- James Miller, Murray Wood, Andrew Brooks, Marc Roper:
Applying object-oriented construction to fault tolerant systems. APSEC 1994: 22-28 - Danny C. C. Poo, Shwu-Yi Lee:
Object and domain policies specification. APSEC 1994: 133-142 - Colette Rolland, Naveen Prakash:
Guiding the requirements engineering process. APSEC 1994: 82-91 - Atsushi Sawada, Naruki Mitsuda, Tsuneo Ajisaka, Yoshihiro Matsumoto:
Generating data access programs from PCTE schemas with constraints. APSEC 1994: 298-307 - Mikifumi Shikida, Yasuhide Yamamoto, Yoshimasa Kimura, Takehiro Tokuda:
A TAHG model based software generator system. APSEC 1994: 50-57 - Mark Sifer, John Potter:
Scalability for graph based CASE tools. APSEC 1994: 317-326 - Jouni Similä, Pasi Kuvaja, Lech Krzanik:
BOOTSTRAP: a software process assessment and improvement methodology. APSEC 1994: 183-196 - Graeme Smith:
Formal definitions of behavioural compatibility for active and passive objects. APSEC 1994: 336-344 - Yasuhiro Sugiyama:
Producing and managing software objects in the process programming environment OPM. APSEC 1994: 268-277 - Kazuto Tominaga, Takehiro Tokuda:
Constraint-centered descriptions for automated tool invocation. APSEC 1994: 92-101 - Koji Torii:
Analysis in software engineering. APSEC 1994: 2-6 - Owen Traynor, Anthony C. Bloesch:
The Cogito Repository Manager. APSEC 1994: 356-365 - Junichi Yamamoto, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden:
Object-oriented analysis and design support system using algebraic specification techniques. APSEC 1994: 388-397 - Stephen W. L. Yip, Tom Lam:
A software maintenance survey. APSEC 1994: 70-79 - First Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 1994, Tokyo, Japan, December 7-9, 1994. IEEE 1994, ISBN 0-8186-6960-8 [contents]