of Players. 1-4 - Oleksandr Gryshchuk, Anatoliy Petryk, Nelia Kopiak, Tetiana Litus:
Methodology of Structural Optimization of Project-Managed Systems in Integrated Transport and Logistics Formations. 1-4 - Ivan Izonin, Roman Tkachenko, Ostap Shcherbii, Oleh Berezsky
, Iurii Krak, Maksym Oliinyk:
An Approximation Cascade Scheme via Rational Fractions for Biomedical Data Analysis. 1-4 - Serhii Chernov, Liudmyla Chernova, Liubava S. Chernova, Nataliia Kunanets, Varvara Piterska:
The Synergetic Effect in the Management of Active System with Distributed Control. 1-4 - Nataliya Bernatska, Iryna Typilo, Elvira Dzhumelia:
React Library: A Case Study on the Effective Instruments of the Design of an Environmental Monitoring System. 1-4 - Oleksandra Datsko, Nataliya Vytrykush, Anna Romaniv, Nadiia Paraniak:
Quality of distance learning from the point of view of the assessment results of students' knowledge. 1-4 - Olesia Tatarovska, Oksana Melnychuk, Ihor Byk, Marta Karp, Iryna Dilai
, Olha Hrabovetska:
The Quantitative Status of Negation Words in Colonial and Postcolonial English Novels. 1-4 - Vladyslav Kotsovsky, Anatoliy Batyuk:
Multithreshold Neural Units and Networks. 1-5 - Ihor Bohdanov, Sergii Kovachov, Natalia Tsybuliak, Hanna Lopatina, Anastasia Popova, Yana Suchikova:
Resilience in Wartime Research: Case of Anticrisis Management at a Ukrainian University. 1-4 - Volodymyr Riznyk, Roman Sydorenko
, Olha Bilyk, Stanislav Ivasiv, Oleh Demianiv, Yurii Bilas:
Applications of the Multi-modular Optimum Coding Systems for Big Data Processing. 1-4 - Arkadiusz Talun, Pawel Drozda, Yuriy Romanyshyn, Oles Tehlivets, Sergei Yelmanov:
Test Images for Training Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Contrast Assessment. 1-4 - Olena-Anna Hultso
, Olena Levchenko:
The Concept CTPAX 'FEAR': Metaphorization Dynamics in Ukrainian Fiction Texts (1980-2000 and 2001-2022). 1-4 - Alice Nneka Ottah
, Kevin Matthe Caramancion
Predicting EMS Response Time using Geographic Zones' Socio-Economic Indicators. 1-6 - Oleh Veres, Pavlo Ilchuk, Olha Kots:
Information System for Analysis of Hardware Computer Components. 1-4 - Hennadii Khudov, Oleksandr Makoveichuk, Vladyslav Khudov, Irina Khizhnyak, Temir Kalimulin, Rostyslav Khudov:
The Development of the Optical-Electronic Images Segmentation Method Based on the Canny Edge Detector. 1-6 - Roman Stupen, Zoriana Ryzhok, Nazar Stupen, Oksana Stupen:
Methodology for creating geoportals of local self-government bodies using geoinformation systems. 1-4 - Maksym Arzubov, Olga Narushynska, Anatoliy Batyuk, Nazarii Cherkas:
Concept of Server-side Clusterization of Semi-Static Big Geodata for Web Maps. 1-4 - Andrii Berko, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Yulian Ohonovsky, Sofia Chyrun, Vadim Schuchmann, Yurii Matseliukh:
Content Monitoring and Big Data Analysis of Smart City Residents Appeals and Complaints Management. 1-6 - Yevgeniy V. Bodyanskiy, Oleksii Kuzmenko
, Helen Zaichenko, Yuriy P. Zaychenko:
Application of Hybrid Neural Networks based on bagging and Group Method of Data Handling for forecasting. 1-6 - Anatoliy Tryhuba, Viktoriia Kotenko
Intelligent information system for resource planning in grain crops delivery projects on the basis of machine learning. 1-4 - Yulia Romanyshyn, Vasyl Sheketa, Volodymyr Pikh, Maria Pikh, Roman Vovk, Roman Petryshyn
Structural Elements of Knowledge-Oriented Information Exchange in the Universities. 1-4 - Yuliia Shyika, Larysa Tsiokh
, Maria Bekhta-Hamanchuk:
Some Peculiarities of the Lexicographic Description of Phytonyms. 1-4 - Olga Tuzenko, Nataliia Sidun:
Mathematical modeling of ecological observations data using time series analysis methods. 1-4 - Oleh Kovalchuk, Dmytro Kobylkin, Oleh Zachko:
HR Decision-Making Support System Based On The CBR Method. 1-4 - Mykola O. Medykovskyy, Rafal Cupek, Olena Pavliuk
, Myroslav Mishchuk:
An approach towards AGV battery cell voltage prediction using DL and data pre-processing. 1-4 - Tetiana A. Vakaliuk, Oleksii V. Chyzhmotria, Serhiy O. Semerikov, Iryna S. Mintii:
Mathematical Model of a Two-Factor Transportation Problem With Weighting Coefficients. 1-6 - Roman Kutelmakh
