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AAATE Conf. 2015: Budapest, Hungary
- Cecilia Sik-Lányi, Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf, Klaus Miesenberger, Peter Cudd:
Assistive Technology - Building Bridges, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on the Advancement of Assistive Technology, AAATE Conf. 2015, Budapest, Hungary, 9-12 September, 2015. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 217, IOS Press 2015, ISBN 978-1-61499-565-4 [contents] - Hidehisa Oku, Kayoko Matsubara, Masayuki Booka:
Usability of PDF based Digital Textbooks to the Physically Disabled University Student. 3-10 - Akio Fujiyoshi, Akiko Ohsawa, Takuya Takaira, Yoshiaki Tani, Mamoru Fujiyoshi, Yuko Ota:
Paper-Based Textbooks with Audio Support for Print-Disabled Students. 11-18 - Marion A. Hersh:
ICT Learning Technologies for Disabled People: Recommendations for Good Practice. 19-26 - Andrea Petz, Klaus Miesenberger
Supporting Blind Students in STEM Education in Austria. 27-31 - Katerina Riviou
, Georgios Kouroupetroglou
, Nikolaos Oikonomidis:
A network of peers and practices for addressing Learner Variability: UDLnet. 32-39 - Katalin Gruiz:
Innovative methods and tools for professionals working in supported living services for intellectually disabled persons. 40-47 - Miklos Gyori
, Zsófia Borsos, Krisztina Stefanik:
Evidence-based development and first usability testing of a social serious game based multi-modal system for early screening for atypical socio-cognitive development. 48-54 - Miklos Gyori
, Krisztina Stefanik, Ildikó Kanizsai-Nagy:
Evidence-based development and evaluation of mobile cognitive support apps for people on the autism spectrum: methodological conclusions from two R+D projects. 55-62 - Judit Csákvári, Miklos Gyori
Applicability of standard eye-tracking technique in people with intellectual disability: methodological conclusions from a series of studies. 63-70 - Miklós Boleracki, Ferenc Farkas, Attila Meszely, Zoltan Szikszai, Cecilia Sik-Lányi:
Developing an Animal Counting Game in Second Life for a Young Adult with Down Syndrome. 71-77 - Joseph P. Lane:
Delivering beneficial impacts in Assistive Technology: Improving government's approach to innovation. 78-83 - Renzo Andrich, Claudia Salatino
, Rosa Maria Converti, Maurizio Saruggia:
Cost-effectiveness of powered wheelchairs: findings of a study. 84-91 - Joseph P. Lane, Vathsala I. Stone:
Comparing three knowledge communication strategies - Diffusion, Dissemination and Translation - through randomized controlled studies. 92-97 - Emma L. Friesen
, Trevor G. Russell
, Deborah Theodoros:
Testing usability of Mobile Shower Commodes for adults with Spinal Cord Injury: research method and overview. 98-105 - Joseph P. Lane, Vathsala I. Stone, Amanda Nobrega, Machiko R. Tomita:
Level Of Knowledge Use Survey (LOKUS): A validated instrument for tracking knowledge uptake and use. 106-110 - Henning Groenda, Stephan Seifermann, Karin Müller
, Gerhard Jaworek:
The Cooperate Assistive Teamwork Environment for Software Description Languages. 111-118 - Valerio Gower
, Claudia Salatino
, Lucia Pigini
, Antonio Caracciolo:
Are mainstream mobile technologies bringing about new opportunities for people with disabilities? Insights from three case studies. 119-126 - Irena Kolar, Gill Whitney:
Can We Fix The Web? 127-133 - Christian Bühler, Helmut Heck, Annika Nietzio, Frank Berker, Mikael Snaprud:
Better Questions, Better Answers: Structured Web Accessibility Evaluations for Non-Experts. 134-141 - Gill Whitney:
Accessible Web Design - The Power of the Personal Message. 142-145 - Norman Alm, John L. Arnott:
Smart Houses and Uncomfortable Homes. 146-151 - Niccolò Mora
, Ilaria De Munari
, Paolo Ciampolini:
A plug&play Brain Computer Interface solution for AAL systems. 152-158 - Laura Burzagli
