BibTeX record journals/nar/GiardineBVPMJBRMTWHP14

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  author       = {Belinda Giardine and
                  Joseph Borg and
                  Emmanouil Viennas and
                  Cristiana Pavlidis and
                  Kamran Moradkhani and
                  Philippe Joly and
                  Marina Bartsakoulia and
                  Cathy Riemer and
                  Webb Miller and
                  Giannis Tzimas and
                  Henri Wajcman and
                  Ross C. Hardison and
                  George P. Patrinos},
  title        = {Updates of the HbVar database of human hemoglobin variants and thalassemia
  journal      = {Nucleic Acids Res.},
  volume       = {42},
  number       = {Database-Issue},
  pages        = {1063--1069},
  year         = {2014},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1093/NAR/GKT911},
  timestamp    = {Sun, 17 May 2020 11:48:30 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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