- 2024
- Hang Liao, Deeparnab Chakrabarty:
Learning Spanning Forests Optimally in Weighted Undirected Graphs with CUT queries. ALT 2024: 785-807 - Jacob D. Abernethy, Alekh Agarwal, Teodor Vanislavov Marinov, Manfred K. Warmuth:
A Mechanism for Sample-Efficient In-Context Learning for Sparse Retrieval Tasks. ALT 2024: 3-46 - Mohammad Afzali, Hassan Ashtiani, Christopher Liaw:
Mixtures of Gaussians are Privately Learnable with a Polynomial Number of Samples. ALT 2024: 47-73 - Shubhada Agrawal, Timothée Mathieu, Debabrota Basu, Odalric-Ambrym Maillard:
CRIMED: Lower and Upper Bounds on Regret for Bandits with Unbounded Stochastic Corruption. ALT 2024: 74-124 - Pranjal Awasthi, Satyen Kale, Ankit Pensia:
Semi-supervised Group DRO: Combating Sparsity with Unlabeled Data. ALT 2024: 125-160 - Oliver Biggar, Iman Shames:
The Attractor of the Replicator Dynamic in Zero-Sum Games. ALT 2024: 161-178 - Moïse Blanchard, Václav Vorácek:
Tight Bounds for Local Glivenko-Cantelli. ALT 2024: 179-220 - Avrim Blum, Meghal Gupta, Gene Li, Naren Sarayu Manoj, Aadirupa Saha, Yuanyuan Yang:
Dueling Optimization with a Monotone Adversary. ALT 2024: 221-243 - William Brown, Arpit Agarwal:
Online Recommendations for Agents with Discounted Adaptive Preferences. ALT 2024: 244-281 - Tristan Brugère, Zhengchao Wan, Yusu Wang:
Distances for Markov Chains, and Their Differentiation. ALT 2024: 282-336 - Victor-Emmanuel Brunel, Jordan Serres:
Concentration of empirical barycenters in metric spaces. ALT 2024: 337-361 - Mark Bun, Gautam Kamath, Argyris Mouzakis, Vikrant Singhal:
Not All Learnable Distribution Classes are Privately Learnable. ALT 2024: 390-401 - Mark Bun, Aloni Cohen, Rathin Desai:
Private PAC Learning May be Harder than Online Learning. ALT 2024: 362-389 - Davin Choo, Joy Qiping Yang, Arnab Bhattacharyya, Clément L. Canonne:
Learning bounded-degree polytrees with known skeleton. ALT 2024: 402-443 - Lorenzo Croissant, Marc Abeille, Bruno Bouchard:
Near-continuous time Reinforcement Learning for continuous state-action spaces. ALT 2024: 444-498 - Max Dabagia, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Santosh S. Vempala:
Computation with Sequences of Assemblies in a Model of the Brain. ALT 2024: 499-504 - Amit Daniely, Elad Granot:
On the Sample Complexity of Two-Layer Networks: Lipschitz Vs. Element-Wise Lipschitz Activation. ALT 2024: 505-517 - Amit Daniely, Mariano Schain, Gilad Yehudai:
RedEx: Beyond Fixed Representation Methods via Convex Optimization. ALT 2024: 518-543 - Pramith Devulapalli, Steve Hanneke:
The Dimension of Self-Directed Learning. ALT 2024: 544-573 - Shaun M. Fallat, Valerii Maliuk, Seyed Ahmad Mojallal, Sandra Zilles:
Learning Hypertrees From Shortest Path Queries. ALT 2024: 574-589 - Nave Frost, Zachary C. Lipton, Yishay Mansour, Michal Moshkovitz:
Partially Interpretable Models with Guarantees on Coverage and Accuracy. ALT 2024: 590-613 - Germano Gabbianelli, Gergely Neu, Matteo Papini:
Importance-Weighted Offline Learning Done Right. ALT 2024: 614-634 - Steve Hanneke, Aryeh Kontorovich, Guy Kornowski:
Efficient Agnostic Learning with Average Smoothness. ALT 2024: 719-731 - Amin Karbasi, Kasper Green Larsen:
The Impossibility of Parallelizing Boosting. ALT 2024: 635-653 - Ari Karchmer:
Agnostic Membership Query Learning with Nontrivial Savings: New Results and Techniques. ALT 2024: 654-682 - Ian A. Kash, Lev Reyzin, Zishun Yu:
Slowly Changing Adversarial Bandit Algorithms are Efficient for Discounted MDPs. ALT 2024: 683-718 - Fangshuo Liao, Anastasios Kyrillidis:
Provable Accelerated Convergence of Nesterov's Momentum for Deep ReLU Neural Networks. ALT 2024: 732-784 - Zhou Lu:
On the Computational Benefit of Multimodal Learning. ALT 2024: 810-821 - Anqi Mao, Mehryar Mohri, Yutao Zhong:
Predictor-Rejector Multi-Class Abstention: Theoretical Analysis and Algorithms. ALT 2024: 822-867 - Michael Menart, Enayat Ullah, Raman Arora, Raef Bassily, Cristóbal Guzmán:
Differentially Private Non-Convex Optimization under the KL Condition with Optimal Rates. ALT 2024: 868-906