, Pier Luigi Emiliani:
Open Ambient Intelligence Environments. 159-166 - Hassan Saidinejad, Diego Bogni, Sara Comai
, Fabio Salice:
BRIDGeViz: Towards an Interactive Data Visualization Tool for Exploration of Indoor Daily Life of an Older Adult. 167-173 - Katharina Werner, Franz Werner:
Assessing User Needs and Requirements for Assistive Robots at Home. 174-179 - Seemab Latif
, Rabbia Tariq, Shehla Tariq, Rabia Latif
Designing an Assistive Learning Aid for Writing Acquisition: A Challenge for Children with Dyslexia. 180-188 - Helene Lidström, Magnus Lindskog-Wallander, Eva Arnemo:
Using a Participatory Action Research Design to Develop an Application Together with Young Adults with Spina Bifida. 189-194 - Rosalam Che Me
, Alessandro Biamonti, Mohd Rashid Mohd Saad:
Conceptual Design of Haptic-Feedback Navigation Device for Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease. 195-203 - Phil Joddrell
, Peter Cudd:
Applying guidelines for evaluating digital technologies for people living with dementia: A case study. 204-211 - Tone Øderud, Bjørg Landmark, Sissel Eriksen, Anne Berit Fossberg, Sigrid Aketun, May Omland, Karl-Gerhard Hem, Elisabeth Østensen
, Dag Ausen:
Persons with Dementia and Their Caregivers Using GPS. 212-221 - Ray Grott:
Guidelines and Options for Computer Access from a Reclined Position. 222-226 - E. A. Draffan, Mike Wald, Kate Dickens, Gottfried Zimmermann, Sebastian Kelle, Klaus Miesenberger
, Andrea Petz:
Stepwise Approach to Accessible MOOC Development. 227-234 - Mark Magennis, Esther Murphy, Andrean Lazarov, Karel Van Isacker, Kinga Dumnicka, Malgorzata Polak, Bernadette Meagher, Philip Penny:
DigiPlace4all: an online peer support community for digital skills. 235-240 - Ray Grott:
Maximizing Employment Outcomes through the Use of "Lower-Tech" Assistive Technology & Rehabilitation Engineering. 241-246 - V. Bolic-Baric, V. Tegelström, E. Ekblad, Helena Hemmingsson:
Usability of RemindMe - An Interactive Web-Based Mobile Reminder Calendar: A Professional's Perspective. 247-254 - Tomás Murillo-Morales, Klaus Miesenberger
Ontology-based Semantic Support to Improve Accessibility of Graphics. 255-260 - Manuel R. Alfonso, Anselmo Frizera
, Klaus F. Côco:
Magnetic, Angular Rate and Gravity Sensor System Fusion for Orientation Estimation. 261-266 - Prajaks Jitngernmadan, Klaus Miesenberger
A Comparative Study on Java Technologies for Focus and Cursor Handling in Accessible Dynamic Interactions. 267-273 - Frode Eika Sandnes:
Designing GUIs for low vision by simulating reduced visual acuity: reduced resolution versus shrinking. 274-281 - Claudio Guerra, Valentina Bianchi
, Ilaria De Munari
, Paolo Ciampolini:
An Identification Procedure for Behavioral Analysis in a Multi-User environment. 282-287 - Reuven Katz:
Tele-care robot for assisting independent senior citizens who live at home. 288-294 - Niccolò Mora
, Agostino Losardo, Ilaria De Munari
, Paolo Ciampolini:
Self-tuning behavioral analysis in AAL "FOOD" project pilot environments. 295-299 - Tina Helle
, Susanne Iwarsson, Tine Bieber Lunn, Mogens Holm Iversen, Oskar Jonsson
, Knut Mårtensson, Tanja Svarre Jonasen
, Björn Slaug
Combining apps targeting professionals and senior citizens to improve housing accessibility and influence housing provision policies. 300-305 - Anne Kärki, Merja Sallinen, Jere Kuusinen:
How to live independently with or without technology? 306-310 - Yan Ping Man, Ger Cremers, Marieke Spreeuwenberg, Luc P. de Witte
Platform for frail elderly people supporting information and communication. 311-318 - Norman Alm:
Distributed cognition, dementia, and technology. 319-324 - Sara Comai
, Daniel Kayange, Raffaella Mangiarotti, Matteo Matteucci, Seçil Ugur Yavuz
, Francesco Valentini:
Mapping City Accessibility: Review and Analysis. 325-331 - Alberto Ferreras, Ricard Barberà, Juan Vicente Durá-Gil
