29th ER 2010: Vancouver, BC, Canada - Workshops

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SeCoGIS 2010 - Fourth International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in Geographic Information Systems

Semantical Aspects

Implementation Aspects

CMLSA 2010 - Third International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences Applications

Conceptual Modelling for Bio-, Eco- and Agroinformatics

CMS 2010 - First International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling of Service

Modeling Support for Service Integration

Modeling Techniques for Services

ACM-L 2010 The 3rd International Workshop on Active Conceptual Modeling of Learning, ACM-L

ACM-L '09

WISM 2010 - The 7th International Workshop on Web Information Systems Modeling

Web Information Systems Development and Analysis Models

Web Technologies and Applications

DE@ER 2010 - Domain Engineering

Methods and Tools in Domain Engineering

FP-UML 2010 - Sixth International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML

Semantics and Ontologies in UML

Automation and Transformation in UML