, Roman P. Bazylevych, Bhanu Prasad:
Solving Large Scale Uniform Traveling Salesman Problem by Using Partial Solution Expansion Method. 1-4 - Oleh Kernytskyy, Andriy Kernytskyy, Vasyl Teslyuk:
The Synthesis Method for Specifications and Requirements in the Process of IT Project Reengineering. 1-4 - Oleh Basystiuk, Nataliia Melnykova, Zoriana Rybchak:
Multimodal Learning Analytics: An Overview of the Data Collection Methodology. 1-4 - Oleh Veres, Pavlo Ilchuk, Olha Kots:
Data Analytics on Debt Financing Research Based on Scopus and WoS Metrics. 1-4 - Nataliya Shakhovska, Bohdan Kalysh:
The ensemble of neural networks to track eye movements. 1-7 - Olga Lozynska, Vitalii Chaikovskyi:
Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Budget and Cost Control in IT Projects. 1-4 - Yuliia Prokop, Olena Trofymenko, Olexander Zadereyko:
Developing students' code style skills. 1-4 - Volodymyr Osypenko, Viktor Kaplun:
Quasi-Markov Models of Point-Interval Forecasting in Energy Efficiency Management Energy Islands. 1-5 - Volodymyr Motyka, Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Olha Vlasenko, Roman Holoshchuk, Olena Nagachevska
Information Technology of Transcribing Ukrainian-Language Content Based on Deep Learning. 1-6 - Sergiy Prykhodko
, Natalia Prykhodko:
Estimating Quality of Open-Source Kotlin-Based Apps by the Confidence and Prediction Intervals of Nonlinear Regression for RFC Metric. 1-4 - Olena Verenych, Volodymyr Statsenko, Oleksandr Voitenko, Nadiya Fedoryatskaya, Nataliia Lysenko:
Creativity as a Basic Tool for Creating Innovative IT Products. 1-4 - Vitaliy Lysenko, Ihor Bolbot, Anatoly Rudenskyi, Kateryna Nakonechna, Valerii Koval, Anastasija Bolbot:
Algorithm of the Autonomy of a Phytomonitoring Mobile Robot in a Greenhouse Facility. 1-4 - Mykola Kolomoyets, Yurii Kynash:
Modern approaches to interact Smart-Contracts in React.js development with ThirdWeb framework. 1-4 - Viacheslav V. Zosimov
, Andrii Kudriavtsev, Oleksandra S. Bulgakova
Empowering Partnerships in Business: a System for Real-Time Data Integration and Collective Analysis. 1-4 - Halyna Lypak, Nataliia Kunanets, Nataliia Veretennikova, Halyna Matsiuk, Taras Kramar
, Oleksii Duda:
An Information System Project Using Augmented Reality for a Small Local History Museum. 1-4 - Andrii Dutsyk
, Marian Hramchuk, Olena Smalko:
Digital Visual Development of Youth is an Important Task of Modern Education. 1-4 - Nataliya Boyko
, Viktor Zhakhalov:
Methods of Organization and Navigation of Big Data in Multimedia Content. 1-5 - Nadiia Zubko, Galyna Melnyk-Khokha
, Valentyna Mudrokha:
Project solutions and communication strategies for the successful implementation of the grant project "Digital collection of book heritage of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (1874-1913)". 1-6 - Ivan Zholubak, Valeriy Hlukhov:
Validation of Multipliers for Elements of Extended Galois Fields GF(pn) and Multipliers VHDL-descriptions Generator. 1-4 - Dmytro Stepanov:
Research on Development Methodology Utilizing Immutable Infrastructure and Its Impact on Software Reliability. 1-4 - Duc-Tuyen Ta, Wajdi Ben Saad
, Ji-Young Oh:
Specialized text classification: an approach to classifying Open Banking transactions. 1-4 - Myroslava Bublyk, Victoria Vysotska, Kateryna Varenina, Oleksandr Bezkorovainyi, Vadim Schuchmann, Maryna Shevchenko:
Big Data Analysis of Cryptocurrency Exchange Rate Changes Dynamics. 1-7 - Sergey Bushuyev, Natalia Bushuyeva, Denis Bushuiev, Victoria Bushuieva:
Holistic Vision as a Driver for the Project's Success. 1-4 - Olha Kopiievska
, Viktoriia Dobrovolska, Oleksandr Kabanets:
Impact investment prospects for the revitalization of park culture in Ukraine. 1-4 - Dariia Rebot, Volodymyr Topilnytskyy, Serhiy Shcherbovskykh, Tetyana Stefanovych:
Study of the Efficiency of Using Ateb-Functions in Modeling Oscillatory Processes for Networks. 1-4 - Viktor Khavalko, Nazar Kalapun, Bohdan Dokhnyak:
Recognition and classification of military aircraft in images. 1-4 - Sergiy Rudenko, Tetiana Kovtun, Victoriya Smrkovska, Tetiana Smokova, Dmytro Kovtun, Finohenova Iryna:
Peculiarities of determining the logistic systems projects value. 1-4