, José Solaz, Eva María Muñoz
, Manuel Serrano, Antonio Marqués:
SIMON: Integration of mobility and parking solutions for people with disabilities. 332-336 - Ricard Barberà-Guillem, Álvaro Page
, José Laparra, Juan Vicente Durá-Gil
Examples of the application of the cause-effect ergonomic evaluation model to the wheelchair cushions. 337-340 - Federico Bianchi
, Andrea Masciadri
, Fabio Salice:
ODINS: On-Demand Indoor Navigation System RFID Based. 341-349 - E. A. Draffan, Abi James, Peter Cudd, Claire L. Bentley:
Barriers and Facilitators to Uptake of Assistive Technologies: Summary of a Literature Exploration. 350-356 - Outi Töytäri, Sarianna Savolainen:
The Assistance Dog System in Finland. An Overview of the Current Situation and Suggestions. 357-359 - Valerio Gower
, Renzo Andrich:
Progress of the European Assistive Technology Information Network. 360-366 - Esben Skov Laursen, Louise Møller
Collaboration between Industrial Designers and Design Engineers - Comparing the Understanding of Design Intent. 367-371 - Thomas Westin, Malin Furöstam, Roy Yasasindhu, Lena Norberg, Mats Wiklund, Peter Mozelius:
Balancing game universes for playing without sight or hearing. 372-377 - Davide Mulfari
, Antonio Celesti
, Maria Fazio
, Massimo Villari
, Antonio Puliafito:
Embedded systems for supporting computer accessibility. 378-385 - Naotsune Hosono, Hiromitsu Inoue, Miwa Nakanishi, Yutaka Tomita:
Emergent Application on Smart Phone for Deaf, Language Dysfunction and Foreigners: - Communication method to perform swift rescue report by refined icons with GPS technology. 386-391 - Hideaki Goto:
Versatile Text Extraction System for Text-to-Speech Reading Assistant Camera. 392-397 - Kiyohiro Omori, Takao Yanagihara, Hiroshi Kitagawa
, Norihiro Ikeda:
Validation of Mobility of Pedestrians with Low Vision Using Graphic Floor Signs and Voice Guides. 398-404 - Efthymia Apodoulianaki, Mirjam van Tilborg, Helianthe S. M. Kort:
Visual functioning of aging care professionals and the influence of light, a brief literature study. 405-410 - Emelieke R. C. M. Huisman, Helianthe S. M. Kort:
Creating healthy nursing home environment via lighting interventions: a theoretical approach. 411-414 - Jikke Reinten, Nicole van Hout, Constant Hak, Helianthe Kort:
Measurements of speech intelligibility in common rooms for older adults as a first step towards acoustical guidelines. 415-422 - Marianne Sinoo, Helianthe Kort:
Development of the Environmental Observation scale for the Visual Impaired. 423-426 - Mirjam van Tilborg, Helianthe Kort, Paul Murphy
, Katharine Evans:
The influence of dry eye and office environment on visual functioning. 427-431 - Danilo C. Silva, Fausto O. Medola
, Gabriel H. C. Bonfim, Luis Carlos Paschoarelli
Using a Pressure Mapping System to Evaluate Contact Pressure on Hands During Use of Axillary Crutches. 432-439 - Reinhard Koutny, Klaus Miesenberger
PONS - Mobility Assistance on Footpaths for Public Transportation. 440-446 - Tsutomu Hashizume, Hiroshi Kitagawa
, Hokyoo Lee, Hisatoshi Ueda, Ikuo Yoneda, Masayuki Booka:
Biomechanics and Physiology for Propelling Wheelchair Uphill Slope. 447-454 - Reuven Katz:
Agile Walker. 455-460 - Christian Bühler, Helmut Heck, Annika Nietzio, Frank Reins, Frank Berker:
Way-Finding Support in Public Transport Environments provided by the NAMO Mobile Travel Assistance System. 461-468 - Åse Brandt, Anne Christensen, Pernille Grünberger:
How to Accomplish the Assistive Technology Service Delivery Process for Adults in Order to Obtain the Best Outcomes - A Literature Review. 469-477 - Tulio Maximo
, Laurence Clift
Assessing Service Delivery Systems for Assitive Technology in Brazil using HEART Study quality indicators. 478-484 - Terje Sund, Susanne Iwarsson, Åse Brandt:
