BibTeX record conf/iastedSE/AlawnehDHJSS06

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  author       = {Luay Alawneh and
                  Mourad Debbabi and
                  Fawzi Hassa{\"{\i}}ne and
                  Yosr Jarraya and
                  Payam Shahi and
                  Andrei Soeanu},
  editor       = {Peter Kokol},
  title        = {Towards a Unified Paradigm for Verification and Validation of Systems
                  Engineering Design Models},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {IASTED} International Conference on Software Engineering,
                  February 14-16, 2006, Innsbruck, Austria},
  pages        = {282--287},
  publisher    = {{IASTED/ACTA} Press},
  year         = {2006},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:18:50 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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