BibTeX record journals/pdln/AdurizAAABCCIFGHMMMMMMMNOPPPRSSSST03

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  author       = {Itziar Aduriz and
                  Alicia Ageno and
                  Bertol Arrieta and
                  Jose Maria Arriola and
                  Empar Bisbal and
                  N{\'{u}}ria Castell and
                  Montserrat Civit and
                  Arantza D{\'{\i}}az de Ilarraza and
                  Bel{\'{e}}n Fern{\'{a}}ndez and
                  Koldo Gojenola and
                  Reda Halkoum and
                  Raquel Marcos and
                  Llu{\'{\i}}s M{\`{a}}rquez and
                  Maria Ant{\`{o}}nia Mart{\'{\i}} and
                  Patricio Mart{\'{\i}}nez{-}Barco and
                  Antonio Molina and
                  Paloma Moreda and
                  Lidia Moreno and
                  Borja Navarro and
                  Maite Oronoz and
                  Llu{\'{\i}}s Padr{\'{o}} and
                  Manuel Palomar and
                  Ferran Pla and
                  Horacio Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and
                  Maximiliano Saiz{-}Noeda and
                  Emilio Sanchis and
                  Kepa Sarasola and
                  Armando Su{\'{a}}rez and
                  Mariona Taul{\'{e}}},
  title        = {3LB: Construcci{\'{o}}n de una base de datos de {\'{a}}rboles
                  sint{\'{a}}ctico sem{\'{a}}nticos},
  journal      = {Proces. del Leng. Natural},
  volume       = {31},
  year         = {2003},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:24:06 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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