The relationship between the key elements of Donabedian's conceptual model within the field of assistive technology. 485-490 - Christian Bühler, Roland Borosch, Gertrud Servos:
Implementing UNCRPD - Barrier Free Access to Buildings in NRW - Database and Signet "NRW Inklusiv". 491-497 - Erika Jókai, Ágnes Hárságyi:
Developing Deep Water Excercise Equipment for Low Back Pain (LBP) Patients: medical validation experiences. 498-505 - Kazunori Minatani:
Proposal for SVG2DOT: - An Interoperable Tactile Graphics Creation System Using SVG outputs from Inkscape. 506-511 - Norihiro Ikeda, Kazuya Takahashi, Tomoyuki Inagaki, Katsuya Sato, Shin-Ichi Ito, Motohiro Seiyama, Kiyohito Takeuchi, Hiroshi Ogino, Shoichiro Fujisawa:
Visibility of LED Blocks Mounted on Crosswalk Boundaries for low Visual Capacity. 512-517 - Oliver Ozioko, Marion A. Hersh:
Development of a Portable Two-Way Communication and Information Device for Deafblind People. 518-525 - Viktor Kálmán, Csaba Baczó, Makis Livadas, Tamás Csielka:
Wearable technology to help with visual challenges - two case studies. 526-532 - Stephan Pölzer, Klaus Miesenberger
2D Presentation Techniques of Mind-maps for Blind Meeting Participants. 533-538 - Hiroko Akatsu, Akinori Komatsubara:
Operational Assistance for Elderly People by Using Audio Rhythms. 539-545 - José Laparra-Hernández, Enric Medina
, María Sancho, Carolina Soriano, Juan V. Durá-Gil
, Ricard Barberà-Guillem, Rakel Poveda-Puente:
Beyond qualitative and subjective techniques to assess usability of banking interfaces for senior citizens. 546-551 - Weiqin Chen, Jeanette Samuelsen:
Automatic Quiz Generation for the Elderly. 552-559 - Fabio Veronese, Daniele Proserpio, Sara Comai
, Matteo Matteucci, Fabio Salice:
SHARON: a Simulator of Human Activities, ROutines and Needs. 560-566 - Astrid Gramstad
, Sissel Lisa Storli, Torunn Hamran:
Deciding to apply for, receiving and starting to use assistive technology devices - an enigmatic journey: - A qualitative study of the experiences of older individuals. 567-572 - Renée van den Heuvel, Monique A. S. Lexis, Luc P. de Witte
ICT based technology to support play for children with severe physical disabilities. 573-577 - Gerhard Nussbaum, David Thaller:
4D-Joystick - New Possibilities for Persons with Motor Disabilities. 578-585 - Jérôme Dupire:
Sweet Cheese. Back to the Physical World. 586-592 - Edwin Peter Walsh, Walter Daems, Jan Steckel
Human-computer interface using a head mounted camera and IR markers. 593-596 - Ildikó Fiszter, Krisztián Sisák:
Supporting shoulder rehabilitation - designing simple devices aiding physiotherapy. 597-600 - Szabolcs Kéri:
How assistive technology changes the brain: the critical role of hippocampal-striatal interactions during cognitive training. 601-604 - Safaa Mahmoud Issa Abdou:
Can Disability Code Activation Promote Sustainable Development in Egypt... After the Arab Spring? 605-614 - Beatrix Séllei:
The role of emotional intelligence in vocational rehabilitation with special respect to physically and cognitively disabled persons. 615-620 - Nikolaos Kaklanis, Konstantinos Votis
, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Service composition towards increasing end-user accessibility. 621-625 - Jonas Verbrugghe, Loes Cardinaels, Mieke Haesen, Ben A. M. Schouten, Bianca Ceccarelli, Wim Pinxten
, Annemie I. F. Spooren
, Annick Timmermans:
A qualitative study to evaluate strategies for changes in the assistive technology service delivery in Flanders. 626-632 - Shoichiro Fujisawa, Kyohei Hirono, Shin-Ichi Ito, Katsuya Sato, Osamu Sueda:
Walking Characteristics of Persons with Visually Impairment Crossing Intersections with Audible Pedestrian Signals. 633-638 - Juan V. Durá-Gil
, Bruno Bazuelo-Ruiz, Fernando Mollà, Ricard Barberà-Guillem, Àgnes Jakab, Tamás Csielka:
Intuitive tactile algorithms to guide blind runners by means of a belt with vibrators. 639-643 - Mio Nakamura, Jun Suzurikawa, Shohei Tsukada, Yohei Kume, Hideo Kawakami, Kaoru Inoue
, Takenobu Inoue
Validation of the ULCEAT methodology by applying it in retrospect to the Roboticbed® using development process. 644-650 - Sally Fowler-Davis
, Laura A. Evans, Peter Cudd:
Locating assistive technology research in a clinical setting: an occupational perspective. 651-658 - Maria Panou, María Fernanda Cabrera-Umpiérrez
, Evangelos Bekiaris, Katerina Touliou:
ICT services for prolonging independent living of the elderly with cognitive impairments - IN LIFE concept. 659-663 - Katerina Mavrou, Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf
, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris
, Anne Kärki, Merja Sallinen:
A conceptual framework related to ICT-AT competence development: The theoretical foundations of ENTELIS. 664-670 - Katerina Mavrou, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris
Views and considerations on ICT-AT competences development within the ENTELIS project: The Case of Cyprus. 671-678 - Øystein Dale, Lisbet Grut:
Mainstream ICT Can Support Children and Adolescents with ADHD and/or Autism in Their Everyday Activities. 679-684 - Helena Hemmingsson, V. Bolic-Baric, Helene Lidström:
E-inclusion: Digital equality - young people with disabilities. 685-688 - Serenella Besio, Marco Carnesecchi, Pedro Encarnação
Introducing LUDI: a research network on play for children with disabilities. 689-695 - Mark McGlinchey
, Alexandra Curtis, Rachel Ritchie, Gareth D. Jones
Feasibility of using MIRA with adult patients presenting with upper limb motor dysfunction post neurological damage. 696-702 - Jun Yamaguchi, Christian Parone, Deborah Di Federico, Pierluigi Beomonte Zobel
, Giorgio Felzani:
Measuring Benefits of Telepresence robot for Individuals with Motor Impairments. 703-709 - MyungJoon Lim, Jiyoung Park, Kuem Ju Lee, Hyosun Kweon, Byungchul Kim
, Kyujin Cho, Hyun Choi:
Usability of a New Writing Assistive Device for Persons with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. 710-717 - Brigitta Miksztai-Réthey, Kinga Bettina Faragó:
Assistive Technology as an artificial intelligence opportunity: Case study of letter-based, head movement driven communication. 718-723 - Tamas Laki:
Development of Integrated Public Administration Custom Services in Hungary. 724-729 - Surinder Bangar
, Gail A. Mountain
, Peter Cudd:
Assistive Technology: Creating and Engaging Collaborative Communities. 730-735 - Peter Cudd, Sally Fowler-Davis
, Laura A. Evans, Sue J. Mawson:
Knowledge Exchange: selecting research opportunities through estimation. 736-743 - Aggeliki Konstadinidou, Nikolaos Kaklanis, Konstantinos Votis
, Dimitrios Tzovaras
A Unified Semantic Framework for the description of assistive technologies. 744-748 - Alexandra Danial-Saad, Tsvi Kuflik
, Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss, Naomi Schreuer:
Building an effective ontology for assistive technology. 749-754 - Yoshihiko Nomura, Hirotsugu Kato, Ryota Sakamoto:
Hybrid Instruction Method of Brush Strokes with Haptic Device. 755-758 - Iosif Klironomos, Margherita Antona
, Constantine Stephanidis:
Improving quality of life through ICT for the facilitation of daily activities and home medical monitoring. 759-766 - Tibor Guzsvinecz
, Veronika Szücs, Cecilia Sik-Lányi:
Developing movement recognition application with the use of Shimmer sensor and Microsoft Kinect sensor. 767-772 - Flavian A. Mintal, Veronika Szücs, Cecilia Sik-Lányi:
Developing movement therapy application with Microsoft Kinect control for supporting stroke rehabilitation. 773-781 - Hélène Moffet, Claude Vincent
, Didier Saey, Valérie Coats, François Routhier
, Fanny Choinière, François Comeau:
Users' Perception and Readiness of the eChez-Soi In-Home Telerehabilitation Platform. 782-787